Anonymous ID: 776c92 April 28, 2023, 11:07 a.m. No.18767281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7294 >>7309 >>7343 >>7414 >>7474 >>7608 >>7807 >>7852 >>7983



Check this dig on Tucker and the Heritage foundation out!

MAN! If Anons only knew the truth though!

PENCE works at Heritage and so much mores!


"As long as you can still hear words, there is hope" Tucker Carlson

FULL SPEECH: Tucker Carlson’s Last Address Before Leaving Fox News at #Heritage50

Approximately 60% of the 2,000 proposals were implemented or initiated by the end of Reagan's first year in office.

During the Reagan and Bush administrations, The Heritage Foundation served as the President's brain trust on foreign policy.[18]"

George H. W. Bush administration

The Heritage Foundation remained an influential voice on domestic and foreign policy issues during President George H. W. Bush's administration. It was a leading proponent of Operation Desert Storm against Iraq, and – according to Frank Starr, head of the Baltimore Sun's Washington bureau – the foundation's studies "laid much of the groundwork for Bush administration thinking" about post-Soviet foreign policy."

George W. Bush administration

The Heritage Foundation supported the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.[22][23] According to a 2004 study in the journal International Security, the Heritage Foundation confused public debate by challenging widespread opposition to the Iraq War by international relations scholars and experts by contradicting them "with experts of apparently equal authority… this undermined the possibility that any criticisms [of the war] might be seen as authoritative or have much persuasive effect."[22] The organization defended the Bush administration's Guantanamo Bay practices.[22]


In 2005, The Washington Post criticized the Heritage Foundation for softening its criticism of Malaysia following a business relationship between Heritage's president and Malaysia's prime minister Mahathir Mohamad. The Heritage Foundation denied any conflict of interest, stating its views on Malaysia changed following the country's cooperation with the U.S. after the September 11 attacks in 2001,[24] and changes by Malaysia "moving in the right economic and political direction."[25][26] "


In 2021, after Trump lost re-election, the Heritage Foundation hired Chad Wolf, Ken Cuccinelli and Mark Morgan, all three of whom played a prominent role in the immigration policies of the Trump administration.[47]

It also hired former Vice President Mike Pence.[48] Shortly thereafter, Pence published an op-ed on a Heritage Foundation website which made false claims of fraud in the 2020 election, as well as numerous false claims about For the People Act, a Democratic bill to expand voting rights.[49][50][51]



In 1973, businessman Joseph Coors contributed $250,000 to establish The Heritage Foundation and continued to fund it through the Adolph Coors Foundation.[95][96] In 1973, it had trustees from Chase Manhattan Bank, Dow Chemical, General Motors,Pfizer, Sears and Mobil.[97]


Pence heritage link

Anonymous ID: 776c92 April 28, 2023, 11:08 a.m. No.18767288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7294 >>7309 >>7343 >>7474 >>7807 >>7852 >>7983

Holy Shit! Do Anons see this?!


A look at the time Tucker Carlson asked Hunter Biden for a favorPart I

The Fox News host often ridicules the president’s son, but years ago, the two were close

By Matt Viser May 19, 2022 at 12:43 p.m. EDT


Tucker Carlson and his wife were looking to get their son a leg up in his college application to Georgetown University when they turned to a well-connected Washington friend who had an even better-connected father.

“I realize you don’t really know Buckley,” Susie Carlson wrote via email in 2014 to Hunter Biden, a Georgetown graduate and the son of the then-vice president. “Maybe you could meet or speak to him and he could send you a very brief resume with his interests and grades attached.”


Tucker Carlson offered that his son was a good squash player and an excellent fly fisherman. “He loves Washington for all the right reasons, I think,” Carlson added, “and really wants to go to school here.” When Biden agreed to write a letter of recommendation, Susie Carlson added a heap of praise: “Tucker and I have the greatest respect and admiration for you. Always!”


The Carlsons’ past entreaties to Biden may come as a surprise to many present-day viewers of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” the highly rated prime-time Fox News show on which the host has repeatedly ridiculed Biden for seeking to profit off his family connections and at times for his history of personal troubles and drug use.


The interactions reveal the extent to which Carlson was willing to turn on a former associate as he thrives in a hyperpartisan media world in which conservatives have made Biden a prime target for attack during his father’s presidency. They also show how Carlson once sought to benefit from the elite political circles in Washington that he now regularly rails against as the “ruling class.”


“When your dad is president, you get superpowers,” Carlson said in October 2021 during a segment about Biden pursuing a new career as an artist. “Maybe Hunter Biden will invent a new vaccine next we will be required to take. Who knows? You never know. The sky is the limit when your dad is in power.”


Some emails between Tucker Carlson and Biden, saved on a device copied from a laptop that Biden purportedly left at a Delaware computer repair shop in 2019, have been previously reported. The Washington Post has verified many of those emails through a forensic analysis and corroborated additional messages, including the correspondence with Carlson’s wife, with a person familiar with the communications.


Tucker Carlson, during a 15-minute phone interview, said that he was once close with Biden, as he has stated on his show.


