more on the self immolation/possible snuff of Tony Hsieh
the saga of Casey and Kevin McCartney's death and the suspicion of foul play continue with multiple posts and more intrigue
Some Vax information and stories of we will experiment on children advice from the big vax maker. Enjoy your immunizations of Death and Cancer leading to a slow horrible painful prolonged stifling Death.
this seems to be some sort of Comms or RIP olive trees, missing something on this story. Anyone have any Idea? add it in, feel free to.
part one vax notables on inflated number lies
part two of vax notables on inflated fake numbers
to make sure to kill your pet also, now they might need a new vax shot, and you have to pay for that one. The stupid fucking insanity rolls on
Vax bullshit keeps spraying like fetid diarrhea
Death of Treasonous bastards freedom, possibly real, it is wayyyyy entertaining and I think it has some truth to it. Enjoy
Article on Beau Biden's Death, interesting read
Throwback Wednesday on the kun
Family of Four murdered, interesting, Cabal cleanup or self induced, this is going to start getting weird and busy, God rest the children's souls.
History lesson when you look at official records and do the right math, and the numbers seemingly do not add up, here is a true story about numbers of dead in WW2 that make sense. Some others might disagree. Here is a history lesson for all.
Slain CEO, so basically he has stepped down, and his name is Fahim Saleh, he was killed by a man who embezzled alot of money from him, and that is why he was stabbed by that man. here is the story.
Andrew Brooks a Scientist who developed the Fake Virus: Wuhan Flu saliva test dies out of the blue, kinda like a weird murder. Why? to keep him quiet about the bullshit of Covid 19. See the virus does kill, to keep you quiet. So don't interfere with a virus, the virus family of Thugs is known to kill. This is Cabal country.
I am sure the alliance will find his killers and escort them to the judgment throne of Jesus Christ.
Another death from the Covid 19 bullshit Vax,
Tim Zook is dead from the vax, he was 60. He did not have to die. This is murder, the makers and pushers of this bullshit need jail time. What is in that vax. Understand what you are getting before you get it, Can I sell you a car you have never seen or driven, how about a house? Now why not a Vax, same reasons to know what you are getting before you buy it. Everything is so bullshit with this virus and Vax. The deaths from he Vax will outweigh the mild flu of C19
Suicide to report, another DC cop from he day of the riots is suicided to keep him quiet. No word from his lips to indict anyone on how they led the "Protesters aka Rioters' into the building and let them all pose and get candid shots everywhere. I don't have his name yet, it will come and I will update this.
Wuhan lab purposely releases the virus just like we have said all along. How about that MSM, it IS the Wuflu
more information about why Nevada is forcing the schools to reopen, to stop kids from offing themselves, this is sad, What the Cabal did to the world. To free everyone, we had to. We are sorry for the death of your children, I will mourn with you. God Rest all their souls in his arms. May peace and rest come to the family of each and everyone of them. Amen
Dead animals, I wonder what other monkey business they could come up with, hmmmmm I wonder. See below to find out.
More on the Mass Murderer call Andrew Cuomo or AKA killer of the Senior Citizen
Covid Cases fall
covid deaths and a meme
as in the previous Merck canceling all vax trials and development of the normal flu virus the chinese made as a bioweapon in Wuhan, Covid 19
Under the Democrats the Death of Morality and dignity continues as a righteous man of faith is harassed for calling transgender mentally unfit to serve and he is absolutely right. I don't want my son serving with a erotic number 12 who is a Unicorn toaster day bun Hang glider. That is crazy and they all need meds and to be institutionalization for life.
the second article is about Feminists bitching that Covid took away their freedom and rights. Notice they are not the center of attention and start to scream about rights when so many are out of work, homeless, hungry, missed love ones who died, the fem Nazi's bitch and I say to them, Fuck you. All this is part of the commie playbook and the agenda for complete control.
and finally a killer or many the beheader of Daniel pearl is to be set free. To behead again for the NWO, their plan is in full swing, thanks for your Biden votes, stand in line to the FEMA camps for your beheading.
From 1921 until the end of 1922, an estimated five to ten million people lost their lives.
After the end of the First World War, Russia was blighted by a civil war, drought and inept government resulting in food shortages.
