Anonymous ID: 2edf54 QR Midnight Riders #68: ]RudyG[ On The Ride Edition Nov. 25, 2020, 12:22 p.m. No.15043   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: 2edf54 Nov. 25, 2020, 12:22 p.m. No.15045   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Notable Posts

Notables Are Not Endorsements



>>14881, >>14913, >>14925, >>15011, >>15019 Planefag Reports

>>15028 Thank God for RSBN and OANN….The MSM has decided this isn't worth their time…

>>15024 FBI Jumps Into Action — Ignores MASSIVE Voter Fraud and Instead Investigates Threats Against Political Hack Brad Raffensperger

>>15017 Fed officials discussed evolving role of asset purchases in November meeting

>>15013 With Trump set to leave office, Tzachi Hanegbi says he has agreed with Netanyahu to present a plan to the cabinet: move to legalize West Bank outposts

>>15009 This is where we are on certified states….

>>14970, >>14973 Voter Integrity Project: Findings and Conclusions vid

>>14969 They Are Developing A “Digital Passport” For International Travel That Will Show If You Have Been Vaccinated

>>14966 Gettysburg

>>14962 Potus: But 2020 is a long way from over!

>>14959 Potus: RIGGED ELECTION!

>>14954 Huge court win lets Trump present ballot evidence, could overturn Nevada result

>>14951 Bertelsmann to acquire Simon & Schuster for more than $2 billion

>>14950 Report: Afghanistan’s Booming Meth Industry May Rival Its Heroin Trade

>>14947 Amazon Web Services suffers amid widespread issues with online applications

>>14946 Sussex County Woman Charged with Concealing Terrorist Financing to Syrian Al-Nusra Front, a Foreign Terrorist Organization

>>14944 Major Channel Migrant Human Trafficking Network Busted in France

>>14942 New Grenell: Biden loyalist who pushed the secret drone attacks without Congressional approval is celebrated by the Left wing partisans

>>14924, >>15008 The Trump administration is rushing to approve dozens of eleventh-hour policy changes

>>14922, >>14923 World Economic Forum: By 2030 ‘You Will Own Nothing’ (New World Order Detailed)

>>14920, >>14934, >>14938, >>14939, >>14981 NEWS: Pennsylvania judge blocks state from certifying election results in presidential and all other races.

>>14917 Vault 7: Kraken

>>14914, >>14916 Durham

>>14911, >>14912 5D

>>14910 @INDOPACOM Sailors and @PacificMarines

>>14909 LinWood on "gates"

>>14907, >>14919, >>14921, >>14936, >>14937, >>14941, >>15040 PRO V & V, INC./ COBB/Company that certified Dominion Voting for GA PRO V&V

>>14894, >>14943 Pennsylvania State Senate Plans Meeting to Air Complaints of Voter Fraud/LIVE

>>14893 Oil futures remain higher after EIA data shows drop in crude inventories

>>14890 POTUS rt John Solomon

>>14879 Weekly Initial Unemployment Claims increased to 778,000

>>14873 John Soloman Side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine won’t be a ‘walk in the park,’ doctors warn

>>14872 New Sara Carter and Bongino

>>14869, >>14870 General Flynn Reports

>>14868 Rudy G - Biden opposes AMERICA FIRST.

>>14859 Trump campaign adviser: DOJ 'asleep at the wheel' amid systemic election fraud allegations

>>14857 Sidney Retweets We WIll Not Concede

>>14853 Tech millionaire Patrick Byrne funds hacking team; ’20 election 100% rigged'

>>15042 #67

Anonymous ID: 2edf54 Nov. 25, 2020, 12:23 p.m. No.15046   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#66 crowd bake

>>14825 Sidney Powell drops a MOAB on AZ dems - could flip the state

>>14825 POTUS' recent tweets and r/ts

>>14821 Lin Wood - The Kraken is a DoD cyber warfare program - All links from the Marshall Report article

>>14645, >>14662, >>14680, >>14695 planefaggin

>>14795 Thousands in GA registered at commercial addresses

>>14787 Moar Lin Wood: The real plan in 2020 was always TO ATTEMPT A COUP

>>14782 Lin Wood: GA Sec'y of State Brian Kemp should resign - patriots in GA, demand a legit recount!!

