>>14850310 (lb)
I think we found our "RRN Shill"…kek…
he is quoting "Politifact" as proof…omg…kekking really hard now…
>>14850310 (lb)
I think we found our "RRN Shill"…kek…
he is quoting "Politifact" as proof…omg…kekking really hard now…
That's strange, because I probably forgot more then you will ever learn in your pitiful life, sonny…
kek…not even close to Mike…you could never be soo wrong…but keep trying, pumpkin…
yea, well, you sweat out the ignorance of your IQ…It's blatantly clear JS went after the messenger but just like "ALL" the MSM…he doesn't go after the message…strange huh…he is the Jen Psaki of Rumble…kek…I got into 3 minutes of his "rant" until he got to the "Politifact" as proof and I knew right there he was/is the "SHILL" that has been plaguing this board with his non-sense…but it's a anonymous board and he is allowed to speak his peace…I just called him out for the "SHILL" that he is…
you really are just that stupid…you link my last post you idiot…
oh, you mean like CNN, MSNBC, ABC does…kek…ok…you got me…the MSM thinks we are idiots and so does JS…that does put JS in the same BOAT don't you think…huh…scratch that, it's obvious you don't think or we wouldn't be have this convo…
kek…damnnnn!!!…brutal…now all you need is a beagle head dripping blood (like Kathy Griffin did to Trumps head)…that should really hit the mark…
you would have triggered on Trump holding a "beagle"…Trump doesn't have any dogs and the only picture of Trump holding a dog is one of a "beagle"…and why was he holding a "beagle"???…I think he already knew (looking glass)…naw…Trump must be psychic…yea…that's it…
>Однажды видел свинью бтфо три шилла с мемом. гребаный мем. кто, черт возьми, это делает?
Once saw a pig btwo three shills with a meme. fucking meme. who the hell does that?
shit…you made me look that up and translate it…kek…
I was thinking the same…I'm guessing nothing else was working(they were prepared) they kept twisting the truth to fit their sick narrative…but they weren't prepared for American's that love their pets(Dems and Repubs)…small steps…one small step at a time…who knows where it will lead…plus everybody loves "Snoopy"…kek…
I popped it on here two nights ago with a few links from 4chan and wake up 6 hours later and it went viral…you never know what wakes up the anons…