Anonymous ID: 49576b Sonoluminescence Jan. 1, 2018, noon No.2134   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

As requested by VQC:


"Is there anyone more practical with access to 3D printing as we can run the sonoluminescence thread in parallel and it will be quite rewarding to build a fully functioning cold fusion generator?


Perfectly safe, boils water.


Thought it may be fun for those who prefer to build stuff."

Hobo !!1yNgQ3NlCs ID: 49576b Jan. 1, 2018, 12:14 p.m. No.2135   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2144

Chris mentioned access to a 3d printer. Here are my thoughts on that. We ALL have access to the most advanced 3d printers, more or less, through printing services. I will link a few below. I feel that it would be no issue at all having them make parts as opposed to securing the printer myself (plus im a poorfag and cant buy one beyond a couple grand).


sonoluminescense youtube searches lead to some interesting stuff.


None of the existing devices seem to require the use of a 3d printer to create. Not sure why this is but they all seem to just use a flask of water and some speakers and control equipment. I look forward to learning more about it.

Anonymous ID: 200496 Jan. 2, 2018, 8:49 a.m. No.2308   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2315


It's not a matter of knowing about it at this point, it's simple to find the paper, but good luck getting a neutron source without being raided by every government agency on the fucking planet.

If someone says 'Hey kids, would you like a neutron source' you run, you run like hell. Because that person glows in the god damn dark.


So interesting, perhaps. Worth pursuing in an academic fashion? Sure. But it's beyond what any DIYer can do in the home shop, 3d printers while getting better cannot fabricate the quality of metal parts that mills can.

Your pro-game DIYer might have a cnc mill, but at the end of the line of this particular method of requires a neutron source, which you won't get in the home shop. Ever.

Hobo !!1yNgQ3NlCs ID: 49576b Jan. 2, 2018, 9:35 a.m. No.2315   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2318 >>2319


Agreed. Thats why I made this sub. Essentially Chris is offering an answer to this and I'm fascinated to see it happen. If it is fake it will be a very interesting fake. I have spent quite a bit of time looking at the Cold Fusion stuff by Rossi as well as Brilliant Light Power and others. There are also claims in a different direction by a guy out of UC Boulder by a guy who wants to make a zero point energy device with Casmir cavities and some gas. It, like all these, seems possible and is fun to folllow. That guy has where he talks of his work. His best interview is with Sarah Westall on Jewtube. Just search for Zero Point Energy Sarah Westall.


The Cold Fusion people are on a few websites but the most active and best is on (I know, to speak of reddit is a sin but thats where it is all aggregated)


Lastly there are reports of strange meetings and such. I guess a few years back there was a meeting of a bunch of higher ups in China all about LENR. A political analysis guy named London Paul from (paywalled) has stated โ€ฆ and I quote "The Russians have LENR technology" When he was interviewed on Rogue Money Radio on Jewtube in the last few months.


Again, all this could be horse hockey. Certainly no big change could ever come from a few nobodys fucking around on an obscure message board right? Well, thats where BTC came from and all of blockchain. It came from some mystery man (satoshi) who just airdropped it on some smart fuckers then disappeared.


Is it really a reach to believe that something like LENR or ZPE or a fucking hole in Antarctica even could be hidden?


Cannae Drive is another one. It is a reactionless drive that violates the laws of physicsโ€ฆ But it has been tested and is working. Not by some fag is his shed but by NASA. This thing would be a star trek impulse engine quite literally. All it needs is a limitless power source and we could have access to the whole solar system with some degree of ease.


If I told you 2 years ago about Hillary Clinton, Podestas, Wiener, etc etc etc anyone with a functioning brain would have laughed me out of the room, and rightly so! But here we are today. Hillary eats babies. Adrenochrome harvesting is real. The Red Cross is evil (per qanon) and Trump is president.


At this point Im totally down to explore something that "cant be true" If it is reasonably priced. Fun and challenging. I'm totally down to mess with it. Yeah if it needs a fucking neutron source, well I cant really get one of those and I wont try.

