Anonymous ID: f80d6b Q Research General #21030: ANTISPAM DOUGH ENABLED Edition July 6, 2022, 11:50 a.m. No.16649218   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9632

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Wednesday 06.29.2022

>>16552853 โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€“โ€”โ€”โ€“ What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.


Saturday 06.25.2022

>>16521604 rt >>16520866, >>16521137 โ€”โ€” Established. (Who was "Jane Roe"? 50 years of conditioning.)


Friday 06.24.2022

>>16506930 โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€“โ€”โ€”โ€“ Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.

>>16505677 rt >>16505361 โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€“โ€“โ€“โ€”โ€”โ€“โ€” It had to be done this way.

>>16504957 โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€“โ€”โ€”โ€“ Shall we play a game once more?


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Anonymous ID: f80d6b July 6, 2022, 11:50 a.m. No.16649222   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9248 >>9261 >>9290 >>9297 >>9311 >>9315 >>9325 >>9328 >>9331 >>9341 >>9351 >>9360 >>9369 >>9372 >>9376 >>9393 >>9576 >>9813




>>16647081 Offsite Bunkers - END:

>>16647838 Uvalde Mayor Blows the Whistle, Says Officials Engaged in โ€œCover-Upโ€ of Police Response to Shooting

>>16647957 Kentucky Supreme Court Rules on Cellphone Geo-Tracking Case โ€” Proving Premise Behind โ€œ2000 Mulesโ€ Is VALID and Very Much in Use Today

>>16648069 BO massive attack in progress. hang onto your hats, anons.

>>16648211 Courts Seal Records Of Former Clinton Aide And Epstein Associate Who Committed Suicide

>>16648729 Adolf Hitler And The Jesuit Order - Part III


>>16648876 Whistleblower Demands Investigation Into Bidenโ€™s Nuclear Drag Queen Hiring Process

>>16648321 QClock July 6, 2022

>>16647838 Uvalde Mayor Blows the Whistle, Says Officials Engaged in โ€œCover-Upโ€ of Police Response to Shooting

>>16649015 Just dropping this here. new Great Awakening Graphic

>>16649044 Eric Holder Jr. has been convicted of first-degree murder in the death of rapper Nipsey Hussle.

>>16649065 Police Were Told In 2019 That Parade Shooter Vowed To โ€˜Kill Everyone,โ€™ Did Not Arrest Him

>>16649188 #21029




>>16643801 Trump looks to sue former FBI lovebirds Peter Strzok, Lisa Page; comes up empty in 6 tries to serve papers

>>16643802 GA Guidestone Mp4

>>16643809 Learn Your Offsite Bunkers

>>16643855 Guidestone Memes

>>16643885 OPEC chief Mohammad Barkindo passes away

>>16643909 Suffolk's senior coroner said the 21-year-old died "as a result of a serious infection

>>16643935 DANGEROUS DISREGARD: Police seized knives from Robert Crimo's home months before his father sponsored his application for a FOID card

>>16643958 The Georgia Bureau of Investigation said an explosion damaged a controversial northeast Georgia landmark.

>>16644080 Guidestone Meme


>>16644032 Just a thought exercise Cardinal Directions to Epstein?

>>16644146 GEORGIA GUIDESTONES - Cardinal Directions Defined

>>16644160 PF Paranoia23

>>16644228 Guidestone - Here's a diagram with the languages.

>>16644236 @ArmyChiefStaff Tough, realistic training helps Soldiers master their skills and helps units form cohesive teams.

>>16644384 Gillum indicted

>>16644488 @MELANIATRUMP Our American Dream is built on the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as expressed in the Declaration of Independence.

>>16644726 Biden DOJ Sues To Block Arizona's Proof Of Citizenship Voting Law

>>16644879 Rosicrucianism, R.C. Christian and the GA Guidestones


#21027 TBC


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Anonymous ID: e37aca July 6, 2022, 11:54 a.m. No.16649267   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9406 >>9576 >>9813 >>9966 >>9996

UK deputy ambassador detained by IRGC on espionage claims


Video footage released by the IRGC claimed to show the deputy ambassador near a site where Iran was conducting missile exercises.


The deputy head of the United Kingdom's mission in Iran, Giles Whitaker, and a number of other diplomats were detained by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) on claims of spying and taking samples of soil from a "prohibited area," Iranian media reported on Wednesday.


Video footage released by the IRGC claimed to show the deputy ambassador near a site where Iran was conducting missile exercises.


In January 2020, then UK ambassador to Iran, Rob Macaire, was arrested at a vigil for the 176 people who were killed when a Ukraine International Airlines aircraft was shot down by the IRGC. Protests broke out throughout Iran, including in Tehran, after the plane was downed.


Macaire was released and returned to London for a period of about three weeks before returning to Iran in February 2020. Simon Shercliff is the current British ambassador to Iran.

Anonymous ID: e37aca July 6, 2022, 11:55 a.m. No.16649279   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9318 >>9576 >>9813 >>9966 >>9996

Directors of FBI, MI5 deliver joint warning to business leaders about global Chinese spying effort


From England, Christopher Wray and Ken McCallum issued a warning to the business sector about ongoing, massive Chinese espionage operations.



The heads of the FBI and Britain's domestic intelligence and security service โ€“ MI5 โ€“ issues a rare joint warning to Western business leaders about the threats posed by Chinese espionage, particularly efforts to steal intellectual property from Western tech outfits.


In a joint appearance on Wednesday at MI5 headquarters, FBI director Christopher Wray and MI5 director-general Ken McCallum encouraged industry leaders not to underestimate the scope of Beijing's espionage campaign.


Wray said to the audience, according to the Wall Street Journal, "The Chinese government is set on stealing your technology โ€“ whatever it is that makes your industry tick โ€“ and using it to undercut your business and dominate your market. Theyโ€™re set on using every tool at their disposal to do it."


China, said McCallum, is engaged in a "coordinated campaign on a grand scale," which indicates a "strategic contest across the decades."


It is well-known, though not necessarily well combated, that China utilizes state-sponsored hacking on a global scale with operatives all around the world in order to gain access to technology it desires.


Wray said that, at present, the FBI opens a new counterintelligence investigation into China close to every 12 hours. McCallum, likewise, noted that MI5 is overseeing seven times as many investigations into suspicious Chinese activity as it was in 2018.

Anonymous ID: e37aca July 6, 2022, 11:56 a.m. No.16649288   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

IDF chief of staff candidate suggests ramping up assassinations of IRGC leaders


In 74-page document titled โ€˜Countering Iranโ€™s regional strategy,โ€™ Eyal Zamir warns that Tehran-backed militias in Syria would join Hezbollah in battle


Eyal Zamir, one of the leading candidates to take over as the next chief of the Israeli military, warned in a lengthy report that Iran has managed to establish a significant foothold in Syria and called for more assassinations of Iranian military officials to curb such efforts.


In a 74-page document published as part of his current position as a research fellow at the Washington Institute, Zamir said Iran has managed to establish a comprehensive military infrastructure within Syria and has deployed missiles and UAVs that are a direct threat to neighboring Israel.


The report, titled โ€œCountering Iranโ€™s regional strategyโ€ and dated May 8, was released Tuesday.


โ€œSome of the Iranian militias base themselves in special camps in Syria, and in the case of an Israeli campaign against Hezbollah in Lebanon, they could conceivably fire missiles from deep within Syria at Israeli targets,โ€ Zamir wrote.


Last month, the IDF held a major military exercise in Cyprus, simulating a ground offensive deep inside Lebanon in a potential war against the Iran-backed Hezbollah. The exercise was part of the militaryโ€™s largest drill in decades, simulating all-out war with an emphasis on Israelโ€™s northern frontier.


Hezbollah alone has long been a significant adversary for the IDF, with an estimated arsenal of nearly 150,000 rockets and missiles that can reach anywhere in Israel.

Anonymous ID: 757392 July 6, 2022, 11:56 a.m. No.16649296   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


We heard you the first time niggerfaggot. I hate Q just as much as the rest of the patriots who are awakened to the pacifism psyop, but there's a right way to go about it. Spam is faggot.

Anonymous ID: 4c93e6 July 6, 2022, 11:57 a.m. No.16649302   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9885

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

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12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

Anonymous ID: e37aca July 6, 2022, 11:57 a.m. No.16649303   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9576 >>9813 >>9966 >>9996

Russian authorities investigated Jewish Agency for three years


Russia has been inspecting the Jewish Agency for three years before ordering it to stop operations in the country.


The Jewish Agency has been under investigation by Russian officials for the past three years, during which information and hardware from their offices were examined closely.


In a letter sent to the Jewish Agency this week, revealed exclusively by The Jerusalem Post, the Agency received a list of what the Russian Justice Ministry sees as violations of the law and the consequences of these violations.


As reported on Tuesday, a senior Israeli diplomatic official said that โ€œRussia has claimed that the Jewish Agency illegally collected information about Russian citizens.โ€


As every organization would do, especially ones that promote immigration to another country, the Jewish Agencyโ€™s offices in Russia collect information about people who apply for aliyah or who participate in their activities.


According to DLA Piper, a multinational law firm, amendments to the Russian Data Protection Act were adopted and came into force in 2015. The amendments require all personal data operators to store and process any personal data of Russian individuals within databases located in Russia (subject to few exceptions).


Violations of Russian law


According to the amendment, the penalty for violation of this requirement is ultimately the blocking of websites involving unlawful handling of Russian personal data.


According to the Russian law, in order to transfer personal data outside Russiaโ€™s borders, the operator has to ensure that the rights of personal data subjects will have a high level of protection in the new country destination โ€“ before actually transferring the data.


The ministry indicated that the agency officials in Russia have violated the law, since the information gathered there is shared with its offices in Jerusalem or with Israeli government offices in order to proceed with immigration.


The letter stated that the agency should respond to the allegations and may have to cease activities in Russia if found guilty of the charges.

Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 11:58 a.m. No.16649305   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9316

Until each and every zionist in the West (Jew or Gentile) is either deported or hanged (legally, off course), any notion of "justice" is fraudulent, disingenuos, and a complete attempt to once again trick the people about them having any power or saying on how their countries are run.

There are no political parties, there is only the Israel first uniparty. - "Just for some perspective"


A quote:


The Democratic party gets 50% of its funding from Jews (1) and 70% of Jews voted Democrat in 2016 (2) (3). Jews voted 79% Democrat in 2018 (4).


Add to that the fact that Jews make up 25% of the donations to Republicans (1).


The biggest donor to Trump, Sheldon Adelson, has said that he regretted serving in the US and not having served in Israel (5), and that his biggest mission in life is to defend Israel. (6) He also said that assimilation is a bad thing for Jews in the West. (7)


You have 2% of the population making 37,5% of all political donations. And those 2% belong to the same group that controls the MSM (8) (9) and Hollywood (which shape public opinion and sways voting) (10) (11) (12) AND its the same group that tells Social Media companies what is to be allowed to be said and what must be censored (13) (14).


That same group has pressured the US Congress to pass laws that make it illegal to criticize Jews and Israel in any way shape or form no matter how legitimate the criticism might be (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21), and it's also one of the main forces behind the fight against the 2nd Amend of the US Constitution (22) (23).





Counter-zionist subversion compilation:


How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump:


The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:

Anonymous ID: cf0fd8 July 6, 2022, 11:58 a.m. No.16649307   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9326 >>9572 >>9576 >>9813 >>9966 >>9996 >>0016


Israeli media: Iran's power is on the rise


Zvi Yehezkeli, Arab affairs analyst at Israeli Channel 13 commented on the statement of the caretaker Prime Minister of the Israeli occupation, Yair Lapid, by saying that "some have interpreted Lapid's remarks in Paris regarding the nuclear deal as a partial support or acknowledgment of its inevitable restoration and the likelihood that Israel will somewhat accept it."


"Because of the circumstances in Iran, I believe Israel will accept the offer to ease the pressure. It would be incorrect to assume that Israel is in favor of the agreement," he added.


"To be honest, Biden will hear a lot of worries after arriving here and visiting Saudi Arabia, but he will actually depart and a deal will be reached", he said.


He continued, "Israel has to find a solution sooner or later. This is not in our hands, and the world is the one who determines."


The Israeli analyst advised "Israel" to live with the reality that there is a nuclear agreement and that Iranians have nuclear weapons.


"We are at war with Iran," he concluded.


French President Emmanuel Macron stated, on Tuesday, that the JCPOA, a 2015 nuclear agreement between major nations and Iran, needs to be revived while taking "Israel" and other regional partners' interests into consideration.


During a joint press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid, Macron told reporters that "we have to defend this (nuclear) deal (with Iran). And take in account the interests of our friends in the area, primarily Israel."


>> [They] know it's coming.

Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 11:59 a.m. No.16649316   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9335


Reminder that Soros is a front to the Rothschild and Schwab is a Rothschild, and Rothschilds are the leaders of zionism.


Proof here:


Antifa 4 part info graph about the relationship between Antifa, George Soros, ISIS and Israel: โ€“ "Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda" - โ€œIsrael Directly Helping Muslims And Africans Invade Europeโ€


Proof that Israel uses the US Military to fight its wars and that US Armed Forces are nothing but cannon fodder for Israel:


How and why zionists are always traitors:


Soros promoting WW3 at WEF:

"Pollard claims Jews โ€˜will always have dual loyalty,โ€™ whether they know it or not"

"Convicted spy laments US Jews see themselves as more American than Jewish, suggests heโ€™d counsel Jew working in American security apparatus to spy for Israel even now"




"Why do we have an Antisemitism Czar, but no government positions to address the more prevalent anti-White or anti-Christian attacks in a country founded by Whites and Christians?"


"How Israel betrays US"


Texas Officials Forcing Hurricane Victims to Pledge Loyalty to Israel to Receive Funding


The Israel lobby is seeking loyalty oaths in America

Anonymous ID: e37aca July 6, 2022, 11:59 a.m. No.16649319   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9576 >>9813 >>9966 >>9996

UK Gov 2019 Report states all UK Airports must close within the next 10 years, beef and lamb is to be banned, and construction of new buildings must cease in the name of โ€œClimate Changeโ€


The report states that all airports must close between 2020 and 2029 excluding Heathrow, Glasgow and Belfast airports, which can only stay open on the condition that transfers to and from the airport are done via rail.


All remaining airports must then close between 2030 and 2049 as to meet the legal commitment of zero emissions by 2050 every citizen of the United Kingdom must โ€œstop using aeroplanesโ€ for a significant period of time.

