Anonymous ID: c12ea0 Jan. 3, 2018, 2:42 p.m. No.14091666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1695 >>1755


SJW leaderss always have long running plans. I think this year they are going to start talking about just letting people enjoy things, then turn around and whine when anyone tries to stop them from enjoying things. Not to mention they'll probably pervert it into

>I just want to enjoy this thing but it's filled with sexualized anime characters

Anonymous ID: c12ea0 Jan. 3, 2018, 2:52 p.m. No.14091710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1725 >>1745


Never said it would work, just seems like it's something they're thinking about doing. Of course we can always just cite their own articles and tell them to fuck off and let us enjoy what we want to enjoy, and that we don't think it's possible to objectify a video game character like you can in real life, just like how video game violence doesn't translate to real life violence.


Seeing them try and pull something so stupid would really fit how leftists have been operating the last year. Seems like every idea they come up with is complete shit that gets shot down right away.

Anonymous ID: c12ea0 Jan. 3, 2018, 3:04 p.m. No.14091768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1781


The real problem comes from the fact that leftists have more allegiance to their "moral code" and beliefs than what is right and wrong. They know if they rat out one of their leftist friends for being a pedo/abuse/etc, they'll make leftists look bad as a whole. So they don't say anything. Worst is leftism is designed to blame everyone else for your problems. Society thinks you are a bad person for wanting to wank to little kids? Society is the problem, specially the white males. I imagine this sort of stuff is happening everywhere. We saw a lot of it with the #metoo thing, and it always seems like video games are the retarded copy-cat sibling of more established forms of media. Specially since video game media people love to try and emulate the corruption and bullshit of larger media entities, and they always fuck it up bigly.




Well said. I need to come here more often, I thought this was mostly shit posting thread, but you guys have been busy while I've been gone.

Anonymous ID: c12ea0 Jan. 3, 2018, 3:34 p.m. No.14091946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1962 >>2045


I think our real problem is leftists control so much of the media, that even if we find dirt, it gets covered up by leftists in media. The same shit happened with Butts, definitely abusing his niece or something else, but I thought it was niece IIRC, had family that wouldn't let their children near him. And what did we get out of it? Headlines saying

>Sarah Nyberg being attacked by gamergate trolls

Though, it seems like right wing media has really grown since then, I'd be interested to see what would happen if something like that was uncovered now.