Anonymous ID: dbe900 Resource list/tree thread Jan. 26, 2018, 7:50 a.m. No.7924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2151 >>7995 >>8834 >>9042

ITT:We build a set of reading lists that are linked by order and context

  1. Create a "primer" list of 3~12 books that all people should read for understanding anything

  2. Create branches and progressions from the primer for book sets in regards to different topics

  3. Create reference lists that are necessary for quotation but not for understanding


Possible book hubs:

>>>/tdt/ and >>>/zundel/

>>3388 (OP) (8K list dumps)

>>7419 (monthly book club)

>>3016 (/cyber/ dumping)

Credits to http://inclibuql666c5c4.onion/ for hosting a book library.


Pic topologically related.

Anonymous ID: 41f5f2 Jan. 26, 2018, 5:05 p.m. No.7930   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Well this could be quite a massive project and I'm not sure we have enough people here willing or able to put in the required work. That includes me because I'm lazy and absent a lot. But anyway, where would we start? Suggestions for topics? Also I'm not sure I understand point 3, care to give an example?

Anonymous ID: c9e4c9 Jan. 30, 2018, 4:52 a.m. No.7951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7967

it would be more natural for an imageboard if a new post linked to related posts in same thread or other threads, as far as the poster feels competent.

big charts tend to become obsolete quickly. links in each new post are more antifragile[tm] because they accumulate semantic network via hive mind.

Anonymous ID: fe543e Jan. 30, 2018, 9:33 a.m. No.7953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7967 >>9042

Operation Information Liberation CROSSPOST


>Original Post



The online digital age has rendered institutionalized education obsolete and has left them exposed as the detriments to society that they have become.


Colleges no longer exist to educate, but to indoctrinate. And to add insult to injury, we're paying through the nose for the right to have our youth


brainwashed against us by these narcissistic ingrates.


No More.


This is a project that, in time, will be cross-posted across numerous boards, platforms & media, taking participation from numerous communities with Truth


being our guiding light and uniting purpose.


This project is designed to provide and highlight alternatives to mainstream universities, or at least offer an inoculation against the Marxist intellectual


contagion perpetuated by these Institutions of Higher Indoctrination.


For the fields that can't just be done online, and require some sort of hard infrastructure, like a chemistry lab, we may want to consider utilizing, or


copying the Maker Space route of community educational facilities.


We will need to find alternatives to acreditation.


This project will also need an accompanying meme campaign to get Normans, especially in the hiring class to associate a traditional college degree with risk.


Risk that the person will be some sort of entitled SJW. Risk that they may file false sexual harrasment claims (Humungus). Risk that they may be incompetent


at their job.


The Class of 2018 graduates in May. I imagine high-schools will be having college days, fliers, trips, speakers, recruiters, field days, etc throughout March


and April. When that begins, I'd like to see this project ready enough to print out business cards with the links and downloads for all the resources and


content we'll be compiling.


Below is a compendium of resources I put together thus far.


____________________ - Jack Otto - Forbidden Knowledge - In Shadow - A Modern Oddesey - 7 Days of DeepMind A.I. - Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard - Interview - Behold a Pale Horse - AudioBook - Bloodlines of Illuminate - AudioBook - Tool - Right In Two - Protocol Of The Elders Of Zion - Black Ops, Cody Snodgres, Operator Comes Forward And Tells All - Mr Teslonian - Alternative Energy & Technology - Crash Course - Normie Friendly Education Channel (Only For Tech and Sci) - "- Timaeus -" - Wide Ranging History Channel - Bright Agrotech Aquaponics - Alt-Ag Tech - Aquaponics Academy Playlist - Polyface Farms - Sustainable & Organic Agriculture - Urban Gardener - Subsistence Alt-Ag For Cities - Radical Mycology - Fungi, Mushrooms and Mycelium - Voluntary Seasteading Communities - Vincent Racaniello

Anonymous ID: 19a3ef Jan. 30, 2018, 11:31 p.m. No.7967   🗄️.is 🔗kun


As long as we have the svg files of the graphs, it can be easily updated.

