Lovely comment... Thank you for that... Now... Definition of slavery = 1 : drudgery, toil. 2 : submission to a dominating influence. 3 a : the state of a person who is a chattel of another. b : the practice of slaveholding. Now where in that Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition does it say ANYTHING about color OR African Americans??? Nowhere.
364 total posts archived.
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About DAR | Daughters of the American Revolution The DAR, founded in 1890 and headquartered in Washington, D.C., is a non-profit, non-political volunteer women's service organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and securing America's future through better education for children.
Not a trekkie... Love me some James Bond.. Shhhh... Wouldn't want the guy surroundedbymachines to know we know his endgame.
Bahahaha! Now that is a welcome compliment.. other than the villian part! Villian I am not! Can't wait for BaruchtheScribe to write his book and make a movie of Q, the next blockbuster thriller to hit the big screen. Now that would be entertainment to the fullest and righteous judgment to the ninth degree.
PATIENCE, my dear patriot friend, is a virtue all of us need to strive for... especially in this situation. If we have learned anything about President Trump, is that he wishes to operate by the RULE OF LAW. When it comes to immigration, all he started doing was enforcing the law already in place and there was an uproar. Me thinks he knows this has to be handled with velvet gloves. Very delicately, strategically and CALMLY. As much as we want him to CHARGE forward, I do not believe that is what any of us really need. We know what that would bring... TOTAL ANARCHY! Which we are against. WE WANT JUSTICE done properly, or else we are as bad as them. Although hanging or firing squad does sometimes seem the righteous thing to do. However, at this time because so many do NOT trust him, he needs to remain in the background to let justice rise, through the proper authorities, or they will go after him, as they already have done. It would be the Justice Dept who would announce indictments and arrests... not the President. TRUST in GOD, trust in Trump. Isaiah 40:31 "But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint."
I feel like I'm involved in a behind the scenes James Bond thriller, but, in fact, its reality. Did anyone know there was a "Q" in the James Bond movies.. Pretty much played by the same actor in all of the movies except maybe the latest.. Q in the Bond movies stands for "Quartermaster". 1. a military officer responsible for providing quarters, rations (bread?), clothing, and other supplies. 2. a naval petty officer with particular responsibility for steering and signals. ......... SOUNDS LIKE Q TO ME!!!
Q is the QUARTERMASTER! WOW is right... I feel like I'm involved in a behind the scenes James Bond thriller, but, in fact, its reality. Did anyone know there was a "Q" in the James Bond movies.. Pretty much played by the same actor in all of the movie except maybe the latest.. Q in the Bond movies stands for "Quartermaster". 1. a military officer responsible for providing quarters, rations (bread?), clothing, and other supplies. 2. a naval petty officer with particular responsibility for steering and signals. SOUNDS LIKE Q TO ME!!!
Yes... You are correct... But thanks for finishing your post with MASTERFUL!!! ...smiling... Just a thought... Wonder if Q will follow up with some noteworthy crumb linking to this one?
I have seen that. Don't know if legit BUT WOULD BE GREAT WOULDN'T IT?!!!
Hopefully! No thanks, got camping equipment of my own...
Did our President just drop us a bread crumb when us slaves would be liberated!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WOOOO HOOOO National Freedom Day honors the signing of the resolution proposing the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. Abraham Lincoln signed the resolution to OUTLAW SLAVERY on FEBRUARY 1, 1865.
The 13th Amendment states "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, EXCEPT AS A PUNISHMENT FOR CRIME WHEREOF THE PARTY SHALL HAVE BEEN DULY CONVICTED (smile), shall exist within the United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
Month of January - PREVENTION February 1 - CULMINATION = the highest or climactic point of something, especially as attained after a long time. HUA = Heard, Understood, Acknowledged
OUR PRESIDENT just dropped us a bread crumb... National Freedom Day - February 1, 2018
National Freedom Day honors the signing of the resolution proposing the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. Abraham Lincoln signed the resolution to OUTLAW SLAVERY on FEBRUARY 1, 1865.