Anonymous ID: 2921f4 Jan. 2, 2018, 10:04 a.m. No.2318   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2320


No doubt free energy devices have existed for decades using many different technologies, but all the inventors get killed or mysteriously disappear, have their labs raided and are arrested on all kinds of bullshit charges.

One of my favorites is hydrogen production from water in excess of what conventional science deems possible for the required input energy.


Here is the best demo of a generator running by electrolyzing its own waterโ€ฆ Bet you never saw one powered up in an elevator before.


Awaiting more info about the method here before I go and buy a 3D printer though!

Anonymous ID: 200496 Jan. 2, 2018, 10:26 a.m. No.2319   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2324


>If I told you 2 years ago about Hillary Clinton, Podestas, Wiener, etc etc etc anyone with a functioning brain would have laughed me out of the room, and rightly so! But here we are today. Hillary eats babies. Adrenochrome harvesting is real. The Red Cross is evil (per qanon) and Trump is president.

>At this point Im totally down to explore something that "cant be true" If it is reasonably priced. Fun and challenging. I'm totally down to mess with it. Yeah if it needs a fucking neutron source, well I cant really get one of those and I wont try.

Motherfuckin' words to live by.

VeritasAequitas !!Nf9AmQNR7I ID: 6e3d8a Jan. 2, 2018, 2:30 p.m. No.2324   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Yeah, I suspended disbelief a while ago. It certainly makes life more exciting! Also, I found this forum thru VQC's posts, which at that time seemed quite nutty, but now seem probable. We all know (((they))) have been withholding from us and keeping us down. Hopefully our efforts here can help contribute to FREEDOM!

VQC !!Om5byg3jAU ID: 7f1af4 Jan. 3, 2018, 8:32 a.m. No.2387   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2392 >>2402 >>2852

Anyone got a 3D printer.

This thread is about scaling up single bubble to multi-bubble sonoluminescence.

The shape of the container will be based on the Mandelbrot Set to allow self-sustaining cavitation from ambient background noice using the -y axis of the Mandelbrot Set plus surrounding wall to focus sound into the vessel.

Hobo !!1yNgQ3NlCs ID: 49576b Jan. 3, 2018, 1:13 p.m. No.2402   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2410



As I demonstrated in post 2135 starting this thread It is simple for anyone to access 3d printing services.


All of us have access to 3d printers. We can even access the most advanced ones out there with little trouble. I do not have one on my desk because the cost of one that can actually make useful shit is tremendously high relative to the value of the parts it can produce.


In particular I have said I will buy a 3d printer as soon as the machine can produce something that is cheaper to print than to buyโ€ฆ and something I need a lot of as opposed to 1 of. So far I have found a single thing. Electric fence insulators. That is the only thing I would need that could be 3d printed cheaper than I can buy.


They are of poor design. Obviously designed to fail regularly. They are needed in volume as I have about 1/4 mile of fence to maintain and they are relatively expensive as they cost like 50c each and break every few days.


I would buy a printer that could make a suitable substituteโ€ฆ but what specs do I need to make this Sonoluminescent water heater? Will I be making this out of shitty plastic like I would make electric fence insulators or would I need to be using a far more advanced system that uses lasers to melt metal powder into specific shapes?


I am here to make this happen. I have the technology (as the 6 million dollar man would say). At the very least I have access to the technology.


That saidโ€ฆ will I sell my car and mortgage my house simply to buy some super expensive printer to chase white rabbits on the internet? Well, Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidenceโ€ฆ


Lets get some info about what is really needed for this 3d printer to successfully print this plan. Metal or plastic is a huge starting point. WHAT METAL. Are we talking low grade shitty metal or are we talking titanium that needs to pass FAA regulations for 3d printed parts for aircraft? There is a fucking huge difference.


What sort of temps can we expect. You mention boiling water. So it has to be able to stand 101deg c at a minimum. My guess is it has to be able to handle a lot more than that.


How about a pressure vessel. Is this an unpressurized system or does it require a pressurized system? Pressurized super-heated water is a WHOLE DIFFERENT BEAST as far as safety and materials as is unpressurized systems.


I have designed and built both systems from off the shelf components and found pressurized systems require far more planning and higher quality materials.


