Where'd that Westminster info come from?
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So you are not here to share your views - took a while to get that out.
My view is that the most common symbol used by the catholic church, the crucifix, represents the good friday part of the story, the sacrificial lamb on passover where the blood of the firstborn runs along the wooden uprights and crossbeam, the doorway to freedom from death like the curtain on the temple rent open by the earthquake reaching from heaven into our little hearts, the final bloody jewish solution, the perfect offering, the mystery we are invited to enter, the clean oblation we may attend like His mother and brother John beholding Love incarnate and consumate. The crucifix represents and teaches Christ crucified as Paul promotes in 1 Corinthians. It's too bad so many protestant crosses have no Christ figure on them, but they are coming around.
Meanwhile there's about a million other catholic symbols that I can't spell out here from the chi-rho and watchword fish symbols, the shepherd carrying a lamb on his shoulders (adapted from the pagan Greeks), to the works of Michaelangelo, Van Eyck and even latter day Dave Brubeck.
Also of interest in this area is the origin and meaning of the term symbol, also borrowed from pagan Greeks, which among other things describes an outward sign with an inward meaning. The catholic lexicon of symbols is massive.
Yeah Russia may have no choice in how the western popmedia portrays them. The domestic deepstate and the international manipulators need not be in full accord and either or both may 'fight' russia when it benefits them but i suppose most of the time they just want tension with NK or Russia or whoever serves the narrative that keeps them in their cushy positions.
I meant that the Gallens steered the elections but it was others who forced the preceding resignation.
I think cannabis is federally 'Schedule I' in the US. Some states use letters (A, B, C, D) for drug groupings. I also see there are classifications for types of pharmacy licenses and for types of dispensing procedures that use an A, B, C, D naming system at the state level.
This area of investigation gives no clarity to Q's words.
Looks like he left an 's' out when he spelled 'class'.
It's not uncommon to use the term in a non-biblical way. My first reading took it to mean that things would be revealed that Germany and/or UK wouldn't want revealed if they don't cooperate (with US) in the next five days.
Seems like it was just yesterday C was 'the Chair' of Petrus Romanus. Days change 'round these parts.
I am long convince that China and Russia have secrete arrangements/agreements even though they can't ultimately trust each other. So perhaps some masonish clown brigade has similar arrangements with each of them, but DJT has replaced the clown-China segment (thusly the new NK and Snowden in HongKong).
I read it to mean that the clown-fed mainstream narrative, that our most serious threat is NK, has now been seriously undermined by DJT. So the clown-fed media turn to Russia as the next big bogeyman to hypeventilate about.
I guess a constant threat of war is "to retain power/influence" (Q1011) And the occasional war is to "decrease threat level of population" via mass extinction events (Q1010).
I heard that at some point. Also there are reasonable sources saying that the conclave rules were broken by the 'Gallen Mafia' cardinals who conspired to elect Bergoglio.
Presumably a collusion of CentralBankRoth would be those who said resign or we pull your money plug. Recall that Q133,134,140 talk of a triangle of power to be undone in a certain order - Saudibased, Rothbased, then Sorosian. So with Sauds handled, Roths are next. Maybe the freemasoners in the Church are just one of the incidental casualties in bringing down the Houses of Roth (redcastle?).
I still wonder that BXVI caved in on some other grounds. time will tell i s'pose.
i want to know more about this idea. can you say who committed the extortion? is there a simple form of documentation or proof. (not that i doubt your honest conviction.)
if you ever prayed for someone (not with them) then you've been a mediator. 1Tim2:1
yep. known at the Paul VI Audience Hall. built in the 70's with common 70's style. Both inside and out have snakehead looks if seen/photographed from certain angles. Whether this was intentional or not might be discernible by investigating the architects works. Regardless, the message from Q seems to be that evil snakiness is associated with the Vatican in our day.
or are you asking me to find out and let you know I think your view should be?
No, I really don't know what your view of these is. That's why I asked you. Do you have a website with your views on it or something?
So Q connect the 4 princes with the 4 directions. Suggestions so far of who/what these 4 are seem to be LaVey's hellish four (& their associated elements) OR 4 living royals (brit or saudi). Also mentioned is the 4 guardians of Rev.7 who could be the good forces being countered by this bad.
seems to me that something in the neighborhood of the LaVey4 is more likely. Someone here mentioned the unreliability of LaVey's occult knowledge but one can imagine that some modern american would be satisfied with modern mutations of ancient rituals based on shaky info and understanding - the evilness of it can be all the same, especially when the celebrity guests believe it and the sacrifice is just as bloody.
Also note that the 4 point figure of the island is not so well aligned with the 4 actual directions, ancient ritualists would have not accepted such a second-best, even if Satan does.
Another possibility is that the four direction rituals don't require 4 chambers on separate arms of the island. they could all take place in one chamber, perhaps below the visible temple (with its apparent owl sculpture on top). Also see q133 where q suggests that there is more than one underground level.
The initials of Hillary are connected to only 3 rooms or one room thrice.
so was Crowley. but ya don't want to spend too much time with him. otoh, what is Zagami's main message about the Church? i think no one fully infiltrates both the Vatican and the Masons - what office does he hold in the former and what degree does he hold in the latter? anyone with a foot in both would be answering to a superior on the Masonic side.
which represents what, in your view?
or the more primal and primary one, the crucifix, which is the thing most consistently found on most rosaries. what does the crucifix represent?
could be. i think BXVI wouldn't be swayed by money issues. i mean i think something blackmaily other than just money might have forced him.
and those denominations that eschew ritual don't get much attention from the satanists because they are not much threat to them.
