Solve for X: Deciphering Calibration Marks Made for Classified Spy Missions
Viewed from the sky or seen up close on the ground, giant X shapes andtriple bar patternsscattered across the United States look equally perplexing. The former (above) are like huge treasure-map markers, but built at the scale of the map and not the ground represented. The latter (below) are even stranger, like geometrical land art, a secret code or perhaps a welcome sign for extraterrestrial visitors.
Despite variations in their details, all of these massive markers were designed to serve similar functions as aerial photo calibration targets — terrestrial test patterns that are essentially Snellen charts for aircraft and satellites. Most of them were built by and for the military and some date back to the early days ofspace-based surveillance initiatives.
Per the Center for Land Use Interpretation, “the targets function like an eye chart at the optometrist.” When it comes to the 5:1 aspect ratio tri-bar patterns, “the smallest group of bars that can be resolved marks the limit of the resolution for the optical instrument that is being used.” Still, even the bigger tri-bars are generally fairly small compared to the gigantic grid of X’s arrayed across a remote section of the Southwest.
In the 1960s, over 100 X-shaped concrete targets were poured in a grid spanning hundreds of square miles in Arizona. From above, they look almost artificially perfect, each one sixty feet across and precisely constructed. For years, their exact function was a mystery to most (by design) — later, their specific purpose was declassified.
Launched in the late 1950s by Central Intelligence Agency Directorate of Science & Technology (with assistance from the U.S. Air Force), the Corona program involved tasking satellites to take photographs of foreign states including the USSR and People’s Republic of China…
Initial photos were indeed blurry, but the grid of shapes in the clear, dry Arizona desert helped the government calibrate their cameras. With adjustments made, Corona satellite program was continued and captured huge numbers of intelligible photos. Over the next decade or so, these satellites shot over 800,000 images (2.1 million feet of film).
Eventually, the X’s were rendered obsolete in part due to evolving technology. Groundwater removal also caused slight shifts in the landscape that were sufficient to skew the initially precise relative positions of points on the grid. Many of these targets have since been destroyed but some remain scattered across the desert…
Thetri-bar arraysserve a similar function to the X’s but for a broader range of aircraft. They are “widely used to determine the resolving power of microscopes, telescopes, cameras, and scanners,” per the CLUI. “For aerial photography, they provide a platform to test, calibrate, and focus aerial cameras traveling at different speeds and altitudes.”
These arrangements of parallel and perpendicular bars can be found in various remote places, including California’s Mojave Desert. Most are located inside military complexes, like an Air Force base in Florida and a Navy drone airport in Maryland. Some stand alone while others are painted right onto landing strips, letting pavement serve a dual purpose. The largest array spans 20 miles alongside Edwards AFB.
But like the giant concrete arrows used to direct planes in the pre-radar age,many of these calibration targets have since been abandoned— they have proved obsolete in the age of digital photography.