Anonymous ID: 122bca July 6, 2022, noon No.16649322   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

12 days, still no Zero Delta from Tripcode, but a whole lot of "anons" that cry about "muhjoo" kvetching when you bring it up!

Anonymous ID: d93c28 July 6, 2022, noon No.16649324   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

The Abrahamic religions are a lie

At the top, they all worship tax/tithe $

They worship wealthโ€ฆthe root of all evil


None of them worship the Creator of the Universe, and are therefore all false doctrines.

Anonymous ID: 757392 July 6, 2022, 12:01 p.m. No.16649329   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9332


The only thing getting rekt is the US taxpayers pocket books from sending billions to Israel. Trump ensured the billions kept flowing. Also don't forget about the EO he signed protecting all zionists from any hate speech. Gotta protect the tribe.

Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 12:02 p.m. No.16649335   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9346



Israel/zionists = pedophilia:

"Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law"

WARNING: "100% Proof the Jewish Talmud Approves Pedophilia - Doctrines of Devil"


Brooklyn Shomrim organisers have been accused of withholding information on suspected child molesters and other Jewish criminals, in keeping with an interpretation of the Torah prohibition against mesirah (informing on a fellow Jew to the non-Jewish authorities).[14][15][16]


"The Child-Rape Assembly Line"

"Rabbi Nuchem Rosenbergโ€”who is 63 with a long, graying beardโ€”recently sat down with me to explain what he described as a "child-rape assembly line" among sects of fundamentalist Jews."

"Teachers Union leader says Florida bills are type of legislation that start wars"

She's called Randi Weingarten.

"Rhonda "Randi" Weingarten was born in 1957 in New York City, to a Jewish family, Gabriel and Edith (Appelbaum) Weingarten."

"Cleveland rabbi arrested for soliciting an investigator who posed as an underage boy online โ€“ The Forward"


Jewish groomer theater play:


Michigan Attorney General (she is Jewish) says every school needs a drag queen.



Anonymous ID: 5bdc24 July 6, 2022, 12:02 p.m. No.16649337   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9401 >>9576 >>9813 >>9966 >>9996

Recent Field Artillery Bulletin Article about the Patriot Brigade's record-setting Joint Readiness Training Center rotation.


#FiresStrong #FABulletin #CallToService




Anonymous ID: e37aca July 6, 2022, 12:02 p.m. No.16649340   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9576 >>9813 >>9966 >>9996

Russia Deployed 600 Paratroopers At Key Northeastern Syria Airport


The Russian military had deployed 600 paratroopers at al-Qamishli Airport in northeastern Syria, Russian sources revealed on July 3.


The first batch of 300 paratroops arrived at the airport, which is the main base of the Russian military in the northeastern Syria, on July 1. Two days later, a second batch of 300 paratroopers arrive at the airport. The paratroops were moved into the airport aboard several Russian Il-76 airlifters.


The deployment came amid ongoing preparations by Turkish military and its proxies to launch a new large-scale operation against the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northern and northeastern Syria.


The Russia military has been bolstering its presence in al-Qamishli airport to deal with this new Turkish threat. In May, Su-34 fighter bombers and Ka-52 attack helicopters were deployed at the airport. Later in June, the airportโ€™s defenses were straightened with several additional Pantsir-S1 air-defense systems.


While Russia is not a backer of the SDF, it is the guarantor of several de-escalation agreements with Turkey on northern and northeastern Syria.


Moscow believes that a new Turkish military operation in northern and northeastern Syria could hurt the humanitarian situation in these regions, push Kurds towards separatism and even risk a full-blown confrontation between Ankara and Damascus.


Russia has been engaging diplomatically with Turkey to prevent a new operation, so does Iran. Yet, recent statements by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan indicate that Ankara is determined to go on with military plans.

Anonymous ID: af7509 July 6, 2022, 12:03 p.m. No.16649342   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

>>16649094 pb

Yes I completely agree about AA for the same reasons. And I hear you about the substitutions.


My life situation sucks ATM. I see light at the end of the tunnel so I'm not stuck per se. Work from home after moving to a great state, and have not found many friends to unwind with. The daily stuff is pretty stressful, building an e-commerce site alone, long unpaid hours, and other irl stuff. I get out to fish once in a while so that's good.

I really need a break, and come back fresh after a power refresh. Thank you for the kind words. Never tried acid or shrooms, so I'll look into that.


Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 12:03 p.m. No.16649346   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9353


"Israel strikes U.N. deal to send thousands of African migrants to Western countries" โ€“ "Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda" - โ€œIsrael Directly Helping Muslims And Africans Invade Europeโ€


Proof that Israel uses the US Military to fight its wars and that US Armed Forces are nothing but cannon fodder for Israel: - "Muslims are Jewsโ€™ natural allies in Europe โ€“ Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt" โ€“ โ€œJews, Muslims โ€œCommon Causeโ€ To Oppose European Nationalists: Europeโ€™s Top Rabbiโ€ โ€“ โ€œWith anti-Muslim laws, Europe enters new dark age: Leading rabbi condemns discrimination in the name of security.โ€ โ€“ โ€œWhy Jews Should Celebrate The First Muslim Congresswomenโ€ โ€“ โ€œBritish Jews lay groundwork for influx of Syrian refugeesโ€ โ€“ โ€œUS Jews Demand Israel to Stick to Plan to Deport Africans to White Countriesโ€


The 1965 Immigration Act (the result of 20 years of Jewish activism, lobbying and proactive political agitation), which destroyed US demographics:


BARBARA- SPECTRE: We make You multikulti


"She married Rabbi Philip Spectre, and the couple moved in 1967 to Ashkelon, Israel, where she served on the faculty of Jewish Studies at Achva College of Education. After moving to Jerusalem in 1982, she served on the philosophy faculty of the Shalom Hartman Institute of Jerusalem, the Melton Center of the Hebrew University, and Yellin College of Education, where she was cited as Outstanding Lecturer 1995โ€“1997. She was the founding chairperson of the Schechter Institute in Jerusalem in 1984. She served as a scholar in residence for the United Synagogues, Midwest Regions in 1987, 1990, 1992, 1996, and has lectured extensively throughout the United States.

In 1999, she emigrated to Sweden, settling in Stockholm and joining her husband, who was then serving as the Rabbi of the Stockholm Synagogue. The following year, she applied to the Swedish government for the government-funded formation of Paideia, the European Institute for Jewish Studies, which she has continued to direct."


White Replacement Theory w/Zionist Intent:




Keep in mind that most 80% of Jews in America vote Democrat even thou 95% of them are pro-Israel (which as always fortified their borders in order to not cease to exist).

Https:// - โ€œAmerican Jews, Politics and Israelโ€



95% of Jews have favorable views of Israelโ€ฆ



Jewish voting patterns (sources at bottom of document):




Also keep in mind that the Rabbis that get assigned to Europe (and which incessantly call for open borders for the West) are selected by Israeli Rabbis (who are against open borders for Israel):


The Civil War already started:


Pic related showing that Jews infiltrated the Catholic Migration Network in order to weaponize it against the West:


Jews and migration in the West:


"History of modern immigration into the West"


The consequences of allowing Jewish collective power to operate in any country:


Spain border police has had enough:


"Dangerous to Name (((those))) that Enslave You"

Anonymous ID: f25e35 July 6, 2022, 12:04 p.m. No.16649348   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

๐˜ ๐˜ถ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ต ๐˜ช๐˜ง ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜บ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ฅ๐˜ด ๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ณ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ต ๐˜ฐ๐˜ง ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ณ ๐˜ค๐˜ถ๐˜ฏ๐˜ต ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ, ๐˜'๐˜ฎ ๐˜จ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฏ๐˜ข ๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ท๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ต ๐˜ฆ๐˜ท๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜บ ๐˜ง๐˜ถ๐˜ค๐˜ฌ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐˜ค๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ค๐˜ฌ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ด ๐˜ณ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ.

Anonymous ID: 5bdc24 July 6, 2022, 12:04 p.m. No.16649349   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9448 >>9508 >>9576 >>9813 >>9966 >>9996

Marines w/




fire a MK19 40mm grenade machine gun at


. The Grenade Machine Gun Mk19 is an air-cooled, disintegrating metallic link-belt fed, blowback-operated, fully automatic weapon.


#marines #equippingourmarines


My fav - thunk, thunk, thunk, thunkโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 12:04 p.m. No.16649353   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9400


Here is how anti-Christian really Israel is:


Plus sign and schools in Israel:


"Alternative plus sign:


A Jewish tradition that dates from at least the 19th century is to write plus using the symbol ๏ฌฉ.[24] This practice was adopted into Israeli schools and is still commonplace today in elementary schools (including secular schools) but in fewer secondary schools.[25] It is also used occasionally in books by religious authors, but most books for adults use the international symbol +. The reason for this practice is that it avoids the writing of a symbol + that looks like a Christian cross.[24][25]"




Christian goes preaching in Israel, gets death threats:




Christian goes preaching in Israel, Jews spit on him:




The Orthodox Christian Greek Patriarch of Jerusalem has recently come out with the facts about how Israelis treat Christians like crap in the terrorist state of Israel:


"PATRIARCH OF JERUSALEM: Israeli extremists are threatening us, they want to drive us out of the Old City"




Some graphs that will help redpill Evangelicals and other Christians on the truth about the Rothschild founded Israel:




To learn more about the true relationship between Judaism and Christianity, here is a link to the chapter about it from the book "When Victims Rule: An Examination of Jewish Pre-eminence in America And Its Historical Origins":




Israeli TV show mocks the crucifixion of Christ:




Jews demand access to abortions as part of their religion:




Israel eases access to abortion, days after US Supreme Court overturns Roe vs Wade


New rules allow drug-induced early-term abortions at clinics, end requirement for in-person approval by intrusive committees; health minister hails reforms as opposite to US ruling.





Professional and volunteer internet zionist shilling operations are exposed in detail:


"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"

Anonymous ID: e37aca July 6, 2022, 12:05 p.m. No.16649358   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9576 >>9813 >>9966 >>9996

The Corporatization of Just About Everything


Back in the day, a Yale law professor named Charles Reich wrote a bestselling book called The Greening of America. His masterwork topped The New York Times best seller list and drew a ton of popular attention. Reich argued that American society was undergoing a major shift in cultural awareness (He used โ€œconsciousness,โ€ a word that no longer seems to be in vogue) and opined that this would lead to a major and lasting revitalization of our deepest cultural norms and values. It was a noble thought.


It is possible that just about every major social and political mega-problem weโ€™re now facing can in some way be traced to varying degrees of corporatization โ€” from renewed interest in war as a solution to international relations to Big Pharmaโ€™s capture of health care to the influence of dark money in our political system to a climate crisis fed and ignored by Big Energy.


One reason the book drew so much interest is because of Reichโ€™s background. He was a former editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal and a friend of Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas. In writing about something as retrospectively โ€œmushyโ€ as the consciousness movement of the sixties, Reichโ€™s unique stance might then have been described as โ€œestablishmentarian as hippieโ€ but also more contemporary than โ€œold school.โ€ His impressive background provided both gravitas and a strong air of credibility to the prevailing Zeitgeist. (Fun fact: among Reichโ€™s students, William and Hillary Clinton.)


The sixties, of course, disappeared into the black hole of cultural amnesia that was the Reagan era. But as Reich continued his own personal and intellectual journey, he was having none of the social trend whereby many Boomer culture warriors eventually became yuppies, merrily plunging themselves into the consumer society they once railed against. Instead, and to his credit, Reich continued to develop his ideas and aspirations in the direction of the massive changes needed to right the ship of state. And many younger folks of his vintage learned and matured from the protests and educational rebellions of the sixties.


In 1995, Reich followed up with a second book that was titled Opposing the System that offered a prophetic warning about what would happen if corporations became powerful enough to โ€œrun the show.โ€ Unlike his previous masterwork, the book was, for the most part, roundly ignored by the mainstream media. It was simply too radioactive. By chance, I happened to pick it up at a used bookstore and remember marveling at how it was shunted off to the remainder shelves after the smashing success of โ€œThe Greening of America.โ€ So thoroughly was this book buried in the collective memory that when the LA Times wrote his obituary (Reich died in 2019), it wasnโ€™t even mentioned.


Does โ€˜The Systemโ€™ Still Exist?


Whatever anyone might want to say about the excesses or over-reach of the Sixties, with the influential younger demographic of the time, there was a widespread perception and understanding that the U.S. government was increasingly being influenced by corporations.


But that was a bit too simplistic. The semi-invisible power structure that guided many policy decisions had far-reaching tentacles and was basically an interlocking directorate of corporations working in tandem with a variety of educational and governmental institutions. It was this system of values that constituted โ€œthe establishment.โ€

Anonymous ID: 5bdc24 July 6, 2022, 12:06 p.m. No.16649365   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Georgia Guidestones = 200

The Great Reset = 200

Biden Administration = 200


The Georgia Guidestones Vandalised Day Six Of July = 666


Georgia Guidestones Vandalism 2022 = 1776

Anonymous ID: 0ff35b July 6, 2022, 12:07 p.m. No.16649371   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

BA.5 variant is the โ€˜Houdiniโ€™ of COVID, doctor says


<Even if you were infected by omicron during last winterโ€™s surge, you can still be re-infected by BA.4 or BA.5 this summer, said Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, a UC San Francisco infectious disease expert.


โ€œThe superpower of BA.4 and BA.5 is, if you had omicron in January, youโ€™re still going to be susceptible to getting BA.4 and BA.5. Itโ€™s the escape artist of COVID, the Houdini, because the spike protein looks so different, even (compared) to BA.1. The front guards, the antibodies, are not recognizing it,โ€ Chin-Hong explained.


( )

Anonymous ID: d93c28 July 6, 2022, 12:07 p.m. No.16649373   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Other than for the friviolity of beautification, the Rose Bush is useless.

Roses are excess to the needs of the many.

While some humans starve to death, other fertilize their roses with the bones of the dead.

Thus is the way of centrally planned civilizations.

Anonymous ID: 5d676c July 6, 2022, 12:07 p.m. No.16649374   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9495


If you go deep into the mystery schools you learn how to control people's consciousness with symbology. Kinda like the Blue and Yellow combination we are inundated with all the time. Its deep psychological shit - and aimed at bettering oneself but wholy shit is it easy to manipulate a "fish in the water"

Anonymous ID: b7aa5c July 6, 2022, 12:07 p.m. No.16649375   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9424


Georgia Guidestones history explained by Elberton Granite Association executive

>4,277 views | Jul 6, 2022

Someone set off an explosive device at the site of the controversial northeast Georgia monument. The site has been subject to vandalism for years, so the association installed cameras.

