Anonymous ID: 4df12f Dec. 11, 2022, 3:44 p.m. No.17925472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5505

PN>>17925294 Elon Musk Calls out Sussmann, Perkins Coie for ‘Attempt to Corrupt a Presidential Election’


This song pairs with this article very nicely!

Anonymous ID: 4df12f Dec. 11, 2022, 4:34 p.m. No.17925728   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5762 >>5781 >>5789 >>5959 >>6018

After 40 Days of Silence President Jair Bolsonaro Tells The Brazilian People They Will Determine The Future, The Military Will Support The People


December 11, 2022 | Sundance | 133 Comments

After an election fraught with corruption within Brazil, President Jair Bolsonaro was silent as tens of millions of people filled the streets in protest. Brazilian President-elect Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is in a tenuous position with the military looming and prepared for intervention.


Today, after remaining silent for 40 days, and with increased national sentiment in strong opposition to the election fraud that happened, Jair Bolsonaro spoke to a massive crowd telling them the military would follow the constitution and determine the outcome. The certification of the election is scheduled for Monday.


It appears that Bolsonaro is telling the people of Brazil that whatever the people do, they will not suffer at the hand of the Brazilian military – it appears Bolsonaro has the word of the generals within the military to support the people and not conduct violence against them. WATCH:


It is highly probable, given the stakes of the matter, that Joe Biden has signed a ‘finding memo’ authorizing the U.S State Department and CIA to conduct covert influence operations in the country. The security forces in/around Jair Bolsonaro appear to be on high alert as the well-liked leader talks to the people of Brazil.


(Reuters) – Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro broke his silence on Friday for the first time since his election defeat on Oct. 30 and spoke to supporters calling for a military coup to stop leftist President-elect Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva taking office.


Bolsonaro said he had kept silent for almost 40 days, adding, “it hurts my soul.”


“Who decides where I go are you. Who decides which way the armed forces go are you,” Bolsonaro told his supporters at the gates of the presidential residence.


In his ambiguous comments, Bolsonaro did not endorse their call for a military intervention, but said the armed forces would respect Brazil’s Constitution.


He has not recognized Lula’s victory in the October elections and his silence encouraged supporters to continue demonstrations outside army bases.


Lula’s narrow victory over Bolsonaro will be certified by Brazil’s national electoral authority on Monday. (more)

Anonymous ID: 4df12f Dec. 11, 2022, 4:47 p.m. No.17925804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5959 >>6018

Twitter Files #4 Released, Rules Changed to Target Trump – While Elon Musk Hints COVID Censorship Files are Forthcoming

December 11, 2022 | Sundance |

The fourth installment of the Twitter Files release dropped yesterday evening.. Essentially, the executive filtration team in control of Twitter content was looking for ways to stop Donald Trump from using the platform and they modified all existing rules and moderation guidelines to follow. One of the ways they justified their action was to infer motive for any content that President Trump provided through his Twitter account. “Ultimately on January 8, 2021, Twitter says its ban is based on “specifically how [Trump’s tweets] are being received & interpreted.”” The Twitter executives decided to reach their end goal of shutting down Trump’s voice, the way his message could be interpreted was their best justification.

Twitter File walks through the internal conversation at Twitter in early January 2021, but again heavily redacts the specifics of who was participating in many of the conversations.Also missing is any contact by government officials or representatives of the Biden team as the transition period was ongoing. Given the nature of the previous contacts from the Biden campaign, the absence of communication from the transition period in Twitter File #4 release is stark. Three other interesting Twitter developments below.

♦ Additional scrutiny is finally beginning to surface toward the DHS/FBI network that is running in the background of Twitter.It is critical to remind ourselves that DHS Twitter is still the current Twitter as it is being witnessed and these files released.

Twitter user “NameRedacted,” a familiar account that has gone through many modifications since it was originally created and then banned from the platform, went through the public profiles of the Twitter officers currently on staff and started identifying all of the FBI officials that remain employed. The list is rather extensive [SEE HERE].

People are starting to ask questions about why so many officials from the U.S. intelligence community were hired by Twitter. Management roles?”

The current DHS involvement in Twitter surfaces with the thread created by NameRedacted being suppressed by the same algorithmic tools and control flags described within the previous Twitter file release. People running Twitter right now do not want the public presentation of what those ‘former‘ FBI officials are doing, and who they are.