The harrowing images of children screaming in hunger and people dying on the street give a glimpse into the terrifying period in Russian history.
People were forced to eat grass, dirt, dogs, cats and leather horse harnesses.
There were reports of parents killing and eating their own children with rampant starvation making people take unimaginable measures to survive.
Despite reports of cannibalism, the police took no action as it was deemed a legitimate method of survival.
One picture shows a couple selling human remains, including the corpse of a young boy, in a degrading bid to feed themselves.
As news of the famine spread around the world, the United States and some western European countries stepped in to provide food and relief workers which saved million of lives.
In the early 1930s, Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin inflicted a man-made famine on Ukraine which claimed the lives of up to 7.5 million people.
Considered a genocide by historians, Stalin inflicted the famine in a savage bid to wipe out the Ukrainian independence movement.
Basically follow what the Bolsheviks did to the Russian people and that is Joe Biden's Plan of the Democrats, called the 16 year plan.
They ate each other. Thanks for voting Democrat. Not
Biden's state department trying to undo the declaration they are Mass Murdering Genocidal maniacs in China, The muslim population is being sent to camps and Murdered and Biden wants to call them cuddly warm hug places. Even though the Cuddly Warm Hug Places Kill you.
More on the NY Gov. Not yet Convicted Murderer
Andrew Cuomo!!!!!
Yes he did send sick flu patients to Nursing homes to kill off as many of your parents and grandparents as he could. Very Well documented and should earn him a execution by firing squad.
Who Knew BullShit now comes in Strains.
Forced Vax for all airlines
WHO story all fucked up but basically we all know they are covering up the WuFlu origin story that we know
China is the maker of the Bio Weapon they released on the world and now don't want the blame, but they get it. FU U China
6 people dead in a Explosion on a Chicken farm
Homeland Security gets involved, the HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM LEVEL INCREASES
FEMA asks the Pentagon for help in Forcing you, I mean delivering the Vax to people.
and right after the death by liquid Nitrogen story on a Chicken farm with Homeland Security involved.
More information on the Sarco suicide booth by Using Liquid Nitrogen, my only question is how would you test it for the FDA, could you get volunteers or others to unwittingly take part…..
I guess we will never know
PART TWO: Andrew Cuomo the killer, murderer, assassin of old people, part of the evil Luciferian cabal
Democrats still control the south and push the racist button again and again, an Honorable man can't be buried because of the color of his skin. This is the cabal at work showing they control the world. You and I are nothing but cattle to them.
New York is Dead is a new BillBoard showing up in various states, it states "Don't come back". The Democrats and the Murdering Andrew Cuomo and Freddo will kill ya if you do and your jobs. Now pay him some taxes and get dead.
I list the dead the wayI want, and I smell faggot coming from you. Bitch bottom bare back kinda faggot at that. KYS you came to the dead page for sympathy for your cause?! Kill yourself and I will post you. What a faggot, no really it was a story about a man who died and can't get a burial plot. Simple as that, and you come along sucking dick and feces out of everyones asshole and think you are "NORMAL" but just means you are Faggot. so long Bitch.
Israel to give Palestinian Authority 5000 vax doses to share in the Vax misery.
Did you know that when the British Conquered the Middle East and renamed the Territory Palestine. The name was for a territory and not a people. The word for Palestine and the area the Philistines lived in was the same basically.
Philistine and Palestine are both meaning invader or illegal Immigrant. Look it up, it really does, so the real question is who are the Philistine people or the Palestinians really? They are Jordanians. They should be in Jordan asking for land, that is the real place of origin for The Philistines. I mean the new word Palestinians.
The story again for those who do not know it, the Queen Elizabeth or Queen SheLizardBreath and Prince Phillips the secret Nazi were convicted of kidnapping and murdering children in a court of Law and remain on the run since. They suspected them of Rape and sodomy and Cannibalism, the stuff we all know the NWO do. and The court in Belgium convicted them in Abstentia.
Kardone, a rapper killed by a female serial killer
Sasha share who was linked to a 2019 death also
Concentration camp PJ's for the Muslims in China's tender care. How are they related to a Nazi regime, the maker of the plan was related to the plan of the commies. The same people basically made both ways to the same evil end.