It might be better to save everything as a text file with tab-trees separating each subject.

Next to the title of each book or book collection there will be a torrent file link or IPFS address.

It takes less time to update a text file compared to an svg.

(Bonus point: text file to svg file generator script in bash)


Stop the reddit spacing, learn to strip newlines.

Anonymous ID: 26fa5f Feb. 3, 2018, 5:22 a.m. No.7995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7996 >>9221



nice eve online chart


I think it would be a good idea to pick a few central works that should be read first, then the supporting literature and information/thinking behind it, and that then the reader should reexamine the books he started with.


I think that among the cardinal works should be Mein Kampf and that the body of supporting literature should be focused in two directions: philosophy and history. National Socialism is a distillate of both.


I think that March of the Titans, Human Accomplishment and The Fate of Empires are good works for the history. The philosophy is more complicated since Kant follows on from Plato (if you are being really minimalistic) and from there you can go on to Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, this should be the quickest (all be it at 4000 pages or so) path to a rough understanding of what philosophy Hitler enjoyed.


In addition to historical and philosophical works, I think that some modern books like The Selfish Gene could enhance the readers understanding of biology in general, but this brings us to the next problem: spirituality. Reading philosophy and empirics makes for a strong rational argument, but humans are a religious creature before they are rational: the reader must be given esoteric literature to speak to his soul. For this purpose I personally believe Miguel Serrano's works best fit as these will teach you a true appreciation and a sense of "depth" for Adolf Hitler and National Socialism. I think that reading the Vedas could work out too and that reading Carl Jung is necessary no matter which spiritual path you take.


I believe that our goal should be to educate and raise a spiritual elite that can formulate and put into practice politics which are beneficial to Whites above all. We don't need angry people that sperg out, but principled people that have a reasonable chance at gaining political power, either by election or in the aftermath of the collapse. Above all it must be made absolutely clear that war with other Whites is totally undesirable and aids only the foreigners, jews and non-whites alike.

Anonymous ID: dbe900 Feb. 3, 2018, 10:17 a.m. No.7996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8674 >>8834 >>9042


Agreed, war aids the enemy.

t. Chinese


So what about dividing politics into sub-topics?

  • Mass immigration and multiculturalism vs the human need for racial separation

  • Feminism, LGBT and the destruction of sex vs traditional family values

  • The global finance system and banking families vs a sustainable economic system

  • Post-modern art and music, and money laundering vs traditional arts and aesthetics

  • Jews, communism, frankfurt school and colleges vs a proper home-school education

  • Xenoestrogens, water contamination and psychiatry vs home cooking skills

  • Military /k/ stuff, some /tech/ material, some /co/ and /art/ just to be safe

Anonymous ID: 092cc0 Feb. 14, 2018, 4:06 p.m. No.8132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8316 >>8674

Are we talking a replacement for the university education itself. Or are we talking something more comprehensive? Assuming basic literacy, we're talking about a true liberal arts education here, correct? Proper education in music, art, culture, mathematics, science, history, etc?

If that's the case, I'm not certain that starting with Mein Kampf is the best place to begin. We are assuming Western European men, and the foundational texts for Western European men were, are, and for the foreseeable future will be the Bible and Homer.Virgil is good for their moral formation.


Really, how comprehensive do you want this to be? Because for specialized topics, much of this already exists.

Anonymous ID: 4dd737 March 7, 2018, 1:22 a.m. No.8316   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8879


Assume that "true liberal arts education" and "university education" as a multi-part series covering 8 years of education.

I would say that we should start from 9th grade, and work up from there, all the way to University "Masters".

As a Chinese, I would want a collection for my people, and I hope that you show do it for your people as well.

So for certain parts of the book list, it should be ethnically agnostic, covering most of the physical/political sciences.

While for other parts, East Asians and Europeans should have a separate collection for the humanities.