“Hunter Biden was my neighbor. Our wives were friends. I knew him well. I talked to him many times about addiction, something I know a lot about,” Carlson said. “And I’ve said that. I think that Hunter Biden is an addict and that’s why his life is falling apart, and I feel bad for him. I’ve said that many times, and I mean it.”

Anonymous ID: 776c92 April 28, 2023, 11:10 a.m. No.18767294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7309 >>7343 >>7474 >>7807 >>7852 >>7983



>>18767281 this must mean Tucker is a white hat because the DS only attacks White Hats, because Occam's Razor has never been used to cut a head off, ever!

A look at the time Tucker Carlson asked Hunter Biden for a favorPart II

The Fox News host often ridicules the president’s son, but years ago, the two were close

By Matt Viser May 19, 2022 at 12:43 p.m. EDT


But Carlson refused to discuss the emails, pointing to past claims by former U.S. intelligence officials that the laptop’s emergence in the final weeks of the 2020 presidential campaign had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation.

Carlson was speaking with apparent irony, as he has frequently mocked those disinformation claims as part of an effort by establishment figures and the tech industry to protect Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign. Social media companies that had been widely criticized for spreading disinformation in the 2016 campaign sought in 2020 to block the spread of early news stories about the laptop.


“I can’t confirm these emails. The emails that you’re referring to were described by our intel community as Russian disinformation,” he said, adding that he doesn’t have access to the account so could not verify the emails. “So why would I? And I read that in The Washington Post.”

“I would just remind you that there’s a war going on,” he added. “And loose lips sink ships.”


On his show earlier this month, when Carlson hosted the owner of the computer repair shop where Biden purportedly left his laptop, the host predicted that the “Russia hysteria will not age well,” adding: “Everyone’s admitting the laptop was not Russian disinformation. It’s real. It was Hunter Biden’s.”

Hunter Biden declined a request for an interview through his lawyer.


The illumination of the Biden-Carlson relationship is one of the more unexpected chapters in the trove of correspondence included on the copy of the Biden laptop, much of which has been widely cited to document Biden’s overseas business dealings during his father’s time in office as well as his personal travails.


A copy of the laptop hard drive was provided to The Post by Jack Maxey, an activist who received a copy from Rudy Giuliani in 2020, at a time when Maxey was working with Stephen K. Bannon and his “War Room” podcast. Two security experts who did a forensic analysis of the data at the request of The Post were able to verify a portion of the emails as authentic communications. The emails cited in this report were either verified by the analysts or recently corroborated by a person familiar with the communications.


After articles surfaced in the New York Post in October 2020, The Washington Post had requested a copy of the material to independently assess — repeatedly asking Giuliani and Bannon for a copy of the data to review before the election — but the requests were rebuffed or ignored. The Washington Post wrote about the New York Post articles at the time and, in March, began publishing reports based on its own review of the data.


The request for Hunter Biden to help their son get into Georgetown came at a time when the Bidens and the Carlsons were close. “Tucker and I would be so grateful if you could write a letter or speak to someone in the Georgetown Admission’s Office about Buckley,” Susie Carlson wrote.


Biden wrote back that he would be honored, and he agreed to prepare a letter to the president of the university. “I will do anything you would like me to do.”


Tucker Carlson supplied a summary of his son’s attributes, hobbies and academic record. He added that his son was a compulsive reader, enjoyed the outdoors and spent a month on a sailboat.

The next day, Carlson sent a note of gratitude.

“I can’t thank you enough for writing that letter to Georgetown on Bucky’s behalf,” he wrote. “So nice of you. I know it’ll help. Hope you’re great and we can all get dinner soon.”

Anonymous ID: 776c92 April 28, 2023, 11:14 a.m. No.18767309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7343 >>7397 >>7474 >>7807 >>7852 >>7983








Anon just knows that the Truth is in here somewhere!


While we are on the subject of disinfo…



Who was Hitlers Handler?


“Bernhard Stempfle (1882 in Munich – 1 July 1934) was a Roman Catholic priest and journalist.

He helped Adolf Hitler in the writing of Mein Kampf.[1]

He was murdered in the Night of the Long Knives.”

“Multiple authors and eyewitnesses, such as Konrad Heiden[4] and Nazi "apostate" Otto Strasser, report that not only did Stempfle correct the galley proofs of Mein Kampf, but that he indeed copy-edited certain passages.

Historian and Hitler biographer Alan Bullock likewise discusses this.[5]”


OMFG! No Way! A Catholic Jesuit was Hitlers Handler?!!?!?

OMFG! No Way! Georgetown is having a symposium on the Protocols of the learned elders of zion! OSS previous BV and Baker loved the Protocols!

OMFG! No Way! Tucker Carlson asked HUNTER BIDEN to help get Hunter's Son, Buckley, into Georgetown!

OMFG! No Way! Georgetown is a Jesuit Institution!



Anons gotta love 'em!

