>elections are totally real
They aren't.
>through elections the majority elects someone and everyone else has to comply and shut up
>and these other people have no say anymore.
>and whatever the actor says is true and must be followed
That's why I'm anti democracy, btw.
Isn't it very weird that this "boss of all Jews" orders the clot shot on the Jewish population, just like in other countries?
Quite a few of the population aren't happy about that, and in fact call it Nazi.
Makes sense?
>their definition
>only possible in some sects
Choose one
>mothers line
>but the Rothschilds
The Rothschilds are to my knowledge converts, and thus now irrelevant.
Rothschilds are proud of creating Israel.
Converts proud of creating something for "the Jews", despite being converts?
Makes sense? I think not.