Anonymous ID: da0509 July 28, 2022, 10:15 a.m. No.16918071   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1200


no retard, you have no idea

the shootings are HOAXES

the threat is a hoax

the solution is simple, do something about these jews and CIA niggers defrauding the public every day

Anonymous ID: da0509 July 28, 2022, 10:16 a.m. No.16918105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0344



I had sound off using the captions, caught the first part, skipped a bit through, but didn't bother with the rest because I believe deep state pysops are the best money can buy, so treat them with a healthy respect, and like I said, I don't care to drink from a cup so clearly marked Poison.


Conservative and liberty-minded people have been fed a diet of "Despair, because defeat is inevitable" for so long that this anon looks askance at anything, ANYTHING, which perpetuates that trend, because we look back now to 1998 (or any other year, especially pre-2001) when it seemed all ogre and realise, how good those days were, if we'd just stayed sharp and stopped the infiltration into schools and academia, resisted the Patriot Act and the neocon war pipers, but so many felt it was already too late and things were pointless.


Things are never over as long as any action is possible, and the best time to start pushback may have been (insert date you think things started going to shit) but the next best date, is today.


I'd rather get too high on hopium than risk a chance of turning this ship around from taking a doom-monger to heart.


Cities need to be judged case-by-case, the absurd plans on patriot forums to flee inland (surrendering the coasts) when literally every single war including Ukr v Rus is about access to ports infuriate this anon. I can appreciate looking to "First, make your base secure" ie move somewhere if you're constantly facing aggression without any allies, but there's only so much running we can do. And this is primarily an information war now, making location meaningless.

Anonymous ID: da0509 July 28, 2022, 10:22 a.m. No.16918331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0706

Classes starting soon.

Learn how you too can turn on your inner nigger switch.

Yes, you can attend a protest as a peaceful person, but when your feelz get the best of you, just go full nigger switch ON.

Brought to you by Crystal what's her name meth SC sumthin sumthin