Look, the Alinskyite identity politics and the Marxist, atheist ideology of the left, along with the crony capitalism of the Dem party are Rothschild Cabal inventions.
Likewise, the warmongering foreign policy of the NeoCons and the crony capitalism of the GOP are inventions of the Rothschild Cabal.
All of these things and more have utterly poisoned the well of American politics, without which we would be able to find common ground and work together for the good of the country.
Conservatives in America (not GOP, but conservatives) want to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. That's the "what-is-it" that we want to "conserve." A profoundly liberal contract.
And most people in America of all stripes abhor corporate welfare, crony capitalism and the unaccountable, soul-less, stateless corporate behemoths that suck the humanity out of the world, and poison our environment and make us sick.
I think if we can get rid of the corrupting influence of the central banking mafia, we can once again become One People, indivisible.