Anonymous ID: d546f9 Q Research General #18148: Cyber Symposium Truths Laid Bare, Election Was Stolen Edition Aug. 13, 2021, 4:26 p.m. No.14345094   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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>>14341845 Mike Lindell wraps up symposium with Pastor Sharam

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Anonymous ID: d546f9 Aug. 13, 2021, 4:26 p.m. No.14345102   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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#18147 MIA

#18146 MIA

#18145 MIA



>>14341612, >>14342025 (VID) Trump says "Give up the routers"

>>14341424, >>14341477, >>14341578, >>14341583, >>14341595, >>14341640, >>14341689, >>14341721, >>14341799, >>14341884, >>14341958 MUH PASSWORDS !!

>>14341447 President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is seemingly working closely with a handful of open borders organizations, including those linked to billionaire George Soros

>>14341536 Law of War Chapter 18

>>14341545 "Editorial board" doesn't like people wearing "yellow stars" to show where the last attempt to divide humanity on "genetic status" got us

>>14341547 Fauci Confirms "likely, inveitable" triple jab needed.

>>14341575 Peak Clownworld - Daughter of Fully Vaccinated Man Who Died in Rare COVID Breakthrough Case Supports Shots

>>14341597 CDC’s Own Stats Show 1,270 Premature Fetal Deaths Following COVID Shots but Recommend Pregnant Women Get COVID Injections

>>14341603 Wendy Rogers: The hosting provider told me tens of thousands of people per second tried to sign the petition

>>14341605, >>14341649 Hanging out with your #team tonight? So are we! #Airborne!

>>14341610, >>14341637, >>14341637, >>14341887 Be Ready, know that down to the municipality level we need to clean house across our entire nation

>>14341639 Army Lieutenant General Gets Fourth Star and Becomes Second Female Combatant Commander in History

>>14341670 Literally being experimented on BY JEWS with mandatory jabs, US medics confirm

>>14341713, >>14341715 Today at Cyber Symposium the Arizona Senate spoke to the entire nation

>>14341766 The Heritage Foundation’s Election Fraud Database presents a sampling of recent proven instances of election fraud from across the country

>>14341746, >>14341746, >>14341888, >>14341896 CM: Would you consider Tina Peters for Congress? CodeMonkeyZ, [12.08.21 23:55] Poll

>>14341783 Accurate List of 2020 Election Fraud Cases Shows 81 Cases Total, 30 Still Active – And NOT ONE SINGLE COURT Has Allowed Evidence to be Argued

>>14341845,(VID) Mike Lindell wraps up symposium with Pastor Sharam

>>14341847, >>14341849, >>14341851, >>14341856, >>14341857, >>14341985 Ten Absolute Truths About the 2020 Voting Machine Fraud Every American Should Understand

>>14341860 The rape of Afghanistan: Advancing Taliban go door-to-door

>>14341971 ICYMI Apple will go into your phone, add apps and change settings

>>14341464, >>14341475, >>14342012, >>14342065 WTF is Devolution?

>>14342024 View 2020 Election Data

>>14342091 Ivermectin dosage info - page recently updated.

>>14342144 #18144

Anonymous ID: d546f9 Aug. 13, 2021, 4:26 p.m. No.14345103   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>14340580 PSA

>>14340585 Can music be healing?

>>14340593, >>14340822, >>14340814, >>14341332 Have your memes been stolen? Are the leaks obvious?

>>14340618 a message to the deep state and traitors to humanity, you have no idea what you have awoken

>>14340630 Texas Tribune Issues HUGE Correction After ‘Mistakenly’ Reporting 5,800 Children Hospitalized with Covid in One Week

>>14340662 Public Health Act, RSA 2000, c P-37

>>14340665 They Are Covering Up Covid Vax Deaths and Injuries Says Ambulance Workers and Nurses


>>14340877 INB4 Joe's Wilmington home spontaneously combusts

>>14340989 To conclude this weeks Cyber Symposium Mike will be going on Flashpoint!

