Anonymous ID: 734f9b Jan. 9, 2018, 10:18 p.m. No.14128994   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Maybe not but I can (and will) blame companies for not taking a more firm stance on creativity and good design against these evil goobers


>Never forget

In our case it's also Never forgive as well


Dude fuck off, you had your chance to rip on platinum when Korra & TMNT were still (relatively) fresh, and unless you're telling me ps2 vidya from Clover aren't fun or just didn't like it I don't understand your point



>in a fucking wedding



>last of us


Try again darlin'


>TLoU is Ellie's character model.

Ah, you're one of THOSE people




Saurian is like literally one of the only people on jewtube I actually respect, dude clearly has a love for these games and has the know how to properly analyze these types of vidya.