>>14780 CM: Maricopa Co admits Dominion employees worked at its tabulation center

>>14778 There were many more flu hospitalizations last year than Covid cases this year (Corey's Digs)

>>14757 PF (tracking Modi)

>>14734 China Slams NatSec Advisor O'Brien As Sowing "Chaos" & Cold War Tensions In Asia (Zerohedge)

>>14713 @Breaking911 (Twatt) BREAKING: President Trump To Pardon Fmr. National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, Report Says -

>>14711 Edison May Cut Off Power to Southern California Homes on Thanksgiving to ‘Prevent Fires’

>>14710 China, Japan to cooperate in reviving virus-hit economies

>>14709 Lawyers who would be intimidated from zealously representing clients because of such threats should surrender their bar cards.

>>14693 Wow!! Ms. Articia Bomer witnessed ballot fraud in Detroit and explains how it was done!

>>14666 boatfaggin

>>14665 Netflix sold by CEO Reed Hastings: $102.94m-Nov 23

>>14650 Youtube suspended OANN for a week…


>>14641 Firms May Be Shut Out of Swaps on Libor Issue, CFTC Chief Warns

>>14639 Dr. Clifford Knopik's dashboard of WA State Covid cases, hospitalizations and deaths

>>14636 Mnuchin to Put $455 Billion in Funds Out of Yellen’s Easy Reach

>>14631 Violent Portland Antifa ID’d as 35-year-old trans woman with a history of extremism

>>14630, >>14635 , >>14705 Covid19 cures - Zelensky




>>14430, >>14432, >>14437, >>14493 President Trump's Tweets

>>14472, >>14480, >>14581, >>14586, >>14589, >>14603 Planefag reports

>>14576, >>14579 boatfaggin

>>14429 Hunter Biden Emails dig

>>14439 Bitcoin climbs towards all-time high after topping $19,000

>>14461 From QR Double meaning of 'Durham'? Not the only game on town?

>>14431, >>14550 MI gov Whitmer impeachment approval by County board

>>14485 Cyber 9-Line enables the defense of elections– the number-one priority of both the command and the National Security Agency.

>>14488 Apple’s chief security officer indicted on bribery charges

>>14494 “Monetizing Privacy”: The Fed Fans Out, Touting the “Digital Dollar.” This Time, How Consumers Would Benefit

>>14496 Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.) announced Monday she is stepping down as the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee

>>14497 Sky Event? US Exiting Open Skies Treaty

>>14514 Antifa /BLM terrorist reports

>>14518 Sidney Powell Confirms Rumor Is True: President Trump Was Watching The Fraud Happen In Realtime On Election Night From Eisenhower Building SCIF!

>>14519 De Blasio Unleashes 'COVID Checkpoints' To Catch & Fine NYC Travelers Who Violate Holiday Quarantine

>>14520 SBA loses again in effort to hide PPP loan data. Judge rules must release all PPP loan data by Dec. 1 in response to @washingtonpost

>>14522 Kiwi Soars After New Zealand Central Bank Asked To Add Home Prices To Monetary Policy

>>14524 Biden UN, State Dept Picks Are Documented Chinese Communist Party Consultants

>>14533 Where is #Vault7?


>>14539 CONFIRMED: The Trump Team’s Steve Cortes Confirms Our Previous Report – Trump’s Case is a Constitutional One

>>14552 Georgia Begins Second Recount As Kemp, Trump Campaign Push For Signature Verification

>>14559, >>14564 Did you know that Arizona's first new law in 2020 was emergency legislature which passed unanimously to allow "Digital Adjudication" to be used in Maricopa county for the presidential election?

>>14572, >>14574, >>14582, >>14585, >>14597, >>14605, >>14607, >>14608, >>14612 SIDNEY POWELL’S “KRAKEN” IS DOD CYBER WARFARE PROGRAM! WE ARE AT WAR!

>>14591 Attorney Lin Wood Goes on Tweet Storm — Posts Video of Destruction and Shredding of Election Fraud Evidence in Cobb County/Cob was not pardoned KEK!

>>14602 After President Trump pardons turkey a reporter shouts, "Will you be issuing a pardon for yourself?!"


