Anonymous ID: e2033a QR Midnight Riders #20: VOTE President TRUMP Edition Nov. 1, 2020, 10:18 p.m. No.5079   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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>>>/qresearch/11380146 ————————————–——– Space Shuttle Launch Video (Cap: >>4340)

>>>/qresearch/11380075 ————————————–——– Are you ready to take back control of this Country? (Cap: >>4436)

>>>/qresearch/11379970 ————————————–——– Are you ready to hold the political elite [protected] accountable? (Cap: >>4435)

>>>/qresearch/11379902 ————————————–——– Are you ready to finish what we started? (Cap: >>4434)


Friday 10.30.2020

>>>/qresearch/11359925 ————————————–——– Fact checkers created in effort to reinforce propaganda [digestion]? (Cap: >>4064)

>>>/qresearch/11359798 ————————————–——– TIME magazine - The Great Reset - This is not about R v D (Cap: >>4057)

>>>/qresearch/11354498 ————————————–——– [Bishop Vigano's letter to President Donald J. Trump] (Cap: >>4069)


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Anonymous ID: e2033a Nov. 1, 2020, 10:19 p.m. No.5080   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Notable Posts

Notables Are Not Endorsements



>>5058 Biden compilation video fresh squeezed from POTUS Florida rally

>>5056 O Crap! First they chanted lock up Barry now this!!! Rolling on the floor laughing

>>5055 Dan Scavino It’s 12:35amE in Opa-locka, FLORIDA, and there’s a #MAGA Rally in progress! Stop #5! Let’s MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN

>>5061 Dan Scavino EPIC!! 30,000+ in Rome, Georgia! Let’s WIN!

>>5050 , >>5051, Midnight rider

>>5054 , >>5059, Drive for 45: Massive Trump Caravans Swarm Sunday Roadways Coast to Coast…

>>5043 Rudy Giuliani on Bill Cunningham

>>5042 Biden can't negotiate with China because he’s been ‘bought’ by Beijing: Trump


>>5018 James Woods: Joe Biden is for sale and everybody knows it.

>>5007 POTUS AF1 wheels down at the Miami rally


>>4998 Rabbi Shmuley: Trump Turned Out to Be the Opposite of ‘Hitler’

>>4992 Will Halloween Last for Weeks?

>>4989 Sen. Josh Hawley to Tucker Carlson: "[Big Tech] wants to run the country.

>>4985 , >>4986, Kamala Harris Promotes Socialism Two Days Ahead of Election

>>4983 FOUR MORE YEARS Rally line up for tomorrow, Nov 2, 2020

>>4981 Oregon Is On The Verge Of Decriminalizing Heroin, Cocaine, And LSD

>>4964 , >>4996, >>4997, >>5020, POTUS

>>4955 Part of the crowd tonight at Trump rally

>>4954 , >>4995, >>5008, POTUS on the move: PF

>>4946 , >>4959, The White House on lockdown 250 National Guardsmen have been put on standby

>>4931 POTUS tweet with the lion graphic

>>4929 LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Miami, FL 11-1-20

>>5001 Retrieved moar sauce on POTUS' Marjorie Taylor Greene endorsement (Cap)

>>4928 Klobuchar asks Minnesotans: ‘don’t vote by mail anymore’ citing concerns over segregated ballots

>>4923 , >>4974, >>5001, POTUS just endorsed Marjorie Taylor Greene

>>4920 Pictures sent from Colorado: of an unbolted bench & a stack of bricks that just showed up yesterday. Seems the left already know

>>4910 PF

>>4895 LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Rome, GA 11-1-20



#18 crowd bake

>>4805 Boatfaggin' David Gefen's yacht Rising Sun

>>4800 Pentagon Begins Draw Down Of Generals From Africa Posts & Other Hot Spots

>>4793 Social media censorship - just don't depend on these people to get the word out

>>4776 Joe Biden: Together, we can make Donald Trump a one-term president.