So, going forward lets get some ideas on materials, pressures, power requirements, temperatures that may be encountered. Overall size of this thing. Are we talking a desktop device? A micro-scale device? or are we talking something size of a school bus?


Without some specifics I really have nothing to work with going forward. :/

Hobo !!1yNgQ3NlCs ID: 092007 Jan. 12, 2018, 10:37 a.m. No.2860   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2863


Faithโ€ฆ See this is where there can be issues. I agree that faith is an important part of any human endeavor. It really is. It takes a lot of faith for early humans to decide to cross a great desert for the hopes of a better home on the other side.


It takes even more faith to do the same across the ocean. It takes faith to start a company with the hopes of making a profit for yourself and your family. What requires almost zero faith and instead requires hard work, skills, information and resources is building something physical in the real world.


Not much faith required at all IF YOU UNDERSTAND how the system works. Now if you have no idea how it works (me right now) then you can't start building yet you have to instead gather more information and resources.


I speak this way with such confidence because I have done this many many times. It is something I do well. I have never been a math person without extreme effort but I am practically a clairvoyant god when it comes to machines. I have fixed them, designed them, built them, modified them and run them to failure in many conditions. I have studied their basic theory and replicated it. I built a refrigeration loop (albeit an inefficient one) from off the shelf components. It was pretty cool.. Literally. I used it to cool a vacuum vessel from a vacuum pump that I made from a long cylinder, a plunger that slid in it and 2 valves. The combination of the 2 allowed me to make freeze dried astronaut food by sublimating water. All from off the shelf stuff at a hard ware store. It was pretty fucking cool. The food tasted like shit but it was fun. Do you see why I ask the questions I ask? We don't have the information available that I had when I did the above project. i understood the refrigeration cycle and had working examples. I understood sublimation. I didn't have to engage in an Edison-sih adventure of trying every possibility to invent something. Instead I could be like Tesla and build it right the first time because I understood the theory. I had basic information.


have a pretty good sense of the difference between a functional plan to build something and an OBVIOUS LACK of that plan. Same goes for resources.


At this point we have no idea of what the resources are. We have no idea what the materials are. We have no idea of what the forces are. Heat? Pressure? vibration? There are so many things to look into.


Yes I see the pretty colored picture. I see that its shape is related to the Mandelbrot set. I have read some interesting stuff about that fractal and its features. I BELIEVE that there is a possibility to set up a harmonic with sound and water that would make a tiny area in the exact center of this fractal that could cause fusion. It kinda makes sense in a way when you think of fractals and sound and water. Very interesting. My faith and belief in the possibility of it working is a side line to the desperate lack of information for how the system works.


I asked the needed questions to get a start on this project in a meaningful fashion. None of them have been answered. When those answers happen I will build itโ€ฆ I shit YOU notโ€ฆ but we need a provable direction go in. OR we need something that makes sense.


The extremely vague idea of a geometric shape with no sense of scaleโ€ฆ entirely unknown materials, pressures, etc. leaves me no where to go other than to start 3d printing pieces of plastic and throwing them in the creek to see if it boils?? After I do that a few times I "discover" that plastic wont work in needs to be metal! Then I "Discover" that the creek wont work because the water is too dirty so it has to be pure waterโ€ฆ


After distilling I "Discover" that it has to be not surrounded with water but full of water with a cover over the end.


I would MUCH rather put my time and skills towards working more with the guys at MFMP. They answer my questions in deep and wonderful details.


What happened to Christmas? Really? That is my question. We will break RSA 100 by Christmasโ€ฆ Right? We haven't even hit step 1 of this entire journey. Not one thing has happened that could not have happened in the "standard model" world. The claim is that the standard model is wrong. So far, the standard model is right on the money. Completely unfazed. Had that not been the case I would not be writing the things I am right now.


So, againโ€ฆ Lets get some basic answers first. I have already posted what is needed to get started. If they don't come along then we know why. If they DO come along then I will build that shit and build it well. NO. FAITH. REQUIRED.

Anonymous ID: 55685b Jan. 12, 2018, 11:34 a.m. No.2863   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2873


Thats why I made it in a CAD program, duh. Here is a higher resolution that should be printable, you can have the file if you want


This is the main problem, we have nowhere near enough information to make anything useful. My drawings are just an attempt at getting the discussion started.