♦ Twitter Head of Information and Safety, Yoel Roth, essentially the fulcrum of what content would be permitted on the platform or not, is now getting additional scrutiny not for his moderation decisions but for his personal sexual outlooks and the previous refusal of Twitter to remove explicitly sexual content around children.

After reviewing his dissertation at the University of Pennsylvania on gay sex, pornography and the social media app Grindr [SEE HERE] people are looking at the sexualized content of the Twitter platform differently. Did Yoel Roth allow child porn and other content as an outcome of his own deviancy? Many objective researchers are coming to the conclusion the answer was yes. Even Elon Musk seems to think the lack of urgency toward removing sexual content that targets minors was related to Yoel Roth.

Obviously, there is something profoundly troubling about the head of Twitter content and his sexual outlooks toward minors.

There is a particular creepy and weird fascination that triggers multiple “groomer” alarms, and simultaneously explains why any content that exposed the sexual indoctrination of children [LibsOfTikTok] was viewed differently. Accounts that exposed sexualization and grooming of children in a sexploitative way, were removed. Accounts that promoted the sexualization and grooming of children were allowed to remain on the platform. The ideology of Yoel Roth seems to have played a significant role.

♦ Lastly, it appears Mr. Elon Musk is also going to release the internal Twitter content surrounding COVID-19 and the well-publicized censorship efforts on the platform. It will be very interesting to see if there is any release of information from HHS and CDC contact to Twitter officials.

We know those contacts must have been expansive, including the targeting and removal requests from the Biden administration toward content. However, so far, the people releasing the material from Twitter have withheld the names, details, methods of communication and any information that would identify the government officials on the other side of the portal. [Musk Tweet]

Anonymous ID: 4df12f Dec. 11, 2022, 4:49 p.m. No.17925816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5835 >>6015

Neil Oliver, It’s Remarkable How Many New Ways the Elite Have Concocted for Us to Die, Justified by Climate Change…


December 10, 2022 | sundance | 376 Comments

For his weekly monologue today, U.K pundit Neil Oliver looks at the climate change agenda, energy policy, and the constructs of how the new green agenda manifest to create new ways for people to die.


We aren’t allowed the energy available from a century of gas beneath our feet here in Britain – because it’s not Green. But we’re paying top dollar for nine billion cubic litres – twice as much as last year’s order – of gas fracked out of the ground in the US. WATCH

Anonymous ID: 4df12f Dec. 11, 2022, 4:57 p.m. No.17925861   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5870 >>5871 >>5959 >>6018

Twitter File Evidence – Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Donald Trump Have Something in Common…


December 10, 2022 | sundance1 of 3

… Both were targets of the U.S. government’s use of Twitter and social media to manipulate election outcomes.


While current conservative headlines are filled with discussion surrounding revelations of Twitter being used by U.S. government officials to control and manipulate public opinion, it is worthwhile reminding everyone how this process was first triggered – and then look at how the intelligence community applied the lessons to the USA in 2020.


The Obama administration first created the public-private partnership with Twitter and Facebook to support the “Arab Spring” uprising. As a consequence, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was the first elected official to be taken out by former President Obama’s deployment of Twitter as a community activist tool for revolution in 2011. In direct and consequential ways, Egypt was the BETA test for a process that surface a decade later in the United States during the 2020 election.


Using and influencing social media was a tool created by the Obama state department, as noted years ago in Mic.Com:


[…] In countries like Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen, rising action plans such as protests made up of thousands, have been organized through social media such Facebook and Twitter. “We use Facebook to schedule the protests” an Arab Spring activist from Egypt announced “and [we use] Twitter to coordinate, and YouTube to tell the world.” The role that technology has taken in allowing the distribution of public information such as the kinds stated by the aforementioned activist, had been essential in establishing the democratic movement that has helped guide abused civilians to overthrow their oppressor. (link)


(NationalPulse) The most popular Twitter hashtags in the Arab region in the first three months of this year were “Egypt”, “Jan25”, “Libya”, “Bahrain” and “protest”.


Nearly 9 in 10 Egyptians and Tunisians surveyed in March said they were using Facebook to organise protests or spread awareness about them. All but one of the protests called for on Facebook ended up coming to life on the streets.


