Robert Reich Smears Elon Musk's Vision for Twitter as 'Dangerous Nonsense'
The libertarian vision of an 'uncontrolled' internet is not the dream of dictators. (So libertarians are dangerous now, their whole idea is live and let live)
Libertarian: One who advocates maximizing individual rights and minimizing the role of the state, One who believes in free will, One who maintains the doctrine of the freedom of the will (especially in an extreme form): opposed to necessitarian.
Reich begins by condemning Russian President Vladimir Putin's authoritarianism: how he hides the truth from the people of Russia by outlawing dissent, jailing protesters, and prioritizing government propaganda over independent media. Reich then turns his attention to formerPresident Donald Trump, writing that the decisions by social media companies to ban the president "were necessary to protect American democracy."
But wait a minute:
Why does silencing a political viewpoint protect democracy?How is that any different than Putin saying his silencing of dissenters is necessary to protect Russia?…
Musk has expressed misgivings about Twitter's treatment of dissenting views, and is worried that the social media site: The First Amendment cannot be cited as a defense by anyone who is shadow-banned or de-platformed on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, or anywhere else. What we possess, under the First Amendment, is a right to criticize bad and hypocritical behavior free from government censorship.
That's what Musk thinks, it's what I think, and it's what many independent voices on both the left and the right think.
But not Robert Reich. He writes:
Will Musk use his clout to let Trump back on? I fear he will.
Musk has long advocated a libertarian vision of an "uncontrolled" internet. That vision is dangerous rubbish. There's no such animal, and there never will be. …
In Musk's vision of Twitter and the internet, he'd be the wizard behind the curtain – projecting on the world's screen a fake image of a brave new world empowering everyone.
In reality, that world would be dominated by the richest and most powerful people in the world, who wouldn't be accountable to anyone for facts, truth, science or the common good. (this guy is fucking stupid, that is how it is now)
That's Musk's dream. And Trump's. And Putin's. And the dream of every dictator, strongman, demagogue and modern-day robber baron on Earth. For the rest of us, it would be a brave new nightmare.
Reich, unfortunately, is deeply confused. The libertarian vision of an "uncontrolled" internet is not the dream of dictators (really stupid fucker). Dictators like Putin want a controlled internet. Reich is also advocating for a controlled internet—and apparently likes the people who control it right now: i.e., the sort of progressive-minded moderators who don't want people to read about the Black Lives Matter foundation spending millions in donations to buy up real estate rather than promote change, a story that Facebook decided to suppress….
Reich is not alone in preferring things the way they are. Ellen K. Pao, the former CEO of reddit, wrote in an op-ed for The Washington Post that "Elon Musk's vision of 'free speech' will be bad for Twitter.”It will be bad for Twitter, she writes, because Musk wants to let more people speak on Twitter without fear of censorship.
Progressives like Reich and Pao shouldn't frame their dismissal of free speech as a sort of rejection of tyranny. It's the opposite: It's an embrace of tyranny—of a kind of tyranny that is popular in both Russia and China, the U.S.'s main political, social, and economic rivals. Russia and China don't want their citizens saying whatever they want on social media. Elon Musk does. That's the difference between an uncontrolled libertarian ethos for the internet, and the ethos of the censors.