Intuitively, it seems like there is a possiblity to achieve harmonic resonance in a structure like this, but with background noise as the only input? Maybe if you print a hundred variations of it you will find some experimental results to point us in the right direction. Also if this is even close to the right design, what is the focus point? Where do you chop off the cone in the middle?

There are 3D-printable plastics that go to ~120C after being heat-treated afterwards, should suffice for experiments anyway. Pure water is easy to get. As for Chris' broken promises, the RSA thread has some real proof in the form of mathematical relationships even if we haven't broken it yet, this thread is just crazy people speculating (am still here for some reason).


There is no science I know of (banned, esoteric or otherwise) that would enable this.. thingโ€ฆ to boil water.. So right this is just a fucking art project for a fancy, expensive bowl of water - its best feature would be that it hopefully doesn't leak!

Hobo !!1yNgQ3NlCs ID: 47b20d Jan. 12, 2018, 3:05 p.m. No.2873   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2876 >>3584


Yep! and sorry for my mild hostility. I really appreciate your work on this cool looking bowl. I would rush off and have one printed but its not enough.


When I started this thread it seemed like an obvious shout-out to me as I have mentioned my willingness and interest in building stuff as opposed to doing computer programming.


I posted all the questions and info and my second round of stuff simply because it is necessary. It is one thing to have people doing math all day. No harm there. Hell thats a good thing! If I taught highschool THIS IS EXACTLY HOW I WOULD TEACH IT.


I dont want to see people wasting all their money or worse, getting hurt, trying to build an energetic system that they dont understand. That is why I have been somewhat harsh in my interactions in this arena. I'm mildly worried that someone may really go off a cliff with it which is not necessary.


Your "hundred variations" of it is a wonderful example of the problem I see right off the bat. The crux is this. To build something that works you either need to understand the system you are building or you need to experiment. Let me tell youโ€ฆ blind experimentation is almost NEVER ever a way to discover something. You need more. I could come up with a thousand different ways to do something with your cool Mandelbrot bowl. None of them would work as intended because any process like this that works would have been discovered by accident somehowโ€ฆ or it would occur in nature EVERYWHERE.


Ok, so a side line. Did you know that the chloroplasts in plants (the parts that convert sunlight to ?sugar? for the plant to live gather THE EXACT highest possible energy from native sunlight hitting the planet. This is because it is such a wonderful source of energy and its usefulness has been maximized. Nature does this all the time. Any plant that wasn't optimized this way would eventually be replaced by one that was. Think about that then look at a set of solar panels and think about it again. I wish I could get a plant to produce electricity. :>)


This super simple solid state system that is being presented here COULD exist in nature by accident. If you don't believe me on that then just look up how many fractals exist in the plant community. Fractals and the golden mean are LEGION in the plant world. Very cool stuff. I love to look for them in my garden.


Catch is they are so common and this SNL system exists NOWHERE in nature? If that is the case then it must be too complex to form by accidentโ€ฆ EVERโ€ฆ That tells me that it is not merely a 3d fractal shape and some water.


This tells me that we need more information. We need highly refined materials. We need VERY specific conditions. We need more. COULD this be possible. It surely can! I would love to explore it but I wont go on a wild goose chase without a 12 guage, a goose call and some decoysโ€ฆ Which one do you think this thread is?


If you like this type of stuff though check out the Martin Fleischman Memorial Project. MFMP is probably the closest thing to a functioning cold fusion device existing in the open source science community.


Their information is not a mystery to find. It is not a weird unverified thing that may or may not be real. Its all right there. Anyway, have fun and I will be around here checking inโ€ฆ Waiting patiently for something to come along that is build-able. I'm jealous of your cad skills. That is another major reason I never got a 3d printer. I don't have the cad skills to make anything that I want. Instead I have to pay someone to make it for meโ€ฆ or learn cadโ€ฆ uggghhh. But, super cool stuff and IF there is a provable system built in the VQC room that can crack RSA 100 and or we get the real deal on something that has the necessary complexity and level of detail to actually be likely to work hereโ€ฆ Make no mistake. I will be on it like stink on shit. But until that time arrives I will hold my breath and wait.

