>>16444878 (/lb)
This meme is inversion to divide a person into pieces based on time.
>>16444878 (/lb)
This meme is inversion to divide a person into pieces based on time.
Nice dialectic inversion story, bro
No no noI'mDave, man!
The 'fAcT cHeCkErs' ensured us that even though the tweet is real, we're supposed to forget it because 'iT wAs tAkEn oUt oF cOnTeXt'
Notice the urge to dialectically invert the logic is so bad it leads to cringe headlines like this one.
"tHe rEaL iSsUe iS hOw tHe tRuTh oF oUr oWn pRoPaGaNdA iS bEiNg 'eXpLoiTeD' bY tHoSe wE sMeAr aS pRoPaGaNdiSts"
Their NEED for symbolism is their downfall.