Anonymous ID: f086e4 July 6, 2022, 12:09 p.m. No.16649385   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun





Unable to tie a tie properly either!!

Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 12:09 p.m. No.16649387   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Yes, they are demonic and satanic.


"Ritual murder was one of the chief factors, if not the decisive one, in the decision of Fernando and Isabel for the expulsion of the Jews from Spain."


William Thomas Walsh,

Isabella of Spain, page 441.




An Israeli Jew called Ariel Toaff wrote about the verifiable fact that Jews engaged in religiously motivated child sacrifice of Christian children during the Middle Ages in Europe.

He wrote a book about it and was attacked relentlessly because of it, so he decided to make it available for free here:




Possibly of interest:

Anonymous ID: 05e081 July 6, 2022, 12:10 p.m. No.16649393   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


ThanQ Baker!

Nice trips.


For anons, had posted this this morning, just in case:

Okay, anons.


We are again under some massive spammer attack.

They use reddit spacing. They link to weeks or months old breads. Repetitive mp4s. They are even repeating redtextfag's whiny posts.

Hover over before responding to check link. Do not engage them.

Anonymous ID: 5bdc24 July 6, 2022, 12:10 p.m. No.16649395   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9508 >>9576 >>9813 >>9966 >>9996

1st Air Cavalry Brigade,


conducts air movement and air assault training with #Soldiers from the Romanian 9th Mechanized Brigade at MK Air Base, Romania.

#Readiness #StrongerTogether #ArmyTeam #Soldiers




Anonymous ID: 926dbb July 6, 2022, 12:11 p.m. No.16649397   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9412 >>9413 >>9431


It's going to be popcorn time to see how the devils in Georgia 'reacts' to this.


Will they replace it thus confirming their support for the text while under a world microscope?


Will they remove the remainder and pretend they never existed?


It's going to be fun if they choose to replace it and have to explain why they want 6.5 billion people to die.

Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 12:11 p.m. No.16649400   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9407

>>16649353 โ€“ โ€œThe Gun Lobbyโ€™s Jewish Enemies Listโ€


The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish whoโ€™s who list. The list, prepared by the NRAโ€™s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that โ€œhave lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.โ€

The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, Bโ€™nai Bโ€™rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movementโ€™s rabbinical arm.

Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRAโ€™s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaismโ€™s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the groupโ€™s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.


"Jewish politicians lead chorus calling for tighter gun laws"

16 December 2012

"Anti-Semitic fliers blame US Jewish lawmakers for gun control"

22 March 2018

"The NRA will fall. It's inevitable"

"Just look at the demographics."




The 1965 Immigration Act (the result of 20 years of Jewish activism, lobbying and proactive political agitation), which destroyed US demographics:


Anti-White gun grab:


Neil Steinberg's article called "Why restrict child porn but not guns?"


Neil Steinberg is unsurprisingly, a Jew:


Jew immediately tries to demonize Whites as soon as a tragedy occurs:

Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 12:11 p.m. No.16649407   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9442


Most diaspora Jews (95%) are zionist traitors:

Https:// - โ€œAmerican Jews, Politics and Israelโ€



95% of Jews have favorable views of Israelโ€ฆ








Moments after Jewish congressional candidate Laura Loomer yesterday told Paul Ramsey she's a free speech absolutist, she said Americans who support BDS must be stripped of their First Amendment rights, imprisoned and regarded as terrorists for collaborating with Palestine.


Link to the video:


More Loomer insanity:


Loomer trying to trick Christians into stopping criticizing Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion:


Because of link above, when Jewish shills try to claim Christ was a Jew in order to attack Christianity, show them this post:






"If elected, Ron DeSantis tells Jewish audience, he'd be nationโ€™s most pro-Israel governor"

Anonymous ID: 4da679 July 6, 2022, 12:12 p.m. No.16649417   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.


it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.


drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated


Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.


Never have children in the city as cities is strictly for adults!


sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.


those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.


Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think


The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate


West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)


https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state


never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

Anonymous ID: 727f93 July 6, 2022, 12:13 p.m. No.16649420   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9456 >>9503

Chabad rabbi says alleged July 4 Chicago shooter entered his synagogue

Rabbi Yosef Schanowitz, whose house of worship is near the site of Mondayโ€™s shooting in heavily Jewish Highland Park, says Robert Crimo wore a yarmulke but โ€˜seemed out of placeโ€™

Security director: Suspect in July 4 Highland Park shooting was โ€˜sizing upโ€™ synagogue

Suspect visited Chabad synagogue during Passover, according to volunteer

Anonymous ID: e37aca July 6, 2022, 12:14 p.m. No.16649428   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9576 >>9813 >>9966 >>9996

Fugitive mafia boss extradited from Brazil to Italy


Lyon, France: Rocco Morabito, a convicted Italian drug lord linked to the โ€˜Ndrangheta mafia, has been successfully extradited from Brazil to Italy, accompanied by Italian law enforcement officers belonging to the INTERPOL Cooperation Against โ€˜Ndrangheta (I-CAN) project.


Morabito is considered a top international drug broker and one of the most wanted fugitives in the world, according to the Italian Ministry of Interior. The extradition follows intensive cooperation between the INTERPOL National Central Bureaus (NCBs) in Brazil and Italy.


Arrested in Brazil in March 2021 through a joint operation between the Brazilian Federal Police and the Italian Carabinieri with support from INTERPOL, Morabito had spent 23 years on the run from Italian justice, which sentenced him to 30 years in prison.


Morabito was previously set to be extradited from Uruguay after he was arrested in the country in a 2017 operation led by the Italian Carabinieriโ€™s Special Operation Division and Investigative Unit. In 2019, however, he escaped from prison and an INTERPOL Red Notice was issued against him.


โ€œThe extradition of Rocco Morabito sends a powerful message: however strong the criminal web of mafia groups may be, our global police network is stronger,โ€ said Giovanni Bombardieri, Chief Prosecutor of the Antimafia Prosecution Office of Reggio Calabria.


โ€œโ€˜Ndrangheta operatives leverage immense financial resources to avoid facing justice, but by mobilizing law enforcement through INTERPOL, we will find them and ensure they account for their actions in the end.โ€

Anonymous ID: 5bdc24 July 6, 2022, 12:15 p.m. No.16649437   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9464 >>9508

Did you know that every Thursday at 1000, the 1st Cav Horse Cavalry Detachment puts on a demonstration? Everyone is invited, and it is fun for all family and friends.


#winningmatters | #strongertogether | #LiveTheLegend | #WeAreTheCAV | #FirstTeam

Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 12:15 p.m. No.16649442   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9461


Israel and the treasonous zionist infiltrators are looting the US: - "Bill Before Senate To Give 80,000 Jewish Holocaust 'Survivors' In America Free Elder Care" - "99% Of Israeli Start-Up Companies Eligible For Tens Of Millions In COVID-19 U.S. Bailout Grants" - "ADL and Other Jewish NGO's Loot Small Business Bailout While Americans Get Shafted (FTN Podcast Audio + Transcript)" - "Despite coronavirus-caused cutbacks, Israel expects to get full $3.8 billion" - "Israeli fifth column in Virginia funnels resources to Israel" - "US Senate Quietly Approves $38 Billion for Israel Amid Historic Economic Downturn" - "Billions more of Americansโ€™ tax money to go to Israel"

"The surplus of government budget in Israel increased to 8000 ILS Million (2.381 B USD) in April 2022."

"U.S. Jewish NGOs to Get 97% of Homeland Security's Defense Grant in 2012"

"'This Bill Promoted Internet Censorship And Violations of The 1st Amendment': Rep. Massie Lone Vote Against 'Anti-Semitism' Bill"

"The Audacity of Chutzpah"

"The role of the president of the United States is to support the decisions that are made by the people of Israel."


One big zionist club:


Proof that Israel uses the US Military to fight its wars and that US Armed Forces are nothing but cannon fodder for Israel:


Separation of Church and State doesn't apply to Jews:

Anonymous ID: e37aca July 6, 2022, 12:16 p.m. No.16649444   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9473 >>9502 >>9576 >>9813 >>9966 >>9996

Santa Teresa CBP Officers Seize 1,037 Pounds of Methamphetamine


SANTA TERESA, N.M โ€“ U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers working at the Santa Teresa port of entry commercial cargo lot intercepted 1,037 pounds of methamphetamine from a dump trailer being hauled by a truck.


โ€œExcellent job by our CBP officers in intercepting this enormous quantity of a very dangerous drug,โ€ said acting Santa Teresa Port Director John Hawkins. โ€œTo put this into perspective during the last fiscal year CBP officers working in the El Paso Field Office area of operations seized 8,798 pounds of methamphetamine combined.โ€


CBP officers made the seizure June 30 after an individual driving a truck hauling a dump trailer applied for entry into the U.S. from Mexico at the Santa Teresa port. CBP officers selected the vehicle for a secondary inspection.


CBP officers conducted a non-intrusive inspection where they identified anomalies in the appearance of the dump trailer. Further examination led CBP officers to the discovery of 208 bundles with a combined weight of 1,037 pounds of a substance which tested positive for the properties of methamphetamine.


The narcotics and truck were seized by CBP, and the driver was turned over to Homeland Security Investigations for prosecution.

Anonymous ID: a818d6 July 6, 2022, 12:16 p.m. No.16649449   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9576 >>9813 >>9966 >>9983 >>9996

Lieutenant-General Sergei Umnov, the assistant to the head of Russia's Ministry of Internal Affairs, was detained alongside Major General Alexei Semyonov, head of St. Petersburg's traffic police, and Major General Ivan Abakumov, as the country's invasion of Ukraine rages on.


Between 2016 and 2020, the three top Russian generals allegedly misappropriated funds from the Program Assistance Fund for the St. Petersburg and Leningrad region's Main Department of Internal Affairs, and purchased property "for personal use," Russian newspaper Kommersant reported.


According to the state-run paper, at the request of the generals, money from the fund was spent on the purchase of real estate and cars, as well as the maintenance of freelance assistants.


Arrest a general? What a great idea!

Anonymous ID: 05e081 July 6, 2022, 12:17 p.m. No.16649452   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Euros decide Nukes are Green after all

Investments in some gas and nuclear power plants would be labelled as sustainable under rules proposed by European Commission on Wednesday

Kek, running out of Russian oil much? Dumbasses.

Anonymous ID: 38ddb1 July 6, 2022, 12:17 p.m. No.16649459   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to kill itself instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent them from raping more children.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever 'know' being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.


sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves or get murdered.

kill all dogs as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles to be drowned.

No children in the city as the city is strictly for adults!

Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 12:17 p.m. No.16649461   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9478




Zionist political privilege:


"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"


Democrats can get away with everything, except anti-Semitism:

"A January 6th defendant was found guilty on all counts today.


The prosecution used comical pictures to point out that he was an anti semite. They also had his fellow military servicemen testify that he was critical of jewish power in government.


These pictures and statements would normally not be allowed in a criminal trial because it's irrelevant to the crimes he was charged with. But are we surprised that the system punishes people who are critical of jewish power?


Just to clarify: This man was not charged with ANY anti semitic hate crime, so his views on Hitler or funny pictures in 2020 should've never been allowed to be presented as evidence against him.


When jewish anti fascists go to trial for similar riot charges, their anti White views are never used as evidence.


Our judicial system and ESPECIALLY the DOJ is occupied. Our nation is occupied by a foreign enemy."





This dude names the Jew, got fucked with massively and still got shit loads of votes (+22%), and I didn't even heard about him on /pol/:




Jewish control of the MSM:




Conservative Jews:


If Jews are White, then why come the anti-Semitism bills don't protect White people too?




Tennessee makes criticism of Jews and Israel illegal:


Consolidated Appropriations Bill Includes Nearly $5 Billion for Israel - June 2022

Anonymous ID: 5bdc24 July 6, 2022, 12:18 p.m. No.16649471   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9508 >>9576 >>9813 >>9966 >>9996 >>0001

Tomorrow morning, Space Launch Delta 45 will support the Starlink 4-21 launch.


If youโ€™re a member of our flying or boating community, make sure you check our launch hazard and airspace closure areas at prior to taking off or setting sail.

Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 12:18 p.m. No.16649478   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9491 >>9531


Unity against the Jewish menace:


All Gentiles and Jews that reject Jewish culture and identity shall unite against the Jewish menace. And no, I am not shilling for diversity, I think everyone should have their place (Jews have the JAO, so no, I don't care if Israel gets turned into glass, it should probably be destroyed ASAP to slow down the Rothschild zionist cabal) and we can all build positive relations based on trade and mutual respect. The more diversity a society suffers from the less social cohesion and less social trust there is.


We need the freedom of association restored even if a bunch of retards cry racist or antisemite.ย  If the small White Christian town decides to remain a small White Christian town so be it.


Likewise if a city wants to be multiculti so be it as long as they are self sufficient or better, can't tax small towns for the retarded blind faith in equality a big city has.


It's the freedom to pursue happiness not the freedom to pursue happiness as long as some parasitic or puritanical retard approves of your choice.


The solution against the Jewish menace (all to be done legally off course):

1) all zionists need to be deported or hanged for treason;

2) the Talmud and male genital mutilation (aka circumcision) have to be banned.

Anonymous ID: c3c150 July 6, 2022, 12:18 p.m. No.16649479   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9556 >>9576 >>9773 >>9813 >>9966 >>9996

>>16649057 lb

>>16649075 lb

>>16649015 lb

Army twitter post of artillery firing. 6th July 2022

Georgia guide stones blown up. 6th July 2022

Great Awakening 66 artwork from 4th July 2019

Art depicts the Guide Stones and an Army gun firing at the guide stones.

Art has the following :-


For God and Country

Patriots Fight

Be Ready

This is only the Beginning

The Beginning of the End

The shot heard around the world

You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.


3yr delta

Anonymous ID: 531a74 July 6, 2022, 12:19 p.m. No.16649480   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9681 >>9813 >>9966 >>9996


Potential Richmond July 4 mass shooters charged as noncitizens in possession of firearm, police say

Michael Lee - 20m ago


Two illegal immigrants were arrested in a mass shooting plot at the Richmond, Va. July for celebration.


"A hero citizen picked up the phone and overheard a conversational there was a mass shooting being planned her in the city of Richmond, Virginia," Richmond Chief of Police Gerald Smith said Wednesday.