>>14341020, >>14340582, Minors Fallin' for Fallon?

>>14341031 FISA brings down the house (Q1745) Geronimo? (Q144)

>>14341044 AZ Sen. Rogers Announces Election Integrity Caucus Consisting of Legislators from All 50 States

>>14341074 The Vote Trafficking & Election Cartel Presentation by Professor David Clements

>>14341137 Mike Lindell Cyber Symposium - Joe Oltmann "Dominion: Serbian Technology With Chinese Characteristic"


>>14341146 Ga. Mother Claims Elementary School Segregated Her Kids, Files Complaint With Department Of Education’s Office Of Civil Rights

>>14341175 President Trump Endorses Derrick Van Orden For Congress Wisconsin

>>14341186 Let the Depositions Begin” – New York Supreme Court Sides with Project Veritas in Suit Against New York Times

>>14341204 The Berlin Wall went up 60 years ago this week

>>14341231 Lin Wood, [12.08.21 22:11]

>>14341184, >>14341219 Amen

>>14341220 Supreme Court justice won’t block college vaccine mandate?

>>14341256 Illegal aliens on top of each other

>>14341265 Eminem's ex-wife Kim Scott hospitalized after suicide attempt: report


>>14341299 #18143

Anonymous ID: d546f9 Aug. 13, 2021, 4:27 p.m. No.14345107   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>14339690 Last of the Mohicans Soundtrack: Promontory Mix (9:26)

>>14339749 Threats Detected at Cyber Symposium (3:58)

>>14339761 Jenna Griswold, SoS of Colorado. Her voice was shaking, tight forced smiles. She's definitely nervous/scared. She couldn't hide it

>>14339762 Done in 30 → done in 30 Q-clock cycles. Nov 11, 2022

>>14339770 UK and Russia ambassadors anger Iran by restaging WWII image

>>14339777, >>14339834, >>14339843 Top Biden Advisor and Mao Lover Anita Dunn Leaves White House: DOJ releases

>>14339806 China Seeks ‘Bigger Role’ in Afghanistan as Taliban Gains Ground

>>14339844 Middle Earth is moving: Amazon shifts 'Lord of the Rings' series to UK

>>14339864 Bill Gates Pledges $1.5 Billion To Develop New Green Technologies As Image-Rehab Tour Continues

>>14339895, >>14339905, >>14339948, >>14340042, >>14340101 Anton Lazzaro, GOP Strategist Arrested for Underage Sex Trafficking

>>14339912 Dear Donald J. Trump, 45th President Of The United States of America: A Citizen of Oregon

>>14339922, >>14339928 COVID Fatality Rate Hits Lowest Level on Record Despite Media Hysteria Over Delta

>>14339940 PANIC: Open-source intelligence is dramatically democratizing the ability…to collect important information explains how open-source intelligence can disrupt geopolitics

>>14339953 Mike Lindell just explained the incident when somebody physically attacked him at his hotel last night (Cap 2:16)

>>14339985 Truth Truck Down Under Covid stats on the side of the road (Cap 0:43)

>>14339990 Patrick King request for evidence was unfulfilled: here it is in PDF's

>>14340009 Highlights From The Second Day Of The Mike Lindell Symposium And Other News Including Q Decodes From And We Know

>>14340060 Human Trafficking arrests in the news bun Aug 2021

>>14340079 President Donald J. Trump: "Why are RINOs standing in the way of a full Forensic Audit in Michigan?

>>14340152 Australian Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a New Hero Collision symbol MP George Christensen Dropping Some Serious Covid Truth Bombs (Cap 1:32)

>>14340164 Biden’s Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s stepfather, Samuel Pisar, was “longtime lawyer and confidant of…Robert Maxwell,” Ghislaine Maxwell’s Dad.

>>14340182 Trump Ally Grenell’s ‘Fix California’ Identifies 1.3 Million California Conservatives Not Registered to Vote

>>14340210 Only the SECRETARY OF STATE had access to the Dominion Bios passwords in Mesa County

>>14340210 CM: All Colorado county clerks need to be aware of this: The Secretary of State might try to frame you

>>14340210 CM: How many more scapegoats does Jena Griswold need?