>>14622 #65


Previously Collected Notables

>>14175 #63, >>14402 #64,

>>13358 #59, >>13564 #60, >>13775 #61, >>13964 #62

>>12523 #55, >>12721 #56, >>12931 #57, >>13146 #58

>>11694 #51, >>11920 #52, >>12107 #53, >>12319 #54

Anonymous ID: 2edf54 Nov. 25, 2020, 12:23 p.m. No.15047   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: 2edf54 Nov. 25, 2020, 12:23 p.m. No.15048   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: 2edf54 Nov. 25, 2020, 1:38 p.m. No.15090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5097 >>5117 >>5164 >>5204 >>5220 >>5232

PA Lawmaker: Democrat Governor Wolf MANDATED Dominion Voting Systems — It was NOT Voted on by Lawmakers


The GOP hearing today in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania spells doom for the Democrats.

They tried to steal a 700,000 vote Trump lead.

They were careless and got caught.

We need to see jail time for these criminals who stole our rights as Americans!

A Pennsylvania lawmaker today testified that the legislature DID NOT vote for Dominion voting systems.

Governor Tom Wolf MANDATED the controversial voting systems.


This is big news!


Wolf also removed barcodes from ballots.

Anonymous ID: 2edf54 Nov. 25, 2020, 1:48 p.m. No.15098   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.S. Space Command



Being a warrior doesn’t just mean toughness on the battlefield — it means being there for your teammates when they need it. #WarriorWednesday #BeThere #Resiliency

Anonymous ID: 2edf54 Nov. 25, 2020, 1:51 p.m. No.15099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5102 >>5117 >>5164 >>5204 >>5220 >>5232

US lawmakers move to end anonymous shell companies in national defense spending bill


A major anti-money laundering reform is expected to arrive in annual omnibus legislation with bipartisan support.


Lawmakers in the United States say they have taken a significant step closer to enacting a major anti-money laundering reform that would make it more difficult to move dirty money through U.S. firms. Late last week, Democrats in the House and Senate announced that they had included provisions targeting anonymous shell companies into a must-pass national defense spending bill. The move is significant because, unlike many pieces of legislation that languish in Congress, the omnibus bill is often approved on a bipartisan basis to continue funding national defense.


“It is past time to put an end to the secrecy that allows drug cartels, human traffickers, arms dealers, terrorists and kleptocrats to exploit the United States’ banking system in order to carry out anti-American activities,” Mark Warner, a Democratic senator from Virginia and advocate for the reforms, said in a statement. “I know that the current holes in our financial system pose a serious threat to national security.”


If passed, the legislation would in large part end anonymous shell companies in the United States, mandating that every company report its ultimate owner to the U.S. Treasury Department. This would allow law enforcement to quickly ascertain who owns firms involved in potential financial crimes.


A prevalence of anonymous shell companies makes laundering and moving money derived from corruption or other criminal activity easier, and makes the lives of compliance officials and law enforcement harder. This was underscored in ICIJ’s recent FinCEN Files investigation, a global collaboration involving more than 100 media partners around the world examining torrents of suspicious money flowing through major banks. The project was based on leaked U.S. Treasury Department documents detailing more than two trillion dollars flowing through the U.S. financial system. The records showed bank compliance officers searching in vain to determine who was behind shell companies moving massive amounts of money through their firms’ accounts.

Anonymous ID: 2edf54 Nov. 25, 2020, 1:55 p.m. No.15104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5117 >>5164 >>5204 >>5220 >>5232

African Economies Haunted by Oil-Backed Loans as Traders Call in Debts


Controversial deals that offered quick cash in exchange for future oil production are eating up government budgets.

Already reeling from years of civil war and corruption, South Sudan’s economy is being shaken again by plummeting petroleum prices, and a line of creditors demanding repayment for years of oil-backed loans that date back to the beginning of the country’s civil war.

South Sudan was one of a handful of African oil-producing nations to sign “prepayment agreements” with international commodity trading firms, which gave governments cash at the time in return for shipments of oil to be delivered later on.

“Such deals were an important source of financing for many oil-rich governments on the continent during a commodity boom that began around 2007,” said David Mihalyi, a senior economist at the Natural Resource Governance Institute.

