>So, Heaven's To Betsy. What is one to do? It is as obvious as the fucking nose on your face that Treason by those within, act of war from those without and everything in between is documented right there. And yet?Here we sit. Watching Joe Biden, his foot soldiers the msdnc media and all of the other minions inject chaos, unreliability and divisiveness to further the destruction of our Republic. This is flat out Treason and the Military should get off their fucking asses and defend this country first, from the "Enemy Within" and secondly, the Enemy without.
>smfh continuously.
I have to agree. While this grassroots "Q is YOU!" shit is cute and does help awaken people, we cannot keep going like this in the hopes that the dumbest among us will catch on.
If the military came on tv talking about temporary martial law, the election fraud with evidence that can be easily distributed, it'll hurt some to accept the truth, but fuck it, sometimes you have to pull the bandaid off quicker than you wanted to. The public would be shocked, but they'll come around.
MIL, you know you guys are thinking the same thing.