>>14340229 Posted For Archive And Research, - Day 1 Of Mike Lindell Cyber Symposium

>>14340237 :WAKE-UP.

>>14340335, >>14339780, >>14339831, >>14340128, >>14340247 Young global leaders Bun

>>14340302 2 balloons deployed by Raven Aerostar in the vicinity of Sioux Falls earlier today

>>14340326 Clark County School Board in Las Vegas Board members walked off rather than face parents angry over the masking and forced social distancing of their children

>>14340360 Former CEO of TV News Station Agrees to Plead Guilty in College Admissions Scheme

>>14340361 Protestors Block Entrance to Raytheon in Portsmouth, RI; Delayed Emergency Response to a Serious Car Accident Up the Street

>>14340470 #18142

Anonymous ID: d546f9 Aug. 13, 2021, 4:27 p.m. No.14345108   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>14338954 Jenna Griswold: Watson Fellowship grant she received

>>14338952 Ordinary Canadians are the guinea pigs in a giant vaccine experiment (previous notable)

>>14338998 Light of the Black Sun - ROBERT SEPEHR

>>14339002, >>14338580 lb, >>14338589 lb, >>14338600 lb, >>14338625 lb Magnetic links

>>14339006 Rep. Tim Ramthun of WI has learned what he needed to learn and is a man of action

>>14339035, >>14338984 Rachel Maddow: Contract Tactics, Mr Ryan. Contract Tactics.

>>14339048 YouTube deletes a press conference video of U.S. Congress member N Malliotakis announcing a lawsuit against NYC Mayor's vaccine passport

>>14339050 Top Atlanta-Area Elementary School BUSTED for Segregating Students Based on Race

>>14339066 ‘One of The Toughest Challenges’: DHS Chief Mayorkas Says 212,672 Migrants Encountered In July

>>14339080 Tesla Model X In Austin "Burns To A Crisp", Catches Gas Station On Fire, After Crashing Into Light Pole

>>14339084 Taiwan Scrambles Fighter Jets After Six Chinese Warplanes Enter Its Air Defense Identification Zone

>>14339101 Wisconsin Democrat Retires, Opens Door for More GOP Gains

>>14339120 Latest propaganda stick Deadly Lambda variant could be neutralizing vaccines

>>14339121, >>14339608 "2004 Young Global Leaders" - presented by Globalist Scumbag Klaus Schwabhe names David de Rothschild, Alex Soros, Tulsi Gabbard, Mark Zuckerberg, Meagan Rapinoe and Daniel Crenshaw

>>14339147 Satanist never miss a beat

>>14339156 New Yorkers Celebrate Cuomo Resignation, Tell DeBlasio ‘We Coming For You Next, We On Yo Ass Boy’

>>14339185 Biden asking for Charlottesville 2.0

>>14339193 Festivals and venues requiring vaccination or negative test bun

>>14339287, >>14339491 Type O and Rh-Negative Blood Type Protective Against COVID-19

>>14339301 Planefagging TARTN49

>>14339353 Online Censorship and The Washington Post's Propaganda Tactics

>>14339359 Proof From Detroit TCF Center that Election Machines Were Connected Online

>>14339370 Exposing The Deep State Octopus (27:38)

>>14339391, >>14339427 College professor charged with setting California fire

>>14339415 Kids as Young as Four Can Now Change Gender in Scottish Schools

>>14339418 Canada PM Justin Trudeau ‘to call snap election’, seeking approval for coronavirus response

>>14339422 Border Patrol Encountered 212,000 Migrants in July, Breaking 21-Year Record

>>14339433 Texas Lawmakers Thwart Chinese Communist’s Plan to Connect to State’s Electricity Grid

>>14339436 The Courts Have Failed… It Is Up To We The People Now…Resist Covid-1984…: Justice Amy Coney Barrett declines request to block Indiana University's vaccine mandate

