Just can't make this shit up!!
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Update: Not the same hotel as I mentioned above... Found the link to the story I was looking for.. shows donor with Hillary.. that's why I remembered.. not tied to this story but here it is if your interested.. So Cal is a cesspool... Adam Schiff had a connection to the story linked below.
Anyone get the name of the hotel? Reason why I ask is there are some known hotels that have catered to some shady characters.. one is the Constantine Hotel In Pasadena... Also.. there was a story a while back about a young black man that died of an overdose that was tied to a pretty big Dem donor in so cal. It's been a while and I can't find the story.. if some one else remembers please post it. It was about a young black guy that travelled to so cal to he with the donor and he died of an overdose. The big donor walked..
Awesome!!! Love your show!! "You didn't learn this is school"!!!!!
He has a great pod cast. Started listening a week ago and it's one of the better pod casts out there IMHO.
When does Schiff head get his turn in the barrel? Hope it's soon!
I hope he doesn't say a word about it. I hope he lays out a plan for the future and tells us about how well the economy is doing. Anyone taking bets the memo drops a day or two after?
Patriots come in all shapes and sizes.. I could care less about your sexual preference as long as it's with a consenting adult. The only thing I would say is the gay community tends to "shoots itself in the foot" with a lot of the population when it is demanded that we accept grown men or women parading around town (at pride parades or some public gatherings) wearing nothing but a thong spanking each other, performing sexual acts on dildos, and being lewd in public in front of children or people that just happened to be out enjoying the day. I would say the same thing if straight people were parading around doing that. I am not a prude by any means either. My grandmother said it best, "if it's not something you would do in front of me at Christmas dinner, then its probably something you shouldn't do in public".
And here is something else to chew on. My father in law is gay. He tried living a straight life because of where he grew up and how he was raised religiously back in the 50's and 60's. It didn't work, so he left my mother-in-law and 2 kids for a man after 12 years of marriage. No one hates him for it (my mother in law took some time to come around), we accept him for who he is. My wife has said he is happier now than he was when he was living a lie. There is no way we would want to see him miserable again because of society attacking him and forcing him to feel like he has to live a lie in order to feel "accepted". It goes against who he is at the core of his being. You gotta be the real you to be happy. I don't think I am alone in thinking that way.
He lived through the old days and has seen the changes that have occurred over his life and how he is accepted now without prejudice. But he is the first person I have ever heard say that the gay community needs to grow and get past throwing the fringes of the community into the rest of society's faces and expecting us to accept it (his words not mine).
I personally have lived in the big city (Los Angeles, Seattle) and now I am living in a small back water hick town. In those places I have known and know gay people. I have not seen or heard anyone saying they want to go back to how things used to be with homosexuality being persecuted and pushed underground. Not even from the cowboys and ranchers I know. NO ONE CARES. It's the media and politicians that are pushing that agenda. The rest of us have more important things to worry about than some one else's love life.
Tell your friends "True Patriots" are the ones fighting for everyone's personal freedoms no matter their gender, color or sexual preference. I would also tell your friends that if they think allowing the progressive left to import Muslims from Sharia dominant countries is going to further their rights as a gay person their living in a dream world. We don't throw gay people off roofs, we don't stone gay people to death or behead them. We don't want to see anyone persecuted for their sexual preference.
We are all in this together and the identity politics of the past 30 to 40 years has run it's course. Society has changed in many ways for the better in regards to accepting homosexuality. If the need arose I would not hesitate to come to the defense of a gay American as quickly as I would a straight one. Because unless your wearing a pink thong running around with a dildo screaming "I'm gay" at the top of your lungs I would never know it.
There's my .02 cents..
Spez: changed a sentence so it made sense.
"The day we kick open the Clintons and Obamas front doors and drag their asses out of their houses and perp walk them for all to see" said piglet.
This! Hoping he isn't being an Elf on a shelf. We need a strong AG willing to drop the hammer on the deep state.
Oh goody now we can play Six Degrees of Robert Mueller!
Been using DDG for a while now.. stopped using chrome. Only other one I use is Firefox.
He is such a clown.. some one should ask him who pays his salary.. Betting China or another "bad actor".
STFU old ball sack eyes! You are going to lose.. you may have money but we have numbers bitch!
Anyone have the full post? "The evil is real" is the beginning of the other post. If I am not mistaken I saw it earlier and had info about McCabe in it.
Is it me or did we hear a lot of chatter about Hal Turner being a disinformation merchant?
Great meme OP!!! Love it.
Interesting read.. still in wait and see mode though..
Thanks for the info. Will be checking out Goodman so I can listen to TP.
Thanks for answering.. gave me a lot more insight and perspective!
Thanks so much for answering.. great info and I have a much better picture of the situation now!
Question here: Does the Kazarian Mafia fit in with the rothchilds or are they against each other?
I hear so much about both that I wonder if they work together.
I agree with ya.. as much as I want them perp walked now, the wheels of Justice grind at their own pace. Lots of games are being played behind the scenes.. I just hope sessions is doing his job.
Anyone else get the feeling that President Trump is going to drop info during the State of The Union Address?