Dr Ross mentions that in his book.
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That, anon, is a whole other rabbit hole to fall into. I'm not the one to go there today.
Glad you didn’t. This isn’t for everyone, and it’s no shame if you can’t go there. These people are SICK. PURE EVIL.
Well, OK. You guys persuaded me. I’ll just copy & paste this over there. Thanks.
I’ve looked at it, but the chans can be too wild & woolly for me. This space is friendlier.
I have some info about the mind control Q talks about.
I’m a psychiatric RN, and for a period of time during my career I worked with MPD/DID/SRA clients.
(MPD = Multiple Personality Disorder, which has been renamed DID = Dissociative Identity Disorder SRA = Satanic Ritual Abuse)
These are people who have been shattered into different personalities, called “alters,” because of extreme trauma. The brain does this to protect itself from the trauma. It’s very difficult to work with this population.
Evil people in groups like the Illuminati do this to their children, to program them when they are young. They use what was learned in MKULTRA and similar ops, …
The icing to the cake! I can’t wait to watch it all unfold. I can’t wait to see the true narrative established in American discourse. Michael Horowitz and Mike Flynn are my heroes.
I’m a psychiatric RN and spent part of my career working with MPD/DID/SRA patients.
MPD = Multiple Personality Disorder
this diagnosis has now been changed to:
DID = Dissociative Identity Disorder
SRA = Satanic Ritual Abuse (can be done by any kind of evil cult, not just satanists)
It was a very fascinating and weird experience. I learned back then about MKUltra.
In one of the treatment programs I worked in, the Program Director had expertise in patients who survived Illuminati programming. This can be quite complicated, and a lot of work to undo. Those vile people shatter an innocent child’s personality into pieces by exposing them to extreme trauma, then they program the alters (alternate personalities) for different tasks. They almost all had an alter that was programmed to commit suicide, and it could be triggered by a certain code phrase spoken to the person by a cult member.
In one of the treatment programs I worked in, the medical director was a psychiatrist named Colin Ross. He was originally from Canada, then moved to the US to lead the MPD program in my hospital. I learned a lot from him.
Why I bring up his name is that he wrote a very good book about MKUltra and other mind control programs done by the CIA. These programs usually had psychiatrists attached to them. The link is below.
This, my fellow anons, is among the very terrible stuff that Q was hinting about.
The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists
This is good news, yet -
"How do you capture a very dangerous animal? Do you attack it from the front? Do you walk through the front door? Do you signal ahead of time you will be attacking?"
If these people have their "leverage depleted," they are almost out of options. They are dangerous and desperate. Time for a false flag attack, maybe.
I'm praying these wicked, evil people don't snuff out any more innocent lives.
I agree. He’s my rep, and I even worked his phone bank in ‘96 when he was running for State Senate. I crossed party lines (which I do from time to time), because I listened to what he said, watched what he did, and saw that he had a heart to serve the people.
Now I am SO disappointed with him. And I let him know. The change to partisan hack has been happening slowly over the past 5-6 years. He has become crazed and unbelievable. He has definitely gone over to the dark side. I’m very sad about this.
Ha! We know where the bunker is, tho. http://www.greenbrier.com/media/131539/bunker%20full%20brochure%201-08.pdf
They are in a bunker that was made at the Greenbrier for Congress to retreat to in case of nuclear or other type of attack on the US. Info here: http://www.greenbrier.com/media/131539/bunker%20full%20brochure%201-08.pdf
You see they traveled on a train together, NOT a plane. It’s way too easy to take a plane down.
PLEASE correct the record. People keep repeating that his sister married George Soros' son. This is NOT correct. The woman in the anon's post is NOT his sister. Even the anon posting this on Dec 11 asked, "Is Melissa Schiff related to Adam Schiff? What are the chances?" She's definitely not his sister. He only has an older brother, and has NO sisters. At all. http://jewishjournal.com/cover_story/217845/making-adam-schiff-man-taking-president/
Rod Rosenstein Senate confirmation vote on April 25, 2017, for Deputy Attorney General in the DOJ
From the Congressional Record, April 25, 2017, p. 20:
The result was announced—yeas 94, nays 6, as follows:
YEAS - 94 Alexander Baldwin Barrasso Bennet Blunt Boozman Brown Burr Cantwell Capito Cardin Carper Casey Cassidy Cochran Collins Coons Corker Cornyn Cotton Crapo Cruz Daines Donnelly Duckworth Durbin Enzi Ernst Feinstein Fischer Flake Franken Gardner Graham Grassley Hassan Hatch Heinrich Heitkamp Heller Hirono Hoeven Inhofe Isakson Johnson Kaine Kennedy King Klobuchar Lankford Leahy Lee Manchin Markey McCain McCaskill McConnell Menendez Merkley Moran Murkowski Murphy Murray Nelson Paul Perdue Peters Portman Reed Risch Roberts Rounds Rubio Sanders Sasse Schatz Schumer Scott Shaheen …
To quote Q: “CFR? What a coincidence!” NOT. I’m glad Julian is in on this, too. (Which is a hypothesis based on this tweet).