>>14339454 Conservatives Are Obsessed With My Pillow Vote Fraud Conference, According to Obsessed News Networks…

>>14339464 This is BIDEN's America "Pregnant people" need the VAX (1:17)

>>14339468 Biden Administration Orders ICE Agents Not to Arrest, Deport Victims of Crime

>>14339471 PCR Fauci Test FRAUD (Cap 0:23)

>>14339459, >>14339534 Free Clean Energy memes

>>14339506, >>14339443 There is no 'virus', viruses do not exist, fragments of dead cells are what 'virologists' refer to as viruses for arbitrary reasons

>>14339542 JOHN PILGER: A Day in the Death of British Justice

>>14339564 Dan "Buy my book" Crenshaw soliciting the underage 14-24 year olds

>>14339572 Several hundred people, including health care providers, protested against mandatory vaccinations of employees in Ohio hospitals

>>14339595 Minneapolis GOP campaign manager, PAC founder allegedly sex trafficked minors

>>14339636 #18141

Anonymous ID: d546f9 Aug. 13, 2021, 4:27 p.m. No.14345110   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>14338169 Antifa walks and cops get disciplined

>>14338200 Harris County, Tx Wants To Mandate Masks And Vaccines

>>14338203, >>14338235 Racheal Maddow leaving?

>>14338258, >>14338309 Airport staff force an autistic 12-year-old boy to have a COVID test. The staff were shown an exemption letter and UK Government guidance (0:29)

>>14338274 Chinese hack Cyber symposium delegates Facebook accounts?

>>14338280 Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium link day 3

>>14338293 Lies in writing: CO Sec of State The chain of custody of the equipment cannot be verified.

>>14338318 Whistleblower Steps Forward — Provides Proof From Detroit Center that Election Machines Were Connected Online — WITH PHOTO

>>14338325 Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium Faces Threats For Exposing 2020 Fraud

>>14338351 Statement by Donald J. Trump, Wisconsin are lucky Representative Janel Brandtjen, who issued subpoenas for Brown (Green Bay) and Milwaukee Counties, and all of their election evidence and so-called results.

>>14338377 Arizona’s Senate Democrats Lose Control Of Domain, Now Offers Porn

>>14338389 Another Hunter Biden Laptop?

>>14338404 Amy Coney Barrett

>>14338420 Fauci Confirms "Likely, Inevitable" Everyone Will Need COVID Vaccine Booster Shot

>>14338429 Mike Lindell Opens Thursday Cyber Symposium with SHOCKING Developments: Another Home Raided, Credible Threats, Conference Infiltrated

>>14338431 Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold recently made it clear she prioritizes political posturing over sound public policy.

>>14338462, >>14338493, >>14338541, >>14338587, >>14338561, >>14338636 Crenshaw on the Young Global Leader's website, it's because he's been (conveniently) removed from it. No comment.

>>14338512 We are going to fire Jocelyn Benson for what she did to our election in Michigan. I need 200k signatures on this petition ASAP

>>14338522 Fire Benson billboards:

>>14338528, >>14338559 Wendy Rogers Announces New ‘Election Integrity Caucus’, Compares Significance to ‘The Continental Congress’


>>14338583 Rep. Dan Crenshaw tells Supporters “Don’t Kid Yourself” the 2020 Election “Absolutely Not a Stolen Election” #RINOReveal

>>14338589 EWF/Expert Witness/EnCase image file format

>>14338604 Leaked Video Allegedly Shows Hunter Biden Admitting to Losing ANOTHER Laptop

>>14338612 Parents Cheer as Clay Travis Schools School Board on Masks

>>14338635 U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett refuses to block Indiana University’s vaccine mandate for students. She acted alone and gave no explanation.

>>14338644 Australian capital #Canberra enters "hard" lockdown. Melbourne extends lockdown as Sydney introduces "no jab, no job" policy.

