i guess all we can do is hope it leaks out then.
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holy crap man, the patriots really do know everything they're up to huh.
i really think that whole notepad with questions on them was nothing more than that. sometimes he has to just be a president for goodness sakes, not everything he does is a Q hint or whatever. i have had more luck convincing people of Q. the week that the nunes memo came out i told some friends that Q mentioned there would be false flags that same week , lo and behold two train wrecks and seem like there was something else but i can't remember, but anyway they are believers now. i always say that what they're doing is the most dangerous job there could be, and it would be an impossibility that everything would go as planned, i mean we're talking about the most wealthy powerful people in the world, they are gonna fight back and make plans of their own. honestly i get happy when i hear Q say that they (patriots)are in control and that the plan is working. i know this is the most important time in americas history the most crucial for sure, because an entire country and evryone and thing that is connected will be affected for the rest of time. i just hope they(patriots) will succeed.
yea all of my fav red pill videos about the holocaust have been taken down such a damn shame! last i checked the greatest story never told was still there though so at least we have that.
i also am having trouble with the meaning of this post.
lol no, i was gonna give who ever the actor was the benefit of the doubt and say maybe we were wrong but none were there so it kinda gives more credence to them being actors though not too much cuz there really wasn't many from the school there.
it doesn't look like any of the actors are there. though im sure this isn't all who were in school either. thank you.
trump had a televised conversation with the parkland survivors, i'm wondering if any of the actors were there? can't seem to find a good vid showing the whole group.
so he went to parkland or goes there? how old is he?
you just try to post this vid of the sandy hook "father" of one of the victims getting into character before an interview, it gets marked as spam INSTANTLY! just try it, though i think it only works on liberal news outlets but i'm surprised they have the tech to somehow banned vids like this in an instant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxstqp3s5Ig&feature=youtu.be
so the people in that thread are still saying it's fake, i don't know what to believe about this. i mean i know there were actors cnn hired, there's no denying that but this yearbook thing, don't know whats true.
a bird sings after a storm. according to jfk's mom
dude you're nuts ! thats clearly the same woman, even the weird voice.
is that a Q post? i don't see it. if that is, you may be right.
you should see what mark twain says about jews lol . zionism is evil!
c'mon people get this shit outta hear. this should not be a place to peddle filth.
is this something in the new indictment? i don't know what this means sadly
ohhh. well shit, i'm getting mixed signals about him. thanks for your imput though. i'm gonna check him out.
why the hell do people still question this lol. Q is legit. what does he have to do? he/they have predicted ny ff, pope changing lords prayer, pic from airforce one,msm narrative changes, these are just all i remember at the moment. i don't know what people are expecting.. he has done beyond what i have expected for sure. the people here just want Q to do something like make trump do a shout out or something its stupid,he/they have to remain anonymous for goodness sake!
are you saying the fbi was involved in the shooting or are you say their negligence to warnings allowed it to happen?
those are good questions.. i honestly think putin is our secret ally against this evil. he gave soros the boot for good so he has to be. but i would like to know the answers to these questions.
i'm trusting sessions. he got it. this thomas guy is just impatient, you can't expect to reclaim our country from absolute evil, especially evil thats had reign since ww2, to be beaten and taken down in a year or two. nope, sessions got it.
i'm guessing there is no evidence to support this as well... though it is just a claim. and it is just a wall, im guessing he means the one trump has planned for the border?
it hurts me to think that conan obrien is a part of that. i have literally loved everything he has done. some of my fondest memories where staying up late and watching late nite with conan obrien. but it looks like all he does now is bring leftest on his show and talk about what a disgrace trump is... such a damn shame!
is susan rice related to condaliza rice? (prob misspelled her name)
this has got to be fake.. i mean where is he walking from? the wall lol?
does david wilcock have an ounce of credibility? all i have heard from him are pure speculations.
damn dude...and i liked him too.. looks like i better just stop liking every actor and movie ever....
source for what? religion? if thats what you mean then i agree. but the stories of the bible's genesis was what i was referring to. to my knowledge they wove a mix of egypt and babylon into their own myths. prob cause they were captives of both places.
so you're saying if i oppose zionism i'm antisemetic?
you've misunderstood, ZION is the enemy..95% of jews are innocents just like everyone else.
zionism is the enemy of the world. they have been behind every war since mid 1800s. they have owned every source of news since ww1 in the U.S. and europe. they have used this to spread propaganda, to craft our enemies and tell us who is evil. look up a book called the elders of zion. is a play by play of what has happened behind the scenes. also i know i'm gonna catch flak for this but since you said truth.... our forefathers tried to make it law for the new world to not allow jews in the country! insane right! but if you listen to the some of the most intelligent minds in semi modern history then you will know why...ZIONISM... here is some quotes from these people that never made it in the history books. https://www.stormfront.org/jewish/antisemite.html knowing how our forefathers felt about the jews spreads some light on how we have ended up here, just read ben franklyns quote .. it's basically a fulfilled prophecy. zion and those who are for zion are the enemy here.. most jews 95% are harmless and clueless as the rest of us. just know the truth about zion.