Anonymous ID: 41f5f2 March 17, 2018, 8:15 a.m. No.8473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8568 >>8879


Agreed. It needs to be somewhere distributed and not dependant on one person though. And I've wanted to back this board up myself since last April but I never got round to it. A huge project in itself. In the meantime everyone should archive and spread their favorite books around the internet as much as they can, libgen, the incorrect library etc.


For now the only threat to /pdfs/ is something terrible happening to the site. I will cut off my hand before I wipe this board and if I do it's probably because someone has a gun to my head. Regardless if you ever see me sperging like /zundel/'s owner then email Codemonkey immediately and ask him to back the board up. I told him about /zundel/ and he backed up /tdt/ for us pretty quick.

Anonymous ID: 41f5f2 March 28, 2018, 5:39 a.m. No.8573   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm reading up on this now on /tech/. Looks like exciting stuff but I'm not sure if I should dive right in or not yet. It's still a work in progress and some anons are saying that some aspects are still experimental. Have you used it?

Anonymous ID: 6e81c4 April 15, 2018, 11:16 a.m. No.8674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8722 >>8826 >>8829 >>8879 >>9042 >>9274 >>9912 >>9913

I guess this chart is a good starting point, but ultimately we just have to accept the teleological nature of constructing a book chart. There is a place we want the consumer to go, so I guess presenting multiple open ends is the best way of "counteracting" this. It depends on how parsimonious and practical we want to be, ultimately I believe we should place a heavy emphasis on accepting cognitive dissonance (i.e. being against the highly autistic world-of-forms of lolbergism) and genetics (which would, ironically, place emphasis on being agrarian and reactionary traditionalists as opposed to modern statists).


We should start with what man is and how to keep his race pure and healthy.




>Mass immigration and multiculturalism vs the human need for racial separation

a Jared Taylor book would cover this pretty quickly


>Feminism, LGBT and the destruction of sex vs traditional family values

I don't know a book offhand but this is on a "higher level", here you need to apply what you learned reading about genetics and the fertility rates of different ideological groups to infer and correctly understand that these anti-natural doctrines filter out because they can't successfully reproduce.


>The global finance system and banking families vs a sustainable economic system

I'm not a big economist, I understand enough to know that jewish wealth extraction via man-in-the-middle central banking is bad. This should be split into theory and then naming names. All central banking is dubious.


>Post-modern art and music, and money laundering vs traditional arts and aesthetics

I believe the appeal to aesthetics should come after the "waking up" to how gross the modern world is. Aesthetics are the link into the subconscious to which we have to appeal in order to enlighten the reader. We consider things beautiful based on what we "know" them to be ideally, genetically speaking.


> Jews, communism, frankfurt school and colleges vs a proper home-school education

This is another multilevel problem, first we must introduce the knowledge on jews, second we must introduce why raising and educating children at home makes them very proof to manipulation, jewish and non-jewish.


>Xenoestrogens, water contamination and psychiatry vs home cooking skills

This can fit on one of the lower tiers but shouldn't be over represented, perhaps this is even an offshoot in its own right. Presenting that modern food is bad is in our interests, but ultimately this is part of making this political self-reeducation whole.


>Military /k/ stuff, some /tech/ material, some /co/ and /art/ just to be safe

Of course.



Mein Kampf is roughly halfway to where I see the end goal of this being.


>Really, how comprehensive do you want this to be?

It should mimic 4 years of education that would've been given to an SS officer to make him a functional middle-tier politician/bureaucrat. This is IQ120+ stuff.

Anonymous ID: 7d2054 May 3, 2018, 10:06 a.m. No.8826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8828 >>8856 >>8879 >>9347


>include Capital

>/pol/acks read it and figure it makes more sense than the spooked mosley and evola bullshit that comes after it

>start reading more marxist theory

>say farewell to /pol/ and idealism

god bless the anon who made this chart

Anonymous ID: 00dd20 May 3, 2018, 1:54 p.m. No.8829   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Also, include Gotffried Feders Manifesto For Breaking The Financial Slavery To Interest and especially The German State on a National and Socialist Foundation, these books are pretty much key to a "/pol/ack journey".

