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Leavitt Satanic Ritual Abuse and Cannibalism Dig
>>16396016 News report: "Allegations of ritualistic child sexual abuse to murder and cannibalism"
>>16396041 Daily Beast Fake News Spins Utah County case into muh Qanon conspiracy theory
>>16396058 Here is an article written by Chelom Leavitt about how to talk to kids about sex. Pedos gonna pedo. She's a sex therapist.
>>16396064 Chelom got a book deal too.
>>16396081 FUGITIVE rape suspect Nicholas Rossi has been slammed for accusing the prosecutor who is trying to extradite him back to the US of “ritualised child sex abuse”.
>>16396135 8 girls and only 1 male child (that survived)?
>>16396163 Both David and Chelom Leavitt worked as attornies in Ukraine.
>>16396166 Leavitt up to armpits
>>16396278 Chelom Leavitt: Fullbright Fellow, Ukraine, Penn State. ran a research study in Ukraine on how religious and secular traditions were associated with couple and parent-child relationship well-being.
>>16396300 I just knew this would come back to Romney.
>>16396495 and Bush. Was George W's HHS secretary. Brother Mike was Governor of Utah.
>>16396518 Father was founder of the Leavitt Group, one of the largest independent insurance brokerages in the nation. Also a Utah Politician.
>>16396349 The Leavitt Institute. Chelom and David took their family to Ukraine then created the TLI
>>16396427 some Micahel O Leavitt hits in State Department FOIAs
>>16396495 David Mike related sauce. David a counselor at Moldovan National Institute of" Justice"
>>16396233 Mike is A Seasoned Diplomat
>>16396124, >>16396407 Here is his wife talking about how to teach your 0-7 year old about sex. Why can't they just let kids be kids?
>>16396636 Brother Eric. SUU Awards Honorary Degrees to Dr. Condoleezza Rice and Eric O. Leavitt
>>16396751 Matthew Leavitt worked for Facebook.
>>16396799 William R Leavitt who works for USAID and pops up in the Wikileaks Clinton emails
>>16396764, >>16396769, >>16397032 at the alleged cannibal's institute, they were EATING like there's no tomorrow
>>16397667 Leavitt reflects on time in Ukraine. Yushchenko poisoned with dioxin, a contaminant in AgentOrange
>>16397672 Chelom and David became close friends with Yushchenko and his wife, Kateryna.
>>16397712, >>16397716, >>16397753, >>16397761 Six current and former prosecutors in the Utah County Attorney’s Office sent a declaration of no confidence in Leavitt. This no confidence declaration makes him sound a bit soros backed
>>16397802, >>16396764 (PB) Check out the books on the shelf in this "recruitment video" for the Leavitt Institute who apparently works with USAID. BOURNE, Lewis Carroll
>>16397918 The first book the Mormon's published in Deseret (their supposed written script) was Alice in Wonderland.
>>16397736, >>16397901, >>16398050, >>16398152 DAVID LEAVITT AND CONNECTIONS TO VICTOR YUSHCHENKO. Good Line / Clinton Global Initiative
>>16398050 Bunlets of Related Posts – all PB. Other Utah Investigation posts. Recent Orange Revolution Comms. David Leavitt and friends
>>16398199 Lawmakers pass bill targeting Utah County Attorney’s progressive policies
>>16397718, >>16397724, >>16397741 Nicholas Rossi. Nicholas Alahverdian. Tattoos gave fugitive away. arrested last month at Glasgow’s Queen Elizabeth University Hospital under the name “Arthur Knight”.
>>16397616 Leavitt Satanic Ritual Abuse Dig from Bread #20733
>>16398186 Local Fox: Sheriff's office asks for tips and encouraged victims to come forward
>>16398309, >>16398186 (PB) is this THE arrest?
>>16398351 I've been trying to point out the Mormon's on here for years. Finger Lakes, Noname, Romney/cartels, Hanks
>>16398874, >>16398324, >>16398328 Every time I post something about Mormon's the shills come out in force. muh slide. Is that you Mrs L?
>>16399768 Utah County Sheriff Mike Smith is holding a press conference at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday in response to Utah County Attorney David Leavitt’s call for his resignation
>>16399477 Previous Bun
>>16402426 UCSO is investigating a series of reports alleging “ritualistic child sexual abuse” and a sex trafficking ring perpetrated by high-profile individuals in the state for over two decades
>>16402526 I wonder why Chelom Leavitt had a shipping container delivered from China?
>>16402593 Live Q&A: Utah Sheriff Investigating Ritual Abuse and Cannibalism | Crossroads with Joshua Philipp
>>16402690 The Leavitt Institute logo
>>16402696 Danielle Leavitt-Quist is a gender studies major at Harvard.