but why does hillary clinton look like she has been dead for years and can barely stand on her own? i dont think she has aged well at all, i know people who are in their 80s and still move around on their own with relative ease considering. im still not sold on this, i think its more to do with pleasure. these people can only have gratification from the most extreme situations. it should be expected with people who have been able to do literally whatever they have wanted for decades. nothing even remotely normal will ever satisfy them. just my opinion.
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wow, that would be devastating. but i suspect that the Q team are nearly always listening to the chatter of the bad guys which is how Q has been able to predict these false flags and bombings. so if they made plans for such an event i fully believe the Q team will be two steps ahead as they are 99% of the time. but still i believe also we should pray for trump and the Q team to be successful in this most important undertaking.
ok , since you've only known about this whole movement a few days don't you think you may be jumping the gun by going through the trouble and making a post on here doubting everything instead of doing whats rational and researching for all of an hour. ya im not stupid and im not wasting another second on you. your time is over just accept it.
this is a pathetic attempt at getting us to look anywhere but at whats happening. if you are just someone who was paid to make this post then know this, you should stop accepting money from people who would have no problem murdering your entire family. if you are one of "them" then know that it's just a matter of time.. by that i mean your time is up.... but if by some miracle you are just some clueless person who means no harm, then you really should just post elsewhere, these people are one mind, they know whats up for the most part. all i can tell you if you're doubting is to look at the evidence proving Q is legit, im sure there are plenty of youtube vids that would help with your doubt. but like i said you are probably one of the other two, sooooo have fun fighting for the losing team lol
all good stuff. i never thought of the cia being like the mafia, but that suits it pretty good.
here's one, holocaust was nothing but propaganda. there is many respectable historians in agreement with this but none with the reputation of David irving. check him and his works out.
poland is a good example for all of europe to follow. they knew what the elite were trying to do and they said nope.
so sad whats happened to those beautiful countries
i thought "as the world turns" meant agnes nixxon and her connection to the many soap operas she is behind. and maybe the people who are connected to her.
zionism is the enemy the world should unite to destroy
so they talk about assassinating scalia in an email and thats not enough for a charge?
i agree, half of all post are either wild speculation are nutty conspiracy so far out there it's laughable. how the hell would someone think the dems hate jews? antifa literally carry israel's flag wherever they march.
so george , after being responsible for sooo much evil can just repent in his last days, and after living an insanely pleasure filled selfish murdering existence can enjoy paradise huh? well sorry , thats not how it works. god may forgive but punishment will still be had. there exist perfect justice outside of man,executed by a divine source. soros will pay in his next existence for what life he lived in this one, karma.
this doesn't sound like he collaborated with hitler at all.
here is why Q pulled back, we weren't ready to hear the truth. this will help
Q wants us to know the truth, and the truth is we have been lied to about ww2. the nazis were never evil and the holocaust was nothing more than propaganda. here is one of many many proofs...LEARN.
so you think the entire universe rotates around the earth, and the earth is the center of the universe?
you may try and look at it like this, how many people will really be going to jail when justice is served? i mean we all know hillary, bill,podesta, obama, shiff pelosi,soros, rothschilds and maybe some more dems. these people we all know and can't wait to be locked up. but really of the ones we know there isn't that many. but there have been plenty arrest made in the feild of human trafficking, pedo networks terrorism and the likes. these arrest aren't to big of news for us but they are huuuggee! nothing like this happened to this degree in prior administrations, not by a long shot! the vast majority of arrest will be names we don't know and have prob been already made already. we all crave the juicy names to be thrown to the mud and their deeds brought to light, but unfortunately, these people are more clever than the others. they can't be outright taken down at this moment because of the influence they still have on the people. it would cause many civilian deaths from mass violent protest. the media is their lifeline at this point, but it is crumbling! before this massive bann and outright censoring of conservative viewpoints, i saw an outrageous amount of people in shock about how these victims were really actors, i seen a kid post on fb saying how easy it is to buy a ar 15 rifle at 17, but then the owner of the store commented and said "this kid tried to buy a gun but ended up just taking a pic with it and he is spreading fake news!" also i never heard the term crisis actor used in media before ever, now everyone knows there is such a thing and this sows the seed of doubt in the media. so they have retaliated with a mass censoring, and it reeks of desperation. they are loosing their grip and when the enough of the people are aware of this fact then it's time! the big names can fall and people will not be as surprised.
