Anonymous ID: 1a5073 Dec. 12, 2022, 1:36 p.m. No.17930475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0482 >>0584 >>1067 >>1140 >>1168 >>1201

>>17930454 lb

>>found a lead yesterday.






Evaluating the Developmental Potential of Oocytes and Preimplantation Embryos Based on Real-Time and Continuous Characterization of their Viscoelastic Properties


Oren Wintner 1,2 Roy Friedman 1 Dorit Kalo 3 Danny Kitsberg 2 Zvi Roth 3 Amnon Buxboim 1,2

1Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

2The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

3The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel



Evaluating Embryo Developmental Potential based on Deep Learning of Time-lapse Imaging and Real-time Rheology


Amnon Buxboim 1,3,6 Yoav Kan Tor 3 Oren Wintner 1 Ity Erlich 3 Roy Friedman 1 Dorit Kalo 2 Iris Har Vardi 5 Matan Gavish 3 Zvi Roth 2 Assaf Ben Meir 4

1The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

2The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

3The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

4Hadassah Medical Center, Israel

5Soroka Medical Center, Israel

6The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel


Today, in vitro fertilization – embryo transfer (IVF-ET) treatments account for 1 out of 25 newborns in Israel. After 40 years of clinical practice, there is no reliable non-invasive method for identifying the small fraction of embryos that possess the highest potential to implant and proceed to full term labor. To maintain reasonable pregnancy rates, current practice involves the transfer of multiple non-genetically diagnosed embryos into the uterus. As a result, we cannot prevent first trimester miscarriage, which is associated with chromosomal aneuploidy such as trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), and we cannot avoid the clinical complications and health risks to the newborn and the mother, which are associated with pregnancies of multiple fetuses. We designed a multiplate based device that facilitates time-lapse imaging of preimplantation development combined with real-time rheological profiling during incubation over several days in optimal culture conditions. Our deep learning algorithms outperform current state-of-the-art classifiers and offer fully automated and standardized protocol. Our preliminary data establish a link between oocyte stiffness and its capacity to mature and to undergo normal fertilization. Taken together, we present an integrated approach that combines physical characterization and visual assessment to score the developmental capacity of preimplantation embryos

Anonymous ID: 1a5073 Dec. 12, 2022, 1:38 p.m. No.17930482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0510 >>0584 >>1067 >>1140 >>1168 >>1201


>Oren Wintner 1,2 Roy Friedman 1 Dorit Kalo 3 Danny Kitsberg 2Zvi Roth3 Amnon Buxboim 1,2


late posted pb below

>>17929354 LB


>i have been looking for who Yuel Roth's parents are.


>I am having zero luck.


>>17929541 (You) LB


>found a lead yesterday. His buttsex dissertation mentions his sister's names. Maayan and Nitzan. currently live in Brooklyn.



Anonymous ID: 1a5073 Dec. 12, 2022, 1:44 p.m. No.17930510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0584 >>0695 >>0728 >>1067 >>1140 >>1168 >>1201


>Zvi Roth

might not be the same Zvis but could be,

The one in Boca Raton is an Israeli Citizen,

On one of Yoel's old blog posts, he mentioned he comes from a "family of engineers".

This Zvi characters fits that description as does one of his sisters

Anonymous ID: 1a5073 Dec. 12, 2022, 2:21 p.m. No.17930695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1067 >>1140 >>1168 >>1201



Dr. Zvi Roth



Florida Israel Institute


The Florida-Israel Institute (FII) was created in 1988 by the State of Florida legislature. It has been administered jointly by Florida Atlantic University (FAU) and Broward College (BC). Its sole purpose is to promote mandated direct Florida-Israel academic, commerce, education and cultural connections. FII has been facilitating cooperative research and education through sponsorship of student and faculty exchange and organizing symposia in both states. FII promotes unique Israeli technologies in areas that are critical to both states, such as Water Resources, Homeland Security, Biotechnology and Math/Science Education. In promoting cultural connection FII reaches out to the Florida communities promoting the creation of an Israel Studies program in Florida.


I have had the unique honor of co-directing the organization from 2005 till 2008. The activities in which I was involved are documented in the three annual reports (below):


FII Annual Report 2005-2006 (pdf)


FII Annual Report 2006-2007 (pdf)


FII Annual Report 2007-2008 (pdf)


As one of 13 Florida Linkage Institutes FII is authorized to provide up to 25 tuition exemption scholarships a year to academically excellent and community involved Israeli students who study in the public Florida higher education system. For more information visit the FII web page at

Anonymous ID: 1a5073 Dec. 12, 2022, 2:48 p.m. No.17930876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1035



non pozzed rundown of the habbening

from Turtleboy






Turtleboy has helped bring Christmas joy back to Dedham. The Town caved and put the tree back up, but they still haven't condemned the Human Rights Commission lunatic who wished pain and suffering on people for liking Christmas trees.