>>14338929 #18140

Anonymous ID: d546f9 Aug. 13, 2021, 4:27 p.m. No.14345113   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>14337357, >>14337980 It’s official. Project Veritas is going to depose the SHIT out of the New York Times!

>>14337364 After Decades, Oil Giant Shell Agrees to Pay $111 Million for Destruction in Nigeria

>>14337388 New Orleans Mayor Cantrell expected to announce vaccine requirement… It's not clear which businesses will be required to screen customers for vaccines, but restaurants, bars and music venues are likely on the list…

>>14337398 NEW EMAILS Reveal Never-Before-Seen Details about Ashli Babbit's Death

>>14337420 Schuman -Passion\Panic Detector

>>14337437 Reminder Someone Removed the links and they are not all Greened out. Stop removing shit from Globals until it is fucking green.

>>14337471, >>14337536, >>14337663, >>14337710, >>14337731 A lot of people think of packet capture the same way they thought of DNA forensics when it was new. The captured packets are real and the Deep State is fucking scared shitless.

>>14337478, >>14337484, >>14337502, >>14337729 Minneapolis Man Charged in Child Sex Trafficking Conspiracy Justice Dept. Bun

>>14337567 Meet Bettina L. Love, A Critical Race Theorist Coming To A School Near You

>>14337581, >>14337594 U.S. Navy: After careful planning, coordination, & successful execution the #USNavy's newest warship is combat ready in the face of strategic competition.

>>14337614 Military Situation In Afghanistan On August 12, 2021 (Map Update)

>>14337617, >>14337635, >>14337793, >>14337895 Too Late, We’re at a turning point in the redistricting process, and maps drawn in the next 12 months will determine the next decade of representation in our country.

>>14337647, >>14337639, >>14337684, >>14337709 Hillary Endorses the death poison injections + Moar

>>14337711, >>14337757, >>14337772 , >>14337796, >>14337819, >>14337857, >>14337957, >>14338059,Mesa County Elections DecertifiedSecretary of State Jena Griswold announced during a zoom Thursday, her office would be decertifying Mesa County elections immediately.

>>14337805 FF Watch… Field of Dreams

>>14337843 Google bans another 9 Android apps, now you must delete them from your phone

>>14337918 PSAKI: “The Taliban also has to make an assessment about what they want their role to be in the international community.” …What?

>>14337962 The Pentagon spent $88 billion dollars training the Afghan Army for 20 years Did it really collapse in one month?

>>14338072 All Pink Erythang Tonight - BREAKING: Jamie Spears Agrees to Step Down as Britney Spears' Conservator - TMZ

>>14338082 #18139

Anonymous ID: d546f9 Aug. 13, 2021, 4:27 p.m. No.14345116   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>14336554, >>14336665, >>14336768, >>14336835, >>14336854, >>14336910, >>14337083 NYT: The Pentagon is moving thousands of Marines into position for a mandatory evacuation of the American Embassy and U.S. citizens in Kabul as the Biden administration braces for a possible collapse of the Afghan government within 30 days.

>>14336589 Any Republican that wants you to ignore voter fraud is 100% in on it. Do not trust them.

>>14336597 AIPAC cancels 2022 conference citing COVID concerns

>>14336601, >>14336617 Russia Grants Asylum To Covid Refugees After Americans Told “Screw Your Freedom”

>>14336619, >>14336656 Scientist arrested in Moscow on suspicion of data transfer to foreign special services

>>14336642 Abbott rips White House, says Texas can help with oil production if Biden admin will 'stay out of the way'

>>14336708 LETTER FROM LONDON: Worrying Turn in Assange Case

>>14336740, >>14336791, >>14336877, >>14337094 M7.6 South Sandwich Islands region

>>14336754, >>14337122 An OAN reporter sharing a RRN link… Shill Seething Ensues..

