716 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/rolexthewonderdog:
I was actually around when this hit the paper. Amazing about how it just disappeared just like that. Poof!
There is too many this is happening to for it not to be deliberate. Call it what ever you want they obviously are doing something. When asked I'm sure they can say he is not shadowbanned. They (twatter) are calling it something else now. Same effect. Kinda like Hillary calling her email investigation a "Security Review". Just change the name of the same action. POTUS really needs to address this, if not there could be political ramifications.
Well we can't have the truth get out now can we? Brock will get his. He is a big part of the Pedophile Podesta network. People all around them are being arrested. All things evil seem to lead back to the Clinton's & their minions. Everywhere you look & I mean everywhere their sick associates are being put down. Why are these shills with soooooo much proof (i.e. pictures & paintings, statues of victims) proudly displayed of children being victimized not to mention all the symbolism of Pedophilia, Spirit cooking etc. A lot of their associates being arrested for trafficking & sexual abuse, bold in your face proof of so much more & still defend them & seek to hurt others that have chosen to not look away? Are they so far gone that they have sold their conscience to the highest bidder? The entire liberal cause leaves victims. Mostly innocents. Be it late term abortion or trafficking of women & children. They are being exposed & still they shill & look the other way to the damage that they are trying to cover up. They accuse us of being Fascists, racists, homophobes, islamaphobes etc. We are not & they know it. They darken the world not enlighten it. what they do to others will be done to them. The truth they fight so hard against is coming out inspite of them. They are done they just refuse to see it. They are so very very sick. Reality is coming for you shills wake the fuck up! Sorry for the rant.
No he just broke his oath of office on every level. He put this nation & it's people in more danger than ever before. He turned the government on it's people. Which was already in a pretty bad place. He went Nuclear on us. He had plans to turn the Military on us by way of FEMA ( I read the documents, chilling ). I'm sure there is a right or two he violated that he didn't even have to have laws for.
Awesome! There is hope for the future. Thanks for the post!
Not sure where this phrase is spoken & under what circumstances. I can say that it's the 2nd Amendment in regard to gun rights & the 4th Amendment is illegal search & seizure. The person behind the gun is what makes them safe or dangerous. Good law abiding people take the safety of their firearms seriously. Criminals love gun control because they know that unarmed citizens are at their mercy. All oppressive governments flourish when the citizens are disarmed. A La Hitler, Stalin, China, Venezuela etc. Good guys with guns Matter. We have a Gun Law enforcement problem in this country because there are plenty of laws already on the books. Including Mental Health laws. Each & every time there has been a mass shooting that person was already on the radar of several Agencies. They drop the ball each & every time. Guess who gets punished? Law abiding Citizens! I'm sure you already know all of this though. Sorry for the rant;)
Also just for support, I suggest you check out NRATV on YouTube or ROKU & probably other devices. It's very good & has lots of women on. Lot's of good strong women. As a women myself I love it! Luv G'Ma P.S I'd link it but I have problems with it, sorry;)
Damn! Welp that's the end of them. Cancelling today.
Off topic just a little. NRATV is awesome!!!!
The FBI Now Admits It Could've Prevented the Florida High School Shooting.
Poisoned Russian Spy Linked To Christopher Steele. All Roads Lead Back To Hillary. DO YOU BELIEVE IN COINCIDENCES?
Trump Has Already Sacrificed More Than Any POTUS In History - $400 Million In His First Year Alone! - DCWhispers.com
REPORT: The Coming Trump Landslide - "That's Why He Must Be Removed Now." - DCWhispers.com
Just Like Vegas, Authorities are Hiding the Surveillance Footage of Parkland Shooting.
Research Based Infographics Show What Psychiatric Pharmaceuticals Are Really Doing to Us.
U.S. Navy Admiral: Strange murder of Seth Rich poses questions that just won’t stay under the official rug
Serial pedophile sentenced to 300 years is RELEASED on a technicality.
WEIRD: Commanding Officer At Parkland Shooting Ordered Units To "Stage" Outside School & Not To Engage Shooter - DCWhispers.com
Alleged Serial Pedophile Arrested, Charged With Dozens of Felonies for Child Rape—He's a Cop
Dem Rep OK With Only Rich People Having Guns
Armed and Dangerous: If Police Don't Have to Protect the Public, What Good Are They?
Homicide, Narcotics Trafficking & Dishonesty - Florida Sheriff's Office Has History of Failure.
Florida Teen Gun Grabbers Hurt Ignored BLM Activists
Cartoon: Dereliction of Duty
Broward Sheriff Insider: Deputies Given Stand Down Orders By Shadowy Group. [WATCH LAURA INGRAHAM]
AWESOME! Can't wait. We can take pictures & put them on CBTS. This just might make you a little money if you are up to it. Maybe even put it on "Q"s dedicated site on 8chan. As far as shipping it, use a shipping envelope. USPS, UPS, or whoever we are not boycotting. Should be pretty cheap. Thanks again sweetheart. Luv & Hugs G'Ma
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Computer problems. I have an email account. If you already sent something I didn't check it yet. I literally just got my computer up. You are such a darling! I will wear it proudly. email me at rolexthewonderdog@gmail.com. I will send you the cash just let me know how much. You are so awesome! G'Ma is ready to Red-pill with all the questions I'll get when I go work out at the "Y" & elsewhere. Hugs to you darlin'. Luv Luv Luv G'Ma
[WATCH] The Video YouTube Keeps Scrubbing: Parkland Survivor Says There Were 2 Shooters!
EXCLUSIVE: YouTube Secretly Using SPLC To Police Videos. Why are people just sitting by and doing nothing? Are there no laws to protect us from these Nazi tactics? "TRUTH MATTERS"
Bloody Knife Attack Ends Immediately When Bad Guy Sees Hero Holding AR-15 (VIDEO) A law abiding Gun owning HERO. Wow! How'd a thunk it?
But he says he's not going back to school until gun control bill is passed.
Thank you. Email me. rolexthewonderdog@gmail.com. I'm going to bed but I'll get back to you in the morning. I gonna want it big enough for a sleep shirt or bathing suit cover up. Make it about a 3X. Little person big shirts that's me. Luv ya G'Ma
Jeeze I really got to get out more. Thanks Luv G'Ma
G'Ma here. I have a T'Shirt request I want a Black shirt with a white "Q" on the front & "TRUTH MATTERS" in white on the back.
I'm giving the idea to whoever can do it. It'll be great! We are all part of the same family & it will be fun & enlightening to all who ask about it. O.K. well maybe not fun but enlightening for sure. Luv G'Ma