>>4764 Market report: oil at 5-mth low, Asian shares takin' a hit due to new virus fears

>>4757 POTUS in Hickory NC: American arsenal is in TIPPY TOP shape

>>4748 Japan seeks 2 more Aegis ships to plug missile defense hole

>>4742 Bannon WR: more on Rosemont (how it helped connect the CCP in DC)

>>4741 Scavino: POTUS on his way to Hickory, PA

>>4707, >>4709, >>4710, >>4716, >>4762 Hawk Newsome, co-founder of NY chapter of BLM, arrested - ANONS DIG

>>4702 Axios: Trump declaring 'premature' victory (trying real hard to get ahead of the story)

>>4700 Breitbart - Facebook Manually Censored NY Post Biden Corruption Bombshell

>>4701 Corey Lynn on the dig: Is there REALLY a big Corona spike? Stay tuned....

>>4696, >>4689, >>4698, >>4721, >>4775, >>4782, >>4792, >>4827 EU on lockdown - DIGG CALL (an excuse for contact tracing?)

>>4695, >>4712 Why Judge Sullivan Must Disqualify Himself From Michael Flynn’s Case

>>4688 Watch Discovers 1.8 Million “Ghost Voters” In 29 States – Warns Of “Dirty Elections”

>>4682, >>4690 Meme Garage Update - 9000 memes and mp4s - 60 subject threads

>>4682 Operation 'Find Our Children' - 27 Missing Children Found In Virginia

>>4678 High Times In The Plague Year: Booze & Cannabis Retailers Shine

>>4677 Texas SC denies Republicans' petition to throw out over 100,000 ballots cast through curbside voting

>>4672, >>4681, >>4736, >>4756, >>4761, >>4809 PF's on POTUS (and VP) watch; >>4739 other planefaggin'

>>4701, >>4709, >>4710, >>4716 Hawk Newsome, co-founder of BLM Greater New York chapter arrested. Dig call

>>4658 Andy Ngô video - Those who tried to record antifa’s riot in Portland are assaulted

>>4605 pb, >>4729, >>4797, >>4817, >>4858 Trump Caravans in AZ, LA, NJ, NY

>>4861 #18

Anonymous ID: e2033a Nov. 1, 2020, 10:19 p.m. No.5081   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#17 crowd bake

>>4541, >>4526, >>4548, >>4551, >>4559, >>4570, >>4592, >>4594, >>4605, >>4606 President Trump's Travel Schedule and notes

>>4545, >>4553, >>4556, >>4586 Planefag reports

>>4533, >>4598 Chinese Virus Reports

>>4490 November 1, 2020: 3-year Delta

>>4484 Nearly 50% Of BLM Protesters Arrested In Seattle Were White, From Other Cities

>>4467 Daring rescue in Niger that POTUS discussed during rally today

>>4465 U.S. Navy: Navy comms from yesterday

>>4529 Matt Couch @RealMattCouch OH MY! Emergency Lawsuit Filed Against Google & YouTube To Reverse Massive Election-Meddling Purge of Users

>>4560 The key report this week is the October employment report on Friday.

>>4569 DC activist groups primed for Nov. 3 and whatever follows

>>4617 #17


#16 crowd bake

>>4396 New DJT: A vote for Biden and Harris is a vote to Ban Fracking, Ban Mining, and Completely Destroy Pennsylvania

>>4352, >>4359 Gen. Flynn on a two-part conversation with Archbishop Carlos Vigano

>>4338 Notable bread title: T-2 days, "Countdown to Winning"

>>4334, >>4335, >>4336 Four New Qs: "Are you ready?"; cap for launch: >>4335

>>4315 New PDJT: Just signed an order to protect racking and the oil and gas industry.

>>4304 Chanel Rion - Biden's unpaid taxes has garnered massive IRS tax liens

>>4303 Texas Republicans ask Federal judge to throw out 110k ballots cast through curbside voting

>>4301 USA Today fact checks Not the Bee on HRC annual fun fest re: HB to this future president tweet from 2016

>>4294 Rudy episode 82: The Crimes they are Hiding from you

>>4290, >>4291 Google searches for "loss of taste"/"loss of smell" tracks population adjusted new CV-19 cases

>>4280, >>4284 "A global conspiracy against God and Humanity" - MSM picks up Vigano open letter to DJT

>>4256, >>4257, >>4260 New Catherine Herridge - DHS Wolf warns twitter CEO over temp. suspension of senior CBP official's account

>>4254 New Sidney Powell re: Censors and 1st Amendment

>>4253, >>4263 Planefags

>>4252, >>4255, >>4265 Steve Bannon's War Room - Darkness and irresponsibility are Hallmarks of the Depraved (and reply)

>>4249 Chuck Grassely - the corn harvest is completed

>>4246 Hostage rescue in West Africa by Seal Team 6 in early morning raid

>>4245 RIP Sean Connery

>>4243 New PDJT - Big win for our very elite US Special forces today. Details to follow!

