Anonymous ID: 2b2304 Nov. 27, 2022, 10:35 p.m. No.17832521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2581


>>17832454 lb

Oh well, I tried kek. I do probably have it somewhere though. Have a festive!

>>17832469 lb

You'd be surprised how many MAGA ppl are vocal on Twatter about our datefagging. Seems a big reason they think Q is BS or a black hat psy-op. Don't always get the impression they themselves are fake accounts though because they believe all the same shit we do…conspiracy-type shit, I mean. If anything, they're desperate for validation of Q, but are too blackpilled or lazy to process what proofs we do have. Hell, I've datefagged and disappointed myself way too many times before I learned to just stfu so…

Anonymous ID: 2b2304 Nov. 27, 2022, 11:20 p.m. No.17832637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2698


>intensivists who take charge of critical care (have say so over patient's private MD).

I can confirm this is happening. Unless you insist on having your own doctors, the faggot hospitals are sticking patients with 30-40 year old hospitalist assholes, most of whom are only physician assistants or nurse practitioners. And if they don't do as the head muckety-mucks say, they get written up. They literally have social credit scores for hospital staff now. So the commie corporatist fucks took a bunch of green know-nothings and literally made death panels beholden to a demerit system.


I had a couple of times where I'm breddy sure what I said was valid, it was just a bigger picture thing that the date was unimportant. I don't do the pots though kek.


Past lives…?



This type of thing would seem to limit the dating pool even moar now, eh? Don't want no damn chimera baby. There's going to come a point real soon though when people will lie about their VAIDS just to get in with someone clean.


Quick, everybody think real hard kek.

Anonymous ID: 2b2304 Nov. 27, 2022, 11:28 p.m. No.17832663   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh FFS…"instead of slipping your date roofies, just edit her DNA to make her your personal MK slave forever!" Fuckers been zombifying people like this for a while, I'm sure…sleeper cells and shit.