Dedham Library Shamed Into Putting Christmas Tree Back Up After Turtleboy Story Makes National News

Uncle Turtleboy5 hours ago


Last week Turtleboy Daily News broke a story about the Dedham Public Library removing their Christmas Tree because two communist librarians arbitrarily decided that it was offensive and put their lives in danger. The story first came to light after another librarian named Lisa Desmond posted about how upsetting it was on her personal Facebook page, and was later accused of “stochastic terrorism” by the librarians who voluntarily outed themselves as the complainers on her post. Once again the mainstream media has reported on our story without any credit or citation. First it was the Boston Globe.


This isn’t the first time Fox News has done this, while the Globe usually ignores our reporting because it conflicts with their narrative. But even the people who clutch their pearls when they hear the word “Turtleboy,” can admit that this story only blew up because we wrote about it.


There is a Library Board of Trustees meeting tomorrow night at 7 PM that is open to the public, and people are allowed to speak. I wanted to go, but ironically I have my daughter’s Christmas pageant at that time, because we still celebrate Christmas in Worcester County. Luckily as a direct result of our reporting, the tree is going back up.


“What has played out on social media…”


Stop blaming people for talking about this. This is entirely your fault for creating this circus in the first place. Due to your your willingness to capitulate to blue haired nose ring they/thems, your town once again ended up on Turtleboy and Fox News. Dedham is a liberal town, but in the last election there were 110 towns and cities in Massachusetts that voted for Biden by a higher percentage. Dedham is not Cambridge, Somerville, or Amherst, but it’s governed as if it is. Most liberals would agree that it’s absurd to get rid of a secular symbol like a Christmas tree at a place that will be closed on Christmas to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.


Yet the Town of Dedham continually seems to cater to the fringe crowd, and can’t see to get out of its own way. This is a failure of leadership. Last week Dedham Human Rights Commission member Diane Loud incited violence towards incited violence towards the whistle blowing librarian by posting, “F*** YOU YOU PIECES OF TRASH, I hate each and every one of you and I do wish great suffering on you.”

Anonymous ID: 1a5073 Dec. 12, 2022, 3:09 p.m. No.17931035   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>non pozzed rundown of the habbening


>from Turtleboy

This woman mocked Christians for believing in a “magic sky daddy,” while pretending to to combat bigotry and hatred. The Dedham Human Rights Commission still has not condemned this insanely hateful post directed at 28 year veteran librarian. No elected officials have condemned her hateful rhetoric, despite the high volume of “hate has no place here” signs adorning the laws of Dedham. The Town of Dedham to this day has not publicly condemned it, and their official response to the matter was to blame Turtleboy for putting the safety of the people we exposed in jeopardy by inciting harassment campaigns.


“What could have been something of legitimate discourse turned neighbor against neighbor….”


If the Town wanted a legitimate discourse then they would’ve asked for it before removing the tree in the first place. If they wanted legitimate discourse then they would condemn Diane Loud, the only person thus far who openly wished pain and suffering on people for liking Christmas trees. Your lack of leadership is why this is a national news story now.


Let’s also be clear – the only reason anyone knew the names of the librarians responsible for this was because they publicly commented on Lisa Desmond’s post.


Lisa never mentioned their names. They voluntarily put themselves in the public spotlight by taking credit for being Grinches. I have the right to criticize them for that, as do others who object to your anti-Christian bigotry.


Instead of being upset that their library made such an embarrassing decision that ended up putting them on Turtleboy, or perhaps calling out the town for remaining silent about Diane Loud’s bigotry, some Dedham residents like Matt Brophy are upset with me for mentioning Diane Loud’s “kid.”


For the record, Diane Loud is a radical BLT-123 activist who parades around her grown daughter for thinking that she is a man.


First of all, Max Gorman is an adult who chooses to put himself in the public spotlight. Secondly, I only mentioned her because I believed it to be relevant to the bigger picture. It has long been my assertion that “transgender” kids only seem to be the children of militant activists like Diane Loud, so finding out that she parades her daughter around like this was relevant to understanding the political ideology at root behind her post.


Meanwhile, the communists continue to clutch their pearls about how Diane Loud’s adult daughter “must be off limits.”

Calm down Aoife. You’d probably be a lot happier if you didn’t spend all your money on vowels, but there was no homophobic, transphobic, hate fueled harassment, nor was anything I wrote dangerous. The only person who needs to be condemned is Diane Loud, which you have failed to do because your heart is filled with anger and bigotry.