>>4241 @real James Woods: "They don't even hide it anymore." (speaker introduces Harris as next President of the US)

>>4239, >>4240 Anon reminder - Tucker Carlson thread (going back to June) and synopsis of interviews re:big tech

>>4234 Sompo Insurance - real data and alliance with Palantir Technologies

>>4232, >>4233 Kayleigh McEnany only 250 people allowed into Minnesota rally but PDJT: Pfft. Hold my diet coke.

>>4431 #16

Anonymous ID: e2033a Nov. 1, 2020, 10:19 p.m. No.5082   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>4212 The Deep State is willing to blow up the Constitution with a coup attack on President Trump after he raised reasonable questions about what Biden was up to in Ukraine

>>4211 Stephen Miller: Trump to further crackdown on illegal immigration if he wins

>>4210 Republicans shift from challenging rules to preparing to challenge individual ballots

>>4209 Trumpmentum Rolling Toward Election Day

>>4207 Win or Lose, Dems Have Big Plans for America

>>4206 House Judiciary GOP Free speech wins. Jack caves.

>>4204 Tony Bobulinski says he’s hired former Navy Seal team for security, worried they’ll be targeted in retaliation

>>4202 , >>4203, DC activist groups primed for Nov. 3 and whatever follows

>>4201 Second Hunter Biden Laptop Seized by DEA

>>4200 Biden Whistleblower Calls Out Media for Corruption Silence: ‘History Will Not Judge Kindly’

>>4198 , >>4199, Kamala Harris: ‘Joe Biden and I Are About to Work to Get Rid of that Tax Cut’ President Trump’s tax cuts

>>4197 , >>4191, Homeland Security Secretary Blasts Twitter Over Censorship Of U.S. Border Chief

>>4194 Cities Across U.S. Boarding Up in Anticipation of Election Night Riots

>>4193 Dan Scavino

>>4190 James Wood

>>4185 Interview with Archbishop Viganò with English and Italian transcripts

>>4184 , >>4187, DJT

>>4176 Joe Biden Melts Down at Trump Supporters in Minnesota: ‘Ugly Folks’

>>4168 During a BBC investigation, they discovered that Facebook didn't remove 80 percent of child abuse images they reported. In response, Facebook requested examples then reported the BBC team to the authorities.

>>4108 Dan Scavino “Trump: Biden ‘Twisted the Knife in the Back of Michigan Workers’”

>>4107 Rudy's Common Sense 10.30.20 CENSORED: Here Are The Crimes They Are Hiding From You | Rudy Giuliani |

>>4091 Zoom Video Chief Exec. Officer sold: $70.61m-Oct 28-29

>>4082 Moelis & Co. co-President and MD sold:$46.09m-Oct 27

>>4076 Biden Whistleblower Calls Out Media for Corruption Silence: ‘History Will Not Judge Kindly’

>>4059 GAP Gazette: The newspaper for Great Awakening Patriots worldwide

>>4047 NY Post back on twitter

>>4044 , >>4051, >>4068, >>4104 PF Tracking SAM045 USAF G5

>>4037 Ted Nugent: When Trump Gets Reelected …

>>4031 LIVE: President Trump Holds MAGA "Peaceful Protest" in Rochester, MN 10/30/20

>>4029 Steve Bannon’s War Room

>>4215 #15


Previously Collected Notables

>>3358 #11, >>3560 #12, >>3777 #13, >>4012 #14

>>2851 #7, >>2671 #8, >>2855 #9, >>3087 #10

>>1624 #4, >>1897 #5, >>2245 #6a, >>2244 #6b

>>562 #1, >>942 #2, >>1187 #3a, >>1293 #3b

Anonymous ID: e2033a Nov. 1, 2020, 10:19 p.m. No.5083   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Meme Ammo

>>>/qrmemes/ One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

>>>/qrmemes/141 Joe Biden

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Anonymous ID: e2033a Nov. 1, 2020, 10:19 p.m. No.5084   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: e2033a Nov. 1, 2020, 10:25 p.m. No.5089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5092 >>5120 >>5121 >>5155 >>5192 >>5193 >>5223 >>5238 >>5273

On Monday, November 2nd, President Trump will deliver remarks at Make America Great Again Victory Rallies in


  • Fayetteville, North Carolina at 11:30 AM EST,


  • Scranton, Pennsylvania at 2:00 PM EST,


  • Traverse City, Michigan at 5:00 PM EST,


  • Kenosha, Wisconsin at 7:00 PM CST, and


  • Grand Rapids, Michigan at 10:30 PM EST.

