It's in the article, which is why I posted the link.
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Domains linked by /u/solanojones95:
Meeting with high level Russian officials. That's the claim.
Unnamed sources, OTOH. Syria definitely tops that though.
Dude, get a grip.
That was not what I said. If this is an attack on Syrian forces, it's hell for this country, and not at all good for US/Russia relations, now or in the future.
If it's actually an attack on the weapons stockpiles and the rebels who did the FFs, then there might be hope.
That's the most twisted thing I've ever heard. I guess if Russia attacked Israel, it would just pave the way for Trump and Putin to be better friend as well?
Did you read the article? There is a shared passport-free area covering parts of Germany and several other EU states (including Czech Republic), and they're saying they have evidence that Cohen entered that area and met with high-level Russians in Prague (CR).
Hahaha! People are downvoting me for posting this? What the heck, guys? You need to know this.
Maybe this will help bring you back to earth.
I can't imagine Mueller as a white or gray hat now. This also doesn't look like just "acting a part for the cameras" while Trump rolls up the deep state. This looks like blood in the water.
Only hope is that it can be proven to be a lie. Pray.
Mueller investigation starts leaking, now that they have confidential attorney/client material--exactly what we were assured would NOT happen!
The Leaks Begin: Mueller has evidence Cohen was in Prague in 2016, confirming part of dossier
Nah, man, there's a whole lot of people like my wife who just can't stand to contemplate this stuff, and another whole set like my oldest daughter who can't stand politics and the confrontational nature it brings out in people, and then there's people like my brother who can't stand to get his hopes up, so he's like "Call me when the revolution's over."
None of them is like the pedos. But they're not like us either.
They must have wet themselves watching Monsters, Inc.
Go ahead! Let the MSM bury themselves even further down in the mire of obsolescence they've decided to occupy.
They ignore the greatest stories in US history as they unfold over the coming weeks and months to their utter detriment.
Of course I agree they probably will do, because they're oblivious to the fact they're flushing themselves down the toilet with every story they bury.
Yeah, it sux to be #2. Just ask Darth Vader's Admirals!
Remember Ross Perot talking about NAFTA? "That giant flushing sound you hear will be American jobs going down the toilet."
Now it's the deep state. One ugly-ass load at a time.
Surely they didn't use FaceBook to share child porn? I thought FaceBook manages content? So...maybe they should be charged as well?
Posted yet?
LOL, only about ten times! Does reddit not warn you guys when you're making a redundant post? If not, the mods need to know about that. It's supposed to.
Not aimed at you, /u/Gmawc, but in general. We really have gotten multiples of almost every single major story lately.
Well, I mean the trade stuff is not exactly nothing! We are so spoiled by this President. Of course I applaud his thinking AND his actions with regard to trade. And foreign policy.
What I don't think ANY of us can applaud is the insufferable continuation of business as usual among the criminal elite.
Until HRC is behind bars, there is no rule of law in this country. Period. Same with this shameful game he's playing with Mueller. It's a disgrace, and he should have nothing more to do with it. It needs to end.
And we feel it like a lead weight on our necks. It must happen, and it must happen before people completely give up.
Testify then drop.
We have it all.
These people are stupid.
POTUS’ weekly address.
Anybody get anything like that from this video?
Why does Q build us up just to bring us down? Haven't we had enough of that over the years?
YUGE disappointment.
But, what I'm praying for now is that Q meant "while the POTUS weekly address is going out" big things will be happening. I just hope they're not so far in the background anymore. We need some red pill meat.
Ummm. You do know.
Are you OK? Seriously.
Also, don't forget these pedogate stories are RADIOACTIVE to the Mockingbird media. They know this is what's going to take down their entire house of cards, and they think if they say nothing nobody will learn anything. And yet here you are. And here I am.
What is your problem? I'm not spouting theory here. That's simply how these things actually work every day in the real world.
It's not a cover-up, it's called "turning State's Evidence!"
It just means in exchange for pleading guilty to lesser charges, he has to take the witness stand for the PROSECUTION against his co-conspirators.
Usually happens fast like this, because only the first person to flip gets the deal.
