Anonymous ID: f1de13 May 1, 2021, 1:07 p.m. No.49968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9974


ty doc, frebe up, good sleep.

lots habbenin, saw da Q-like posts


got an updated int'l thread list for ya from last night, can you swap em out in da dough? Also, on my screen in FFox, these line up ok, true for u? (and others)


Updated Int'l thread list:

Australia #15 >>>/qresearch/13341710

Balkan #8 >>>/qresearch/13323637

Brazil #2 >>>/qresearch/13167439

Canada #17 >>>/qresearch/13425189

France #4 >>>/qresearch/13269960

Germany #79 >>>/qresearch/13493753

Italia #2 >>>/qresearch/13187313

Mexico #3 >>>/qresearch/13410974

Nederland #6 >>>/qresearch/13105482

New Zealand #8 >>>/qresearch/13163282

Nihon [Japan] #2 >>>/qresearch/13226402

Nordic #3 >>>/qresearch/13163911

Russia #2 >>>/qresearch/13163805

Scotland #4 >>>/qresearch/13163650

South Africa #5 >>>/qresearch/13340853

UK #37 >>>/qresearch/13495333

Anonymous ID: f1de13 May 1, 2021, 1:16 p.m. No.49969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9975




saw this post from pb below, bout doxing audit workers

think i'll try to find some more angles, keep it in the public eye



>>49953 pb

>doxxing audit workers

>we hope that everybody will be a little bit bigger than that.

is he naive?

no way should observers be allowed to do this - and if they do, there should be legal consequences, bc it's obvious intimidation

If they actually dox people, should be prosecuted. They really got to step it up in the way of security and have a spokesman who knows how to make them back off.

Anonymous ID: f1de13 May 1, 2021, 1:17 p.m. No.49970   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>What happens when they find more than 2.2 million votes? More than 3 million?

Hope it blows a huge hole in their BIG LIE of NO FRAUD.

Time to force the rats out into the open.

Anonymous ID: f1de13 May 1, 2021, 1:40 p.m. No.49971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9972 >>9973 >>9980 >>0017 >>0038 >>0039

MSM hit piece documenting media efforts to denigrate the AZ audit:


Hit piece on AZ audit that mocks legit security concerns


Their title: Arizona's election audit get any more laughable? (It can and just did)

Opinion: The Senate's audit of Maricopa County's vote just got more absurd, if that's even possible anymore

by Laurie Roberts 4-20-21


On Friday morning, an Arizona Republic reporter was kicked out of Veterans Memorial Coliseum.


This, for committing the horrifying sin of taking a picture of former Rep. Anthony Kern as he recounted our ballots.


Here’s the picture.


[CAP 1 - tweet showing Kern counting ballots with the comment "Looks like we have former AZ lawmaker Anthony Kern counting ballots" - notice the tone?]


Fourteen minutes later, reporter Ryan Randazzo – who was serving as the media’s pool reporter because apparently there isn’t room for more than one in this 14,870-seat arena – was given the bum’s rush from the building.


“Well, a man in a cowboy hat and a badge that said Wake TSI just came over, asked if I tweeted the picture of Anthony Kern, and when I said yes he escorted me out of the building and said my press privileges were ‘revoked’.”


The auditors claim Randazzo violated a court order and somehow compromised voter privacy.


[CAP 2]


It's doxing to photo a public official?


About as laughable as the notion that what Republicans are calling “America’s audit” – conducted and largely paid for by Trump supporters – is, in any way, credible.


Naturally, Senate President Karen Fann, R-Prescott, was horrified at this morning’s development.


Oh, not that Kern, a #StoptheSteal supporter who was on the steps of the U.S. Capitol on the day Trump supporters stormed the building, was part of the audit team now recounting the votes.


She was horrified that a reporter would dare to show the public he was recounting votes.


“Under agreement with your attorney, media was given wider access with the promise they would not zoom in on workers faces or the ballots,” Fann tweeted. “Some media members have violated that agreement.”


[CAP 3]


Fann went on to tweet that the media agreed they “would not dox the workers for their safety.”


So now it’s doxing to show you who is handling our ballots? To take a picture of a public figure in a public building involved in what absolutely should be an intensely public process?


This is where we are, Sen. Fann?


page 1, con't.

Anonymous ID: f1de13 May 1, 2021, 1:56 p.m. No.49972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9980 >>0017 >>0038 >>0039


hit piece on AZ audit, con't.

dripping with sarcasm....and they wonder why they're not seen as mere reporters of the news.


Kern believes the election was stolen


Fann is flat wrong on the rules the media had to agree to in order to gain access to the audit of Maricopa County's 2.1 million ballots.


“The Arizona Republic never agreed to obscure faces,” Arizona Republic Editor Greg Burton said. “The Senate’s own livestream on the floor shows faces of everybody involved. We agreed not to show ballot details, which we have adhered to, but clearly, you can’t take a picture in a room full of ballots without showing ballots at a distance. Anyone looking at the live feed gets the same view.”


To repeat, the media agreed only not to publish pictures that show “identifiable ballot information.”


The only thing identifiable in Randazzo’s picture is the sheer outrageousness of this whole joke of an Arizona election audit.


Kern, for his part, is asking Attorney General Mark Brnovich to investigate.


[CAP 4]


If they want to investigate something ...


If Brnovich investigates anything, it should be the legality of allowing private contractors — people who have no expertise in elections except a heartfelt belief that this was one stolen —to take control of Maricopa County's 2.1 million.