Anonymous ID: e2033a Nov. 1, 2020, 11:31 p.m. No.5107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5120 >>5121 >>5155 >>5192 >>5193 >>5223 >>5238 >>5273



Falsified video of Joe Biden appearing to forget what state he’s in racks up 1 million-plus views


3 hrs ago


Trump lashes out after FBI announces investigation of Biden bus incident

Macron Steals Right’s Thunder on Fight Against Radical Islam

New York Daily News logoFalsified video of Joe Biden appearing to forget what state he’s in racks up 1 million-plus views


Doctored video purporting to show Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden forgetting what state he’s in (he didn’t) was viewed more than a million times over the weekend.


The original video clip was shot during a rally in Minnesota in which Biden called out, “Hello, Minnesota!” when he greeted supporters. Signs behind him were altered to make it look as if he were shouting those words in Tallahassee, Florida.

Anonymous ID: e2033a Nov. 1, 2020, 11:33 p.m. No.5108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5120 >>5121 >>5155 >>5192 >>5193 >>5223 >>5238 >>5273

Obama NET comms?


"Whoa!," Biden said walking behind him. "All net!"


Obama: "You don't understand. That's what I do."


Biden: "All net."

Anonymous ID: e2033a Nov. 1, 2020, 11:36 p.m. No.5110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5120 >>5121 >>5155 >>5192 >>5193 >>5223 >>5238 >>5273

Trump’s golden boy no shoo-in for red North Carolina seat

6 hrs ago




ASHEVILLE, N.C. — On Tuesday, Republicans could add to their ranks a 25-year-old congressman bent on being as disruptive to the right as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is to the left — or suffer an embarrassing defeat in a district they have no business losing.

Anonymous ID: e2033a Nov. 2, 2020, 12:58 a.m. No.5118   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Your numbers, right now…

There is something wildly unruly and perfectly natural witnessing these unfolding moments.

We have done this before, but now somehow its different.

Time is all running into the positive (for lack of a better term).

We really have won on so many levels.


Sooking a little bit, tears of relief and joy.


I know its going to get tough. Am fluent.

Anonymous ID: e2033a Nov. 2, 2020, 2:40 a.m. No.5120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5124

Baker gone Ghost


Self Confirm next baker


Notable Posts

Notables Are Not Endorsements


Dough: >>5085



>>5116 , >>5117 An Election Day role for National Guard? Maybe, but limited

>>5110 AOC nervous about loosing? Panicked msm piece

>>5108 Obama NET comms?

>>5107 MSM FAKING: Falsified video of Joe Biden appearing to forget what state he’s in racks up 1 million-plus views

>>5101 , >>5105, >>5106, Bakery bakers working dough

>>5099 Just readin the titles and headlines will lead one astray - Ben Franklin

>>5094 , >>5095, >5096, >5099, Buckle up. /midnightriders/ is gonna be getting a whole lot busier

>>5089 Monday, November 2nd, President Trump will deliver remarks at Make America Great Again Victory Rallies


Anonymous ID: e2033a Nov. 2, 2020, 2:41 a.m. No.5121   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5116 , >>5117 An Election Day role for National Guard? Maybe, but limited

>>5110 AOC nervous about loosing? Panicked msm piece

>>5108 Obama NET comms?

>>5107 MSM FAKING: Falsified video of Joe Biden appearing to forget what state he’s in racks up 1 million-plus views

>>5101 , >>5105, >>5106, Bakery bakers working dough

>>5099 Just readin the titles and headlines will lead one astray - Ben Franklin

>>5094 , >>5095, >>5096, >>5099, Buckle up. /midnightriders/ is gonna be getting a whole lot busier

>>5089 Monday, November 2nd, President Trump will deliver remarks at Make America Great Again Victory Rallies