When oil prices later fell, first in 2015 and 2016, then again this year, countries like Chad and the Republic of Congo needed more oil than they were able to deliver to repay the money they had borrowed.

When South Sudan took its first prepayments in 2013, oil topped $100 a barrel. Within a few years, prices had halved, effectively doubling the amount of oil needed to repay loans that had already been spent. Then, in April this year, oil plunged below $20 a barrel.

In the meantime, creditors have come calling.


Britain’s High Court in June ordered South Sudan to pay commodity trading giant Trafigura $9.7 million within 30 days. Court documents show the government had already paid an additional $36 million towards the debt earlier this year, following legal action after South Sudan failed to deliver six cargoes on time between May 2018 and March 2019.

South Sudan had instead allocated the shipments to other creditors, according to an oil ministry report that has not previously been made public.

As oil prices have fallen, repayments on oil-backed loans are exacerbating an economic crisis in a country that depends on oil for 85 percent of its national budget.

Anonymous ID: 2edf54 Nov. 25, 2020, 1:56 p.m. No.15106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5117 >>5164 >>5204 >>5220 >>5232

G20 Leaders Agree to Follow FATF’s Anti-Money Laundering Measures


Leaders of the G20 reiterated their commitment to following anti-money laundering policy measures recommended by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), which stressed their importance amidst the COVID-19 pandemic at a summit over the weekend hosted by the Saudi presidency.


“We support the Anti-Money Laundering (AML)/Counter-Terrorist Financing (CFT) policy responses detailed in FATF’s paper on COVID-19, and reaffirm our support for the FATF, as the global standard-setting body for preventing and combating money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing,” a G20 leaders’ declaration published on Sunday stated.


The anti-money laundering authority reminded G20 leaders in a prepared written statement that as the COVID-19 pandemic persists, criminals and corrupt politicians have been “misappropriating funds and misusing government contracts for personal gain.”


“The hard truth is that, despite some successes, the vast majority of countries are failing to implement the necessary measures,” the FATF said, saying that it is time for G20 countries to show leadership by “going beyond rhetoric, and tackling persistent problems.”


Specifically, it urged leaders to increase investments to law enforcement so that they have the resources to follow corrupt money flows, provide up-to-date and accurate beneficial ownership information so that shell companies can no longer launder funds anonymously.


Non-financial sectors – lawyers, accountants and company service providers – which the FATF refers to as the “gatekeepers to the financial system” must also be closely monitored, they added.


“Money laundering fuels crime and terrorism… It undermines just competition, hampers growth, deepens inequality, and erodes confidence in the integrity of the global financial system,” FATF president Marcus Pleyer said to world leaders at the summit.


“Taking the profits out of these crimes will protect people, the environment and the economy,” he added, stressing that the G20 “must start leading by example and act now to stop money laundering.”

Anonymous ID: 2edf54 Nov. 25, 2020, 2:29 p.m. No.15117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5120 >>5164






>>15108 Berkeley Lights Inc. sold by Walden Riverwood Ventures: $129.25m- Nov 23

>>15106 G20 Leaders Agree to Follow FATF’s Anti-Money Laundering Measures

>>15104 African Economies Haunted by Oil-Backed Loans as Traders Call in Debts

>>15103, >>15113 Now ’47 USB Cards are Missing, Nowhere to be Found’

>>15099 US lawmakers move to end anonymous shell companies in national defense spending bill

>>15095 FREEDOM stringers.3 year delta today.

>>15093 "We can secure an election in Afghanastan and Iraq, but we cannot secure an election in Pennsylvania??? Beam me up Scotty"

>>15090 PA Lawmaker: Democrat Governor Wolf MANDATED Dominion Voting Systems

>>15079 "In Arizona, neither House Speaker Rusty Bowers, R-Mesa, nor Senate President Karen Fann, R-Prescott, have scheduled or approved any such hearing."

>>15078 President Trump has pardoned General Flynn!!!!!

>>15077, >>15082 Food for thought: COB

>>15078 President Trump has pardoned General Flynn!!!!!

>>15068, >>15072, >>15109 One witness mentions ink forensics to find if ballots were mass produced.