Or how about an attorney general investigation into the legality of hiding the names of the people who are donating money to fund this official state audit.


Once upon a time, the public’s business was public information.


Alas, I don’t look to Brnovich to stand up to anybody here. The Republican AG is, after all, expected to run for the Senate next year, and it wouldn’t do to rile the base.


So, to recap, it’s OK for a former Republican legislator who has repeatedly promoted baseless conspiracy theories about how the election was stolen — a guy who actually signed a letter asking Congress not to accept Arizona's electors — to be recounting our votes in this "independent" audit.


But it’s not OK to show the public that he is recounting our votes in this "independent" audit.


As for Randazzo, he’s out, relegated to the Crazy Times Carnival.


[CAP 5 - this is the carnival outside the building. In CAP 5, reporter says it's 97 degrees outside. If so, why is there a carnival nearby? Nobody goes to a carnival in that kind of heat.]


The one going on outside the building, that is.


[CAP 6]


page 2 - end.

Anonymous ID: f1de13 May 1, 2021, 2:10 p.m. No.49973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9980 >>0017 >>0038 >>0039


compare this nasty article where the reporter pretends there's no danger in doxxing to an account for the new anti-dox law in Kentucky - signed into law by a Dem governor:


New Anti-dox bill signed into law by Demcrat Gov. Andy Beshea r


Late last week, Gov. Andy Beshear signed Senate Bill 267, which bans doxing when the release of someone's personal information "would cause a reasonable person to be in fear of physical injury to himself or herself, or to his or her immediate family member or household member."'


Doxing, or doxxing, is when someone’s personal information is leaked online as a way to punish or threaten them.


Last November, during a meeting with the Government Oversight and Audit Committee, Joshua Watkins with Louisville's Office for Performance Improvement testified about his role in the city's crime-fighting initiative that led to the deadly raid of Breonna Taylor's apartment on March 13.


Watkins also testified about the aftermath of having his name attached to that incident.


"I've personally gotten death threats about this," he said. "I had to stay in my house for 45 days and keep my head on a swivel."


Anthony Piagentini, R-19, was stunned by Watkins' confession.


Weeks ago, he filed an ordinance that would limit doxing in Louisville when the release of someone's personal information is tied to a veiled threat.


''"It's not just city employees," he explained. "There are many private citizens who have reached out since and told me stories about how they have been, because of maybe a disagreement at work or something else that they posted online, that somebody came after them."


His ordinance dictated that "it shall be unlawful for any person to publish any personally identifying information of a person when: (1) Such publication is intended to threaten or stalk or intended to encourage another to threaten or stalk; and (2) the publication places such person in reasonable fear of physical injury." A person in violation could face a fine (at an amount not to exceed $250).


However, in an unexpected tie vote on March 25, Metro Council voted against the ordinance. Some who voted against it said it would limit free speech and be very hard to enforce.


But since then, the state legislature and governor enacted the statewide measure.


Schroder says the new law is narrowly-tailored. More minor instances of doxing would be misdemeanors. Other more serious cases involving injuries or deaths would be felonies.


Additionally, the law says a violator can be sued by a victim.


Schroder believes the senate bill, since signed by Beshear, has good legal standing and won't restrict protected speech.

Anonymous ID: f1de13 May 1, 2021, 4:02 p.m. No.49979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0017 >>0038 >>0039

video already posted, these are the notes along with a new slide made based on Tenpenny's work


Dangers of Untested Vaccines since 1986, especially for the elderly

Dr. Judy Mikovitz



Retroviruses assoc with Aids and Corona viruses – are present in many vaccines – bc they must be grown in living cells. Mold, parasites too. Animals and people are born with a virome that is key in regulating the expression of our microbiome (good bacteria).


Heart of immune sys: to tell the dif between SELF and NON-SELF.


FLU shots – chicken eggs used. There are corona viruses in chicken eggs, some very destructive. Labs that check chicken eggs do NOT check for corona viruses. Not good. Jan 3030 study: If military were given flu vaccines – any kind - they had a 36% increased chance of being diagnosed with Covid-19.


Covid-19 Vaccines- are they dangerous in susceptible populations?

Are they vaccines?

Vaxxes are supposed to stop the transmission of the infectious agent.


MNRA vaccines (Moderna, Pfizer) vs more traditional vaccines (Astrozenica, J and J)


The mRNA are clearly engineered.


BUT all of these vaccines include the viral protein syncytin HER-W (human endogenous syncetin HER-W). If expressed in cells where it doesn’t belong, makes them stick together - can cause MS, autism, blood clots, strokes. sterility in females. Particularly a problem with J&J. Syncytin is required for placenta formation - so will be a TARGET.


The polyethelene glycol used in these vaxxes creates a large inflammatory response in those who already have compromised immune systems (25-50mil people in USA) - they can die right away of clots & strokes. Horrifying - and this is what we are seeing right now.


Cites Israeli vaccinations starting in Dec:

Pfizer vax killed 40x more people in the elderly than disease would have killed - and 260x more deaths in younger subjects. These shots kill more people than the virus ever did, especially the most vulnerable.

Anonymous ID: f1de13 May 1, 2021, 4:08 p.m. No.49980   🗄️.is 🔗kun


tanks, should be current for a bit, will check periodically.



Yes, prosecution is necessary

meanwhile i'm gonna stay on top of what the press is doing - and saying - to block the audit or destroy its credibility.

>>49971, >>49972

here they are mocking the idea that doxxing matters


included this article to show that some states do take it seriously and why.'


naptime again, will return pretty late, i think

shadilay for now, doc