Anonymous ID: f57a95 Q Research General #15723: RALLY BREAD!!! Edition Jan. 4, 2021, 4:42 p.m. No.12317012   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: f57a95 Jan. 4, 2021, 4:42 p.m. No.12317017   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Global Announcements


>>12263192 Anon uploaded the Video about Election Fraud that Youtube deleted from POTUS Youtube account - SHARE SHARE SHARE


>>12236190 Know the gun laws of Washington DC if you go there on the 6th

Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell

Support Lin Wood

Support Sidney Powell

CM Research "Executive Directive 51"



Notables Are Not Endorsements



>>12316339 Planet Lockdown video

>>12316402 Ivanka Trump - Off to Georgia with Dad! Get out and VOTE Georgia!!!

>>12316422 New Dan via FB Pictures of Abraham Lincoln and POTUS Trump "making the call."

>>12316365 Why do the vaccinated need a mask?..

>>12316539 @va_shiva Learned @VP HAS lots of power on 1/6 Joint Session incl. calling recess for investigation. Senators need his leadership."

>>12316578 Lin Wood correction tweet 'They will NOT be successful'

>>12316664 Sec Mike Pompeo: China’s Communist Party Is β€˜Inside the Gates’ (video)

>>12316686 So it turns out Kamala Harris lifted her "Fweedom" story from a 1965 Playboy interview with Martin Luther King, by Alex Haley. Much thanks to @EngelsFreddie

>>12316744 PF Report - POTUS 30 minutes out

>>12316785 1981 sitcom warning about the Trilateral commission, one world order etc., of course the show writers called it a conspiracy theory

>>12316824 Sen. Kelly Loeffler to Object to Electoral College Certification Process

>>12316855 Yep - o7

>>12316924 President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Dalton, GA 1/4/21 102,052 watching now

>>12316989 #15722

Anonymous ID: f57a95 Jan. 4, 2021, 4:43 p.m. No.12317022   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>>12315508 @LLinWood If someone seeks to destroy documents sealed as β€œNational Security,” they will now be successful. There is a β€œdeadman’s switch.” They cannot destroy TRUTH.

>>12315518 NARAL president: We’re β€˜certainly preparing’ for end of Roe v. Wade

>>12315530 , >>12315552 Rally Night!

>>12315596 , >>12315611 Anon opines on the purpose of 'Paul Revere' Lin Wood tweets. Great Awakening?

>>12315616 U.S. Attorney for North Georgia resigns, effective immediately. U.S. Attorney Byung J. β€œBJay” Pak resigned his position Monday

>>12315627 LEAKED AUDIO: Trump Says Georgia Is Shredding Ballots To Hide Evidence, Warns Raffensperger β€˜That’s So Illegal’

>>12315647 Lin Wood - Mark Meadows blocks covid treatments like budesonide/palmacort and ivermectin because he is involved with big pharma

>>12315667 , >>12315874 Michael Jackson’s Unlikely Friendship With Donald Trump: A Timeline

>>12315752 Lin Wood - There are THOUSANDS of videos of pedophilia crimes committed by powerful people. Chief Justice John Roberts must resign immediately. The storm is coming

>>12315754 Trump 'Abruptly' Overruled Pentagon Chief On Carrier Pullout From Middle East

>>12315773 C Herridge - @CBP on β€œstandby” to protect FED facilities,

>>12315774 Kelly Loeffler tweet - I will object to the Election Fraud on January 6th

>>12315783 Read this little snippet about Kamalas childhood… you gotta be shittting me KEK

>>12315789 Saudi Arabia Lifts Its 3.5 Year Economic Blockade Of Qatar In US-Brokered Deal

>>12315572 , >>12316150 PF Report

>>12315849 @tedcruz "Democrats cured the flu."

>>12315859 , >>12315959 Enrique Tarrio, leader of the Proud Boys, reportedly arrested in Washington DC.

