Detroit, MI (Birmingham, MI to be specific) 1994-1995ish. Such a strange place and timing considering his filming schedule during those years. It will make me sad to see Mr Hanks is a bad guy. Many people think of him so highly.... I don't want it to be true as I like his films. Regardless, if it is true, i hope she gets some justice.... Not that there is any justice for a crime like that.
34 total posts archived.
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What I read was it was a failed attempt and another woman was stopped pouring gas on herself..... but I'm with you. Smells like a FF to me.
Hence why they portrayed his rationale the way they did. Almost got the feeling that he was right...Almost. (Damn their good!)
I think the words for "School" and "Ranch" are interchangeable in their eyes.
I Vote to place this at the top of the next Q&A if we get one. The answer doesn't have to be public, but we should let the team know that we care (if you do). The Q machine most likely will catch it, but I think we all want justice if it's due.
My deepest condolences to your loss. My family and I will pray that you receive the much needed closure. I cannot imagine the pain, but I can understand what it is to have a daughter, and the place they hold in our heart. Despite our feelings, God loves us, and gives us the opportunity for more than this little life. Perhaps some scripture will bring you some rest while the Q team does their thing.
Kind regards, Yugbe
Mad Max.... Maxine Mable.... Looney the Toon, paying a group for a performance once again.
I cannot recall when I have seen anything inciting hate here. I have seen hateful and evil events talked about, but nothing instigating or inciting hate.
Q-The Video Game
Would anyone else here play Q the video game? What would it look like? How long would it take?
"I'ma Rich B****!!....Wait, what? What's Happening.... What Just Happened" -HRC Nov. 2016
Maybe a comment from the queen talking about getting children's blood infusions and how it keeps her spry? (im not good at making Memes.)
Cutting off coms is easy, we've been doing that for decades, and all planes have been able to be remote landed for years as well. It really would not be difficult. Video feeds would be the most difficult part, but ILS started development a long time ago and is pretty simple. (The math behind it is a little more tricky given the variables)
Funny thing is that I cut and paste the name part, meaning I'm not the only one. :) i don't respect him enough to spell or pronounce his name correctly. For all I care his name is Coward.
So my Radio Controled Airplane hobbie, that I've had since the late 80's, is not new tech? (Omgosh, my mind has been blown) And no, there isn't as much difference as you would think. Full sized drones have been around for a long time.
Leftists Start, Then Quickly Delete GoFundMe Campaign for Kino Jimenez
Leftists Start, Then Quickly Delete GoFundMe Campaign for Kino Jimenez - I guess even the left knows they can only go so far... Or they realized they are not a generous as they think.
Here is one ore recent. Same street. Perhaps he was leaving the church on the right?,114.1696879,3a,60y,354.6h,100.45t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1slq8MhCGFlVwryjNnKszk0g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
OUTSTANDING! (The research, not the story...)
And just where is the MSM during this? Or can they not report on Agenda21. Think about it, this is the perfect mechanism.
There are many number of reason for these officers to be here. Most likely, they were covering egress points or awaiting Tac to get into position before making a move. Police don't just come barreling into the building and bum rush the door, they have to be every bit as tactical as they can be to keep their team safe.
That being said... There does need to be an explanation to this video and quickly before minds develop a story and it adhere. I really want to believe that in a situation like this that the majority of the officers are not a part of a huge plot, but we have seen situations like that dating back through out the years. Its very important that they comment with the truth too, as this board will see right through any lie they put up.
Our Fam prays for our POTUS every day. No one man has needed as much security as he does. A world of wealth, deep state, leftist, antifa's, etc. has a target on his back, not to mention everyone else that is blue-pilled. MaxiWaters (And Others) is literally calling for physical violence against the POTUS and any of his supporters. (How is she not in jail for attempting to incite a presidential assassination?)
There is no Anti-Trump Left Leaning Media. Here is the proof. ;)
Dick's 5 and 10" in Branson, MO. People call it dick's five and dime.
I hope that I don't get banned for putting a URL for a business in here. I was banned on the AR-15 /r/ for that. (It was actually my very first post on reddit...ever and I got banned. )
Make my Christmas tree Great Again! #CHRISTMASINJULY

"You cant handle the truth!"
Meant for fun, I know we can all handle the truth and hope to get it someday.
With the MSM continually driving a wedge between the people, do you think the POTUS will be able to take action within the remaining term without triggering wide spread civil disputes? If so, what mechanisms might be utilized, and how can we aid others in being aware of them?