Bun and call for diggs.
Did COVID originate from the U.S. Army, specifically Ft. Detrick?
Bun and call for diggs.
Did COVID originate from the U.S. Army, specifically Ft. Detrick?
>a few operatives who are compromised for whatever reason to have this happen.
They would have to be Brass.
>This is all hypothetical but If it was a US/Ukraine it could make sense.
Now we have the Pentagon (locus of CP and all other degenerate maladies) sanctimoniously announcing that they understand that Ukraine has corruption.
>But China did some of the most draconian shuts downs. Was that real? or was it cover for something else.
Probably cover for removing dissidents.
Not only do we have Veritas footage of a Pfizer exec bragging about their GOF research, we have the potato regime saying it's legit.
I am outside my wheelhouse. Memefag. But I think this is enough for further digging.
Fort Detrick's possible ties to the origins of muh COVID
>anons were all over it from day one and tracking everything and still have it archived.
Then by all means archive it all here. Sauce it like a 3-star Michelin chef.
>Senator Kennedy up
He'll make some quips that anons find endearing. Beyond that, nothing ever gets done.
Uncanny. Was Trotsky also a degenerate faggot?
Your video does not provide convincing evidence that the virus originally came from Wuhan, nor does it provide evidence against the contrary claim that it came from the United States.
>0bama told him to get it off CONUS, he shipped the project to Wuhan.
You could kill the bun in the notables, in fact eradicate it, with some well presented sauce.
>you are talking to baker anon.
OK "Baker".
Why hasn't he not already been taken out? Put on your thinking cap.
>a bombshell peer-reviewed study
=something that normies will ignore and will not be reported in the news that normies ingest.
This is no longer a research board. Which is fine. It is a Fight Club meme-trading board. All good.
It's all meaningless bullshit and posturing. Why are you anons hanging on this meaningless dog and pony show?
Anons hanging on the words of a totally corrupt congress.