>>12315886 Hunter Biden Maintained a Diary on His Laptop and It’s Full of Just Horrible Stuff

>>12315906 Lewandowski says post-2020 Trump will be a 'monster' for GOP

>>12315916 Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers activates National Guard ahead of Jacob Blake charging decision

>>12315958 Devin Nunes to receive Medal of Honor from President Trump

>>12315523 Trump pushed Q Research and 4chan research

>>12316016 John Hopkins Study Confirms What We've Been Saying for Months About China Virus

>>12316022 Anon opines Issac Kappy's deadman's switch is much more than one video or self made videos


>>12316086 Fox News’ Steve Doocy, Brian Kilmeade Shoot Down Trump’s Mass Voter Fraud Allegations, Say There’s β€˜No Proof Of It’

>>12316116 UK goes back into national lockdown amid another China Virus narrative

>>12316117 DJT Heading to Georgia now. See you soon!

>>12316140 Trump talking about firing everyone - Wray, Haspel etc.. And wants to declassify everything ufos JFK, all of it (Posobiec)

>>12316161 Janice Dean Pens Scorching Op-Ed on Liberal Darling Andrew Cuomo’s Deadly COVID Cover-Up

>>12316226 #15721

Anonymous ID: f57a95 Jan. 4, 2021, 4:43 p.m. No.12317025   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>>12314772 Democrats just voted to change the rules and 100 years of precedent to eliminate debate - House Republicans

>>12314790 DC activates more than 300 National Guard troops ahead of pro-Trump protests

>>12314835 Cuomo holding NY hospitals to ransom if they don't meet their vaccination targets. Incredible extortion going on here

>>12314867 Inventor of the PCR Test, Dr Kary Mullis, About Anthony Fauci: He’s Not a Scientist and Doesn’t Understand Medicine

>>12314873 Lots of Military in Atlanta Airport?

>>12314883 GEORGIA RUNOFF: Dem Senate candidate Warnock's Campaign Staffers Admit His Bias Against Police And White Conservatives

>>12314924 Jon Ossoff, 33, one of the two Democrats running in the Senate double-header, has become one of the most high-profile Jewish Democratic politicians in America in recent months

>>12314930 Lin Wood - One of my main goals with my tweets is to stimulate curiosity of my Followers

>>12314933 The 'Great Reset' Is About Expanding Government Power and Suppressing Liberty

>>12314970 Medical Prof Explains Devastating Effects of Lockdown for a Virus With a β€˜99.95%’ Survival Rate

>>12314997 National Guard - MOS 11C: Mortarman must be in good shape, be a team player, and be willing to face challenges and danger. 11C = 11.3

>>12315020 Is that a coffin being moved in front of the White House on a forklift while she is reporting…?? (video)

>>12315045 Trump slams Sen. Cotton for saying he won’t object to electoral vote certification

>>12315055 Chinese billionaire Jack Ma suspected missing after calling for economic reform: report

>>12315069 Data Scientists Discover Over 432,000 Votes Removed From President Trump in at Least 15 Counties in Pennsylvania

>>12315077 Iran resumes 20% enrichment at Fordow amid rising tensions with U.S.

>>12315079 Turns out #CCP helped @GaSecofState, who released recording of conversation with @realDonaldTrump yesterday, with his win in 2015

>>12315086 Media Stick with DC Mayor in Her Two-Faced Approach to National Guard and Protesters

>>12315101 Fulton County Georgia Ballot Inspection Hearing Subverted – Georgia Stalling to Prevent Forensic Review of Suspected Fraudulent Absentee Ballots

>>12315132 CIA revamps public website in effort to recruit more 'talented Americans'

>>12315167 Interesting Betfair odds on Trump leaving before End of 1st Term

>>12315168 Are they trying to take away Pence's role of upholding elector challenges?

>>12315220 The former defense secretaries coming out against Trump was predicted by Q in Q #4489.