Anonymous ID: 2051d8 May 4, 2018, 1 a.m. No.8834   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Here are some of the brain-storming ideas:

Use >>7996 to separate the different topic, then at the end round things off by bringing in the JQ (KMac and other works would be great)

Anonymous ID: 786526 May 8, 2018, 1:03 p.m. No.8879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3579 >>8916 >>9042 >>9089


IPFS, Urbit, or maybe a blockchain for books would be the place to store this, given the zundel shitshow.



I'm in the same position. A bloody pajeet (no Azad Hind blood, unfortunately). But the poz must be fought, for all our people's sakes.

I think that we absolutely ought to have both universal and ethnic components to this. The universal components should include an overview of World History as well as Mathematics. Logic, Ethics, Grammar, and Rhetoric. I think that there must needs be a cultural education in western culture as well, regardless of the various cultural subgroups which partake in our Reactionary Officers education. I think it is because their works are inherently conducive to the moral formation of men, having stood as a bulwark against degeneracy for millenia. This must include Aristotle, Cicero, Marcus Aurelius, Dante, Shakespeare, and, above all, Homer and Virgil. There ought also be the Art of the Renaissance, Classical Music and Architecture. There is little better for the moral formation of a man than the study of Classical Art, Music, and Poetry–provided that it is not of the degenerate sort.


I think the place to start is mathematics. Euclid's Elements and Spivak's Calculus are good places to pick up the rudiments of logic and proof in addition to introductory higher mathematics.


The other place to start is the ancient world. Starting with the Greeks is dogma for a reason.


I also think that it's important not to neglect religious education. The Bible, Aquinas, Boethius, Augustine and so on are important for Christians. Part of why Calvinism birthed Progressivism is because of the rejection of Church Hierarchy and continuous, erroneous reinterpretation of scripture to the point where it was no longer Christianity, but a secular and political religion which opened Anglo-Germanic to conquest by Jews.


We might want to hit up /mu/ for a classical starter pack, beyond the Big 5: Brahms, Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, and Tchaikovsky.



I agree with this being a iq: 120+ affair. This is for officers, who will be the moral, intellectual, and spiritual leaders for their men.



Lefties have brought up some real problems. However their solution "get rid of capital" is the result of the bourgeios mindset which only sees the world in terms of capital. You need to build a culture of aristocracy, artisanship, religious piety, civic duty, and moral decency. A pious man will naturally take care of the environment. A man faithful to civic duty will naturally care for the poor and build infrastructure. An aristocrat, an earl, will care for his loyal thanes and not allow inequality to grow too great.

Anonymous ID: 25ae36 May 14, 2018, 8:48 p.m. No.8916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8917


>IPFS, Urbit, or maybe a blockchain for books

IPFS, or BitTorrent if you are not fond of learning new /tech/. (IPFS has a browser UI though, which is a plus)

If you want to risk yourself on the blockchain, check these out. is the coin for IPFS is used with BitTorrent and Bitcoin is made by Ethereum

>I'm in the same position. A bloody pajeet (no Azad Hind blood, unfortunately). But the poz must be fought, for all our people's sakes.

Exactly. We need to fight and fight hard.


>I agree with this being a iq: 120+ affair.

That is why we need books labeled in different tiers.

Anonymous ID: 25ae36 May 14, 2018, 9:19 p.m. No.8917   🗄️.is 🔗kun


More sites

I have confidence in though

Anonymous ID: 96323e May 24, 2018, 8:32 a.m. No.9042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9097


Dang 8chan is getting dangerously educated. I like it.

>>7953 and I can tell you have done plenty of research and are dedicated

Protocols I would say is mandatory but this is a great list


No, politics is really more of one thing that can be taught the broad strokes in one sitting.


the iranians also killed some of the books on hostgator



I would recommend most of these books based on how the title interests the reader. I have read almost half of them and feel adequate in the most based arguments applying to man



I like these infographics but I feel there should be more of an emphasis on "Entire World History"

remember, we are the teachers and educators of our future and we should frame it that way.