And more haters appear spewing you are wrong, ha ha, am I wasting your time, did you even look it up? look up the root meaning of the words, hmmmmmmmmm nope, The Lord God made covenant with Abraham and said this is your land forever, the people there were squatting on The Covenant land and therefor Illegal immigrants and it a loose and valid interpretation of Philistine. The warlike race who invaded the land and illegally lived in Israel in the old testament.
The word "Palestinian" derives from the Philistines, a people who were not indigenous to Canaan but who had gained control of the coastal plains of what are now Israel and Gaza for a time. According to ancient Egyptian records of the period, which is the first written mention of them, the Philistines reached the region in around the 12 century BCE, which the archaeological record seems to confirm.
Why are Jews called Jews?
Why is Israel called Israel?
Although it is likely that some Philistine blood runs through the veins of modern-day Palestinians (and through the Jews'), they are a different people with a different culture.
Where the Philistines originated is a matter of debate, as they left no writtenrecords, but there are two main theories, based mainly on signature pottery shards. The original theory was that the Philistines originated in the Aegean basin and belonged to the Mycenaean culture. A newer hypothesis is that they were members of the Hurrian culture and came from what is today southern Turkey and Syria.
In any case, given the current state of knowledge, it is impossible to determine the etymology of the Philistines’ name in their own language.
What we can discuss is how this word morphed into the name of an altogether different people thousands of years later.
and sauce to jam up the Faggots ass, enjoy bitch
end of story
June 22, 2003
To the Editor:
While I can understand your desire to print opposing views on the question of Palestinian identity (Letters, June 1), at least some of the facts in Carroll B. Stoianoff's letter appear flawed. The letter states: Even to cite assertions by Israelis that 'there was no Palestinian identity until the Arabs invented it' is absurd. As Bible-school children know, Palestine was the home of the Philistines (the ancient name of the Palestinians). Unfortunately, the Philistines were neither Arabs nor Semites (which the current Palestinians certainly claim to be), and the name Palestine was assigned to the region after the Romans put down the Bar Kochba rebellion around A.D. 135.
The Philistines (from the Hebrew Peleshet) were the Sea People, probably from Crete, who attempted to invade Egypt and were forced northward into Canaan by Ramses III. Around 1050 B.C., having exterminated the coastal Canaanites, they began a large-scale movement against the interior hill lands, then mainly occupied by Israelites. It is highly unlikely that modern Palestinians would claim to be descendants of these European invaders.
The general area of the biblical Canaan was known to the Greeks and Romans, with some minor variations of language, as Judea (which probably meant Jewish). In the year 135, when the emperor Hadrian's forces had suppressed the Jewish revolt led byBar Kochba, the emperor renamed the province Provincia Syria Palaestina. The name change (which essentially meant that Judea was now called Palestine) had obvious political implications.
Therefore, references to the Philistines and Palestine in fact relate to the Jewish presence in Canaan-Judea and have nothing to do with any Arabic peoples, either then or now.
more ummmmm sauce about the Illegal invaders called Palestinians now and Philistines then.
the faggot does have a point, the conquering romans did name it palestine and when the British Conquered it they renamed the region Palestine. I did not go back to everyone who conquered parts of it, like the Ottoman Empire or how bout the Knights Templar got a small part, or the Germans, or the modern Turkey etc and the name kept being applied by each, so in a sense each invader named the area again what the original invaders did and simply called it Palestine and not the true name Israel, and again fuck you bitch. I got sauce. ha ha ha
The Greeks were the first to call the region of the coast of the Mediterranean Palestine according to the Britannica, I guess we just learned where the root of "Palestine" came from. Oh wait, I put sauce in it, what did you do, but post faggotry. Hmmmm makes you faggot.
depopulation goals by the Cabal of Evil
More death and destruction by the cabal in Syria
more information on the deadly vax that might not really work at all and now a court proves who did and make and fund the virus. A politician gets the second vax and gets really sick from covid 19. Yep it works like my ass.