Two illegal immigrants, 52-year-old Julio Alvarado-Dubon and 38-year-old Rolman Balacarcel, were arrested and charged with being a non-U.S. citizens in possession of a gun after police uncovered a plot that the duo planned a mass shooting at Richmond's July 4 celebration Monday.


At a press conference Wednesday, Smith said that police investigated Alvarado-Dubon based on a tip to police by someone he would only refer to as a "hero citizen." Police investigated the claims and found Alvarado-Dubon was in possession of two rifles, one handgun, and 223 rounds of ammunition. He was arrested on July 1, while Balacarcel was placed under surveillance and eventually arrested on the same charges on Tuesday.


"Thereโ€™s no telling how many lives this citizen hero saves from one phone call," Smith said. "One phone call saved numerous lives on the Fourth of July."


Both suspects are currently being held at Richmond City Jail with no bond, while no motive for the plotted attack has been released.


"We know what their intent was but we don't have a motive," Smith said.


Smith addressed reports that one of the suspects has been deported several times and continued to reenter the country illegally, saying that it was "frustrating" that a person could continue to break the law and have an opportunity to still plan out a mass murder.


The news comes the same week a gunman in Highland Park, Ill., identified as Robert E. Crimo III, opened fire on a crowd during the city's July 4 celebration.


Like Alvarado-Dubon and Balacarcel, Crimo III had shown signs that he may be plotting an attack, but red flag laws in the state were not able to thwart the massacre.


"In September 2019, ISP received a Clear and Present Danger report on the subject from the Highland Park Police Department. The report was related to threats the subject made against his family," Illinois State Police said in a statement.

Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 12:20 p.m. No.16649491   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9498


If everyone in this thread redpills two people and instructs those people to redpill two people normies will be openly naming the Jews in 6 months.


The side that wants to win will always beat the side that just wants to be left alone. Let's win.


Never back down. When conditions seem hopeless, fight harder.


Refuse to let them erase you from the future past:


Never let your allies forget that until we win, we are all slaves:


And if you do not think and know your voice matters (it does, and it of critical importance to our mission), watch this:

"How YOU Can Crack the Conformity"


Inspiring bravery:

American man publicly names Israel and zionists as the main enemies of the American people on live TV, exposes their crimes against the American people and asks for ALL Americans to RISE UP against Israel and help destroy it like the enemy it is:

Anonymous ID: 30d11e July 6, 2022, 12:20 p.m. No.16649495   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



As Will Cooper puts it, to teach a few people, the elect, how to manipulate the rest of the people, the profane.


I understand why you need to show people that it works to convince them, but I still havenโ€™t understood the need to keep it a secret. Was listening to Rudolph Steiner book and he says itโ€™s a spiritual law that you cannot share information with people not ready to hear it. Jesus said not to cast pearls to swine. There certainly seems to be some spiritual significance to the practices that has nothing, that Iโ€™ve seen, to do with the worship of Lucifer or anything like that. Stuff like good posture, speaking less, not reacting emotionally to your environment, practicing reverence, listening intently, etc.

Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 12:21 p.m. No.16649498   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9510



Enslavement of Gentiles is at the core of Judaism:




Jewish Encyclopedia on the Jews and slavery:




Black gentleman talking about slavery and the holocaust:


Malcom X on the Jews (he didn't knew the holocaust official version is fraudulent thou (check proofs here: ), but he's right about the rest):




Black show host dropping redpills about Jewish supremacism and zog:




Jon Stewart (real name Jonathan Leibowitz) spent years pretending to be White while demonizing Whites, and now says that "we Jews and Blacks should get together and get whitey":




If you're interested in the history of slavery I humbly suggest the works of Dr. Tony Martin, he was a Black college professor that got in trouble for teaching verifiable and documented facts about the history of the slavery industry/business in the Americas (both North and Latin/South).


One of his books on the subject:

Tony Martin Jew participation in Hebrew slave trade

Dr Tony Martin Jewish Tactics In The Controversy Over Jewish Involvement in The Slave Trade

Dr Tony Martin on his book The Jewish Onslaught

Anonymous ID: 757392 July 6, 2022, 12:22 p.m. No.16649509   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Real Q fake Q who honestly gives a fuck niggerfaggot. At this point what difference does it make? What did REAL Q accomplish in five years? Not a single notable victory. All the DS and ruling families still in full control. Soros and Roths stronger than ever. None of them are ever going to prison. Trump is probably partying with these fucks right now laughing at how they duped half the country. Trust the plan.

Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 12:22 p.m. No.16649510   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9522


Everyone needs to keep the pressure up as much as possible against zionists (Jew and Gentile) and Israel until the general public demands they all get deported or hanged for treason (legally off course). The politicians say some based things about Israel once in a while with no action behind their words as a gambit to try to release pressure from the general public, we can use it against them by pressuring them by asking what actionable steps are being taken to cut all aid to Israel and end all zionist subversion. Do it all the time, every day, 24/7, non-stop.

Keep the pressure up. And increase it as much as possible.

They are scared:


And their controlled opposition operations need to be exposed:


Ps: always follow the law.



This dude names the Jew, got fucked with massively and still got shit loads of votes (+22%), and I didn't even heard about him on /pol/:


Psss: the side that wants to win will always beat the side that just wants to be left alone. Let's win.


Pssss: see this thread that Jew OP made and deleted once people started posting verifiable facts about Israel and Jewish collective power:

Anonymous ID: d93c28 July 6, 2022, 12:22 p.m. No.16649517   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Here's the secret

Brainwash people into believing their culture is dependent on a central organism

Populate the central organism with parasites

Feed the central organism off the labors of all the attached organisms

Call those the Masters feed off of parasites to invert the paradigm

Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 12:23 p.m. No.16649522   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9532


Hostility towards Jews in history:


Here is a fully sourced and packed with verifiable facts info-graphic on the real reasons why so many different people in so many different places and different times became hostile towards Jews:

Pic related:


Zundel's prophecy:


Jewish mindset in pic related:


Honest Rabbi explains to Jews why Hitler did what he did (whatever is was that he really did) and why he was justified to do it:


Jews know they (as a group) are acting as enemies of the Western people:


More on the Jewish mindset:


Jews as a group are ungrateful and don't care about being good guests to their host countries:


Pic related on how Jews justify their predatory behavior by saying they subvert and want to control the whole world "in the name of "peace"":

Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 12:24 p.m. No.16649532   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9538


On leadership, movements and subversion of people's movements:


People are willing to die for ideas, but most people don't find themselves having those ideas on their own, so it takes a leader and a movement to show them those ideas and what can be done.


That's why the feds and Jews infiltrate almost every political movement, since they know their best bet is to snub it out while it's small, or redirect it towards their goals. That's why it's good to tell people to always follow the law (avoid entrapment, the feds want people to self incriminate), and remind them that when the West inevitably collapses there are no laws anymore (and let them make of that what they will). Also remember that lawful and peaceful preparations are an important aspect of this struggle against the West-wide zionist occupation government (ZOG) and Jewish collective power (ZOG is a part of it).


Ideally, along with redpilling everyone about the issue of Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion, people are building their own parallel economies at a local level, but it might not be possible for everyone depending on where you are.


Some more important points:

"The unit card of the right is the lone wolf. Lone wolves are a very special kind of soldier in that they are self sustaining, self motivated and highly intelligent. They are also likely going to be brave because you need to have guts to go it alone. The swarming tactic allows lone wolves to become a pack and then disappear back into the wilderness where they will continue their own little, yet important, operations. When the lone wolves use their "concentrated autism", serious shit gets done. What's also very interesting to remember is that the lone wolf pack storming culture can be applied to lots of things, not just internet mischief. All the lone wolves need is a mission statement. They will do the rest. All the enemy will "know" about them is that an unspecified number of hidden enemies will use unspecified tactics to complete their mission at unspecified points within an indefinite time frame. It's also interesting to consider the fact that, as the Trump election and Brexit have shown, we could probably defeat the enemy before the cold war even gets hot. We must press our advantages and let the left keep doing the wrong thing. And then after Anfita, BLM, RAM and all those groups must go. Everything connected to Soros must go to shit. Everything connected to the Rothschild and Israel too."


Also recommended, this thread about civil war in the US:


The whole thread is worth reading, but here is the most notable post:

Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 12:25 p.m. No.16649538   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


The US is a vassal state controlled by zionist traitors:'s-power-over-Congress_-Both-parties-obey:a


Zionism in the West must perish, or the Western people will. If the Founding Fathers were around today they would have started shooting zionists on sight a long time ago (disclaimer: always follow the law).


Solution: have all zionists (Jew or Gentile) deported or hung for treason (legally off course) and ban the Talmud (which is anti-Christian, anti-Gentile (in a racial way) and approves of pedophilia) and ban male genital mutilation (aka circumcision) too.

"Just a reminder that an intelligence officer from Israel took influential Americans to an island to rape kids so Israel could secretly film it and use it as blackmail.


Then, when he got caught he was assassinated so he couldn't rat on more people.


And we still give billions of dollars to Israel, and if you question this at all you are labeled an anti-Semite and multiple groups will work to destroy your life."

Anonymous ID: 78d605 July 6, 2022, 12:25 p.m. No.16649545   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

We can all agree prophecy is real. Plus the Law of Attraction is a thing. I can Law of Attract things but can I make prophecy? If yes, then Jesus Christ will return in 2023. Let's see what happens. Love wins! God wins! Suck my ballz!

Anonymous ID: 7549aa July 6, 2022, 12:25 p.m. No.16649546   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

DRAFT JURY CHARGE: In #Vault7 #Wikileaks Trial






Unsealed indictment.


Vault 7 - Keystone

Anonymous ID: e37aca July 6, 2022, 12:25 p.m. No.16649548   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Tasmania Police apologise to abuse victims over paedophile James Geoffrey Griffin. Tasmania Police was handed credible evidence that a man working as a children's nurse had been discussing child abuse online, four years before he was charged, but nothing was done because it was "filed inappropriately".


Tasmania's Commission of Inquiry into Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings has turned its focus to the Department of Justice.


It began by examining who and what police knew about James Geoffrey Griffin prior to 2019.


It was Tiffany Skeggs who made the first formal report.


She went to police in May 2019 and told them Griffin had groomed and abused her over a number of years.


Police in Hobart began an investigation and sent the file up to Launceston in July 2019, where it was given to Detective Senior Constable Glenn Hindle.


As he began to look into Griffin, he found other entries in the system.


"I recall there being about four or so entries sporadically over a period of years where he did come to attention for concerning behaviours," he told the commission.


The entires on file dated back a decade, beginning in 2009 with a report Griffin had been upskirting girls on the Spirit of Tasmania ferry where he sometimes worked as a medic.


Senior Constable Hindle said a search of Griffin's address didn't reveal any corroborating material and so the investigation was dropped โ€” but it was in the system, with a note that Griffin had "above average ability to encrypt his data".


The next notification was in 2011 and involved historical child abuse allegations.


The report came from Child and Fami

Anonymous ID: 31c6c2 July 6, 2022, 12:25 p.m. No.16649552   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9666


Anon speculates: Is Robert Hannigan Soon To Be A HOUSEHOLD NAME?


ALERT ๐Ÿšจ More than 35 members of Boris Johnsonโ€™s government have resigned in last 24 hours.


JUST IN - British deputy ambassador and other foreign nationals arrested by Iranian security forces on alleged charges of spying.

Anonymous ID: e1fa8e July 6, 2022, 12:29 p.m. No.16649576   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9589



'#21030 @250

>>16649267 UK deputy ambassador detained by IRGC on espionage claims

>>16649279 Directors of FBI, MI5 deliver joint warning to business leaders about global Chinese spying effort

>>16649303 Russian authorities investigated Jewish Agency for three years

>>16649307 Israeli media: Iran's power is on the rise

>>16649309 WSJ: UK Home Secretary Priti Patel asked US to praise her over Assange extradition decision

>>16649313 Shill pub DAILY DOT hit piece

>>16649319 Crazy UK climate report from 2019

>>16649337, >>16649497, >>16649514, >>16649349, >>16649361, >>16649395 military reports

>>16649340 Russia Deployed 600 Paratroopers At Key Northeastern Syria Airport

>>16649358 The Corporatization of Just About Everything

>>16649370 Uvalde Police Officer With Rifle Had Clear Shot To Take Out Gunman Before Massacre

>>16649378 Georgia Guidetone confirmed yt

>>16649404 South Dakota sky turns green. See the strange weather phenomenon in photos

>>16649428 Fugitive mafia boss extradited from Brazil to Italy

>>16649433 [R]obert [C]rimo, [R] [C] Christian

>>16649444 Santa Teresa CBP Officers Seize 1,037 Pounds of Meth

>>16649449 Top Russian Gen'ls arrested

>>16649471 Tomorrow morning, Space Launch Delta 45 will support the Starlink 4-21 launch.

>>16649479 GA guidestones dig



Anonymous ID: e37aca July 6, 2022, 12:32 p.m. No.16649596   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Western Australia paedophile let out of prison again


A Western Australian paedophile has been let out of prison again, despite allegedly breaching his supervision order.

Bradley Pen Dragon is vowing to fight claims he was stashing pictures of children just days after his controversial release last month.

The serial paedophile was granted bail on Wednesday, less than a fortnight after allegedly breaching his supervision order.


He was taken to a secret hideout somewhere in Perth's south-eastern suburbs.

Just two days into his newfound freedom, police said the 62-year-old was busted with pictures of children in the form of "newspaper clippings" and "works of art" he'd created behind bars.

His lawyer said the images were "innocuous" and Dragon didn't realise he had them, claiming he found them packed in his prison belongings and turned them straight over to police the following morning.


The court heard the artworks included a collage of faces and a bargirl painting featuring a female at a table with bottles of wine.

The magistrate said they were not convinced that one depicted a child.

In granting him bail, the magistrate said Dragon, even if guilty of breaching his supervision order, wouldn't be punished with a jail sentence and if he were to stay locked up he would likely lose his accommodation.

The convicted rapist is no longer confined to a cell, instead free but at the mercy of 62 strict conditions imposed by a court.

He will face court in October for the alleged breach.

Anonymous ID: db13bf July 6, 2022, 12:32 p.m. No.16649605   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9609 >>9622 >>9656


Iran: wonderful people. even as a woman you can walk around freely - no scarf and all

super easy. The news just spread bs and stereotypesโ€ฆ That is division.