But, there should definetly be an emphasis on where civilization started and how much we know about our beginnings, then into the more compacted history of 0-2000AD

I can say pretty much with certainty that there is about a 20-40k year period of knowledge that is necessary including things like hygiene, and inventions


WIll Durant is the closest I can come to constructing all of the philosopical ideas and history of the most important times of civilization and he did it in basically a 11 volume set.

Anonymous ID: 1eb4fb May 27, 2018, 5:35 a.m. No.9089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9271


>their solution "get rid of capital" is the result of the bourgeios mindset which only sees the world in terms of capital.

No, it's the result of a realistic mindset which realizes change needs to START with capital/economy. It doesn't stay in that stage forever.

Your "aristocratic" anticapitalism kinda makes me think of Baudrillard who said a similar thing (he called Bataille an aristocratic critic of capital and Marx petit-bourgeois for the same reason you give), however I fail to see how any of this will be enforced in practice. Philosophically it sounds nice, but there is no serious economical theory behind it whatsoever.

Anonymous ID: 2051d8 May 28, 2018, 2:31 a.m. No.9097   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> more of one thing that can be taught the broad strokes in one sitting.

The main goal is to have a base understanding, and only after then do you dive in to the sub-topics

> more of an emphasis on "Entire World History

And different time periods as well, cover as much as you need for Europe and Asia for old history and the developed worlds of America, Europe, Australia, Middle East and Far East for new history (African history is optional)

Anonymous ID: f05e15 May 28, 2018, 8:48 a.m. No.9099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9135

I think the perstroika deception is a remarkable book, kbg defector anatoliy golitsyn claims that the collapse of the soviet union was not a collapse put a restructuring (perestroika) to a pseudo-democratic regime that is actually still communist and that the border states would be ruled by controlled opposition. the cold war never ended, KGB subversion only picked up after 1989, i would expect that many western institutions have been infiltrated by the KGB and i imagine that civil unrest caused by mass migration will be exploited by russia

Anonymous ID: f05e15 May 28, 2018, 9 a.m. No.9100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9135

Brendon O'Connell is an Australian man who discovered than an Israeli-Dual citizen was revealing classified info on australian submarine specs and had worked on the weapons system of the sub, Brendon reported this man to Australian counter-intelligence who were interested in the case. Israel uses "Sayanim" (helpers) which are israeli's who go to israel who are given military and technical training and are sent to foreign countries to compromise their electronics. Brendon after threatining to reveal this conspiracy was arrested at a pro-palestinian rally, for calling an israeli-dual citizen a "racist jew, who supports a state of rascism and ethnic cleansing" he was promptly arrested and jailed for 3 years under hatespeech laws, and was to be sentenced for another 9 years before he took asylum in malaysia. The Talpiot program is big, it is how Israel controls the world through domincance of high technology and communication systems, israel right now can monitor every communication you make and even the communications of governments and israel has the power to shut down almost any piece of technology via "dead mans switches" israel could wipe your country out by switching off your electronics

Anonymous ID: 21fc4c May 30, 2018, 8:46 p.m. No.9212   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anyone here wanting to rectify a good book list for a particular topic?

Also, we should call in >>>/redstick/ and >>>/bmw/ for spreading info

Anonymous ID: 55dc51 May 30, 2018, 11:15 p.m. No.9221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9226


>jews and non-whites alike.

Why do you assume we non-whites are with Jews? Do you think we don't have rich ethnicities and want a homeland of our owns? Heck I belong to the tribe which formulated Vedas.

Anonymous ID: 2051d8 May 31, 2018, 4:33 a.m. No.9226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9228 >>9271


Simple, MOST non-whites side with Jewish interest, and rarely do they take the redpill (at least 7-to-1), which is tragic.

