I hope this is still alive, I plan on finally focusing enough to have this shit installed and running by the weekend, hope to see some of you clowns then.
Alright got it working, no one is online but I honestly expected that. Really like the way it looks and runs, so here's hoping you people can scratch enough players together this weekend to have a good old time. I'll pass it to some friends, too to see if they want in.
What's a good night look like on these servers anyways?
False advertising or not Eastern time, place is a ghost town currently.
>Map loading is jank as shit
Why did I expect anything different. Also the flooded Turbine map was shit
Was good fun, a bit laggy but 7v7 was a good size for a little bit and who needs to aim when you pack Pyro. Here's hoping we can get another good set of games before the weekend is through.