>>12315233 US Foreign Aid To ISRAEL Is $266.7 Billion Dollars

>>12315255 They're already setting up barricades and blocking off entrances to the demonstration area around the White House in Washington, DC

>>12315284 Twitter Suspends TGP’s Joe Hoft After Sharing FACTUAL REPORT on Hunter Biden’s Serial Sex and Crack Escapades

>>12315286 U.S. Attorney for North Georgia resigns, effective immediately

>>12315305 Liz Peek: Georgia Republicans, vote against Pelosi and Schumer in Senate runoff races

>>12315322 New York Democrat's bill allowing governor to detain individuals dangerous to 'public health' sparks backlash

>>12315344 The Pandemic Narrative Mutates

>>12315366 Lin Wood -I am not the Kraken. The Kraken is located in several places. Urge @realdonaldtrump to immediately order release of documents filed under seal as β€œNational Security”

>>12315427 @LLinWood If @realDonaldTrump orders military to seize documents, Chief Justice Roberts, Rod Rosenstein, Nancy Pelosi, & many others will be immediately arrested.

>>12315437 #15720


Previously Collected Notables

>>12313741 #15717, >>12313918 #15718, >>12314669 #15719

>>12310756 #15714, >>12311540 #15715, >>12312343 #15716

>>12308368 #15711, >>12309211 #15712, >>12310005 #15713

>>12306038 #15708, >>12306817 #15709, >>12307603 #15710

>>12303525 #15705, >>12304263 #15706, >>12305316 #15707

>>12301149 #15702, >>12301952 #15703, >>12302750 #15704

>>12298260 #15699, >>12299427 #15700, >>12300364 #15701

>>12295924 #15696, >>12296674 #15697, >>12297537 #15698

>>12293350 #15693, >>12294316 #15694, >>12303022 #15695

>>12290935 #15690, >>12291934 #15691, >>12292752 #15692

>>12289414 #15688, >>12290161 #15689, >>12290935 #15690

>>12287103 #15685, >>12287869 #15686, >>12288625 #15687

>>12284759 #15682, >>12285578 #15683, >>12286420 #15684

>>12282195 #15679, >>12282927 #15680, >>12283924 #15681


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Anonymous ID: f57a95 Jan. 4, 2021, 4:43 p.m. No.12317033   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: f57a95 Jan. 4, 2021, 4:43 p.m. No.12317036   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: f57a95 Jan. 4, 2021, 5:06 p.m. No.12317425   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7458

>>12317037 dough


#15723@250 Notables


>>12317099 CM - Road closures into DC

>>12317101 Chinese Foreign Minister: Biden Win Offers China β€˜New Window of Hope’

>>12317185 FDA Admits PCR Tests Give False Results, Prepares Ground For Biden To "Crush" Casedemic

>>12317187 President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Dalton, GA 1/4/21

>>12317209 Kamala Tells Tall Tale of How She Fell Out of a Stroller During Civil Rights March, Then Told Her Mom All She Wanted Was β€œFweedom” – Story Was Lifted From 1965 Playboy Interview with MLK!

>>12317242 Five U.S. senators criticized Netflix adapting The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin, who made comments supporting China's treatment of Uyghur Muslims.

>>12317275 Train Carrying 165 New Volkswagen Cars Sabotaged In Mexico

>>12317296 Alexander Kagansky Russia found dead with a stab wound after plummeting out his window in St. Petersburg / scientist / worked on COVID-19 vaccine

>>12317297 CM - Bail granted for Assange - should be out sometime this week

>>12317322 Lin Wood - A sobering but well-reasoned analysis of the current situation facing our President @realDonaldTrump, our country, & our future as a free people.