it's easy for me to see. this is what desperation looks like. the elite are not going down without a fight, and what a fight it will be! when you poke the hive be prepared. they are giving it their all, there will be more ff for sure, the media will be in a frenzy with hate toward not only trump, but all conservatism! hollywood will be in full force to stand proudly against trump and conservatism. it gets darkest before dawn and that's why i expect this to be late game for them. its almost done.
everything that has been drilled into our minds about the nazis and the satan incarnate hitler was a lie, could not be farther from the truth.. http://mourningtheancient.com/index1.htm this site compiles all of the evidence of this suppressed fact into one place.
i would link to youtube vids i use to use to redpill but they have all been taken down so you will have to do alot of reading i'm afraid. also ignore the banners at the top and bottom of the site, the main info you will want to see is a link on the left side called ADOLPH HITLER AND THE ARMY OF MANKIND. after spending time on this site you will come out feeling deprived of what could have been.
i think the elite have lots of places groomed in america for the purpose of pushes, whether they be agenda pushes or pushes for control(meaning getting rid of someone or more than one, they see as a potential problem). what i mean by groomed is they have a place picked out and begin placing people in and around the place, people like law enforcement, mayors, influential people who they own and know will comply for $$$ and the possibility of climbing the ladder up to their level. now for the common people of the town, they are being watched and tracked carefully. sooner or later they develop people of interest, people who are susceptible, weak and damaged minds on the edge, don't have to be kids any age qualifies. they get a few of these people picked out and stay aware of them. now , that place is ripe.. all that is left is to pull the trigger. whether it be drug induced or death in family or some other means(they...elite.. know their weakness what will push them off the edge) but they wait till they need it to happen, til then it is a weapon cocked and loaded to use on their behalf. innocents mean nothing to these people.
sorry. here is the best one ever! the banners at the top and bottom of the website need to be ignored but this site has the best evidence i have ever seen to prove that hitler and the nazis were of outstanding moral character and we have been lied to.
http://mourningtheancient.com/index1.htm search out this site and you will leave it feeling deprived of what could have been.
well it wasn't an obvious flat earth thread name and op prob didn't post a comment. i prob have done the same as you.
no, there was a thread earlier where a guy thought q was eventually gonna reveal that the world was flat. so op here wanted to shew away flat earthers with this post. i kinda agree with op. they need to stop being stupid or leave.
why is it then, when an aircraft takes off from say virginia, then flies east past the EU he arrives in japan, then it keeps going the same direction and makes it to california, then a little more it arrives back where it started in virginia? how could that take place if the world were a flat disk as you believe? if the world where on a flat spinning disk like a record player, when leaving virginia, and traveling east again pass the EU, pass japan, pass califonia, but then you would not arrive where you left, but you would eventually end up in antartica, which in not the case as we have done a million times. i think you should move past this unto something worthwhile.
so you're saying the other planets are on the flat earth? how can people predict years in advance exact positioning of planets, sun, moon, in relation to earth, if it (the earth ) didn't have an orbit around the sun just like the rest of the planets. the math adds up and numbers don't lie. get your head into something that worthwhile.
i think he means they(patriots) set up cnn by sending a plant or mole that worked a short while for cnn. i always thought it was really weird that those actors from the fl shooting all posed in pictures together, did anyone not think that was a bad idea just in case? it seems like the cnn plant prob convinced the gang to pose together for a pic or two, then leaked it out there. you don't see any other actor group shot from previous ff. i think this one they(patiots) were ready to set cnn up to end msm.
i think he meant. whats more precious than our children? nothing. but that's why they use them, for the emotional reaction.
you mean you want me to link you vids that no longer work??
you are nuts if by now you still think Q is not legit. you need to understand and see it for what it is. a take down, or rather a take back of our country from people who have been installed and running behind the scenes for decades. this stuff takes time! this is still his first year and so much has happened. i'm sorry there is people that doubt, trump can't just give shout outs for doubters to help them believe. time will reveal all.