>>15028994 pb
Flat out Communist. This fucking kunt should not be near anything having to do with power of any kind.
>>15028994 pb
Flat out Communist. This fucking kunt should not be near anything having to do with power of any kind.
>>15036837 pb
Future defendants in libel action suits. Lin? You're up!!!!
Too late. Can be retrieved. Min Joo Byon, whatever the hell that could be, you stupid.
>>15061110 pb
Makes a fuck. He's still a damn nigger. Got some white in his genes somewhere but this criminal piece of shit deserves a 5.56 to the head.
While we're at it. I find it beyond a sane man's comprehension that given the fact the communist left in this country is openingly and "knowingly" implementing the Frankfurt School playbook, damn near to the letter, we, as a nation, are actually having this "conversation" as the marxist like to say, about enforcing the rule of law? This Brooks piece of shit is a prime example. This motherfucker's rap sheet is L O N G and he should have been sitting in federal prison for most of the shit he's done. Instead, he was allowed to be free to take his depravity over to Waukesha County and mow down Grandmothers, Grandfathers, Wives, Husbands, children as he purposely drove that SUV down that parade route at a high speed.
This starts at the top on a state level. Never mind FJB and the federal government. The governors and state legislators along with state attorneys, DAs, Judges, City Counsels and all officals on the local level who have allowed, permitted, condoned and abetted this "democrat crime spree" should all be immediately arrested and held without bond. All, are clearly a danger to the communities to which they govern and supposedly serve. The State Police, the local Law Enforcement, Sheriffs etalโฆโฆโฆโฆโฆ.are not obligated by duty nor the Constitution to obey and abide in unlawful legistlation, unlawful orders coming from any offical or legislative body that not only purposely endangers the well being of the citizenry they serve but targets the citizenry they serve. No bail, low bail, catch and release, criminal justice reform and the rest of it is nothing but a fucking con, a guise to force onto the general population dangerous criminals to run amok and aid the marxist left in their Color Revolution in creating mayhem, chaos and anarchy.
You motherfuckers in Law Enforcement and our Military ofr that matter. What in the fuck are you doing? You have gone from discharging your duties in protecting the public and citizens you serve, who pay your goddamn saleries to now obeying and carrying out unlawful, immoral orders in arresting a parent at a school board meeting who showed up to voice his bewilderment about his daughter being FUCKING RAPED in a high school girls bathroom? RAPED by a teen sexual preditor wearing a fucking skirt indentifying as a female. Again, I ask you. What in the fuck are you doing?
Your silence in all of this is beyond deafening. It is either tacit approval at worse or your condoning by way of inaction at best, of the abject hell you are allowing these officals to purposely unleash on the citizens you serve. You have kids? A Wife? A home, neighbors, friends, family members? You will stand aside and in some cases, aid and abet these white collar criminals motherfuckers to tear our nation apart? Those of you that are allowing these elected pieces of shit to do this need to take a good, long look in the mirror.
It is time for you folks in Law Enforcement to stand the hell up. By a huge fucking majority the citizenry in this country supports you. We have got your fucking backs and will "Go To Bat" for you. We understand the sacrifices you, your families make in keeping US safe. On a daily basis you face the absolute scum and filth of the earth. You see depravity and evil on a level that most of us will never, ever know. At least for now. And as you face this incarnate evil some of you for some unexplained reason, are willing to sit idle as the elected and appointed class either use you or order you to stand down in aiding and abetting the destruction of our communities. These are also your communities. The crimes committed by these elected elites fall under federal statute 18 USC 242 "Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law". I'm pretty damn sure that in each state there is a State Statute equivalent. Surely, this cannot be because of a paycheck? Is it right, moral, to stand aside and allow the destruction of a community just because of a paycheck? If we, as a nation, right down to every local community continue on this path every aspect of this civil society is going to disintegrate and we are well down that road Patriots and you know damn well what happens at that point. It is past time to rid our society of all of these white collar, elected democrat/marxist filth of the earth. Your duty is to US. Not them.
That's profound. How was I to know without your wisdom anon? Fuck you.
What a fucking album!!!!! Entire story behind Tom Schulz and Boston is an incredible read. Whole damn album was recorded in his basement.