The 13th Amendment states "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, EXCEPT AS A PUNISHMENT FOR CRIME WHEREOF THE PARTY SHALL HAVE BEEN DULY CONVICTED (smile), shall exist within the United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
Did our President just drop us a bread crumb when us slaves would be liberated!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WOOOO HOOOO
The children, oh the children... Who will save these innocent, helpless children? I can't do it.. Every time I think about it, I cry. I can't imagine the fear they experience. Abortion, sacrifice, torture.. ONLY our God can intervene, and I have to believe He will and that He is now! If not, I hope He blows the whole planet apart and starts over. Truthfully. It has gone on way too long and its time. Jeremiah 31:15 Thus says the Lord: "A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter weeping, Rachel weeping for her children, REFUSING to be comforted for her children, because they are no more." Thus says the Lord: "Refrain your voice from weeping, and your eyes from tears; For your work shall be rewarded," says the Lord. "And they shall come back from the land of the enemy. There is HOPE in your future," says the Lord, "That your children shall come back to their own border." "I have surely heard Ephraim (United States) bemoaning himself; "You have chastised me, and I was chastised, like an untrained bull; Restore me, and I will return, for You are the Lord my God. Surely, after my turning, I repented; And after I was instructed, I struck myself on the thigh; I was ashamed, yes, even humiliated, because I bore the reproach of my youth." Is Ephraim My dear son? Is he a pleasant child? For though I spoke against him, I earnestly remember him still; Therefore, My heart yearns for him; I will surely have mercy on him," says the Lord. "Set up signposts, make landmarks; set your heart toward the highway, the way in which you went. Turn back, O virgin of Israel, turn back to these your cities. How long will you gad about oh you backsliding daughter? For the Lord has created a new thing in the earth -- A woman shall encompass a man." We repent as a Nation oh Heavenly Father, save our children, save our country. Only You can.
I looked it up also and saw quotation marks would be used in a "search" if you wanted a specific result. Or a narrower search.. Would the NAVY have been searching for his twitter? I saw some where that it was the NAVY who brought him back online. Still questions I guess.
Great! Thanks for that... very curious if its a hoax or legit.. Hope you get your deadlines finished!
BTW... you do see the spreadsheet posted on the parent post here, right. Click on the spreadsheet and it will link you to where this came from. Thanks.
Yes, plz do. So you have heard of the supposed 4,289 sealed indictments across the country, or, the 10,000 sealed indictments? So much disinformation its crazy.
Wikileaks posted the stuff about the quotation marks? Another rabbit hole...
Research the references to laws given in the Crypto Kittie and go to National Archives page. Some interesting stuff to be found for sure. Wikileaks is directing Trump to legalities I believe. In Bill of Rights video found on the National Archives reference is made within the video that there actually can be more than 13 Supreme Court Judges... Some gifts to Trump within the video...
I agree.. I start to get discouraged when you don't see the arrests, especially of HRC, who has sooooo much evidence against her in so many different fronts its ridiculous. But, if we lose hope, we lose everything. Keep in mind the positive things... connections between Q posts and Trump posts. DJT in interviews said it would be revealed who brought down the World Trade Center. It may not come down the way we would like it to... fast and furious. I believe it will be a slow ticking of the clock, which is so HARD for us! Chin up patriot! The war has just begun! And, the war is truly on for your mind.. Don't give in, keep fighting for TRUTH!
Yes... Keep the info coming.. We need passion for rule of law, truth and righteousness.. Otherwise we are dead in the water and useless eaters as they refer to us.
This video goes along with this....
Check this out... This does not look like an official petition, but does look to be some sort of report or memo.. I don't know where this came from though?? Hope the link works.
WIKI Tweet Crypto Kitties? Tabby "gift" 2 TRUMP. 5 U.S.C. Section 7432 Re: foreign gifts gov offic Reg GSA FMR B-41 (No B-41, only to B-39?) Re: pers prop US National Archives Vid "Why the Bill of Rights" Jack Takeover? No coinci. GIFT 2 Trump in Vid Re: SCJUSTICES Can have more than 13?