Most people on this Earth, no matter where, are good people. And 99 % only want a normal life without wars and shit.

Anonymous ID: 0c8d76 July 6, 2022, 12:33 p.m. No.16649610   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Anonymous ID: 33cab7 July 6, 2022, 12:34 p.m. No.16649616   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>I hear Afghanistan is nice.

kek, i'd go to Afghanistan too!


If ever in a tense or awkward situation in the middle east, just mention how much you hate Israel! 5 mins later they're inviting you to their home to smoke some hash, and cooking you some nice kofta on the BBQ, kek

Anonymous ID: 47eacd July 6, 2022, 12:35 p.m. No.16649618   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


It's all just so lameโ€ฆ. it's all been done before nowโ€ฆ gotta up the bar a littleโ€ฆ. the next fad is not just cutting your dick offโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ it's reattaching it to your forehead.


Until I see that expressed as realityโ€ฆ everything else is just a lame imitation of breaking the boundaries.

Anonymous ID: 757392 July 6, 2022, 12:35 p.m. No.16649620   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Nope all you need is a tripcode because everyone knows they are secure and Q has never had their board fucked with. Trust babyfist. Trust Jim. Trust the LARP. Now buy a t-shirt, faggot.


So yeah when the REAL Q actually wants to arrest some satanic pedophile elites after five years let me know ill gladly apologize. Not that I ever have to worry about it.

Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 12:36 p.m. No.16649625   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9694


If the cabal wants us divided by religion, why did Kushner refused to marry Ivanka unless she agreed to convert to Judaism?


The Founding Fathers created America for free White people. They were explicit about it, it's historical and verifiable. Everyone has a place for them, Whites will have one too, one way or the other, and there is nothing wrong with that.



Christ came to bring a sword, not peace (Matthew 10:34, "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.")

I refuse unity with any ideology which approves of pedophilia and demands that its members run cover for criminals like Judaism does.

Anonymous ID: e37aca July 6, 2022, 12:36 p.m. No.16649626   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9659 >>9813 >>9966 >>9996

Exposรฉ reveals Twitter, other social media platforms routinely hire former feds: It's a 'revolving door'


Alan MacLeod of MintPress News has just released an exposรฉ of the hiring practices in Silicon Valley, particularly at Twitter, and his findings suggest that many social media companies have filled some of their highest security positions and most influential positions with former members of federal agencies, including the FBI, CIA, and the military.


According to MacLeod, former high-profile FBI figures Dawn Burton, Karen Walsh, Jim Baker, Mark Jaroszewski, and Douglas Turner, as well as former FBI agents listed as Matthew W., Patrick G., and Bruce A., and FBI employees Cherrelle Y. and Laura D. all once held or currently hold positions at Twitter related to policy, security, finances, or legal issues.


Whistleblower Coleen Rowley, a former FBI agent, said she's not at all surprised, claiming that there's now a "revolving door" between federal agents and the companies they were once charged with policing.


In all, dozens have made the jump from federal law enforcement to social media, and MacLeod argued that the cozy relationship between the two sectors creates a myopic feedback loop that affects social media policies regarding censorship and disinformation, just as it reifies the prestige of federal agencies.


โ€œThese [tech] companies are using the mythical aura of the FBI," Rowley said. "They can point to somebody and say, โ€˜Oh, you can trust us; our CEO or CFO is FBI.'โ€


And Twitter and the FBI are not the only entities to do so. Facebook, TikTok, the CIA, even the Army and Marine Corps all have crossovers between social media and the federal government, and some of those crossovers have gigs in Silicon Valley and with the federal government at the same time.


And not just the U.S. federal government. In 2019, Gordon Macmillan, Twitter's head of editorial for the entire Europe, Middle East, and Africa region, was also discovered to be a member of what MacLeod called "the British Armyโ€™s notorious 77th Brigade," which he said is "dedicated to online warfare and psychological operations."


MacLeod carefully noted, however, that none of the persons mentioned in his piece are considered bad actors and that "there is a limited pool of people qualified in these sorts of fields." However, MacLeod also argued that the career pipeline from federal agency to social media platform is both bad optics and, as Rowley says, a conflict of interest.


โ€œIn terms of their outlooks on the world and on the question of misinformation and internet security, you couldnโ€™t get a better field of professionals who are almost inherently going to be more in tune with the governmentโ€™s perspective" than former federal agents now working for social media companies, Rowley said.

Anonymous ID: 595d76 July 6, 2022, 12:36 p.m. No.16649630   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9640 >>9649


i think it was from the sky

maybe a laser or satellite

wonder what was written on the one targeted.

Isn't granite used for tombstones?

in this article they make it like it was all about good wishes for humanity; and give the name of the front company for whom created it

It a granite company

It's assumed it's to promote granite

Anonymous ID: e37aca July 6, 2022, 12:37 p.m. No.16649637   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9651 >>9653 >>9753

Carlos Santana Collapses Mid-Concert Due To โ€˜Serious Medicalโ€™ Issue


Between songs, Santana collapsed on stage and medical professionals were forced to rush the guitarist to a hospital.


The 74-year-old posted an update on his condition on Facebook just after midnight on Tuesday. โ€œJust taking it easy. Forgot to eat and drink water so I dehydrated and passed out. Blessings and miracles to you all,โ€ Santana said.


After Santana was taken off stage, an employee from the concert venue announced the show was over due to a โ€œsevere medical emergency.โ€


The rock star was introducing the song โ€œJoyโ€ just before his collapse. Alisa Zee, a spectator, told CNN that Santana seemed conscious and waved to the crowd while being led off stage by medical staff.


โ€œHe had just started a song that was about joy and love,โ€ Zee explained. โ€œHe called for healing for the world. It was during that song that he collapsed.โ€


On Wednesday, an official statement was posted to Santanaโ€™s website with the title โ€œCarlos Overcome with Heat Exhaustion and Dehydration.โ€


The statement reads:


Rock Legend Carlos Santana was over-taken by heat exhaustion and dehydration during a concert Tuesday (July 5) evening in Michigan. The guitar great was taken from his show at Pine Knob Music Theatre (formerly DTE Energy Music Theatre), an outdoor amphitheater in Clarkston, some 40 miles northwest of Detroit, Michigan. Carlos was taken to the emergency department at McLaren Clarkston for observation and is doing well, it was announced by Santanaโ€™s manager Michael Vrionis tonight. โ€œThe show for tomorrow July 6th at The Pavilion at Star Lake (formerly the S&T Bank Music Park) in Burgettstown, PA. will be postponed to a later date. More details to follow thru Live Nation,โ€ Mr. Michael Vrionis added.


A video of the incident was posted to Twitter.



Video of the moment Carlos Santana collapsed onstageโ€”very scary to see, hope heโ€™s OK


โ€” TrivWorks (@TrivWorks) July 6, 2022


COVID-19 vaccine skeptics voiced their concern over Santanaโ€™s health on Twitter.

โ€œThere should be an investigation to determine if these dangerous Covid vaccines had anything to do with Carlos Santanaโ€˜s recent health scare,โ€ one user commented.

โ€œCarlos Santana was just about to be doing a concert for the vaccinated only. To go you had to show proof of your vaccine. So sad that he refused to listen those of us that are good people that tried to warn everyone,โ€ another individual posted on Twitter.

Stay tuned to National File for any updates.

Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 12:38 p.m. No.16649644   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9654



Posting verifiable facts about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion is not hate. Try harder, Israeli terrorist :)


The Original โ€˜Antifaโ€™ Was A Jewish Anti-Nazi Militia


Antifa is a terrorist group in the blood-soaked Bolshevik tradition


Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


Your top 9 Yiddish antifa anthems: a revolutionary playlist



The Yiddish roots of antifa โ€“ the anti-fascist movement whose precursors date back at least as far as opposition to the Russian czar โ€“ have been well documented. They are also enshrined in a canon of Yiddish antifa songs โ€“ songs of resistance, anarchism, revolution, and workersโ€™ rights โ€“ that listeners might find eerily resonant and applicable to our present moment.



4 part info graph about the relationship between Antifa, George Soros, ISIS and Israel:


Convicted domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, founder of Weather Underground ( ) is also an initiator of one of antifa's branches "Refuse Fascism".

Related pic here:


The Communist Directive in 1943 (label obstructionists as "fascists" to turn public opinion against them):

Anonymous ID: 6d3194 July 6, 2022, 12:40 p.m. No.16649662   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Mr. Biden: The previous administration lost more jobs on it's watch, than any administration since Herbert Hoover. That's a fact. All based on failed trickle-down economics, that benefits the wealthiest Americans, and hit the middle class and working people the hardest.

Anonymous ID: e37aca July 6, 2022, 12:41 p.m. No.16649663   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9679 >>9706 >>9813 >>9966 >>9996

US Imposes Sanctions On Iran Oil Producers After Failure To Revive Nuclear Deal


So much for Iranian oil flooding the market.


After days, and weeks and months and years of failed attempts to revive the JCPOA, aka the Iranian nuclear deal, on Wednesday the Biden administration announced it was putting sanctions on 15 individuals and entities who have been involved in illicit sales and shipments of millions of dollars' worth of Iranian oil.


The newest sanctions, unveiled by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, come as the latest efforts to revive the Iran nuclear deal failed just last week.


"The United States is designating 15 individuals and entities that engaged in the illicit sales and shipment of Iranian petroleum, petroleum products, and petrochemical products. These entities, located in Iran, Vietnam, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Hong Kong, have supported Iranian energy trade generating millions of dollars' worth of illicit revenue," Blinken said in a statement.


"While the United States is committed to achieving an agreement with Iran that seeks a mutual return to compliance with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, we will continue to use all our authorities to enforce sanctions on the sale of Iranian petroleum and petrochemicals," added Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian E. Nelson.


Blinken said that the three Iran-based entities sanctioned by the State Department include: Zagros Tarabaran-E Arya, which is a shipper of Iranian petroleum products; Persian Gulf Star Oil Company is the largest producer of gas condensate in Iran; and East Ocean Rashin Shipping Co. Ltd., which is a port agent and freight forwarder of Iranian petroleum and petrochemical products.


"The United States has been sincere and steadfast in pursuing a path of meaningful diplomacy to achieve a mutual return to full implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). It is Iran that has, to-date, failed to demonstrate a similar commitment to that path. Absent a change in course from Iran, we will continue to use our sanctions authorities to target exports of petroleum, petroleum products, and petrochemical products from Iran," Blinken said.


Bottom line: the Biden admin has lost patience with Iran, having realized Tehran never intended to bring the JCPOA deal to closure on mutually acceptable terms. Expect creeping sanctions to accelerate and to envelop more and more official Iranian entities as long as Tehran continues toying with Biden. And since there is no reason why Iran should change its behavior - after all the middle east oil producer sells as much as oil as it wants to China who ignores US sanctions and buys both Iranian and Russian oil at significant discounts (in fact, Iran is now competing to undercut Russia on oil price) - the only loser here are US consumers and motorists who will not benefit from the potential pool 1-2 mmb/d of legitimate Iranian exports which would sharply lower US gas prices. Instead the only winner here will be China.

Anonymous ID: 31c6c2 July 6, 2022, 12:41 p.m. No.16649666   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9725 >>9813 >>9966 >>9996



NEW ๐Ÿšจ FBI Director and MI5 Director General held the event with business and academic leaders in London to highlight the joint work by the two security agencies to thwart what they said was the most serious challenge from espionage and hacking by the Chinese govt, CNN reported

Anonymous ID: 5a975c July 6, 2022, 12:42 p.m. No.16649675   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9689 >>9765 >>9793


My pleasure. But do wait a couple of years for the dust to settle. They are pissed at Westerners for now and they don't know about the Plan to Save the World. They will though, very soon. Just give them a bit of time to digest things. And if you happen to be in Beirut, the Shawarma sandwich is on me. Take care.

Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 12:44 p.m. No.16649686   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9786


Not an argument.


"A Jew will never argue with you on points of fact. A perfect example would be the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. 99% of criticism against them looks like this:

โ€œThe Protocols are a primitive forgery concocted in Paris from an anti-Napoleon pamphletโ€.

No one, and most definitely, not a single Jew will ever discuss the Protocols' contents, which at the very least make them a very peculiar piece of European antiutopia. Contents are ignored, as if they don't exist at all. โ€œIt doesn't matter that the painting is a masterpiece, what matters is that it's not Van Goghโ€. Typical Jewish thinking โ€“ it's gold because it glitters."


Pic related describes Jewish sophistry (aka pilpul) and how it works:

Anonymous ID: 0a68aa July 6, 2022, 12:45 p.m. No.16649692   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9794 >>9813 >>9966 >>9996


>Two men arrested in Virginia with weapons were planning a July 4 mass shooting


Richmond Police said two non-U.S. citizens have been arrested after officers received a tip about a planned July 4 mass shooting.


During the Wednesday news conference, police announced the arrest of 52-year-old Julio Alvarado-Dubon and 38-year-old Rolman A. Balacarcel. Authorities said both men are non-U.S. residents and each face the charge of "non U.S. citizen possession of a firearm." Additional charges are possible, Richmond Police Chief Gerald Smith said.


Authorities announced Wednesday that officers found and recovered two rifles, a handgun, a cache of magazines and 223 rounds of ammunition from Dubon's home.


Dubon is accused of planning a mass shooting at Dogwood Dell in the City of Richmond, police shared.


Smith said that a citizen tip helped police make multiple arrests and seize guns on July 1. After receiving a tip about the shooting plot, police initiated an investigation along with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and FBI.


"They were planning to shoot up our fourth of July celebration," Smith said.


A "hero citizen" overheard a conversation indicating there was an attack being planned on the city's popular Independence Day celebration and called police to report it, Smith said.


The announcement came just two days after a gunman opened fire from a rooftop on a July 4 parade in the affluent Chicago suburb of Highland Park, killing seven people and injuring more than three dozen.


Robert E. Crimo III was charged with seven counts of murder Tuesday. The shooting sent hundreds of people fleeing in fear and set off an hourslong manhunt. Authorities have not yet identified a motive.

Anonymous ID: 8c1f87 July 6, 2022, 12:46 p.m. No.16649707   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9942


Weather manipulation is an important staple of a type 1 civilization and has tremendous uses to avoid draught / flooding. Adding barium and aluminum (BaAl / BAAL) to the concoction is the nefarious aspect. If the good things in this life cease to be corrupted we're in heaven baybee.