Anonymous ID: 776c92 April 28, 2023, 11:26 a.m. No.18767352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7391 >>7408



>official narrative from the network is untrue. Second, and perhaps more importantly, many of the leaks and speculation that have poured out in the past couple days since the bombshell news of Carlson’s show getting canceled was announced are also simply untrue.


>Nobody would speak on the record


Sorta how no one wants to talk about how the DOMINION VOTING LAWSUIT did reveal Fox, Tucker, Hannity and many many more… Inner Dialogue, on the record albeit unwanted and certainly very inconvenient?

You know, where it was revealed that all of [them] including Tucker and Hannity, are Deep state?

You know, sorta like how "Friends" currently want to believe Tuck is a Hero yet they are being played by counter ops?


What does it look like?

Where is PENCE currently Employed?

Is this a hard question to answer?


Just sorta fucks their whole play up doesn't it?

Terribly inconvenient and painful?


All assets deployed?



Where is PENCE currently Employed?

Where was TUCKER once Employed?

Are some anons simply trying to get other anons ready?

Did Q say to do this?

Who would stand in the way?

Who would play along with the COINTELPRO instead of using it to reveal the Plan which, at this point, cannot be stopped?


Can you smell the fear?

Anonymous ID: 776c92 April 28, 2023, 1:47 p.m. No.18767818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7830 >>7836


Human Rights Watch › reports › AMW-08

U.N.-mediated peace talks between the government and the FMLN produced … a truly bloody civil war" if "internationalists" were forced on El Salvador.


US sanctions 13 former Salvadoran soldiers for 1989 …

Vatican News › world › news › el-salva…

Jan 30, 2020 — It is believed that the Jesuits were ordered to be executed for their apparent support of the FMLN, who had just launched an offensive.


US censures 13 former Salvadoran soldiers for 1989 killing …

Catholic News Agency › news › us-cens…

It is believed that the Jesuits were ordered to be executed for their apparent support of the FMLN, who had recently launched an offensive.


1989 murders of Jesuits in El Salvador

Wikipedia › wiki › 1989_murders_of_Je…

The Jesuits were advocates of a negotiated settlement between the government of El Salvador and the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN), …

Missing: active ‎apparent


From Madness to Hope: the 12-year war in El Salvador

United States Institute of Peace › file › ElSalvador-Report


by B Betancur · Cited by 46 — years (1989-1992) between the Government of El Salvador and FMLN. The negotiating process, which took place under United Nations auspices with the special.


El Salvador Implementation of the Peace Accords › default › files › pwks38



(FMLN), in November 1989, made evident the urgency of a negotiated settlement of El Salvador's protracted civil war. The Salvadoran military had been unable …


People also ask

Why were the Jesuits killed in El Salvador?

Who killed the Jesuits in El Salvador?

Who killed the Jesuits?

What happened in El Salvador in the 1970s?



Building the Peace: Preliminary Lessons from El Salvador

JSTOR › stable

by D Holiday · 1993 · Cited by 122 —designed and carefully negotiated mechanism whose purpose is to synchronize (a) the reintegration of the FMLN's ex-combatants into civilian life and (b) the …


El Salvador

Human Rights Watch › reports › AMW-08

U.N.-mediated peace talks between the government and the FMLN produced … a truly bloody civil war" if "internationalists" were forced on El Salvador.

Anonymous ID: 776c92 April 28, 2023, 1:50 p.m. No.18767830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7836


"The Jesuits in El Salvador were active proponents of peace talks and negotiation between the government and the FMLN. It is believed that the Jesuits were ordered to be executed for their apparent support of the FMLN, who had just launched an offensive."


El Salvador

Human Rights Watch › reports › AMW-08

U.N.-mediated peace talks between the government and the FMLN produced … a truly bloody civil war" if "internationalists" were forced on El Salvador.


US sanctions 13 former Salvadoran soldiers for 1989 killing ofJesuits

The United States State Department sanctions 13 current and former El Salvadoran military officials for their roles in the high-profile extrajudicial killings of 8 people, including 6 Jesuit priests, over 30 years ago during the Central American country's civil war.


By Robin Gomes 30 January 2020, 13:03

The sanction imposed on Wednesday bars the 13 and their immediate family members from entering the United States.


The 6 Jesuit priests were dragged from their beds and killed on Nov. 16, 1989, by uniformed gunmen at the Jesuit-run Central American University (UCA) in San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador, during the height of a major leftist rebel offensive during the civil war. The priests' cook-housekeeper and her daughter were also shot.


In a statement on Jan. 29, Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State, said he has "credible information" that the current or former officials were directly or indirectly involved in "a gross violation of human rights or significant corruption." They were “involved in the planning and execution of the extrajudicial killings”.


“The United States supports the ongoing accountability, reconciliation, and peace efforts in El Salvador,” Pompeo said. “We value our ongoing working relationship with the Salvadoran Armed Forces, but will continue to use all available tools and authorities, as appropriate, to address human rights violations and abuses around the world no matter when they occurred or who perpetrated them.”


“Today’s actions underscore our support for human rights and our commitment to promoting accountability for perpetrators and encouraging reconciliation and a just and lasting peace,” Pompeo added.