>>1318643 >>1318665
here's copypasta of directions written yesterday, but i might be making it look worse than it is, though:
basically posting like here, you just need to know the ritual… i work with notepad++, 4tabs for each part, another for the whole for the pastebin, editing/copypasting pieces as needed.
For the notables, we tried a new recipe the other day, it was going pretty fast and another anon took charge of notables completely, posting near the end of thread, it worked beautifully.
i do as follows:
-get pastebin, open in Notepad++
-have 5 files: dough1, 2, 3, 4, paste1642(xxxx)
-open 2 catalog tabs, and another one for pastebin newpaste ready (and current bread of course)
-catalogtab1, create new thread, paste section1
-quadruplecheck the number & name (Subject field) of the thread
-collect notables, adjust parts as needed, etc
-post… often it cycles at 100% but doesn't finish, that is why the 2nd catalog tab:
refresh, until new bread appears (not very long, usually, but sometimes needs 2 refreshes)
-then go in your new bread, can close the other tab no problem, post sections 2,3,4, copy all that to the new pastebin
-paste that link to archive/hand-off dough
-tag your first post/link to bread, prepare your NEW BREAD post
-don't post it too soon, because anons then just go
and that SUCKS.
oh, and the timing in general, that's a bit tricky. If not too fast you can wait until gets close to 700, but starting baking, go earlier, around 650, to be safe.
any other questions?
>>>/comms/154 for moar