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 16ea70 July 6, 2022, 12:46 p.m. No.16649710   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9715

Some initially believed that someone had hijacked Q, a belief furthered when whoever it was responded to a couple of comments by writing, โ€œConfirmed. Do not fuck with us. Q.โ€ This message also included Qโ€™s tripcode.


Watkins posted a screenshot of this interaction on Telegram. โ€œI am working on it,โ€ he wrote. โ€œWe are having some attacking going on.โ€


The narrative that someone had taken over the Q account soon crumbled, however, when people realized the so-called hijacker had simply copied Qโ€™s tripcode.


โ€œTheyโ€™re just putting the tripcode right there with the username,โ€ the Q Origins Project tweeted. โ€œItโ€™s not a Q takeover, itโ€™s just a copy-paste.โ€


Many clowned on Watkins for falling for such a rudimentary impersonation attempt on his own website.


8chan cofounder turned Watkins/8kun critic, Fredrick Brennan, tweeted, โ€œGod this is hilarious. Jim Watkins freaked out. Shut off his own server. Because he saw an obviously fake Q drop.โ€


โ€œThen he puts 8kun in read only mode. And finally, he fucks up the SSL and now itโ€™s unreadable,โ€ Brennan added.


Jim Watkins eventually also realized that no one had actually hijacked Q. โ€œIt is fake, it is not blinking. I am just stressing out, so I copied it,โ€ he wrote.


โ€œIt wasnโ€™t Q so it wonโ€™t go there, it is just someone putting the trip name in the name field,โ€ he added, referring to aggregator sites that collect Q drops.


Some concluded that Watkinsโ€™ reaction to the fake Q post provides further proof that heโ€™s either behind the account or working with whoever is.


โ€œEpic trolling aside, todayโ€™s reaction from Jim Watkins (freak the fuck out) to a minor prank adds more circumstantial evidence to him posting or enabling the โ€˜new Qโ€™ drops. It was business as usual when Q posts again, but unexpected Q?! Oh fuck oh shit,โ€ @BlueAnonBurner tweeted.

Anonymous ID: 80dd36 July 6, 2022, 12:47 p.m. No.16649717   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9748 >>9890

co-worker of wifeanon just lost her father. he was taken to hospital AFTER he had recovered from a cold, tested (+) for covid, put on a ventilator and died within days. wifeanon's co-worker believes he was deliberately murdered to inflate covid deaths among the unvaxxed. this occurred at Washington Hospital in Washington, PA (southwest of Pittsburgh).


can any anon recommend a qualified and aggressive attorney (located in washington and/or allegheny counties) to pursue not only civil litigation but push for criminal charges? it should to be a lawyer who is already critical of the medical establishment AND skeptical of the covid hoax.

Anonymous ID: edd99d July 6, 2022, 12:48 p.m. No.16649721   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Anonymous ID: c3fa0c July 6, 2022, 12:48 p.m. No.16649723   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9741


Interesting they only took down 1 pillar, the Swahili [] Hindi with the charge placed on the Swahili side.


Swahili is mostly written with the Roman alphabet today, it was originally written in Arabic script. In fact, the name Swahili comes from the Arabic word meaning โ€œof the coast.โ€


Islam did it

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 7fb706 July 6, 2022, 12:48 p.m. No.16649726   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9730 >>9756

Some initially believed that someone had hijacked Q, a belief furthered when whoever it was responded to a couple of comments by writing, โ€œConfirmed. Do not fuck with us. Q.โ€ This message also included Qโ€™s tripcode.


Watkins posted a screenshot of this interaction on Telegram. โ€œI am working on it,โ€ he wrote. โ€œWe are having some attacking going on.โ€


The narrative that someone had taken over the Q account soon crumbled, however, when people realized the so-called hijacker had simply copied Qโ€™s tripcode.


โ€œTheyโ€™re just putting the tripcode right there with the username,โ€ the Q Origins Project tweeted. โ€œItโ€™s not a Q takeover, itโ€™s just a copy-paste.โ€


Many clowned on Watkins for falling for such a rudimentary impersonation attempt on his own website.


8chan cofounder turned Watkins/8kun critic, Fredrick Brennan, tweeted, โ€œGod this is hilarious. Jim Watkins freaked out. Shut off his own server. Because he saw an obviously fake Q drop.โ€


โ€œThen he puts 8kun in read only mode. And finally, he fucks up the SSL and now itโ€™s unreadable,โ€ Brennan added.


Jim Watkins eventually also realized that no one had actually hijacked Q. โ€œIt is fake, it is not blinking. I am just stressing out, so I copied it,โ€ he wrote.


โ€œIt wasnโ€™t Q so it wonโ€™t go there, it is just someone putting the trip name in the name field,โ€ he added, referring to aggregator sites that collect Q drops.


Some concluded that Watkinsโ€™ reaction to the fake Q post provides further proof that heโ€™s either behind the account or working with whoever is.


โ€œEpic trolling aside, todayโ€™s reaction from Jim Watkins (freak the fuck out) to a minor prank adds more circumstantial evidence to him posting or enabling the โ€˜new Qโ€™ drops. It was business as usual when Q posts again, but unexpected Q?! Oh fuck oh shit,โ€ @BlueAnonBurner tweeted.

Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 12:50 p.m. No.16649740   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9780


Judaism itself, even when Jews reject zionism for their own reasons, is incompatible with the West. So both zionism and Judaism needs to disappear from the West (legally off course) if our Western peoples are to ever know peace and safety.

Anonymous ID: fb8833 July 6, 2022, 12:50 p.m. No.16649748   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I canโ€™t recommend an attorney in that area but spouse anon is an ER Nurse and her mom died similarly back in February. Spouse anon had to make the heart breaking decision to take her off life support (respirator). We have talked about her momโ€™s death and patients sheโ€™s had who wound up dying in the ICU and we are pretty convinced itโ€™s the Remdesivir. It destroys the organs. Lots of stuff about the harms of Remdesivir here in PBs as well as all over the webs. Sorry for your loss anon.

Anonymous ID: 5bdc24 July 6, 2022, 12:50 p.m. No.16649749   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9787

Welcome aboard.


North Macedonia Prime Minister ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฐ Dimitar Kovacevski arrived on the flight deck of


during a scheduled visit while on deployment in


area of operations, July 6.


#WeAreNATO #StrongerTogether #ussharrystruman #flynavy

Anonymous ID: eacb97 July 6, 2022, 12:51 p.m. No.16649753   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


There it is again. 74/47. The abstract symbolism of Qof Resh, in Hebrew.

Qof Resh Bet =

1-โ€œto draw attentionโ€

2- the root for the word "sacrifice"

"And where do we present the sacrifice? On the Altar. The word Altar (ืžึตึผื—ึทื‘ึตึผื—ึท), in Hebrew means place of slaughter or place of sacrifice. Every time an Altar was built and dedicated to God, He had to come down to accept the sacrifice."


19th Knesset Elections Ballots - Resh Qof.svg

Coincidence? Dissolved or being remade?

Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 12:52 p.m. No.16649766   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9879


Speaking of that Kenian gay mulato:

1) - "Biden reassures Florida Jews on Israel" - "Sen. Joe Biden reiterates support for Israel at two South Florida rallies"



Obama signed a $38 billion package of military aid for Israel over 10 years.

Source: - "U.S. Finalizes Deal to Give Israel $38 Billion in Military Aid"



Obama said "The example of Israel and its values was inspiring,โ€ at a synagogue in 2015.

Source: - "An insiderโ€™s view: Eight years watching the first Jewish US president "



Obama was very very close to the extremely zionist Rahm Emanuel.

Source: - "Rahm Emanuel, Obama's Chieff of Staff"


5) - โ€œObama Hailed as a 'Mensch' After Moving Speech at NYC Synagogue: 'Be Kind. Be Useful. Be Fearless'โ€


6) - "An insiderโ€™s view: Eight years watching the first Jewish US president"


As US President Barack Obama stood before the packed synagogue sanctuary, a white kippa comfortably atop his head, he spoke of the impact that images of kibbutzim, Israelโ€™s founders and the 1967 war had on him as he was coming of age.


โ€œTo a young man like me, grappling with his own identity, recognizing the scars of race here in this nation, inspired by the Civil Rights struggle, the idea that you could be grounded in your history, as Israel was, but not be trapped by it, to be able to repair the world โ€“ that idea was liberating. The example of Israel and its values was inspiring,โ€ Obama said that day, speaking in 2015 at my own synagogue, Adas Israel Congregation in Washington DC, in celebration of Jewish American Heritage Month.



7) - "William Kristol & Neocons Are Not Conservatives"


8) - "Barack Obama: Americaโ€™s First Jewish President!"



"Some Chicago Jews Say Obama Is Actually the 'First Jewish President'"



Chuck Schumer talks about how Barrack Obama was introduced to the world of politics by the most powerful Jewish families in Chicago:

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: bd9e21 July 6, 2022, 12:53 p.m. No.16649770   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Some initially believed that someone had hijacked Q, a belief furthered when whoever it was responded to a couple of comments by writing, โ€œConfirmed. Do not fuck with us. Q.โ€ This message also included Qโ€™s tripcode.


Watkins posted a screenshot of this interaction on Telegram. โ€œI am working on it,โ€ he wrote. โ€œWe are having some attacking going on.โ€


The narrative that someone had taken over the Q account soon crumbled, however, when people realized the so-called hijacker had simply copied Qโ€™s tripcode.


โ€œTheyโ€™re just putting the tripcode right there with the username,โ€ the Q Origins Project tweeted. โ€œItโ€™s not a Q takeover, itโ€™s just a copy-paste.โ€


Many clowned on Watkins for falling for such a rudimentary impersonation attempt on his own website.


8chan cofounder turned Watkins/8kun critic, Fredrick Brennan, tweeted, โ€œGod this is hilarious. Jim Watkins freaked out. Shut off his own server. Because he saw an obviously fake Q drop.โ€


โ€œThen he puts 8kun in read only mode. And finally, he fucks up the SSL and now itโ€™s unreadable,โ€ Brennan added.


Jim Watkins eventually also realized that no one had actually hijacked Q. โ€œIt is fake, it is not blinking. I am just stressing out, so I copied it,โ€ he wrote.


โ€œIt wasnโ€™t Q so it wonโ€™t go there, it is just someone putting the trip name in the name field,โ€ he added, referring to aggregator sites that collect Q drops.


Some concluded that Watkinsโ€™ reaction to the fake Q post provides further proof that heโ€™s either behind the account or working with whoever is.


โ€œEpic trolling aside, todayโ€™s reaction from Jim Watkins (freak the fuck out) to a minor prank adds more circumstantial evidence to him posting or enabling the โ€˜new Qโ€™ drops. It was business as usual when Q posts again, but unexpected Q?! Oh fuck oh shit,โ€ @BlueAnonBurner tweeted.

Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 12:55 p.m. No.16649787   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


NATO sucks faggot dick and Israeli ass. Fuck NATO.


Prior to Azov becoming an integrated part of the Ukrainian military, the group was funded primarily by Ukrainian oligarchs, the most well known of whom was Igor Kolomoisky. Kolomoisky is of Jewish heritage and is an Israeli citizen and well-known billionaire businessman. Despite his being a Jewish Israeli, he had no problem pouring money into neo-Nazi volunteer militias such as the Azov and Aidar, among other far-right groups that feature elements hostile to Jewish people.





Russian TV panelists notice that the anti-Russia propagandists promoting hatred against Russians are mostly Jews:

"Russian forces opened fire on Israeli jets with S-300 anti-aircraft missiles at the end of an alleged IAF attack on targets in north-western Syria last week, Channel 13 news reported Monday, in what could signal a significant shift in Moscowโ€™s attitude to Israel."

"The report noted that Syriaโ€™s S-300 batteries are operated by the Russian military and cannot be fired without their approval."


The connection between Syria, Russia, Israel, Ukraine, Genie Energy (big oil) and Epstein:

"Israel outrage at Russia 'Hitler was Jewish' claim"

"No Putin 'apology' to Israeli PM found in Kremlin transcript"

"Tel Aviv earlier claimed that President Putin apologized for the remarks of his foreign minister, in which he suggested Adolf Hitler may have had 'Jewish blood'"


Russian anon on what Jews say in Russia:


Russia and Iran closer than ever:


Israel provokes Russia:


"Russia orders Jewish Agency to stop all operations in country - exclusive"

"Jewish Agency, in full Jewish Agency Of Israel, Hebrew Ha-sokhnut Ha-yehudit El-eretz Yisraสพel, international body representing the World Zionist Organization, created in 1929 by Chaim Weizmann, with headquarters in Jerusalem."



On this day (June 24th):

1903 Russia prohibits meetings dealing with Zionism


Russia is playing NATO


Russia winning the war

Anonymous ID: 33cab7 July 6, 2022, 12:55 p.m. No.16649793   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>My pleasure. But do wait a couple of years for the dust to settle

Will do, i've given up travelling for the past couple of years as it's too much hassle with covid and not being vaxed


>And if you happen to be in Beirut, the Shawarma sandwich is on me. Take care


Thks v much Anon, I may have to take you up on that one day! I could eat one of those now, kek.


Anonymous ID: 58af8e July 6, 2022, 12:56 p.m. No.16649805   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun







Q !ITPb.qbhqo 11/09/2017 23:07:15 ID: Dx5TPc5d

4chan/pol: 148779656

Image Name: 1510280445405.jpg

Filename: 1510107905656.jpg


Trip added.

[C]oordinated effort to misdirect.

Guideto reading the crumbs necessary to cont[I]nue.

Attached gr[A]phic is correct.

Linked graphics are incorrect and false.

Graphic is necessary and vital.

Time stamp(s) and order [is] critical.

Re-review graphic (in full) each day post news release.

Learn to distinguish between relevant/non-relevant news.

Disinformation is real.

Disinformation is necessary.

Ex: US ML NG (1) False SA True

Why was this necessary?

What questions were asked re: SA prior to SA events?

Why is this relevant?

Think mirror.

Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you.

What is a map?

Why is a map useful?

What is a legend?

Why is a legend useful?

What is a sequence?

Why is this relevant?

When does a map become aguide?

What is a keystone?

Everything stated is relevant.


Future provides past.

Map provides picture.

Picture provides 40,000ft. v.

40,000ft. v. is classified.

Why is a map useful?

Think direction.

Think full picture.

Who controls the narrative?

Why is this relevant?

What is a spell?

Who is asleep?


Attention on deck.

There is an active war on your mind.

Be [p]repared.

Ope[r]ations underway.