These and other findings from the newly released second edition of the Arab Social Media Report by the Dubai School of Government give empirical heft to the conventional wisdom that Facebook and Twitter abetted if not enabled the historic region-wide uprisings of early 2011. (link)


Fast forward to 2020, and those same elements deployed against the Egyptian government were deployed in the United States in a coordinated public-private partnership with Twitter, Facebook and social media.


The U.S. government control over these social media platforms is ultimately what lies at the heart of the latest Twitter Filesrelease.


Within the Twitter file release, you will find Twitter’s lead censor, Yoel Roth, meeting with an official from the U.S. Dept of National Intelligence (DNI). From the testimony of FBI Special Agent Elvis Chan, we know that official was Shelby Pierson. Chan was speaking under oath in an ongoing first amendment lawsuit against the Biden administration for manipulating and censoring speech on social media.


To see the connective tissue between the events in 2011 (Egypt) and the events a decade later in 2020 (USA), it is worth noting a discussion that took place in early 2020 between Shelby Pierson and former CIA Director Mike Morell.


Mike Morell was made CIA Director after General Petraeus was removed in 2012 by then DNI James Clapper at the behest of President Obama. With his new position, Mike Morell was the Obama official who gave testimony to congress about CIA operations in/around the Libyan Benghazi compound attack on 9/11/11. Morell was put into this position to protect Hillary Clinton and President Obama for the crisis they created in Libya, the covert arms sales to Libya, and ultimately the Benghazi attack that stemmed from State Dept and CIA efforts to retrieve those illegal weapons.


During the 2016 Presidential election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, Mike Morell was a key voice helping to frame the narrative that Russia was planning to interfere in the election. Morell, no longer in government and working for Clinton, was another 2016 vector seeding the Trump-Russia narrative to the media while Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele worked outside sending various files to FBI allies to assist the fraudulent framework….

Anonymous ID: 4df12f Dec. 11, 2022, 4:59 p.m. No.17925870   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5872 >>5959 >>6018


2 of 3


Mike Morell is a key Clinton/Obama loyalist and tool of the national security state. Morell is now a CBS intelligence analyst and contributor.


Back to Shelby Pierson…. In early January 2020 Ms. Pierson and Mr Morell were discussing the upcoming presidential election from the perspective of how the U.S. Intelligence Community would be engaged. Emphasis mine:


(Via CBS) – In this episode of Intelligence Matters, host Michael Morell speaks with Shelby Pierson, a career intelligence official recently named the Intelligence Community Election Threats Executive within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.


Pierson details past, present and future election security threats facing the U.S., and explains how the intelligence community has partnered with other government agencies to boost visibility into foreign interference efforts.


She explains how the threat landscape has broadened since 2016, and tells Morell what new vectors foreign adversaries may consider using in 2020. Pierson also offers new insights into Russia’s systematic efforts to interfere in the 2016 and 2018 midterm elections. This is the latest installment of a continuing series on “Leadership of the IC,” featuring currently-serving senior leadership within the U.S. intelligence community. (link)


Keep in mind, Shelby Pierson is the key official from the ODNI office, talking to FBI liaison Elvis Chan about frameworks for social media censorship and the specific needs of the U.S. government in October 2020. At the same time, it is Shelby Pierson who is coordinating withe Twitter Executive Yoel Roth.


I urge readers to read the full CBS transcript above get a sense Ms. Pierson from the context of her conversation with fellow traveler Mike Morell in January 2020.


Then, not coincidentally, we go to the CTH archives from February 2020:


February 23, 2020 – […] Sending shockwaves through the intelligence community, it was reported yesterday that newly appointed Acting DNI Richard “Ric” Grenell asked the intelligence community, specifically including Shelby Pierson, to produce the underlying intelligence within the briefing she gave to the House Intelligence Committee.


Well, what do you know…. All of a sudden today, anonymous intelligence officials are reporting to CNN that Ms. Pierson “overstepped” her position, was “misleading” in her briefing, and “mischaracterized” the underlying intelligence. Imagine that.


Washington (CNN)-The US intelligence community’s top election security official appears to have overstated the intelligence community’s formal assessment of Russian interference in the 2020 election, omitting important nuance during a briefing with lawmakers earlier this month, three national security officials told CNN.