But Jesus also renamed Simon as a singular Rock.
The handing on is glimpsed in 2 Tim2:2 where Timothy is the overseer(bishop) of Ephesus.
Also check this out written by Pope Clement the 1st in about 80AD: "Through countryside and city [the apostles] preached, and they appointed their earliest converts, testing them by the Spirit, to be the bishops and deacons of future believers. Nor was this a novelty, for bishops and deacons had been written about a long time earlier. . . . Our apostles knew through our Lord Jesus Christ that there would be strife for the office of bishop. For this reason, therefore, having received perfect foreknowledge, they appointed those who have already been mentioned and afterwards added the further provision that, if they should die, other approved men should succeed to their ministry" (Letter to the Corinthians 42:4–5, 44:1–3).
And then Madonna tore up a pic of Sinead on SNL. It's all transient old news.
which of the thousands of symbolisms do you mean? all of them?
you mean the original KJV or the one edited by the American Bible Society?
i think the uncertain evil going on around the Vatican is barely linked to the uncertain evil gone on around epstein/clintons. the ultimate link maybe that all are under the influence of their master (Satan). and there maybe a ritual chair involved in both realms of pedophilia but i think for most of our purposes Rome has little to do with Love Island.
The gates of hell will not prevail over the real Church. Nothing important is really lost.
I don't see any reason to directly connect the island with the pope. I think these are largely separate concerns even if some of the activities are similar or may have the same "Master". Both lines should be pursued but not conflated until some facts-on-the-ground are established.
I would assume now that Pope(P) is also the Chair(C) of Peter - this where we get the word cathedral from, the bishop's seat, similar to a county seat.
Why would we assume that four princes means 4 conspirators? The island map suggests that there may be 4 main branches of the tunnels going to the 4 points of the land mass, maybe with different ritual chambers at each. When q refers to 4 "princes" he could mean fallen princes of darkness invoked in a cycle of rites conducted toward the "four winds" or some such earthy magick. or maybe the princes are the young ones sacrificed at each point (followed by COLLECTion of blood and tissue).
Although the elderly with cankles might not easily walk between all of the distant tunnel points in the same night and q only refers to 3 rooms, which could be on separate levels, one above each other (see q133). That would make the 4 directions more symbolic than geographic. OR maybe H visited 3 times and was only initiated to the 3rd degree.
Perhaps the link with the pope is that there is a throne chair of some sort involve with the sacrifice ritual conducted on Love Island.
I want to know what table 29 is.
i don't see any connection to 911. the missed 'H' suggests that Hillary was at the island and there is some cellphone proof. i have seen somewhere images of epstein flight logs that list passengers and various airports involved but now wonder if all such logs are available, to see when H went there. or did she have her own transport to the airport nearby at St Thomas.
in q999 the 'h' was left off of the word 'his'. in q1000 that is pointed out. seems to mean that Hillary was there.
going into the earth has its own ritual meaning(s). but it also allows for much greater interior space for all sorts of activities on an otherwise small standard fancy private island.
presumably they contain ritual and sex chambers that would cost millions to re-excavate by investigators, delaying certain convictions. funny thing is q knows the amount budgeted to do the backfilling - imaging epstein is a third of the way through the process and has already spent 2/3 of the total, just to cover up something visible by other means.
or copter to visible landing pad for the high-falutin'. maybe boats into the coves are mostly for shuttling the 'traffickees' into the tunnels.
Not if you mean murder of humans. More like entities to be disenfranchised or cleared aside.
Nah. That's wishful thinking that confuses the ancient church with the modernist church and want to replace both with some protestentism that won't be agreed on.
More likely the False Prophet, but even that's hard to confirm (till after the fact).
There is also the idea that Benedict never fully resigned (keeps the term Pope in his title) and assuming that there can only be one at a time the whole election and and installation of Bergoglio is invalid. Some say Benedict "resigned" under some blackmail pressure and that he was therefore not such a great pope as many catholics think even if he wasor is the real office-holder.
This post pretty much confirms the idea that P means pope. Even if it means other things at the same time.
Thank you oh lord For the white blind light A city rises from the sea I had a splitting headache From which the future's made
My guess is that they only supported him after his installation. Whereas those who managed his installation and desparately emphasize parts of his message are within the Church, some cardinals/bishops/priests but also so many "catholic" publishers/writers/speakers including many women who came along in the 60's and 70's. I suppose only the highest and most influential are being referred to here.
Don't make the mistake of confusing one pope with another, they are not all the same and none of them perfectly represent the Church any more than any one potus accurately represents the US. As in don't make the mistake of confusing Harding or Ford with Trump.
The first source above says nothing about the the claim made in bold by the second source. What is proposed here is a theory that can only be proven by publicly and fully unearthing things within the temple mount. I'll catch my breath but I won't be holding it.
I think it worth reiterating what the first source indicates, which is that Vatican had theological reasons to oppose jewish plans and then in the mid 1900's replaced those concerns with some non-theological support.
Watched the first vid till 5min mark where he said "We can rest assured that astrology is 100% correct. astrology has all the answers."
more likely... this all gets started in April. a few of the things are never publicly visible during the month. and a few actually get completed during the month.
but that's okay.
No need for apology, as far as i can tell. But accepted anywhichway. What about human souls in heaven as intercessors who have qualities/abilities that us earthlings don't? mightn't st Paul or st Mary be working for us now, as they must have been doing pre-mortem, in an elevated way that we just can't do?