Operators [a]ctive.

Graphic is essential.

Find the ke[y]stone.

Moves and countermoves.

They never thought she would lose.

Snow white.

Godfather III.

Iron Eagle.


Anonymous ID: 926dbb July 6, 2022, 12:56 p.m. No.16649808   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9819 >>9825


Why do you think erections though?

I bet you're absolutely 100% convinced that that thought you just had, isn't at all conditioned by your own psychology, but is somehow a pure and perfect observation into the minds of people who have been dead for years?


Anon's mind thankfully not impacted by the pattern you're echoing here like a parrot as nicely imitated by Jim Brueur.


Anon can imagine minds wanting to reach the heavens, and to shape physical reality to permit an 'empirical basis' for that very logic we're time travelling in logic in understanding.


You can do you.

Anonymous ID: e1fa8e July 6, 2022, 12:57 p.m. No.16649813   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



#21030 @500

>>16649267 UK deputy ambassador detained by IRGC on espionage claims

>>16649279 Directors of FBI, MI5 deliver joint warning to business leaders about global Chinese spying effort

>>16649303 Russian authorities investigated Jewish Agency for three years

>>16649307 Israeli media: Iran's power is on the rise

>>16649309 WSJ: UK Home Secretary Priti Patel asked US to praise her over Assange extradition decision

>>16649313 Shill pub DAILY DOT hit piece

>>16649319 Crazy UK climate report from 2019

>>16649337, >>16649497, >>16649514, >>16649349, >>16649361, >>16649395, >>16649615 military reports

>>16649340 Russia Deployed 600 Paratroopers At Key Northeastern Syria Airport

>>16649358 The Corporatization of Just About Everything

>>16649370 Uvalde Police Officer With Rifle Had Clear Shot To Take Out Gunman Before Massacre

>>16649404 South Dakota sky turns green. See the strange weather phenomenon in photos

>>16649428 Fugitive mafia boss extradited from Brazil to Italy

>>16649433 [R]obert [C]rimo, [R] [C] Christian

>>16649444 Santa Teresa CBP Officers Seize 1,037 Pounds of Meth

>>16649449 Top Russian Gen'ls arrested

>>16649471 Tomorrow morning, Space Launch Delta 45 will support the Starlink 4-21 launch.

>>16649479, >>16649575, >>16649378, >>16649745, >>16649479 GA Guidestones dig

>>16649583 Bocelli in Lemons while meeting with Nancy and her drunk driving Husband in Italy

>>16649626 Exposรฉ reveals Twitter, other social media platforms routinely hire former feds: It's a 'revolving door'

>>16649655 Watch: Trudeau Admits He Is "Banning" Guns

>>16649663 US Imposes Sanctions On Iran Oil Producers After Failure To Revive Nuclear Deal

>>16649666 FBI Director and MI5 Director General held the event with business and academic leaders in London to highlight the joint work by the two security agencies to thwart what they said was the most serious challenge from espionage and hacking by the Chinese govt, CNN reported

>>16649692 Richmond Police said two non-U.S. citizens have been arrested after officers received a tip about a planned July 4 mass shooting.

>>16649754 JUST IN: White House communications director Kate Bedingfield leaving the White House - CNN

>>16649480 Potential Richmond July 4 mass shooters charged as noncitizens in possession of firearm, police say

>>16649794 Richmond Police say Julio Alvarado had 223 rounds of ammunition in his residence

Anonymous ID: a818d6 July 6, 2022, 12:57 p.m. No.16649816   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


John Gouveia, a former president of Team USA Softball, was arrested and charged with eight counts of lewd and lascivious acts with a child younger than 14, the Sacramento County (California) Sheriff's Office announced on Tuesday.


Arrest happened on April 14. News comes out yesterday in USA Today about the US Soccor Team?


On April 14, Gouveia, 61, was booked into the Alameda County (California) Jail on an arrest warrant that carried a $250,000 bail. Gouveia subsequently posted bail and was released the same day, according to the Sacramento County Sheriff's Office.

Anonymous ID: 0a349d July 6, 2022, 12:58 p.m. No.16649821   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9831 >>9861 >>9863 >>9966 >>9996

Watchdog files FOIA lawsuit against NIH over alleged funding of beagle experiments | Just The News


The study, which taxpayer watchdog group White Coat Waste Project claimed to have discovered, allegedly involved removing the vocal cords of some of the dogs to prevent them from barking as they were drugged and their heads locked "in mesh cages filled with hungry sand flies so that the insects could eat them alive."

Anonymous ID: 5bdc24 July 6, 2022, 12:59 p.m. No.16649823   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9966 >>9996

Where can you get the best view of the early universe from right here on Earth? In Antarctica


. The detectors on the telescope that scientists use to study the oldest light in the universe were developed and built



Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 1:01 p.m. No.16649843   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Not an argument. Posting verifiable facts about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion is not hate. Your pedo criminal ideology has no place in the West. You will leave, one way or the other.


If the cabal wants us divided by religion, why did Kushner refused to marry Ivanka unless she agreed to convert to Judaism?


I refuse unity with any ideology which approves of pedophilia and demands that its members run cover for criminals (laws of Mesirah and Rodef) like Judaism does.



Israel/zionists = pedophilia:

"Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law"

WARNING: "100% Proof the Jewish Talmud Approves Pedophilia - Doctrines of Devil"


Brooklyn Shomrim organisers have been accused of withholding information on suspected child molesters and other Jewish criminals, in keeping with an interpretation of the Torah prohibition against mesirah (informing on a fellow Jew to the non-Jewish authorities).[14][15][16]


"The Child-Rape Assembly Line"

"Rabbi Nuchem Rosenbergโ€”who is 63 with a long, graying beardโ€”recently sat down with me to explain what he described as a "child-rape assembly line" among sects of fundamentalist Jews."

"Teachers Union leader says Florida bills are type of legislation that start wars"

She's called Randi Weingarten.

"Rhonda "Randi" Weingarten was born in 1957 in New York City, to a Jewish family, Gabriel and Edith (Appelbaum) Weingarten."

"Cleveland rabbi arrested for soliciting an investigator who posed as an underage boy online โ€“ The Forward"


Jewish groomer theater play:


Michigan Attorney General (she is Jewish) says every school needs a drag queen.



Anonymous ID: fb8833 July 6, 2022, 1:01 p.m. No.16649846   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Back in the day a friend and I once placed a whole pack of firecrackers in an old ammo can right next to a neighbors window at near midnight and lit the whole pack at once. He came out yelling something and cursing and waiving his 357 around. He probably figured out it was us but we thought it was hilarious.

Anonymous ID: 678a04 July 6, 2022, 1:01 p.m. No.16649848   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9866 >>9872 >>9966 >>9996


ยท 59s

So CERN fires back up yesterday (they use Shiva as a logo/symbolism),

and this morning the Georgia Guidestone written in Hindi/Swahili gets destroyed sometime between 3-4am (the witching hour, which is hugely important for [them]). ๐Ÿง


<>This was a message.


>(they use Shiva as a logo/symbolism)


<This was a message.


1159 (16) (7) { G = 7 / Gee = 7+5+5 = (17) (8) }

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/15/2018 21:25:04 ID: b53533

8chan/qresearch: 1057786

Q Clock [ Min: 9 | :25/:55 Mir: 41 | 180 Mir: 39 | :35/:05 Mir: 1 ]

Delta to Reply: 0 D_0:0:39 (seconds total: 39) (12) (3)

1158 (15) (6)

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/15/2018 21:24:25 ID:b53533

8chan/qresearch: 1057770

Image Name: 54BC82F4-E3C2-4ED9-A24D-BDโ€ฆ.png

Filename: 5cea1cab6fa2b77e07018a425c22d5e1b20cb614366840ecd1412229d77ac07d.png


The WHERE. { some financial HuB ASIA/Pacific? }



Image Name: 875F2639-359D-43A8-BB00-1Fโ€ฆ.png

Filename: 793c6f72c2409e030803630dc720f5ce5d325dbc2063696783dfba35989edbea.png



The WHY. { !?!Y?!? }




{ 3rd img for tinyeye czech 4-20 = location }

Anonymous ID: 5a975c July 6, 2022, 1:02 p.m. No.16649855   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9966 >>9996


DR Congo, Rwanda approve de-escalation


The Congolese presidency said, on Wednesday, that the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda have agreed to a "de-escalation process" after weeks of rising tensions over rebel fighting in eastern DRC.


It claimed that a "roadmap" for restoring diplomatic relations had been devised, including putting a stop to conflicts involving the M23 militia in the eastern DRC.


The statement follows Wednesday's negotiations between Paul Kagame, the president of Rwanda, and Felix Tshisekedi, the president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in Luanda, the capital of Angola.


The small central African nation of Rwanda has always disputed the DRC's accusations that it is supporting the M23.


The M23, or "March 23 Movement," is a predominantly Congolese Tutsi rebel organization that initially gained notoriety in 2012 when it briefly took control of the eastern Congolese city of Goma before being expelled by a joint UN-Congolese offensive.


The M23, which had been largely dormant for years, started fighting again last November after charging the Congolese government with breaking a deal to include its troops in the army.


The rebels have made major gains in eastern Congo as a result of fierce combat. An important border town called Bunagana in the Congo-Uganda region was taken over by M23 fighters last month, for instance.


Following their discussions on Wednesday, the three presidents agreed to a "de-escalation procedure between the DRC and Rwanda," according to the Congolese administration.


This entails creating a joint DRC-Rwanda group, whose inaugural meeting is scheduled to take place in Luanda on July 12, as well as a plan for re-establishing relations.


The plan requires the M23 to end hostilities, and the "development of natural resources in the region must be done in strict respect of the sovereignty of states," according to the Congolese presidency.


>> Peace for Africa.

Anonymous ID: 25d75d July 6, 2022, 1:02 p.m. No.16649857   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9881




jooโ€ฒgฤtโ€ณ, -gฤญt



Relating to a pinnate leaf with leaflets in pairs.

Often used in combination.

Appearing as a pair of overlapping profiles that face the same direction. Used of busts or heads on the face of a coin.

Forming aย pair.

Anonymous ID: 3ccbe1 July 6, 2022, 1:02 p.m. No.16649864   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9966 >>9996



Is this how we introduce evidence, legally?


>WASHINGTON (AP) โ€” Pat Cipollone, Donald Trumpโ€™s former White House counsel, is scheduled to testify Friday before the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, according to a person briefed on the matter.


>Cipollone, whose reported resistance to Trumpโ€™s schemes to overturn his 2020 election defeat has made him a long-sought and potentially revelatory witness, was subpoenaed by the select committee last week after weeks of public pressure to provide testimony to the panel.


>The person briefed on the matter, who spoke to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity to discuss private negotiations, said Cipollone agreed to appear before the committee for a private, transcribed interview.


>As Trumpโ€™s top White House lawyer, Cipollone was in the West Wing on Jan. 6, 2021, as well as for key meetings in the turbulent weeks after the election when Trump and associates โ€” including Republican lawmakers and lawyer Rudy Giuliani โ€” debated and plotted ways to challenge the election.


>The agreement for Cipollone to speak to the panel follows last weekโ€™s dramatic testimony from former Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson. The young aide to former chief of staff Mark Meadows provided the committee with a striking account of what she saw and heard in those weeks and presented lawmakers with arguably their clearest case for how Trump or some of his allies could face criminal liability.



Anonymous ID: dfb8d4 July 6, 2022, 1:04 p.m. No.16649872   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9925 >>9972


>So CERN fires back up yesterday (they use Shiva as a logo/symbolism),


>and this morning the Georgia Guidestone written in Hindi/Swahili gets destroyed sometime between 3-4am (the witching hour, which is hugely important for [them]).

Noteworthy connections

Anonymous ID: dd160e July 6, 2022, 1:05 p.m. No.16649879   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9947


1st gay zionist cia indonesian

kenyan muslim foreign-born

American-hating race-baiting

child-stealing tongue-wagging

Human trafficking


Constitution fucking

Gun grabbing



sorry excuse

for a man

White House


Anonymous ID: eacb97 July 6, 2022, 1:05 p.m. No.16649883   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


"You'll Never Walk Alone"


When you walk through a storm

Hold your head up high

And don't be afraid of the dark


At the end of a storm

There's a golden sky

And the sweet silver song of a lark


Walk on through the wind

Walk on through the rain

For your dreams be tossed and blown


Walk on, walk on

With hope in your heart

And you'll never walk alone

You'll never walk alone


Walk on, walk on

With hope in your heart

And you'll never walk alone

You'll never walk alone

Anonymous ID: 926dbb July 6, 2022, 1:05 p.m. No.16649884   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9893 >>9902 >>9951


Another nwo dialectic logic is the reception in the information object CONJUNCTIONS.


They say 'but' and 'however' and 'yet' and 'although', when the objects they're linking are all existents that are not by virtue of existing making any other existing object in the set an impossibility, so it is more logical to use 'AND' link the objects.




Shill code of



Is the dialectically inverted (corrupted with NOISE) string of characters that are more correctly stated as




Then ask yourself why would the shills want everyone to 'associate' these objects and for what purpose (to divide humanity to benefit the demonic cult THAT FEEDS OFF DIVISION).

Anonymous ID: df05f7 July 6, 2022, 1:06 p.m. No.16649888   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9906 >>9966 >>9996 >>0037

Did a Rod of God destroy the Satanic Georgia Guidestones?


A person on Twatter posted video of the explosion and claims it came from the sky. The twat and video may be seen at

Anonymous ID: 0a349d July 6, 2022, 1:06 p.m. No.16649892   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9914

Any explanation for why the Wayback Machine seemed to have started auto-archiving nearly everyone's tweets (including replies) beginning on or around August/September 2019?

Anonymous ID: 595d76 July 6, 2022, 1:08 p.m. No.16649905   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9939 >>9946


looked at the chart for four am edt when they said it 'went down'

(how do they know? neighbors?)


this is what I see

(drum roll)

If they want to repair it, it will be a load of mony.

already written up in the article from Fox. local


It's about mother's protecting their babies.

The injectiions in the babies is going too far.

They may have got away with it, if they went more slow and simple..

take the "vaccine" in three to five years you'll get Kuru or something else.