Regarding this project, we can use the Golden Record as a symbolic reference to the things we want people to know (even though Sagan should get the gas)

Anonymous ID: 786526 May 31, 2018, 10:57 p.m. No.9271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9273


You're right. Most non-whites do side with the Jew. IDK how to fix it, and until they find themselves under the boot, they won't get that Jews hate them too. It's particularly disturbing given who is the friend to non-whites and who is the foe, atm.

However, most whites also side with the Jew. Your people have the honor of being farther along, the tip of the spear. But even your people are still, for the most part, thralls of the Jew. See Cucks for Christ and Leftist Progressives (secularized Ultra-Calvinists).

Nobody is more aggressive in enforcing the taboos against anti-semitism or racism than whites.

Nobody (to your credit) is more anti-ingroup-preference.


That's why even conservatives are simply "muh economy, muh Israel," rather than "my kith, my kin."


I think Cicero's "On Duty" ought to be included precisely for the words "as a Roman," with the understanding that duty is to one's own, and pride is inherent to the honor culture. It might help fix some of the identity confusion that leads to cucking for the Jews among whites, as well as curtail some of anti-white paranoia in non-whites.



Friendo, for young officers having this discussion, what lefty works might you recommend?

I'd certainly not discount materialist analysis a la Marx. But I don't think it's sufficient (nor do I think purely geist focused analysis is sufficient). I'd not be opposed to having someone like Foucault on the list, provided it is given alongside a critique, or even just a postscript on interpretation and pitfalls.

We both want to curtail the bourgeios. I would suggest banning speculation and trade among those in positions of power, and, of course, monarchy. This necessitates income by property rather than capital, hence landed aristocracy. One man can only wield so much power. A beaurocracy can be absolute, and is the ultimate tool of the bourgeois.


That Manual for Civilization list needs to be pared down significantly, but it does seem like a good starting point.

Though I've no idea why they included Altered Carbon (though I maybe should read it before judging).

It's also worth noting that they included Isaac Asimov's History of the Bible, but not the Bible itself.


Has anyone looked at the Harvard List?


It might need to be pared down a bit, but it seems a first class education in itself.


Is there a size limit on this? 15 books on history seems a bit much, esp from one author. I'd like to include some primary source work in there as well.

Figure 15 hours in a semseter. 1000 pages per 3 hour course. So expecting about 40,000 pages is reasonable. Figure an average of about 750 pages a book, and that comes out to ~53 books. I think 60 books should probably be the ceiling for a general education. And then maybe add a specialization on top of it, that's quite a bit of work. Thoughts?

Anonymous ID: 786526 May 31, 2018, 11:07 p.m. No.9273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9274


It's worth noting that while there might be some Calvinist (Proto-Progressive) influence in the Harvard list, it does for the most part seem to be grounded in the classics.

It needs the additions of science, mathematics, and history.


Also, these are syllabi from a college devoted exclusively to this sort of education, though, very much in that liberal-calvinist traditoin

Anonymous ID: 786526 May 31, 2018, 11:29 p.m. No.9274   🗄️.is 🔗kun


inb4 multiple samefags.

It's worth noting that the Harvard list, the St. John's, and the Manual for Civilization lists are all liberal artsy (though the Manual less so). They say that liberal arts means simply "free-ranging in education" but this is a lie, because most of these books lead the the students to be good liberals. Milton was a liberal. Bacon was a liberal. Thoreau was a liberal. The Founders of the US were liberals. The intellectual and educational history of the west has trended towards liberalism for centuries, and all models of education derive from it. If the above lists weren't liberal we could simply take them and be done. So the question is, "What do we add? And what's not worth including?"


Probably obvious, but it needed to be said.



The teleological end should be a man capable of administering civilization. Assume you're educating the next Hitler (George Washington, Napolean, w/e) and all his officer corps, so that when the current elites willingly (if only for public opinion) consign their power to his far-more-capable hands, he is able to lead, to maintain continuity, and to re-establish order. This doesn't necessarily need to be "right-wing" in the sense we understand it. Concern for the working classes and for the poor is mandatory in any dutiful leader, however, it needs to be right wing in its concern for the Truth, the redpill above all else.

