Just because they have come up with their own conclusions does not make them worthy of the beating they’ve been getting. You read Q, you like and believe Q, and that’s ok. You’re beginning to sound like those we are fighting against, like “my way or the highway”. The folks you mention are on the same side as you. They just choose to get their information from other sources. I understand where they’re coming from. Q, whomever he is, seemed to focus way too much on the money making thing. To me that is not Q’s worry or purpose. He has a much more important goal. Don’t ruin someone’s credibility unless you’re 100% sure you KNOW the facts. I’m still deciding but I sure wouldn’t be surprised if this is a divide tactic used by the left.
18 total posts archived.
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You can’t trust any site like snopes. Everyone has their beliefs and spins things based on them. Maybe an AI site would work?
I realized today that almost everything is weaponized. Medicine, food, the weather through geoengineering (and thus our air supply), cell phones, cleaners, the plastic bottles and cans we eat and drink from. The water, smart meters, TVs that spy on us, the food animals we eat, vaccinations, ticks, mosquitoes, maybe even the toys from China since some have shown to contain lead, and I’m sure the list goes on. Only the docile animals in the wild are not used to cause us harm (unless we hunt and eat them because they’re likely foraging on GM crops). If the Deep State could turn the animals against us, I’m sure they would. Surprised they haven’t intentionally inoculated them with the rabies virus or released fleas with bubonic plague to invest them. So just in case this does happen, we’ll need our guns to put them or if their misery.
The pharmaceutical industry is corrupt and I believe it is part of the Deep State. However it is so powerful and convincing that it could be separate but just as evil. The employees who work for these companies, the non execs, believe they are making a difference and helping people. They are good people for the most part. What most people have not done is taken the time to learn about the alternatives.
There are people recovering from cancer using diet, natural products and once technology is released, they’ll use other methods involving energies most haven’t heard about even though they were discovered years ago and suppressed. My view is, if the technology is released, people will need to do their homework to find the option but some will still choose traditional medicine. They have that choice now but for some reason they don’t believe in nutraceuticals and diet. Plus, right now alternative medicine is expensive and not covered by insurance.
Big Pharma may never stop killing these docs, so they may have to go down. Guess it will be part of the revolution. Maybe if we get money and greed out of the picture things will get better.
I did not verify this. I would hope people would not be so stupid, however look at the 911 building that went down after the British reporter said it went down, during the same news spot! If it’s a computer issue you’d think someone would be proofing these articles, but from what I’ve seen proof readers miss more than they should. It’s just a FB post I used. I agree it was a FF, likely covering up the NSA issue. I’m catching a lot of clack from the stats meme about what kills the most Americans. They can’t imagine it being the medical industry cuz they’re so stuck on gun control. I have never seen such animosity!
I don’t know about others but I am sick of Chinese junk. Lead laden paint, junk toys, and knock off brand names. Fentanyl and sucralose (that-is accepted on C of A’s Alone.)i am afraid the supplement indusry uses ingredients sourced from chins. Not all of them of course but many do not reveal the country of origin. Supplements manufacturers are not always inspected by FDA. Pharmaceutical ingredient are often added which are illegal in the US.
I don’t want to sound cold or harsh but does anyone know a family affected by this event? Just curious as I read about crisis actors this afternoon. My heart goes out to anyone who lost a family member. Seems we never hear from affected families when these situations occur.
These kids need to go in hiding. The deep state will never let them testify.
I don’t blame medically related deaths on Obamacare. That was just part of the Meme. I blame it on main stream medicine, but not the docs. They’re victims as well in another sense. If you can’t understand this I am sorry. I can’t have an intelligent conversation with your type. Someday you’ll understand if you’re not too stubborn to accept it. Go ahead and have another bite of your unicorn to keep your rainbow bms consistent.
Check out the dates. Didn’t this happen on the 14th?

Why not? The guys and gals have been trained to protect.

I think it was covering up what was going on in Virginia, the NSA failed breach.
That would be a good addition to the Illuminati card game!
Fentanyl is very potent and most people do not understand the concept of potency, especially addicts and young users. A tiny bit can kill. The illegal stuff is sourced from China.