Anonymous ID: 55685b Jan. 12, 2018, 3:49 p.m. No.2876   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2902


What hostlity? Didn't notice any :)

>I dont want to see people wasting all their money or worseโ€ฆ

Exactly why I didn't post any printable files, as its completly useless at this point

>This super simple solid state system that is being presented here COULD exist in nature by accident.

How do you know its not an essential part of how some exotic plant perfoms photosyntesis? Not like we have studied all of them on the level required, and if we tried, do we even have instruments to do it?

Will look into MFMP for sure.

>I'm jealous of your cad skills

What skills? Would you believe I never even touched any CAD progams until yesterday? This is my OpenSCAD "hello world" attemptโ€ฆ I don't bother to learn anything until I actually need it, so you should consider it if you like making stuff

Even with this I have nothing I want to make that requires a 3D printer so not buying one yet

Hobo !!1yNgQ3NlCs ID: 47b20d Jan. 12, 2018, 10:36 p.m. No.2902   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


If any life form had access to something like this they could do anything. Live in the dark. Live somewhere super cold. Stuff like that. It would be pretty badass. My guess if something like that came about it would outcompete EVERYTHING else and could therefore dominate all others. That is not the case so since we are here with our little adensoine triphospate chemical cells we can kinda rule them out.


Thanks for the Cad info. You are the first person I ever knew who said that shit was easy. I will check it out. I could use a quality printer that could make stuff. Its the wholeโ€ฆ Tell it what I needโ€ฆ part that kept me away. Yeah MFMP is pretty cool. Lots of other stuff as well. It was very interesting.

Anonymous ID: dbe838 Jan. 15, 2018, 4:30 p.m. No.3009   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3081


Hey rustโ€ฆ Phone hobo hereโ€ฆ either way, psy-op or not there is no harm in people hanging out doing math which is basically what this is all about. As for this room well, like I said, many claims have been made. I know how to build some shit and as anon and I have gone through at length, there is not enough info to get started on really anything at all. What I don't want to see is people wasting good money or getting hurt doing this stuff for no purpose.


You claim to KNOW. that this is fake. Instead of just saying that, perhaps PROVE that? Maybe you know because you know this Chris guy personally and heard him joke about it? Then ask him about it and record it all and post the video?


How about If he is posting joking about us here then point us to that place. See, you come in here and make claims but provide nothing. So you re even less believeable than Chris is at this pointโ€ฆ Which is saying quite a bit! Cheers!

Anonymous ID: d08ae4 Jan. 15, 2018, 7:21 p.m. No.3014   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3081


I've only banned one person and you don't have their posting history, so either you're lying or the 90 day IP hash cycle has clocked over. If you are that same person, don't expect me not to ban you again if you start spamming "VQC's a psyop and a lie, you're all idiots, blah blah blah" shit again. You said you were leaving last time and you never did until you were banned.

Anonymous ID: 4fd971 Jan. 17, 2018, 7:40 p.m. No.3083   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Topol can probably prove it.


I've long since left that server.


Pretty odd there's no Chris, which is why I popped back in. I didn't think he was serious, in fact I told him I was thrilled he was committed. We talked more, he wished a good day. This was in public Q #general on one of the first servers roughly two weeks ago. I left the server and don't have an invite to get back.


>Prove it or just fucking never come here again shill.

Kill yourself.

Anonymous ID: 4fd971 Jan. 17, 2018, 7:42 p.m. No.3084   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3086

He literally said something about his God being on earth, and that the barrier to entry to heaven was lower than most had ever considered.


Looking back, he was more than committed.

Anonymous ID: d08ae4 Jan. 17, 2018, 11:38 p.m. No.3085   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3104


>doesn't know about dynamic IPs


They're irrelevant. Do you expect me to list every single possible reason why you don't have the same posting history, or just the relevant ones? You're the one being the dipshit here. All of your posts are pointless and evidenceless blackpilling. You also did exactly what I said about saying that you were leaving and then sticking around anyway so you can spread demoralization. Either post something constructive and useful (get Topolanon's attention if you have to, he's still here) or actually do what you said you were going to do and leave.

