from Texe Marrs' book Codex Magica:…81474977540992
"An X is an ancient symbol for change or transformation.. .long associated in medieval and renaissance art with the coming of the Messiah who shall make all things new.
—Jim Tresner, 33°
Scottish Rite Journal
The Illuminist/Masonic meaning of the X is simply this: It is the sign of Osiris, the great (Egyptian) sun God…
—Texe Marrs
Dark Majesty
The sign, or letter X, has a long history of use in the Ancient Mystery Religions, in apostate Judaism, in Freemasonry, and in the occult. The Illuminati elite use it to this day to symbolize key phenomena and mark significant events.
The mysterious letter X seems to take on a wide and varied life of its own, with or without the secret aid of the elite sponsorship. Mark Euston, of the Christian Intelligence Resource Network, in a letter to the author, detailed some of the many examples of the use of the letter X. For example, the well-known science fiction TV show, The X Files.
Pornographic movies are rated X and the more sensational movies in the raw flesh category are touted as XXX, or triple X. Euston noted that we have the Microsoft Corporation creation of X-box, the movie X-Men, off-brand products are called "Brand X," and of course, there is the U.S. terrorist prison camp, Camp X-Ray at Guantanamo, Cuba. Today's youth have been called Generation X, and a lot of folks are concerned about a planet, or star, reported to be speeding toward us called Planet X that has occult significance.
Euston asks about all the usages of X,
"Are these just strange coincidences, some type of mind control trigger, or a subliminal conditioning of some kind?"
Good question.
Another friend, Kathy Creek, wrote and asked if I had noticed the many new drugs being released by pharmaceutical firms with either a V, Z, or an X in their name? She mentioned an ad she had seen for Clarinex, an allergy drug that had a little sun sign used to dot the letter "i" in Clarinex.
John Myers, another astute friend interested in such topics, sent me a lengthy letter and included an excerpt from author Edward Waite's reference book, A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry. Myers wryly observed that, "generally, things that are bad are X-rated." He mentioned, too, the interesting use of the letter X in the Rx of drug stores; the use of the four-letter, abbreviated word Xmas to replace Christmas, and the fact that, in Black's Law Dictionary, it says that the sign or mark of X is sometimes made as a substitute for a man's signature on legal documents.
And the continued use of the mysterious X abounds. Children at play can be heard to say, "Cross my heart and hope to die." In the Greek alphabet, the letter Chi is denoted with the symbol X, and given the numerical designation of 600. The numeroligists say that triple X, then, would yield the number 666."
Nimrod, who was born on December 25th, the High Sabbath of Babylon, was the founder of Babylon and the city of Nineveh. In the history of mankind, Nimrod stands unequaled for his symbolism of evil and Satanic practices. In the history of mankind, Nimrod stands unequalled for his symbolism of evil and Satanic practices. He is credited for having founded Freemasonry and for building the legendary Tower of Babel, in defiance of God's will. In talmudic literature, he is noted as "he who made all the people rebel against God." Pes. 94b. The legend of the Midrash recounts that when Nimrod was informed of Abraham's birth, he ordered all the male children killed, to be certain of eliminating him. Abraham was hidden in a cave, but in latter life he was discovered by Nimrod, who then ordered him to worship fire. Abraham refused and was thrown into the fire.
The legendary symbol for Nimrod is "X." The use of this symbol always denotes witchcraft. When "X" is used as a shortened form meaning Christmas, it actually means "to celebrate the feast of Nimrod." A double X, which has always meant to double-cross or betray, in its fundamental meaning indicates one's betrayal into the hands of Satan. When American corporations use the "X" in their logo, such as "Exxon," the historic Rockefeller firm of Standard Oil of New Jersey, there can be little doubt of this hidden meaning.