Sophie a Baphomet type has been sacrificed successfully and all news everywhere is telling that, no oops He had a falling accident(my ass)
New Vax information, HCQ can save you from Covid 19 and is very good a curing you, AMA finally says oops, meaning the Cabal wanted a bunch of assholes and stupid fucks dead and tell them this medicine is deadly so they don't take it, arrest people who contradict you and use Nazi propaganda from the Nazi Facebook and purge anyone advocating it. and some other news on the farce of Covid 19 not being a man made bioweapon the Chinese in Wuhan Deep Underground Military Base P4 lab released on purpose to the public in the summer of 2019
a whole lotta assholes going down the drain in all kinda funny funky stories, suicides and murders of politic figures world wide, here is a list.
more on the deadly, murdering Vax saga
Jack Palladine a PI private investigator circles death on what seems to be a hit, or murder or hire in my opinion, loose ends being erased, this one almost got him, but alas he hangs on by a thread. What if he recovers and starts stating what he knows about bill clinton and what he has really done.
more on the lovely vax saga part 2
Iran gets busy hanging more, very normal for them.
Democrats cleaning up after the false flag attack they made which they call the capitol riot and such, where Antifa faggots and BLM moronic faggots pretended to be MAGA and not gay.
More cleanup up of Jeff Epstein's cell mate by the democrats, he conveniently died of Covid 19, called he was arkancided
Bre Payton pays the price for truth, another needed statue for the Garden of Hero's. People who do right before the eyes of God and his son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
stats on the crazy murder rate of ChiRaq aka Chicago
what do you know, the
Freemason number of 23 coding to the pawns to shut down the narrative of C19
WHO the world health organization still trying to push it was the wet market that caused the Covid 19, we are well versed about the P4 bioweapons lab that is under Wuhan, they made it. Man Made. God has said that China will pay for it. How did 2020 go for you China, wait till he gets going in 2021
Death of the Stockmarket coming up shortly
and now for shenanigans in China, how to make God the Father and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit smite you in one easy step, dang these Chinese are stupid.
full story left off one page
a story on the horrid conditions of the
Temple of Baal all over America on the horrid unsanitary conditions of the murder factory called Planned Parenthood.
a short story of someone finally calling for an investigation into the obvious Egotistical Covid 19 Serial Killer of Senior Citizens called Andrew Cuomo
Fake Death story lines for your entertainment!!!!
suspects arrested in the Jack Palladino robbery and soon to be murder when he dies
Covid 19 stories of the killer planned Demic
even more Covid 19 stupid here, and they keep getting dumber and won't stop till the roundup and trial at Gitmo.
like in a previous post I said most likely he had a execution date set and went quietly, that is how they all have been going. The other possibility is that they are now desperate and losing so badly, the cabal, that they are eating their own and when he announced his sudden cancer, he knew he was the next sacrifice. Either way, Saved by Jesus Hopefully, and that is a long shot
To the death of the demonic veil in the end times, it is breaking now. Thank you Jesus Christ :)
Another Hmmmmmmm Candidate for Gitmo Execution is the Co founder of the mary tyler moore show. One Allan Burns, on a spirttual interview he might say, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Jesus it Burns……"
More Vax stories of Death under Biden the last president of the Corporation of Fraud and Death, Cant wait till the Republic Inauguration in March, don't know about that, look up the Act of 1871 from Abraham Lincoln De Rothschild, he was a bastard and the incorporation of America and the death of the 1st republic.
Chicago and other Democrat run (Held) cities continue murder rampages unchecked by local authorities, who many times have been told to not worry about it.
if it was not aliens in an attempt it probably was DARPA engineered tech who made an serious mistake in calculations, thank God for that.
Funny how we see them the sicko's hit the boards and slam us and then we see stories of them getting raided, this time the FBI lost one of their own in the process. No names on who that was currently.
Another blurb on the Jack Palladino story
two dead FBI now in the Sunrise FL FBI raid on the sicko's home. RIP and to the other wounded a speedy recovery.
The psychological weapon of Covid 19 and Sars revisited
More Vax information and a old newspaper from the distant past on Bill Gates and his view on using vax's to eliminate and kill everyone.
Last Year Charlotte was murdered by DiBlasio
some think in his mind a commie mini purge was needed, and last year the winter in NY continued to suck.
Her name was Charlotte
Covid 19 story on the ones who died were all Vitamin D lacking