>>15062, >>15073 They were not trying to steal the election at the ballot box. They have other plans. Trump is ready.

>>15058 Rudy's opening statement at the PA hearing is up as a separate video now. Kickass with good info.



czech em

lemme know

Anonymous ID: 2edf54 Nov. 25, 2020, 2:49 p.m. No.15123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5164 >>5189 >>5204 >>5220 >>5232

Trump Says Giuliani’s Election Efforts Will Be His ‘Crowning Achievement’ During Surprise Phone Call Into Pennsylvania Senate Hearing


President Donald Trump called into the Pennsylvania Senate’s special hearing on the 2020 election Wednesday and called former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s work on election related legal challenges “his crowning achievement.”


“This is going to be your crowning achievement,” the president said to Giuliani via speakerphone held to the mic by campaign legal counsel Jenna Ellis. “You’re saving our country.”


Trump spoke after Giuliani presented 12 witnesses, all of whom alleged various forms of potential fraud or irregularities with how election workers counted votes.


The president claimed that the testimony and affidavits collected by the campaign’s legal team prove that “this is an election we won easily, and we won it by a lot.”


“What happened here, this is not the United States of America,” he continued. “We got 74 million votes, and if you would have said 74 million votes the day before the election, every professional would have said there’s no way.”


Trump noted that he “got 11 million votes more than we had 4 years before in 2016, and we got many votes more than Ronald Reagan had when he won 49 states.”


“They cheated, it was a fraudulent election,” he closed. “This is a very important moment in the history of our country.”

Anonymous ID: 2edf54 Nov. 25, 2020, 2:52 p.m. No.15125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5164 >>5204 >>5220 >>5232


Catherine Herridge



#FLYNN AG Barr decision to move to dismiss charges against @GenFlynn in May was based on review by US Attorney Jeff Jansen who uncovered exculpatory evidence, including handwritten notes, about the goal of FBI’s Jan 2017 interview of Flynn “Truth/Admission or to get him to lie ?”

Anonymous ID: 2edf54 Nov. 25, 2020, 4:28 p.m. No.15164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5165 >>5204




>>15162 Lin Wood: 11th Circuit granted my Emergency Motion for Expedited Review of lawsuit challenging validity of GA election procedure.

>>15160 @GenFlynn Matthew 19:26

>>15159 The comparisons are crazy in this chart . Very scary times #TrudeauDictatorship

>>15157 More on the Pennsylvania commonwealth court decision and the actions of the leftwing attorney general running to the rogue PA Supreme Court for help

>>15155 Jenna Ellis, Esq: Do your worst. I’m not intimidated. I won’t back down. My mission is Truth, my God is the Lord Jesus Christ, and my client is the President

>>15123 Trump Says Giuliani’s Election Efforts Will Be His ‘Crowning Achievement’ During Surprise Phone Call Into Pennsylvania Senate Hearing

>>15122, >>15125 Herridge: #FLYNN

>>15118 Done in [30]

>>15108 Berkeley Lights Inc. sold by Walden Riverwood Ventures: $129.25m- Nov 23

>>15106 G20 Leaders Agree to Follow FATF’s Anti-Money Laundering Measures

>>15104 African Economies Haunted by Oil-Backed Loans as Traders Call in Debts

>>15103, >>15113 Now ’47 USB Cards are Missing, Nowhere to be Found’

>>15099 US lawmakers move to end anonymous shell companies in national defense spending bill

>>15095 FREEDOM stringers.3 year delta today.

>>15093 "We can secure an election in Afghanastan and Iraq, but we cannot secure an election in Pennsylvania??? Beam me up Scotty"

>>15090 PA Lawmaker: Democrat Governor Wolf MANDATED Dominion Voting Systems

>>15079 "In Arizona, neither House Speaker Rusty Bowers, R-Mesa, nor Senate President Karen Fann, R-Prescott, have scheduled or approved any such hearing."

>>15078 President Trump has pardoned General Flynn!!!!!

>>15077, >>15082 Food for thought: COB

>>15068, >>15072, >>15109 One witness mentions ink forensics to find if ballots were mass produced.

>>15062, >>15073 They were not trying to steal the election at the ballot box. They have other plans. Trump is ready.