>>14336768, >>14336835 Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby holds a briefing

>>14336781 Gerrymandering Continues under cover ofRe-Districting

>>14336803, >>14337047 Ordinary Canadians are the guinea pigs in a giant vaccine experiment

>>14336834 EXCLUSIVE: President Trump’s Executive Order Regarding Foreign Intervention in US Elections Could Result in Perilous Consequences for Biden Family and Others

>>14336835 The Pentagon had kept about 650 troops in Afghanistan to support U.S. diplomatic security. The official said an unspecified additional number of troops, as well as aircraft, are to be brought in to assist with the embassy drawdown.

>>14336858 Spain Intercepts Vessel Carrying 20 Tons of Hashish

>>14336867, >>14336970, >>14336979 Former DEA Special Agent Sentenced to Over 13 Years in Prison for Corruption-Related Charges - LEGAL Bun

>>14336896 Biden says "let me close with this" as live stream abruptly cuts off

>>14336959 PEDO BUN 12 August 21

>>14336986 Gene Editing…

>>14337025, >>14337188 Lindell Symposium - Mike's breakdown of state by state + Excellent Speaker

>>14337102 'Significant' Ambulance Response Deployed to 'Serious and Tragic' Incident in Plymouth UK…

>>14337121 'Blackmail, Sex Tapes and More': Hannity Asks Why No Arrests Made in Hunter Biden 'Laptop Scandal'

>>14337123, >>14337168, >>14337174 Senatus Consultum EU (Previous Notable)

>>14337169 MADISON, Wis. (AP) — The leader of an investigation into the 2020 election in Wisconsin traveled to Arizona last week to learn about the audit done there and was attendeding a symposium on election fraud Thursday in South Dakota headed by MyPillow chief executive Mike Lindell.

>>14337172 This describes the situation 30 years ago, demonstrating a long relationship between the CIA and Serbia:

>>14337195 Demented, Visibly Tired Biden Wanders, Confused, on His Way into the White House

>>14337259 #18138


Previously Collected Notables

>>14336467 #18137,

>>14334145 #18134, >>14334906 #18135, >>14335716 #18136

>>14331835 #18131, >>14332624 #18132, >>14333336 #18133

>>14329506 #18728, >>14330248 #18129, >>14331016 #18130

>>14327087 #18125, >>14327940 #18126, >>14328748 #18127

>>14324800 #18122, >>14325532 #18123, >>14326428 #18124

>>14323178 #18120, >>14323977 #18121\2, >>14323973 #18121\1

>>14320891 #18117, >>14321629 #18118, >>14322464 #18119

>>14318688 #18114, >>14319371 #18115, >>14320109 #18116

>>14316339 #18111, >>14317114 #18112, >>14317897 #18113

>>14314001 #18108, >>14314754 #18109, >>14315529 #18110

>>14311755 #18105, >>14312534 #18106, >>14313277 #18107

>>14309434 #18102, >>14310204 #18103, >>14310957 #18104

>>14307077 #18099, >>14307880 #18100, >>14308670 #18101

>>14304774 #18096, >>14305831 #18097, >>14306348 #18098

>>14302444 #18093, >>14303189 #18094, >>14303979 #18095

>>14302187 #18091, >>14302255 #18092, >>14302444 #18093

>>14298455 #18088, >>14302263 #18089, >>14302058 #18090

>>14296156 #18085, >>14296887 #18086, >>14298060 #18087


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Anonymous ID: d546f9 Aug. 13, 2021, 4:27 p.m. No.14345119   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: d546f9 Aug. 13, 2021, 4:27 p.m. No.14345121   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: d546f9 Aug. 13, 2021, 7:16 p.m. No.14347038   🗄️.is 🔗kun


1000's of memes

got a one terabyte external hd, but the pics keep loading onto the computer?

mine is over a year old..

I really dont know why it is slow.

was instant to begin with.

now it is slower than an old boot.

Anonymous ID: d546f9 Aug. 13, 2021, 7:51 p.m. No.14347320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7339

Can you make one little button, that will do it all?


>4. Download "alleycat-player-v4h.htm" and "kraker-3a.js"

It turns in to a js page and doesn't down load… Second pic