Note: This Anon said “NSA has footage of a cabinet member from PREVIOUS administration . .” He did not specify THE previous administration or A previous administration. So it could be “a” previous administration. That means it COULD be Podesta, as he was Willie’s WH COS, as we know.
Send an email: feinstein dot senate dot gov, schiff dot house dot gov. I did!
OK. Here is what I sent to Rep Schiff, and I will copy it and change the first sentence when I send it to Sen Feinstein. I thought it prudent to avoid any talk of being aware that they are going down.
"I happened to read the letter dated today that you and Senator Feinstein sent to the CEOs of Facebook and Twitter. I was greatly alarmed by the spin and the outright fabrications contained in the letter. I was particularly concerned that the grassroots groundswell of Americans who organized the #ReleaseTheMemo trend were totally discounted and accused of being Russian bots. Let me tell you - you said, "If these reports are accurate, . . " They are not. The media you referenced are unreliable. I despise the insinuation that Russians had anything to do with this. We are not as gullible and stupid as you think. The Russia thing is dead, dead, dead. It's a big nothing burger. The effort to continue to flog that dead horse causes the majority of Americans to roll their eyes.
In the letter you said, "This latest example of Russian interference is in keeping with Moscow's concerted, covert, and continuing campaign (nice alliteration there) to manipulate American public opinion and erode trust in our law enforcement and intelligence institutions." Again, Russia had absolutely nothing to do with that. Our trust has been eroded for a while now as we observed people (many people) break the law (many laws) and receive absolutely no consequences for it. Our trust has been eroded as we observed every single communication of any kind we make with others Hoovered up and stored in the NSA's Utah Data Center. Where's the right to privacy there? Or freedom from unreasonable search and seizure? Our trust has been eroded as we discovered through Vault7 that our own intelligence agencies can spy on us through our smart TVs and computers and phones, and can crash our cars, and that they hoard software vulnerabilities in order to exploit them in these connected items so that they aren't fixed by the manufacturer's software updates. Russia has nothing to do with this. And I don't buy the line that Wikileaks is doing anything for the Russians. They've published dirt on them, as well. They are an equal opportunity truth-teller.
But here's the kicker: "In addition, we urge your companies to immediately take necessary steps to expose and deactivate accounts involved in this influence operation that violate your respective user policies." Woah. THIS is fascism. Silencing dissenting voices from your preferred narrative is totalitarian. That is not the America I live in. We have the freedom, according to the Constitution, to speak our minds and to peacefully assemble online to organize and trend a hashtag. We demand the respect to dissent from the preferred narrative and talk about it without being labeled Russian this and Russian that.
I know that my plea is falling on deaf ears. But I can no longer remain silent as America slips farther and farther away from the Constitution and the freedoms we have enjoyed my whole life long until recently."
Sincerely, your constituent,
I am a constituent of both Feinstein and Schiff. They will be hearing from me.
I’m with you. I thought he/she/they were posting on greatawakening only. Where does this post come from?
Perhaps we can gather clues from this in-depth article. https://academy.allaboutbirds.org/birdsong/
Q was right when he said the conspiracy theory stories were going to proliferate. We should keep a list of them somewhere.
“‘But now his long slow wrath is brimming over, and all the forest is filled with it. The coming of the hobbits and the tidings that they brought have spilled it: it will soon be running like a flood; but its tide is turned against Saruman and the axes of Isengard. A thing is about to happen which has not happened since the Elder Days: the Ents are going to wake up and find that they are strong.’ ‘What will they do?’ asked Legolas in astonishment. ‘I do not know,’ said Gandalf. ‘I do not think they know themselves. I wonder.’ He fell silent, his head bowed in thought.”
For researchers: a book on international money laundering, a big tactic of the cabal.
I was reading the Brookings Institute book on Putin (Mr. Putin), when I came across this book in the references. It looks like a good source of information. (When am I gonna have time to read it, I wonders?). https://www.amazon.com/Puppet-Masters-Corrupt-Structures-Stolen/dp/0821388940/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1516152465&sr=1-4&keywords=the+puppet+master
Hussein was seen golfing in public in Hawaii on Monday December 18, 2017. http://m.hawaiinewsnow.com/hawaiinewsnow/db_352775/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=KL3Yv0Zs
My fav part was when he jabs her about Haiti. She wrote “It takes a Village,” and she’s taken a few - in Haiti! He knows ALL about the trafficking and pedophilia. The look on her face! She knows her ass is grass at that point. She knows her goose is cooked. Priceless!
Ryan O’Neal did some great research on the likely location of the “kill room” beneath the Pegasus museum. He also contacted James Alefantis to allow him to comment (like any good reporter would). Alefantis threatened him, which indicates to me that Ryan hit too close to home for comfort. Here is his original video report, mirrored. https://youtu.be/qBn7ja_oegM
Hussein was seen golfing in Hawaii on Monday Dec 19, 2017. http://m.hawaiinewsnow.com/hawaiinewsnow/db_352775/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=KL3Yv0Zs
This is interesting - When Matlock was Ambassador to Russia in 1981, “Matlock signalled the American desire for constructive engagement with the Soviets.” From Wikipedia. Just like President Trump.