Anonymous ID: 786526 July 7, 2018, 11:13 a.m. No.9716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2156 >>3580 >>9778 >>9860

Preliminary plan for Video Series

This is a list of preliminary works and seasons that I intend to do.

I am entirely aware that this may be over-ambitious.

Would appreciate some feedback.


  • TODO Season 1: The Basics

DEADLINE: <2019-01-01 Tue>

** TODO Video 1: Cicero's On Duty

** TODO Video 2: Carlyle's History of the French Revolution

** TODO Video 3: The Sexual Revolution: Libido Dominandi

** TODO Video 4: Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics

** TODO Video 5: Shakespeare's Tragic Great Man: Coriolanus

** TODO Video 6: Augustine and the Passions: The City of God

  • TODO Season 2: Heroes

SCHEDULED: <2019-01-01 TueDEADLINE: <2020-01-01 Wed>

** TODO Video 1: Homer

** TODO Video 2: Virgil

** TODO Video 3: Dante

** TODO Video 4: Tasso (and Ariosto?)

** TODO Video 5: Mallory

** TODO Video 6: Spenser

** TODO Video 7: Milton

** TODO Video 8: Shakespeare

** TODO Video 9: Cervantes

** TODO Video 10: Byron

** TODO Video 11: Carlyle's On Heroes and Hero Worship

** TODO Video 12: Artorius


  • TODO Season 3: The Mysteries

FIXME: add some Pre-Socratics

DEADLINE: <2021-01-01 FriSCHEDULED: <2020-01-01 Wed>

** TODO Video 1: Consolation of Philosophy

** TODO Video 2: Ignatius, and an Introduction to Orthodoxy

** TODO Video 3: Hermeticism

** TODO Video 4: Gnosticism

** TODO Video 5: Orthodoxy in Full

** TODO Video 6: Plato

** TODO Video 7: Metaphysics of Aristotle

** TODO Video 7: Des Cartes

** TODO Video 8: Hume

** TODO Video 9: Kant

** TODO Video 10: Hegel

** TODO Video 11: Nietszche

** TODO Video 12: Evola


  • TODO Season 4: Modernity

DEADLINE: <2022-01-01 SatSCHEDULED: <2021-01-01 Fri>

** TODO Video 1: Kaczynski

** TODO Video 2: Marquis De Sade

** TODO Video 3: Locke

** TODO Video 3: Hobbes

** TODO Video 4: Voltaire

** TODO Video 5: Rousseau

** TODO Interlude: Vatican I

** TODO Video 6: Adam Smith

** TODO Video 7: Karl Marx

** TODO Interlude: The Merchant of Venice, Shylock the Calvinist

** TODO Video 8: Austrianism & Keynsianism

** TODO Video 10: The Cathedral

** TODO Video 11: Psychoanalysis: Freud, Reich, and Rogers

** TODO Video 12 Kinseyism: Sexual Revolution and Rock 'n' Roll


  • TODO Season 5: Reaction

DEADLINE: <2023-01-01 SunSCHEDULED: <2022-01-01 Sat>

** TODO Video 1: Pound

** TODO Video 2: Keats

** TODO Video 3: Joyce: Ulysses

** TODO Video 4: Finnegan's Wake

** TODO Video 5: Jung: Aryan Mysticism

** TODO Video 6: Mussolini

** TODO Video 7: The Cantos

** TODO Video 8: The Falange

** TODO Video 9: Hitler, The Greatest Story Never Told

** TODO Video 10: Codreanu, Legionnaries, and Eastern Europe

** TODO Video 11: Spengler

** TODO Video 12: Dali, Breker, and Futurism


  • TODO Season 6: Our Current Situation

DEADLINE: <2024-01-01 MonSCHEDULED: <2023-01-01 Sun>

FIXME: Fit in Existenialism somewhere

** TODO Video 1: Tragedy and Hope

** TODO Video 2: McCarthyism

** TODO Video 3: Karl Popper

** TODO Video 4: Walter Lippman

** TODO Video 5: Duchamps, Picasso and the Armory Show

** TODO Video 6: Gertrude Stein and the Orgiastic Apocalypse

** TODO Video 7: The Frankfurt School

** TODO Video 8: Derrida

** TODO Video 9: Foucault

** TODO Video 10: Baudrillard

** TODO Video 11: Lacan (& Saussure)

** TODO Video 12: Judith Butler


  • TODO Season 7: On Aryan History

DEADLINE: <2025-01-01 WedSCHEDULED: <2024-01-01 Mon>