>>12317351 DJT Jr up now in Georgia

>>12317390 Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio Arrested Leaving D.C. Area Airport Charged With Burning Black Lives Matter Banner and then Possessing Two Gun Magazines



Anonymous ID: f57a95 Jan. 4, 2021, 5:17 p.m. No.12317626   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>12317037 dough


#15723@500 Notables


>>12317099 CM - Road closures into DC

>>12317101 Chinese Foreign Minister: Biden Win Offers China β€˜New Window of Hope’

>>12317185 FDA Admits PCR Tests Give False Results, Prepares Ground For Biden To "Crush" Casedemic

>>12317187 President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Dalton, GA 1/4/21

>>12317209 Kamala Tells Tall Tale of How She Fell Out of a Stroller During Civil Rights March, Then Told Her Mom All She Wanted Was β€œFweedom” – Story Was Lifted From 1965 Playboy Interview with MLK!

>>12317242 Five U.S. senators criticized Netflix adapting The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin, who made comments supporting China's treatment of Uyghur Muslims.

>>12317275 Train Carrying 165 New Volkswagen Cars Sabotaged In Mexico

>>12317296 Alexander Kagansky Russia found dead with a stab wound after plummeting out his window in St. Petersburg / scientist / worked on COVID-19 vaccine

>>12317322 Lin Wood - A sobering but well-reasoned analysis of the current situation facing our President @realDonaldTrump, our country, & our future as a free people.

>>12317351 DJT Jr up now in Georgia

>>12317390 Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio Arrested Leaving D.C. Area Airport Charged With Burning Black Lives Matter Banner and then Possessing Two Gun Magazines

>>12317480 State Rep. Mike Reese of Mt. Pleasant Township PA dead at 42 - brain aneurysm. He was recovering from a covid infection

>>12317487 @SmashTheFashNVA held a protest this evening outside the Alexandria, VA Holiday Inn hotel demanding they not provide rooms for attendees of Wednesday's "Stop the Steal" rally

>>12317571 Ryan White v. US - From Lin Wood request to dig



Anonymous ID: f57a95 Jan. 4, 2021, 5:25 p.m. No.12317740   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>12317037 dough


#15723 FINAL Notables


>>12317099 CM - Road closures into DC

>>12317101 Chinese Foreign Minister: Biden Win Offers China β€˜New Window of Hope’

>>12317185 FDA Admits PCR Tests Give False Results, Prepares Ground For Biden To "Crush" Casedemic

>>12317187 President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Dalton, GA 1/4/21

>>12317209 Kamala Tells Tall Tale of How She Fell Out of a Stroller During Civil Rights March, Then Told Her Mom All She Wanted Was β€œFweedom” – Story Was Lifted From 1965 Playboy Interview with MLK!

>>12317242 Five U.S. senators criticized Netflix adapting The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin, who made comments supporting China's treatment of Uyghur Muslims.

>>12317275 Train Carrying 165 New Volkswagen Cars Sabotaged In Mexico

>>12317296 Alexander Kagansky Russia found dead with a stab wound after plummeting out his window in St. Petersburg / scientist / worked on COVID-19 vaccine

>>12317322 Lin Wood - A sobering but well-reasoned analysis of the current situation facing our President @realDonaldTrump, our country, & our future as a free people.

>>12317351 DJT Jr up now in Georgia

>>12317390 Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio Arrested Leaving D.C. Area Airport Charged With Burning Black Lives Matter Banner and then Possessing Two Gun Magazines

>>12317480 State Rep. Mike Reese of Mt. Pleasant Township PA dead at 42 - brain aneurysm. He was recovering from a covid infection

>>12317487 @SmashTheFashNVA held a protest this evening outside the Alexandria, VA Holiday Inn hotel demanding they not provide rooms for attendees of Wednesday's "Stop the Steal" rally

>>12317571 Ryan White v. US - From Lin Wood request to dig

>>12317635 Army Drill Sergeant Found Shot Dead Inside Her Car in Texas

>>12317647 PATRICK BYRNE Releases His 15 Page Cyber Team Report: "Prepare For War"

>>12317650 Dan Scavino tweet of Joe Biden taking off his mask (w/ video cap)

>>12317688 3 U.S. Code Β§ 15 - Counting electoral votes in Congress

>>12317616 Lin Wood links to 8Kun

>>12317720 CORTES: Republic… or Oligarchy?