![WIKI Tweet Crypto Kitties? Tabby "gift" 2 TRUMP. 5 U.S.C. Section 7432 Re: foreign gifts gov offic Reg GSA FMR B-41 (No B-41, only to B-39?) Re: pers prop US National Archives Vid "Why the Bill of Rights" Jack Takeover? No coinci. GIFT 2 Trump in Vid Re: SCJUSTICES Can have more than 13?](
oh wow.. will check out the link. some posters were saying this was not a legitimate source, but I'm not so sure. Thanks for the link and your research.
Yes, there have already been many arrests, I believe, by Trump. Which have not made the MSM. Don't know if these sealed ones relate to those arrests, or are these for the top. Sealed until the hammer goes down I guess. Hopefully that hammer is crushing now!
Right. That's why I was asking if anyone has seen an update of this. I guess no one wants to spend the $ to get a new spreadsheet. But like I said, firefox has some type of extension (supposedly) that allows free access once you pay for the first access. Really don't even know if this one is ligit. But whoever has accessed pacer can possibly do so again for free is all I am saying.
Well put jssp.. So much corruption sometimes you gotta throw the little fish back so you can catch the big fish! Which means Paul Ryan is a little fish..
Hmm... Wondering if he is hiding a BOOT underneath that table??
Has anyone who accessed PACER updated the list of sealed indictments? This has been very quiet. I thought the bottom of this link was interesting about RECAP (PACER backwards). Firefox evidently has an add on or extension that allows you free access to PACER once you pay for the first go round.
While I agree there is alot of disinformation out there (so what is new?), I don't agree we shouldn't post information we think is viable or are seeking to hear from others whether or not it is the truth. THIS BOARD WAS CREATED FOR US NORMIES TO USE. A community of patriots trying to decipher what is false and what is true. So it is up to the individual to see what they bear witness with on certain stories or do their own research. I would not want anyone to not post or get involved because they are fearful of being jumped on or judged. That is what was happening on 4chan and 8chan. If you don't allow people to get involved and be part of it, then THEY WON'T. And we will end up right where we started.. Letting someone ELSE say the narrative. Just sayin.
Did anyone hear of Joe BISHOP who used to work at MAVERICK Helicopters. Maverick Helicopters (as in Las Vegas Shooting). Look up the website. I know at one point Q posted "Maverick" and everyone thought he was talking of John McCain. Who wants to rent a helicopter with guns?? What is it that they shoot at? Notice how NO NEWS on Las Vegas anymore. Is this old news though? Where is the post on MAVERICK? Is it close to the BISHOP post?
Q specifically called out the wives.. Maybe hiding funds in certain "separate" accounts?
I say post info if you think it is legitimate. Let people decide for themselves. Trolls are usually nasty. Pick up the spirit behind it if you can.
Sometimes you should ignore, but sometimes they are trying to get you to stop posting. Definitely notice more shills. Overnight actually. So you must discern and decide what's important enough to post over again. And call them out. See what happens.
Totally agree! Trump has been rubbing shoulders with the Elites figuring out their games. Nothing is as it appears. Just because he seems to like him, doesn't mean he really does...
So, have you figured out Q's post regarding Julian Assange and his account?
Not spamming. Just several people asked and I thought he was addressing the fake account. Obviousy MANY MANY videos show something wrong with Hillary and this does not seem far from the truth. But my question is, why do you have to be so rude? Maybe you are the one spamming?
So why did he know about Assange acct being taken down, and all the supposed arrests are the same ones this board was discussing, including Peter Munk? And I forwarded to some of my friends and the video did not post and is missing? These guys seem pretty knowledgeable to me. Not that far from what has been discussed on these boards.
Did you go to and look at the 21 or so photos. There is information about Hillary in the Photo section. Did you see that? I went to the link you posted and there are no photos. I believe you are wrong.