** TODO Video 1: Iran

** TODO Video 2: The Vedas

** TODO Video 3: The Mohabbarat

** TODO Video 4: The Ramayana

** TODO Video 5: Beowulf

** TODO Video 6: Anglo-Saxon Miscellany: Dream of the Rood, etc.

** TODO Video 7: Germania, Persia, and North Africa

** TODO Video 8: Greece, the Histories, Peleponeisan War, etc.

** TODO Video 9: Greece, Pt 2:

** TODO Video 10: Rome, rise and flourishing

** TODO Video 11: Decline of the Roman empire

** TODO Video 12: Tolkien


  • Season 8: Christendom

DEADLINE: <2026-01-01 ThuSCHEDULED: <2025-01-01 Wed>

List of Works and Readings to be Decided

Anonymous ID: ee8e09 Aug. 3, 2018, 12:21 a.m. No.9860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9861


Well if you want something interactive try combining it with SugarCube and Twine, makes things more pleasant for web browsing. Extra points for using the WebTorrent library to make the HTML file smaller (but someone would have to seed it in the first place)

Anonymous ID: ee8e09 Aug. 3, 2018, 12:26 a.m. No.9861   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Original idea from this degenerate shitshow >>>/hypno/43577


Also if you would like to help please join

(See for info regarding installs of the client)

(See if you want to use the browser, remember to backup the keys!)

It has E2E encryption, and it is not controlled by the jews ( and

Anonymous ID: 09f679 Aug. 12, 2018, 4:50 p.m. No.9913   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Also, since you put Marx and our Marxist friends have decided to join the conversation, I feel it necessary to at least mention Hegel.

Marxism is basically a response to Hegel, and in some ways is the anti-thesis to Hegel. Actually reading and understanding Hegel is a whole other can of worms, but if you can build a solid foundation in western and eastern philosophy, remember to tackle Hegel one day at the end. Make it a sort of capstone project, it isn't intro philosophy at all and most of his work assumes you have a solid understanding of previous philosophical works.

Anonymous ID: 7abecb Aug. 20, 2018, 1:51 a.m. No.9955   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Don't know about militia but

>While I'm asking, might as well ask if anyone has his "Souls that Burn".

Is in french on libgen

Anonymous ID: 75aa2b May 15, 2019, 7:44 a.m. No.12156   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not good enough, we need wider coverage on more topics, arranged in the order of necessity (basic foundational knowledge first) and progression (books that explains the past comes before the books of the present), with the exception where foundational knowledge that describe past and present together, should be prioritized over the more detailed knowledge of the past.


Also we need to consider cross-discipline and cross-topic books, in those case books that explains the "big picture" should be prioritized over books that only focus on a smaller sub-topic or event.




Any progress?

Anonymous ID: a48ad0 July 1, 2019, 3:10 a.m. No.12439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2589

protip: dont put a writer more than once on the same infograph, or it will look crackpot tier.


unless it's a graph about the author's work itself.

Anonymous ID: 79f844 July 20, 2019, 6:09 a.m. No.12589   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's not "only one book per author" but "the ratio of books should not exceed 5~10%, unless there are less than 10 books, in that case only one book per author"

Anonymous ID: 775ebe Oct. 18, 2020, 4:14 a.m. No.13579   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The fuck do I need to know about the Bronze age when I got a concrete project? What do the lessons of Greek history have to do with pesticides and guns? Where is the nearest place to get a book about religion that has the most enlightening power to start my 2005 VW?