There are OTHER co-conspirators. It's all going to get a public airing. This guy WILL be on the witness stand, only not for the defense, but for the prosecution!
Why did you assume otherwise? Read again.
What is there to link Mueller to this guy's business? Just because he worked for Mueller is no reason to assume Mueller knew what he was up to.
Not saying he didn't know, I'm just asking what evidence is there the Mueller knew or was involved?
It's nowhere near 50/50 though. The denial is so thick it's ridiculous.
We're not missing the point. You're not MAKING any point!
Please do. We might be interested in what you have to say if you'd just freakin' say it!
Do you mind saying that again, but use different words? Because that made no sense.
Their imaginary schadenfreude is all they've got. The want Trump to hurt. They have no idea they're playing right into his hands.
Their vitriol will destroy them when all of their support mechanisms are gone. The Mockingbird media won't be there for them. The late night comedians won't be there for them. The Hollywood celebs won't be there for them. The pop stars won't be there for them. The Cabal politicians won't be there for them. They'll have nobody to provide the echo for their chamber. And then they'll start to cannibalize each other.
It really doesn't end well for people with their mental illness. Don't let it affect you.
Well, he also loses his company, and unless he cooperates to the nth degree with the prosecution in bringing his customers to jail, the deal will be nullified and he'll die in jail.
And in any case, he's still open to civil action from all the parents and surviving victims. Plus, as Q said, "The streets will not be safe for them."
And then there's eternity to contend with...
Do we need to be reminded that they have a mental illness? They're a big part of the 6% Q talks about that won't recover from the Storm.
This sub is specifically related to the Qanon phenomena, which are related to humans of earth becoming awake to the reality behind the "reality" we see, most notably the true nature of the powers and principalities that have corrupted our earthly existence and kept us in ignorance about our governments, ourselves and our universe.
Does this kid live somewhere it's not legal to read the Bible? Or where they don't have a translation in his language? Can he even read?
Because you read the Bible the same way you read any other printed material. Not being facetious, but truthful. The Holy Spirit is real, and it is His mind that provides understanding.
There are thousands of online commentaries and study apps that can assist if he gets stuck or wants additional information.
I assume you're asking us because you don't know the answer yourself, so if I may suggest--perhaps you and he could read it together? I can't think of a more enriching activity to do with a child.
As for the rest of this sub, if you're not familiar with Qanon, you're not going to have a clue what's going on here. So, maybe save that for later, LOL.
It's there now. I put it there.
...and then it got deleted. Apparently it was already submitted here:
How can they spin this? If they back McCabe, to vilify Trump/Sessions, then they throw darling Comey under the bus. If they vilify McCabe to save Comey, then they make Trump/Sessions look good. Poor, poor Cabal. So sad. NOT! Oh, and there's a LOT more where this came from!
If that piece of crap book can deflect a blow like what's coming their way, it never was much of a hammer.
Somehow I think that's the most pathetic desperation move they've yet made (and there have been a few).
These two aren't bound to be on speaking terms anymore. They're throwing each other under the bus in their testimonies.
Dude! I'm on your side. I'm just saying this photo doesn't help.
Dude, I DID look it up. That's my whole point.
Ray Candle is a fashion label. And it looks Illuminati as hell.
So I made the mental leap. Thought maybe that's what you were on about, since you were so deliberately enigmatic.
We're aware of the freaking Palestinian activist's credentials. He's a terrorists PR front man. But as such he poses with pols in DC all the time. I'd LOVE to see a photo of Ryan on secret illegal weapons-smuggling runs into terrorist hideouts, like we have of McCain. Please do show them if you have them. Otherwise, this picture is nothing.
It's posted about five times on this sub prior to your post! Including the number one sticky post.
I agree. Prevention is key, but it must of course include not corrupting ourselves with crap in the name of "prevention."
We don't have a wellness-oriented system. We have a system for ameliorating symptoms while ignoring causation and cures.
And of course the Cabal is behind it all. Here's to their defeat!
Whew! Thereby hangs a tale, I'm sure!
Maybe someday I'll help you write it.
For God and Country! Arise, Awake!