The official, Shelby Pierson, told lawmakers on the House Intelligence Committee that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election with the goal of helping President Donald Trump get reelected….

Anonymous ID: 4df12f Dec. 11, 2022, 5 p.m. No.17925872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5959 >>6018


3 of 3


[…] “The intelligence doesn’t say that,” one senior national security official told CNN. “A more reasonable interpretation of the intelligence is not that they have a preference, it’s a step short of that.


[…] One intelligence official said that Pierson’s characterization of the intelligence was “misleading” and a national security official said Pierson failed to provide the “nuance” needed to accurately convey the US intelligence conclusions.


The Office of the Director of National Intelligence, where Pierson is a senior official, did not respond to CNN’s request for comment. (more)


Why would Shelby Pierson and Joseph Maguire intentionally blindside the White House?


The briefing was obviously spun by HPSCI Chairman Adam Schiff and democrats on the House intel committee; and there was no intelligence presented during the briefing to support the claims made by Pierson, Democrats and media. (2020 LINK)


What you see now surfacing is evidence of the framework of 2020 election manipulation from the DNI office. That government manipulation later manifests in the public-private partnership between the U.S. government and Twitter, as highlighted in the releases of the Twitter files.


One note of caution. I will draw attention to a very similar framework now rolling out with the Twitter File releases that we saw in the John Durham investigation. Notice how both Bari Weiss and Matt Taibbi are drawing attention to the Twitter executives, but NOT drawing any attention to the government officials. This does not appear to be coincidental.


Bari Weiss could have easily identified the head of the Twitter head of the “Strategic Response Team” an intelligence official named Jeff Carlton. She didn’t. Similarly, Matt Taibbi could have identified the official from the DNI office in contact with Twitter executive Yoel Roth, ODNI official Shelby Pierson. He didn’t.


Just as John Durham structured his public investigative releases to cast the unlawful shadow on only those people outside government, so too is Weiss and Taibbi structuring their public reviews of the Twitter files to draw attention only to the Twitter executives outside government.


The officials from the U.S. government, who are transmitting through the DHS portal to Twitter, are not being named and identified, why not?


From Taibbi and Weiss and Taibbi again, we are getting an outline of actions taken by Twitter officials,but we are still blind to how the information, requests and demands come into Twitter from the U.S. government, and who specifically is sending them.

Anonymous ID: 4df12f Dec. 11, 2022, 5:18 p.m. No.17925958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5967 >>6018

Elon Musk Brings China Chief Tom Zhu to Texas


December 10, 2022 | Sundance | 96 Comments

Xiaotong (Tom) Zhu joined Tesla in 2014. Before that Zhu was Vice President for Kaibo Engineering Group, a China-based project management firm that focuses on overseas projects (One Belt – One Road) invested by the Chinese government.


One would think a project manager tied to the key initiatives of Chairman Xi, would have deep CCP ties. There is also speculation that Mr. Musk may be assigning Mr. Zhu to be the lead of Tesla internationally.


(Via Bloomberg) Elon Musk has tapped a longtime Tesla Inc. executive in China who oversaw construction of the Shanghai gigfactory to help run the electric carmaker’s newest plant in Austin, Texas, people familiar with the matter said.


Tom Zhu, who joined Tesla in 2014 to help build its Supercharger network and most recently has been heading the carmaker’s Asia Pacific operations, is in Austin this week and has brought some of his engineering team from China with him to assist in overseeing the ramp up of Giga Texas — a US hub for the Model Y and future production of the Cybertruck — the people said, asking not to be identified because they’re not authorized to speak publicly.


It’s not clear how long Zhu will be in Austin for, or whether he will retain his Asia responsibilities, the people said.


Representatives at Tesla in the US and China didn’t respond to requests for comment. Zhu wasn’t immediately able to be contacted. Musk also didn’t respond to messages seeking comment.


The shift of Zhu to Austin comes as Tesla has been trying to increase output at its new Texas factory. The US electric vehicle pioneer originally planned to make Model Y SUVs using its new, larger 4680 lithium-ion cells at the plant, which Musk referred to as a “money furnace” earlier this year. But instead, Tesla has pivoted to using older 2170 cells considering the new batteries weren’t ready for volume production. (read more)