>>15058 Rudy's opening statement at the PA hearing is up as a separate video now. Kickass with good info.



peekin in

czech em

Anonymous ID: 2edf54 Nov. 25, 2020, 5:30 p.m. No.15180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5183


Christmas present would be guud

anything but a sweater!

lots of 3 year deltas to keep us busy for the next 3

like none of us have anything else to do

Anonymous ID: 2edf54 Nov. 25, 2020, 5:49 p.m. No.15187   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5188


saw a couple pokes at it, not completely convinced

saw comms from Bam that was ominous, like that Comey comms we got in the beginning, panic, wild animals cornered and they still have "cards" up their sleeves but I would guess it will be the whole world against us before it's over, gonna be bliblical and epic and we still don't know "what" it will be

Anonymous ID: 2edf54 Nov. 25, 2020, 7:12 p.m. No.15204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5233




>>15169, >>15172, >>15201 Planefag updates

>>15200 @JosephJFlynn1 To all of our friends, extended family, Patriots and #DigitalSoliders we thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts

>>15199 BREAKING: Phill Kline, former Kansas AG & current Director of the Amistad Project: “We already have suits in 6 states, but we’re filing more based on this new data./Zuckerburg

>>15198 @SidneyPowell1 E Filing soon. Complaint over 100 pages plus exhibits will post as soon as it hits

>>15197 Facebook sold by Mark Zuckerberg: $30.38m-Nove 23-23

>>15193 PA: Dems panicking and saying this “wasn’t a real hearing.” Article II is very real.

>>15191 Live Now….Bards interview with Joe Flynn

>>15190 Illinois borrows more from Fed as lending program nears expiry

>>15189 Rudy Giuliani Recaps Election Fraud Lawsuits With Lou Dobbs vid

>>15185, >>15186 Twitter suspended @SenMastriano, Quickest suspension overturn in the history of twitter

>>15176 Article: Mattis failed to disclose his role with global consultant tied to China in bombshell column

>>15162 Lin Wood: 11th Circuit granted my Emergency Motion for Expedited Review of lawsuit challenging validity of GA election procedure.

>>15160 @GenFlynn Matthew 19:26

>>15159 The comparisons are crazy in this chart . Very scary times #TrudeauDictatorship

>>15157 More on the Pennsylvania commonwealth court decision and the actions of the leftwing attorney general running to the rogue PA Supreme Court for help

>>15155, >>15163 Jenna Ellis, Esq: Do your worst. I’m not intimidated. I won’t back down. My mission is Truth, my God is the Lord Jesus Christ, and my client is the President

>>15123 Trump Says Giuliani’s Election Efforts Will Be His ‘Crowning Achievement’ During Surprise Phone Call Into Pennsylvania Senate Hearing

>>15122, >>15125 Herridge: #FLYNN

>>15118 Done in [30]

>>15108 Berkeley Lights Inc. sold by Walden Riverwood Ventures: $129.25m- Nov 23

>>15106 G20 Leaders Agree to Follow FATF’s Anti-Money Laundering Measures

>>15104 African Economies Haunted by Oil-Backed Loans as Traders Call in Debts

>>15103, >>15113 Now ’47 USB Cards are Missing, Nowhere to be Found’

>>15099 US lawmakers move to end anonymous shell companies in national defense spending bill

>>15095 FREEDOM stringers.3 year delta today.

>>15093 "We can secure an election in Afghanastan and Iraq, but we cannot secure an election in Pennsylvania??? Beam me up Scotty"

>>15090 PA Lawmaker: Democrat Governor Wolf MANDATED Dominion Voting Systems

>>15079 "In Arizona, neither House Speaker Rusty Bowers, R-Mesa, nor Senate President Karen Fann, R-Prescott, have scheduled or approved any such hearing."

>>15078 President Trump has pardoned General Flynn!!!!!

>>15077, >>15082 Food for thought: COB

>>15068, >>15072, >>15109 One witness mentions ink forensics to find if ballots were mass produced.

>>15062, >>15073 They were not trying to steal the election at the ballot box. They have other plans. Trump is ready.

>>15058 Rudy's opening statement at the PA hearing is up as a separate video now. Kickass with good info.


