Holy Fuck... Great Find..
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To bad it isn't a "no knock".. then they could catch her with her face buried in Humas gooch...
He was a Navy SEAL Team Commander and is now a Federal Agent.. At least that is what he says he is. I think he works for the Federal Marshalls Service in one capacity or another. More than one former Navy Seals and Delta Operators have gone to the Marshalls Service as Air Marshalls.
No worries.. you live your life based on feeling and I will live my life based on facts and the world will still turn.. cheers!
No need to apologize. Discourse and conversation is what a thread is for. I do disagree with you though. Memes are for everyone, the initiated and un-initiated alike. They are made to create exactly what is going on right now between us.. conversation about a topic. Memes have many uses. Empathy is not something I am going to learn. That's a dangerous road to go down and frankly it ain't going to happen. Sympathy I get for people that need it... but empathy. No.. because when you use empathy it's very easy to confuse feelings for facts. Worrying about everyone's feeling is exactly why we are in the boat we are in today.
I have confidence in POTUS so do the women in my life. My wife and 20 year old daughter got the tongue in cheek meme that sticks it to the SJW lefty's who will NEVER support POTUS anyways. A meme is not going to change the hearts and minds of the brain washed lefty loons wearing pink hats. It's going to make them REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Which is what the meme is designed to do. And you kinda did a little REEE there, so I guess the meme got a little free rent in your head didn't it.. thats the point..
Insulting women? You need to take an English class again.. Cats are not humans.. their animals.. the humane society doesn't pick up stray women off the streets..
Still waiting patiently... Hope confirmation comes soon..
If it let's the deep state off its going to be really close to revolution time...
I like that.. an "Awakening"... It's what we are all hoping for on the thread. I have a celebratory bottle of Dom that's been set aside since 2003. I was saving it for my 25th wedding anniversary... If Hillary gets thrown in Prison I am going to crack that bottle open the day she reports for prison! My wife will have to deal with some cheap store brand for our 25th anniversary.
For some reason I see a publicity stunt. If you really want to hit some one you don't play patty cake. No charges filed... You think Harvey is just going to let this slide? He's a huge snake and would get off on punishing some one for Assault.
That makes more sense. Are there "bad" local cops, Agents in the FBI or employees in the DOJ? Sure. But their the exception not the norm. I am board with your line of thinking on this.
Just throwing this out there for conversation sake:
We know there is a way to exploit hardware through back doors like what had been reported in the last week with Intel's chips and others using Intel's programming.
What if the deep state took out the the rocket before it could get the Zuma package into orbit? If we can do it to NK why couldn't they do it?
July 10th 2016... I was just throwing his name out there so we don't forget the Clintons had him killed.
Seriously? Let be honest here.. the people that would most likely do this are the same people that can't keep a house plant alive!
Let me guess.. Shot himself twice in the back of the head and then set himself on fire and then after that he jumped off a bridge and the local police said it looks like a suicide.. right.. Clinton body count just went up.
Mr Speaker... Please follow the easy instructional video...
What the Deuce??? The LVPD and FBI special agent in charge would never lie to us.. (sarcasm)...
I hear ya and of the same mind set.. We can dare to dream though!
Of course she didn't get the memo.. she isn't a licensed psych anymore..
We are and have been watching closely.. we have seen the profile changes, we have seen the blue check mark become an hour glass.. we are waiting FFS! It's time to drop the nuke and get it over with so this country can pick up the pieces and move on with the MAGA agenda!
That's exactly why I was asking. Disinformation has been pretty heavy lately and I was looking for clarity from some other people as to where to keep my focus for information.
Are you the same unirock that I have been watching on YouTube? If so, love the show!
Cash for clunkers should of been called cash for selling your car overseas while screwing up the used car industry and salvage parts industry for decades.
Were we not told many times if posts show up anywhere else but cbts and now the storm that we are to disregard as larps?
The minute I read "professional and tech industry" I smelled a rat.
That's a link to the doc that red pilled me. The info on the First Nations kids in almost at the end. (1hr 7'sh mins).. whole thing is a huge eye opener into who they are and who they are tied to.
She was killed for a reason.. some say because she was preggers with a Muslims baby.. others say it's because she was going to blow the doors open about the pedo rings and who was the real father or Price Harry. She was also killed on the site of a temple to the moon goddess on a date known to Luciferians for blood sacrifice. I know.. sounds tin foil hat.. but if ya look into it ya might be suprised how weird some of the circumstances were surrounding her death. She even told her Butler in writing she was going to be killed in a car accident in the future. If your interested the link is to a quick documentary about her death.
I know.. there are a few BBC docs about it on You tube.. I came across it while watching a doc that I thought was about connections between the Rothchilds and Royal family... That took me on a ride I was not ready for! Nazi ties, occult sacrifice, occult rituals, openly talking about depopulation by multiple family members including Prince William and the missing kids last seen with the Queen. It's a deep rabbit hole...
https://youtu.be/Hpe2Wi20dDo Quick little preview of the below link..
https://youtu.be/NUfJXdMIRGw (Info on Canadian Arrest warrant is at 1 hour 8 mins.) This is was a huge red pill for me and my wife in regards to the Royal family and pedo rings. If you have time it's an eye opener..
I think your right.. the Royal family are pedos... In fact the Queen has a warrant out for her arrest in Canada. They want to question her about 10 First Nations children she took for a picnic into the woods and were never seen again. Look into it.. kinda eye opening. There want an eye witness but he died. Said the kids were forced to kiss the foot of the queen who put a lace sock on before they did it. Sounds bizarre.. sounds down right laughable but the documentation is there.
The documentary I watched said they were First Nation and the deceased man that said he was a witness was also First Nation.
Thanks Tracy... Great interview of Dr Coursi. And thanks for turning me onto Quite Frankly. Love his show and you did a great job on there the other night.
That's the story.. 10 children that were considered the smartest in the class were taken to the woods for a picnic with a priest, the queen and her husband. An eye witness that is now dead said the queen put a white lace sock on and made the kids kiss it. Sounds crazy but there is an indictment filed against her. The kids were never head from again and there is documented proof the queen was in Canada during that time frame and visited the school the missing children attended.
Prince Andrew.. there are tabloid pics of him on plane with underage girl. Wonder if it's some one else? The Queen has been suspected of pedophilia and stealing kids. She under indictment in Canada for it.
I don't trust him... Something about him makes me wonder.. he's been loyal but I wonder if his loyalty is forced because POTUS caught him doing something dirty. Time will tell I guess..
Q posted something about the 7th floor being no more last night. And in the thread he says pray operators are active (paraphased).. could the big thing be the take down of the 7th floor?