to make Marjery Green out to be a liar they have to prove they tell the truth.
Cant prove a lie - so that would be impossible.
Most they have is intimidation and she won't fold
Right to "overturn" a despotic government is in our American history. (in this case just talking enforce a legit election - that's less than any overturn, but then, those who would go to the lengths they did to corrupt the office of POTUS and boldly steal an election, would obviously lie and claim "insurrection")
good luk proving 'insurrection'
unless they go full Mob Rule, throw out any need for proofs and work it like the legislature in the French Revolution and pull out the guillotines// i
with a whole commission / panel ( and they can pull that off as they have in the past ; Warren commission / 9/11 'commission)
They are close to that madness.