Anonymous ID: d08ae4 Jan. 18, 2018, 9:50 p.m. No.3107   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>the crickets of topol not being here

>lends credence to what the rust fag says

What? What that means is that your only evidence isn't here. How would that lend credence to what you're saying? His last post >>2962 was 4 days ago, so obviously he isn't here at the moment.

>better get ass mad

I don't care how much of your own time you waste trying to convince us of something without any evidence, but you're shitting up the board by posting irrelevant things in this thread (this is a thread about sonoluminescence), so start your own thread and keep all of this there or I'll ban you because you're being a shill even if it isn't your intention (it certainly seems like your intention, since, again, you're still here posting about this without evidence after saying you were leaving).

Topolanon +++ !!!ZjI4YmE4MzE5Yjlm ID: dcca50 VQC is fine. Jan. 19, 2018, 2:43 p.m. No.3121   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3123

The suicide thing was based on someone thinking that an anon posting about offing themselves was VQC.


It wasn't.

Anon who found it went to great lengths to get in touch with me. I looked into it.


Wasn't Chris.


The post that started that nonsense also involved drinking and throwing away an AA chip or whatever.

Anonymous ID: fcb2b2 Jan. 29, 2018, 9:26 a.m. No.3584   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3679

crossposting >>3580

With that moving, it's likely [T]ime for this ball to get rolling as well.



>When I started this thread it seemed like an obvious shout-out to me as I have mentioned my willingness and interest in building stuff as opposed to doing computer programming.

One theme in VQC's posts is 'patience'. "Thanks for your patience..".


Remember this drop and hold tight anonโ€ฆ

โ–ถVQC!!Om5byg3jAU 12/04/17 (Mon) 12:07:37 ID: b274cc No.31417>>31465 >>31941


The end result is that you learn how to design virtual quantum computers so the limits of what you can achieve recede.

This grid is one example.

The Mandelbrot Set version is multi-purpose.

When used in 3D printing, it can be used for a perfect mini chamber to create desktop multi bubble sonoluminescence with input sound and it's shape containing a self sustaining cold fusion reactor. It is safe because should it overheat, the bubbles stop collapsing.

We're heading toward safe desktop fusion devices.

Then we will use the next design to bypass the fusion and generate electricity from a design improvement using material science in the 3D printing.

Science made fun again.

It starts with understanding why this first one is a virtual quantum computer. Removing RSA and elliptic curve encryption from the occasion.

That will stop people laundering money in cryptocurrency.

Return to GOLD standard.

Hobo !!1yNgQ3NlCs ID: e00c2d Jan. 29, 2018, 9:59 p.m. No.3679   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3690


Thanks for the heads up anon. Yeah I have been checking here daily. Looking forward to a good hands on project as my current one is wearing thin. This thing would flat out be the funnest project ever. Oh well, I'm ready whenever. It looks like the guys in the math room have been having some fun! Glad to see it.

Hobo !!1yNgQ3NlCs ID: e00c2d Jan. 30, 2018, 8:58 a.m. No.3704   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Yeah, I have that feeling from looking at it. Of course I would immediately ask the guys in the VQC room for help but honestly I think what they are working on is more important at the moment. Yeah I still see a massive chasm between my hands on skill set and this project as it stands.


There is probably steps that can be taken with the info available but I don't really see it. I could just start buying prints and messing with it but like I said before, the complexity is not there for it to not just happen by accident in nature from my understanding anyway.


I really hope that a plan that I can build comes of this as it would be fun stuff. I would totally make a video guide of how to build it but I have a feeling that when the VQC is built there will be no way to distribute it as the internet will likely go dark when someone combines that tool with a virus for distribution.


Really if this does not come out first I don't know how we will get the info out. I guess hypothetically speaking I could just make them as fast as I can and give them away with plans. I hope they can be made with a very simple 3d printer but I feel they likely will not be that simple.


If that's the case though then I could probably put together the printers and the plans (something like a REP RAP machine) That will print the SNL device. That will aid greatly in distrtibution allowing people to make their own production system as opposed to just getting the device.