Anonymous ID: 2edf54 Nov. 25, 2020, 7:14 p.m. No.15205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5206


you ain't kiddin

gonna piss em off, cost em money and keep em tied up in court

gonna push the "big" boys to bring out the bigger guns

not gonna be pretty

wouldn't miss it for the world!

Anonymous ID: 2edf54 Nov. 25, 2020, 7:33 p.m. No.15209   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5212


just the g's, out to eat as g1 wants out all the time

awful thing that but I've gotten used to it, miss home, frens, whole diff fam

you need a generator

enjoy time off then

Anonymous ID: 2edf54 Nov. 25, 2020, 8:45 p.m. No.15220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5221 >>5223 >>5224


>>15169, >>15172, >>15201, >>15215 Planefag updates

>>15200 @JosephJFlynn1 To all of our friends, extended family, Patriots and #DigitalSoliders we thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts

>>15199 BREAKING: Phill Kline, former Kansas AG & current Director of the Amistad Project: “We already have suits in 6 states, but we’re filing more based on this new data./Zuckerburg

>>15198 @SidneyPowell1 E Filing soon. Complaint over 100 pages plus exhibits will post as soon as it hits

>>15197, >>15202 Facebook sold by Mark Zuckerberg: $30.38m-Nove 23-23

>>15193 PA: Dems panicking and saying this “wasn’t a real hearing.” Article II is very real.

>>15191 Live Now….Bards interview with Joe Flynn

>>15190 Illinois borrows more from Fed as lending program nears expiry

>>15189 Rudy Giuliani Recaps Election Fraud Lawsuits With Lou Dobbs vid

>>15185, >>15186 Twitter suspended @SenMastriano, Quickest suspension overturn in the history of twitter

>>15176 Article: Mattis failed to disclose his role with global consultant tied to China in bombshell column

>>15162 Lin Wood: 11th Circuit granted my Emergency Motion for Expedited Review of lawsuit challenging validity of GA election procedure.

>>15160 @GenFlynn Matthew 19:26

>>15159 The comparisons are crazy in this chart . Very scary times #TrudeauDictatorship

>>15157 More on the Pennsylvania commonwealth court decision and the actions of the leftwing attorney general running to the rogue PA Supreme Court for help

>>15155, >>15163 Jenna Ellis, Esq: Do your worst. I’m not intimidated. I won’t back down. My mission is Truth, my God is the Lord Jesus Christ, and my client is the President

>>15123 Trump Says Giuliani’s Election Efforts Will Be His ‘Crowning Achievement’ During Surprise Phone Call Into Pennsylvania Senate Hearing

>>15122, >>15125 Herridge: #FLYNN

>>15118 Done in [30]

>>15108 Berkeley Lights Inc. sold by Walden Riverwood Ventures: $129.25m- Nov 23

>>15106 G20 Leaders Agree to Follow FATF’s Anti-Money Laundering Measures

>>15104 African Economies Haunted by Oil-Backed Loans as Traders Call in Debts

>>15103, >>15113 Now ’47 USB Cards are Missing, Nowhere to be Found’

>>15099 US lawmakers move to end anonymous shell companies in national defense spending bill

>>15095 FREEDOM stringers.3 year delta today.

>>15093 "We can secure an election in Afghanastan and Iraq, but we cannot secure an election in Pennsylvania??? Beam me up Scotty"

>>15090 PA Lawmaker: Democrat Governor Wolf MANDATED Dominion Voting Systems

>>15079 "In Arizona, neither House Speaker Rusty Bowers, R-Mesa, nor Senate President Karen Fann, R-Prescott, have scheduled or approved any such hearing."

>>15078 President Trump has pardoned General Flynn!!!!!

>>15077, >>15082 Food for thought: COB

>>15068, >>15072, >>15109 One witness mentions ink forensics to find if ballots were mass produced.

>>15062, >>15073 They were not trying to steal the election at the ballot box. They have other plans. Trump is ready.

>>15058 Rudy's opening statement at the PA hearing is up as a separate video now. Kickass with good info.



Baker callin it a night

here's all I got

qbin has the first half, locked out after break, had to clone

Happy Thanksgiving All

Back after lunch tomorrow