But the dead baby thing? Large orders for baby caskets and child caskets.


and someone's got pissed.


my reading. take it as you will

Anonymous ID: d3d2a1 July 6, 2022, 1:08 p.m. No.16649914   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>Any explanation for why the Wayback Machine seemed to have started auto-archiving nearly everyone's tweets (including replies) beginning on or around August/September 2019?


so we can end this Mandala timeline jumping shit once and for all


Berenstain Bears my ass

Anonymous ID: 269e73 July 6, 2022, 1:09 p.m. No.16649920   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


our country our rules.

the days of letting hostile immoral tiny minorities rule us are at an end.


any death/pedo cult larping as a religion that allows the murder of babies is fakenews and 1a doesn't apply to it.

Anonymous ID: dd160e July 6, 2022, 1:11 p.m. No.16649937   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Major Major had been born too late and too mediocre. Some men are born mediocre, some men achieve mediocrity, and some men have mediocrity thrust upon them. With Major Major it had been all three. Even among men lacking all distinction he inevitably stood out as a man lacking more distinction than all the rest, and people who met him were always impressed by how unimpressive he was.โ€• Joseph Heller

Anonymous ID: d7e717 July 6, 2022, 1:13 p.m. No.16649950   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Jacksonville Memory Gardens

111 Blanding Boulevard

Orange Park Florida

United States of America


He is buried in Jacksonville, Florida if anons would like to pay respects in person. You may also leave virtual flowers at the link above.


โ€œLCDR Michael Scott Speicher, a United States Navy F/A-18 Hornet fighter pilot. LCDR Speicher was the first registered casualty of Operation Desert Storm, having been lost in the sky over the Western Iraq Desert on January 17, 1991, during the opening minutes of the air phase of the war. He was promoted twice after his disappearance, first to commander and then to captain. The wreckage of his aircraft was located in 1994 and visited by US officials in 1995. An Iraqi man came forward in 2009 and led US Marines to the location where he had been buried in 1991. Speicher's remains were positively identified in August 2009. The cenotaph that had been placed in Arlington National Cemetery was removed after his remains were recovered.

Captain Michael Speicher was a highly decorated Naval Officer with the Purple Heart, Distinguished Flying Cross with combat 'V,' Navy Commendation Medal, Navy Achievement Medal, Navy Unit Commendation with Bronze Star, Navy 'E' Ribbon, Navy Fleet Marine Force Ribbon, National Defense Service Medal, Southwest Asia Service Medal with 3 Bronze Stars, Sea Service Deployment Ribbon with Bronze Stars, Kuwait Liberation Medal (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), Kuwait Liberation Medal (Kuwait) and the Navy Expert Pistol Shot Medal.โ€

Anonymous ID: 8e48ac July 6, 2022, 1:14 p.m. No.16649951   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I refuse unity with any ideology which approves of pedophilia (the Talmud tells Jews they can have sex with 3 year old kids), forces parents to commit male genital mutilation on 8 day old boys (circumcision, and to make it even worse, the Rabbi then takes the baby's penis into his mouth and sucks on it (it's called Metzitzah B'peh, go look into it)) and demands that its members run cover for criminals (laws of Mesirah and Rodef) like Judaism does.

Anonymous ID: 084b99 July 6, 2022, 1:14 p.m. No.16649953   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Weren't we supposed to be "Watching" Arizona last June?โ€ฆoh, wait, Julyโ€ฆoops, I forgot August, then to find out it was suppose to be September, only to realize it was a Blocked by the AG thereโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: 5bdc24 July 6, 2022, 1:14 p.m. No.16649955   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

EXPEL SCHIFF? Questions for


McCarthy include whether he will allow those members responsible for unprecedented abuse of power of Pelosi rump 1/6 operation to participate in ANY committees if Republicans take control of House. Will he pursue ethics charges? Expulsion?

Anonymous ID: af7571 July 6, 2022, 1:14 p.m. No.16649958   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9996

GameStop Announces Four-for-One Stock Split

Wed, July 6, 2022 at 4:05 PM

GRAPEVINE, Texas, July 06, 2022(BUSINESS WIRE)GameStop Corp. (NYSE: GME) ("GameStop" or the "Company") today announced that its Board of Directors has approved and declared a four-for-one split of the Companyโ€™s Class A common stock in the form of a stock dividend. Company stockholders of record at the close of business on July 18, 2022 will receive a dividend of three additional shares of the Companyโ€™s Class A common stock for each then-held share of Class A common stock. The stock dividend will be distributed after the close of trading on July 21, 2022. Trading will begin on a stock split-adjusted basis on July 22, 2022.

Anonymous ID: e1fa8e July 6, 2022, 1:16 p.m. No.16649966   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun






>>16649267 UK deputy ambassador detained by IRGC on espionage claims

>>16649279 Directors of FBI, MI5 deliver joint warning to business leaders about global Chinese spying effort

>>16649303 Russian authorities investigated Jewish Agency for three years

>>16649307 Israeli media: Iran's power is on the rise

>>16649309 WSJ: UK Home Secretary Priti Patel asked US to praise her over Assange extradition decision

>>16649313 Shill pub DAILY DOT hit piece

>>16649319 Crazy UK climate report from 2019

>>16649337, >>16649497, >>16649514, >>16649349, >>16649361, >>16649395, >>16649615, >>16649823 military reports

>>16649340 Russia Deployed 600 Paratroopers At Key Northeastern Syria Airport

>>16649358 The Corporatization of Just About Everything

>>16649370 Uvalde Police Officer With Rifle Had Clear Shot To Take Out Gunman Before Massacre

>>16649404 South Dakota sky turns green. See the strange weather phenomenon in photos

>>16649428 Fugitive mafia boss extradited from Brazil to Italy

>>16649433 [R]obert [C]rimo, [R] [C] Christian

>>16649444 Santa Teresa CBP Officers Seize 1,037 Pounds of Meth

>>16649449 Top Russian Gen'ls arrested

>>16649471 Tomorrow morning, Space Launch Delta 45 will support the Starlink 4-21 launch.

>>16649479, >>16649575, >>16649378, >>16649745, >>16649479, >>16649690, >>16649810, >>16649848, >>16649744, >>16649882, >>16649888 GA Guidestones dig

>>16649583 Bocelli in Lemons while meeting with Nancy and her drunk driving Husband in Italy

>>16649626 Exposรฉ reveals Twitter, other social media platforms routinely hire former feds: It's a 'revolving door'

>>16649655 Watch: Trudeau Admits He Is "Banning" Guns

>>16649663 US Imposes Sanctions On Iran Oil Producers After Failure To Revive Nuclear Deal

>>16649666 FBI Director and MI5 Director General held event with business and academic leaders in London re Chinese govt hacking

>>16649692 Richmond Police said two non-U.S. citizens have been arrested after officers received a tip about a planned July 4 mass shooting.

>>16649754 JUST IN: White House communications director Kate Bedingfield leaving the White House - CNN

>>16649480 Potential Richmond July 4 mass shooters charged as noncitizens in possession of firearm, police say

>>16649794 Richmond Police say Julio Alvarado had 223 rounds of ammunition in his residence

>>16649821 Watchdog files FOIA lawsuit against NIH over alleged funding of beagle experiments | Just The News

>>16649855 DR Congo, Rwanda approve de-escalation

>>16649864 Cipollone to testify Friday before J6

>>16649940 NIST picks 4 โ€˜quantum-resistantโ€™ encryption algorithms to protect US data.




Anonymous ID: 578ebf July 6, 2022, 1:19 p.m. No.16649989   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9994

The Milgram experiment had an exit door Retweeted





There are now lots of people believing that the vaccines are bioweapons created for depopulation purposes in response to another lab-created bioweapon. With each passing day, what was considered preposterous, now seems more and more plausible.


1:32 PM ยท Jul 5, 2022ยทTwitter Web App

Anonymous ID: e1fa8e July 6, 2022, 1:20 p.m. No.16649996   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>>16649267 UK deputy ambassador detained by IRGC on espionage claims

>>16649279 Directors of FBI, MI5 deliver joint warning to business leaders about global Chinese spying effort

>>16649303 Russian authorities investigated Jewish Agency for three years

>>16649307 Israeli media: Iran's power is on the rise

>>16649309 WSJ: UK Home Secretary Priti Patel asked US to praise her over Assange extradition decision

>>16649313 Shill pub DAILY DOT hit piece

>>16649319 Crazy UK climate report from 2019

>>16649337, >>16649497, >>16649514, >>16649349, >>16649361, >>16649395, >>16649615, >>16649823 military reports

>>16649340 Russia Deployed 600 Paratroopers At Key Northeastern Syria Airport

>>16649358 The Corporatization of Just About Everything

>>16649370 Uvalde Police Officer With Rifle Had Clear Shot To Take Out Gunman Before Massacre

>>16649404 South Dakota sky turns green. See the strange weather phenomenon in photos

>>16649428 Fugitive mafia boss extradited from Brazil to Italy

>>16649433 [R]obert [C]rimo, [R] [C] Christian

>>16649444 Santa Teresa CBP Officers Seize 1,037 Pounds of Meth

>>16649449 Top Russian Gen'ls arrested

>>16649471 Tomorrow morning, Space Launch Delta 45 will support the Starlink 4-21 launch.

>>16649479, >>16649575, >>16649378, >>16649745, >>16649479, >>16649690, >>16649810, >>16649848, >>16649744, >>16649882, >>16649888 GA Guidestones dig

>>16649583 Bocelli in Lemons while meeting with Nancy and her drunk driving Husband in Italy

>>16649626 Exposรฉ reveals Twitter, other social media platforms routinely hire former feds: It's a 'revolving door'

>>16649655 Watch: Trudeau Admits He Is "Banning" Guns

>>16649663 US Imposes Sanctions On Iran Oil Producers After Failure To Revive Nuclear Deal

>>16649666 FBI Director and MI5 Director General held event with business and academic leaders in London re Chinese govt hacking

>>16649692 Richmond Police said two non-U.S. citizens have been arrested after officers received a tip about a planned July 4 mass shooting.

>>16649754 JUST IN: White House communications director Kate Bedingfield leaving the White House - CNN

>>16649480 Potential Richmond July 4 mass shooters charged as noncitizens in possession of firearm, police say

>>16649794 Richmond Police say Julio Alvarado had 223 rounds of ammunition in his residence

>>16649821 Watchdog files FOIA lawsuit against NIH over alleged funding of beagle experiments | Just The News

>>16649855 DR Congo, Rwanda approve de-escalation

>>16649864 Cipollone to testify Friday before J6

>>16649940 NIST picks 4 โ€˜quantum-resistantโ€™ encryption algorithms to protect US data.

>>16649958 GameStop Announces Four-for-One Stock Split




Anonymous ID: d3d2a1 July 6, 2022, 1:20 p.m. No.16650001   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Starlink Group 4-21


Type: Communications

Launch Cost: $52,000,000


A batch of 53 satellites for Starlink mega-constellation โ€“ SpaceXโ€™s project for space-based Internet communication system.


View the rocket launch trajectory, velocity, altitude, thrust and much more at



Falcon 9 Block 5 โ€“ SpaceX


Family: Falcon

Length: 70 m

Diameter: 3.65 m

Launch Mass: 549 T

Low Earth Orbit Capacity: 22800 kg


The Falcon 9 Block 5 was manufactured by SpaceX with the first launch on 2018-05-11. Falcon 9 Block 5 has 105 successful launches and 0 failed launches with a total of 105 launches. Falcon 9 is a two-stage rocket designed and manufactured by SpaceX for the reliable and safe transport of satellites and the Dragon spacecraft into orbit. The Block 5 variant is the fifth major interval aimed at improving upon the ability for rapid reusability.



B1058 will attempt to land on ASDS JRTI after its thirteenth flight.


Just Read the Instructions โ€“ JRTI


First (Marmac 300) and third (Marmac 303) ASDS barge, Just Read the Instructions (JRTI) is currently used to recover Falcon 9 and Heavy boosters in the Altantic Ocean.


Autonomous Spaceport Drone Ship โ€“ ASDS


An autonomous spaceport drone ship (ASDS) is an ocean-going vessel derived from a deck barge, outfitted with station-keeping engines and a large landing platform. Construction of such ships was commissioned by aerospace company SpaceX to allow for recovery of rocket first-stages at sea for high-velocity missions which do not carry enough fuel to return to the launch site after lofting spacecraft onto an orbital trajectory.




Type: Commercial

Abbreviation: SpX

Administration: CEO: Elon Musk

Founded: 2002

Launchers: Falcon

Spacecraft: Dragon

Country: USA


Space Exploration Technologies Corp., known as SpaceX, is an American aerospace manufacturer and space transport services company headquartered in Hawthorne, California. It was founded in 2002 by entrepreneur Elon Musk with the goal of reducing space transportation costs and enabling the colonization of Mars. SpaceX operates from many pads, on the East Coast of the US they operate from SLC-40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station and historic LC-39A at Kennedy Space Center. They also operate from SLC-4E at Vandenberg Space Force Base, California, usually for polar launches. Another launch site is being developed at Boca Chica, Texas.

Anonymous ID: 1634ae July 6, 2022, 1:21 p.m. No.16650009   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Crim-o actual car. Mommy's car was "borrowed" for his drag show.


"Highland Park gunman had an affinity for numbers 4 and 7: authorities

Highland Park gunman Robert โ€œBobbyโ€ Crimo III, whom authorities said confessed to killing seven people at a July Fourth parade, had a twisted fascination with the numbers 4 and 7, police said.'

July 6, 2022



Anonymous ID: 75e68f July 6, 2022, 1:21 p.m. No.16650016   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


so, all of their middle east enemies have signed onto the abraham accords and aren't busy fighting each other anymore, but we're supposed to assume that they are stronger for it? ummmm, no. this kind of shit is just comms for where the next plays are going to be made.

Anonymous ID: 6455a6 July 6, 2022, 1:22 p.m. No.16650022   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.


it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.


drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated


Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.


Never have children in the city as cities is strictly for adults!


sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.


those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.


Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think


The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate


West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)


https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state


never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

Anonymous ID: f00a59 July 6, 2022, 1:24 p.m. No.16650039   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

BREAKING!! Internal Enemy is launching what it believes will be the FINAL OFFENSIVE ATTACK which will destroy Donald Trump and all his close associates plus severely punishing his supporters. They have had LAWFAR waiting for this moment in the war against Trump. Lawfare's corrupt lawyers, judges, media and politicians. are now in charge. The corrupt AG in Georgia subpoenaing 7 close Trump associates including Rudy and Miss Lindsey. Lawfare's calling the shots for Nancy's Jan6 committee. They believe they have all the forces and the battle plan to finally destroy Donald Trump and all things Trump. They be a daisy if they do.