Hobo !!1yNgQ3NlCs ID: e00c2d Jan. 30, 2018, 9:26 a.m. No.3705   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

I'm wondering if it can be made with something like this


Or something more like this.

Topolanon +++ !!!ZjI4YmE4MzE5Yjlm ID: dcca50 Feb. 10, 2018, 4:56 p.m. No.4270   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4279


Yeahโ€ฆ. I kinda got back to it also but I don't really know what we're supposed to do with it in relation to VQC outside of having a lil' computer that can run the computation for likeโ€ฆ constant cavitation so non-ending energyโ€ฆ or somethingโ€ฆ


MM !!DYPIXMDdPo ID: accce9 Feb. 10, 2018, 7:21 p.m. No.4278   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4280

Know a thing or two about 3DP, but haven't had anything to contribute. With vqc back, will flag this thread in the rsa10 and ask him to pop in. My guess is specific material structures are what he had in mind, printed into appropriate shapes. Think along the lines of the specialized properties of materials in pyramids - granites selected and brought in, also some of the composite cast materials having various quartz and other crystalline materials mixed and set. Micro/Macro geometries working together.

Anonymous ID: 7ea92c Feb. 10, 2018, 7:29 p.m. No.4279   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

>>4270 phone hobo here. I really gotta get that pass somewhere more convenient. :)

Yeah it seemed to me that there was a solid state shape that could be fitted with a flat? Lid? Then either filled with water or submerged in water.


Im totally ready for a new hands on project but I think this will be 99% computer mouse and white board and %1 hammers, saws, glue, welding, tubes, hoses, and sparking electric wires. :)


The anon with the green Mandelbrot bowl thingy was probably on the right track but who knows.

Anonymous ID: 7ea92c Feb. 10, 2018, 7:39 p.m. No.4280   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Yeah that's cool. I built a reprap back when they were very new. Got it to print a few things then it got stuck and kinda tore itself apart. It was cool as fuck though.




This is the coolest one ever. I was going to make one but I ended up homeless after loosing my home then my job.. Then I rebuilt my whole life off grid hence the Hobo name.


Now I have solar power, a cabin, a nice shop and no job so I'm free to do shit :)

VQC !!Om5byg3jAU ID: 59c1ab May 8, 2018, 10:24 a.m. No.5821   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5864 >>5992

We will get to this.

If anyone wants to get ahead of the curve, see if you can get access to any equipment that either creates a measurable bubble that emits light or can get hold of access to a 3D printer.

Hobo !!1yNgQ3NlCs ID: 30268a July 2, 2018, 10:46 a.m. No.6625   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Some Links I found looking into this again recently. Some related, Some, IDK.


How to: and its archive:

Other information:

A big list of stuff about Casmir and Quantum effects found from this K.A. Milton guy at Cornell who appears to be a debunker of this stuff perhaps? IDK.

Casmir effect and quantum vacuum energy. Seems related to Sono, but I just donโ€™t know enough to be sure.

Anonymous ID: 2f96a9 Jan. 12, 2020, 10:45 a.m. No.10242   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

So this Anon is very much interested in multi-bubble Sonoluminescence . Some interesting things to note: When using Xenon gas bubbles, Sonoluminescence occurs at 1mhz which is fairly a narrow band. Another thing I was thinking came after listening to JohnHereToHelps interview with TruReporting/RedPill78. TL;DR God left a miracle in the Multiverse in the form of a frequency of the first Word spoken.


I'd very much like to find that frequency and see if Sonoluminesence occurs when it is applied to suspended bubbles. I know this sounds a bit crazy, but so does everything else on this board and it's turned out to be TRUE.

Anonymous ID: ac267e May 18, 2020, 5:15 p.m. No.10783   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0784

Chris, if you are who you are then you know who I am, or will know, and how to contact me. If you are who you are then you know that I know, or what I know, and will know, and that, I know.


51, so simple and elegant, and yet that is the gate keeper.

Well, the first of two, as far as I am aware.


I am knocking.


Will you answer?

With respect, you have 24 hours.

Anonymous ID: 2bcd35 Oct. 2, 2020, 7:09 p.m. No.11550   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1553


Given what we know, what's discussed in this article could be of immense use to us.