Preliminary plan for Video Series
This is a list of preliminary works and seasons that I intend to do.
I am entirely aware that this may be over-ambitious.
Would appreciate some feedback.
DEADLINE: <2019-01-01 Tue>
** TODO Video 1: Cicero's On Duty
** TODO Video 2: Carlyle's History of the French Revolution
** TODO Video 3: The Sexual Revolution: Libido Dominandi
** TODO Video 4: Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics
** TODO Video 5: Shakespeare's Tragic Great Man: Coriolanus
** TODO Video 6: Augustine and the Passions: The City of God
SCHEDULED: <2019-01-01 TueDEADLINE: <2020-01-01 Wed>
** TODO Video 1: Homer
** TODO Video 2: Virgil
** TODO Video 3: Dante
** TODO Video 4: Tasso (and Ariosto?)
** TODO Video 5: Mallory
** TODO Video 6: Spenser
** TODO Video 7: Milton
** TODO Video 8: Shakespeare
** TODO Video 9: Cervantes
** TODO Video 10: Byron
** TODO Video 11: Carlyle's On Heroes and Hero Worship
** TODO Video 12: Artorius
FIXME: add some Pre-Socratics
DEADLINE: <2021-01-01 FriSCHEDULED: <2020-01-01 Wed>
** TODO Video 1: Consolation of Philosophy
** TODO Video 2: Ignatius, and an Introduction to Orthodoxy
** TODO Video 3: Hermeticism
** TODO Video 4: Gnosticism
** TODO Video 5: Orthodoxy in Full
** TODO Video 6: Plato
** TODO Video 7: Metaphysics of Aristotle
** TODO Video 7: Des Cartes
** TODO Video 8: Hume
** TODO Video 9: Kant
** TODO Video 10: Hegel
** TODO Video 11: Nietszche
** TODO Video 12: Evola
DEADLINE: <2022-01-01 SatSCHEDULED: <2021-01-01 Fri>
** TODO Video 1: Kaczynski
** TODO Video 2: Marquis De Sade
** TODO Video 3: Locke
** TODO Video 3: Hobbes
** TODO Video 4: Voltaire
** TODO Video 5: Rousseau
** TODO Interlude: Vatican I
** TODO Video 6: Adam Smith
** TODO Video 7: Karl Marx
** TODO Interlude: The Merchant of Venice, Shylock the Calvinist
** TODO Video 8: Austrianism & Keynsianism
** TODO Video 10: The Cathedral
** TODO Video 11: Psychoanalysis: Freud, Reich, and Rogers
** TODO Video 12 Kinseyism: Sexual Revolution and Rock 'n' Roll
DEADLINE: <2023-01-01 SunSCHEDULED: <2022-01-01 Sat>
** TODO Video 1: Pound
** TODO Video 2: Keats
** TODO Video 3: Joyce: Ulysses
** TODO Video 4: Finnegan's Wake
** TODO Video 5: Jung: Aryan Mysticism
** TODO Video 6: Mussolini
** TODO Video 7: The Cantos
** TODO Video 8: The Falange
** TODO Video 9: Hitler, The Greatest Story Never Told
** TODO Video 10: Codreanu, Legionnaries, and Eastern Europe
** TODO Video 11: Spengler
** TODO Video 12: Dali, Breker, and Futurism
DEADLINE: <2024-01-01 MonSCHEDULED: <2023-01-01 Sun>
FIXME: Fit in Existenialism somewhere
** TODO Video 1: Tragedy and Hope
** TODO Video 2: McCarthyism
** TODO Video 3: Karl Popper
** TODO Video 4: Walter Lippman
** TODO Video 5: Duchamps, Picasso and the Armory Show
** TODO Video 6: Gertrude Stein and the Orgiastic Apocalypse
** TODO Video 7: The Frankfurt School
** TODO Video 8: Derrida
** TODO Video 9: Foucault
** TODO Video 10: Baudrillard
** TODO Video 11: Lacan (& Saussure)
** TODO Video 12: Judith Butler
DEADLINE: <2025-01-01 WedSCHEDULED: <2024-01-01 Mon>
** TODO Video 1: Iran
** TODO Video 2: The Vedas
** TODO Video 3: The Mohabbarat
** TODO Video 4: The Ramayana
** TODO Video 5: Beowulf
** TODO Video 6: Anglo-Saxon Miscellany: Dream of the Rood, etc.
** TODO Video 7: Germania, Persia, and North Africa
** TODO Video 8: Greece, the Histories, Peleponeisan War, etc.
** TODO Video 9: Greece, Pt 2:
** TODO Video 10: Rome, rise and flourishing
** TODO Video 11: Decline of the Roman empire
** TODO Video 12: Tolkien
DEADLINE: <2026-01-01 ThuSCHEDULED: <2025-01-01 Wed>
List of Works and Readings to be Decided