` ID: 70fff1 June 15, 2023, 9:31 a.m. No.19011867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1910

>>19011079 lb.


PDJT is innocent. There’s no need for a pardon from anyone. Those pushing this angle have an agenda to confuse and manipulate the confused. That’s not good for Anyone!!


So, anons haven’t been paying attention.

Many Qdrops here’s one




VPPence launched the war on planned parenthood and roe v wade!


VPPence warned us about China

Worth 43 minutes of your time



09-Oct-2018 1:21:14 PM PDT




No. 297 - where was this picture taken?

Hanging of flags traditional/occurs in this part of the country for what holiday?


"Western intelligence contacts that the device was made at a Supermicro subcontractor factory in Guangzhou, a port city in southeastern China. Guangzhou is 90 miles upstream from Shenzhen, dubbed the `Silicon Valley of Hardware,’"

What state does [Feinstein] represent?








Worth 43 minutes of your time.




05-OCT-2018 (FRI)


05-Oct-2018 5:50:46 PM PDT






Worth 43 minutes of your time.


Important to understand going forward.




https://youtu.be/aeVrMniBjSc. <<<Mike Pence warns about China



7 years ago this video came out,

remember PDJT said 7 years ago and anons were like 7 years ago?




Grab your popcorn 🍿


Merry Christmas 🎄

` ID: 70fff1 June 15, 2023, 9:46 a.m. No.19011910   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Donald J. Trump


This persecution is being done by the same weaponized agencies that for 7 years have been running illegal psychological warfare campaigns against the American people!



` ID: 70fff1 June 15, 2023, 11:10 a.m. No.19012192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2195 >>2199


Another chicken coop location!




SINUNI, Iraq — A few thousand people once lived in this tiny Iraqi village 270 miles north of Baghdad. Today, it is a ghost town with few signs of life — and a mass grave nearby where members of the Yazidi sect were slaughtered by Islamic State militants.


It's one of 11 mass graves discovered in northern Iraq by Kurdish residents who fear other undiscovered burial sites exist in neighboring Syria. Those graves have yet to be unearthed because their locations are under Islamic State control.


Human Rights Watch estimates the militants killed 3,000 to 5,000 people — burying some alive — and captured 3,000 Yazidi women as sexual slaves when they swept through the area in August 2014.


On Thursday, Kurdish fighters backed by U.S.-led coalition airstrikes launched a ground offensive to recapture the nearby Iraqi town of Sinjar, which became a symbol of Islamic State brutality when the Islamic extremists began murdering the Yazidis 15 months ago.


Kurds sever critical Islamic State supply line in northern Iraq


The grave here was first discovered in February by a Kurdish sheep herder. Among the 37 skeletal remains were women and children, some who appeared to be toddlers. The victims had been herded together and beheaded or shot.


During a recent visit here, dirt could still be seen piled high from the tractor that Islamic State forces used to dig the 7-foot-deep grave. About 30 feet away, >>>two concrete chicken coops<<< stood where the militants held the victims before they were taken to the grave and killed, Kurdish soldiers said.

Family members identified the decomposed victims through their clothing, trinkets and what little had been in their pockets, according to the soldiers.


Inside the grave, blood had darkened on the brittle dirt walls. A deflated rubber ball rested alongside a toy gun inside the pit. Unmatched sandals, torn clothing and a bone from a finger could be seen among the rubble. A foot away from the mass grave, a baby doll’s head rolled in the wind amid spent shell casings.


What silenced Kurdish soldier Qasam Ismael was a dusty purple blouse worn by a girl perhaps no older than 2 that was clinging to the rocks of a memorial erected inside the grave.


He just stared at it. “Some of these people are from my village,” Ismael said through an interpreter. “They lined them up on the edge of this wall and beheaded them. Then put them in the grave all together. When I arrived, their flesh was all gone. There was a little girl I recognized by her hair. It was blond.”


“We want the world to recognize this genocide," Ismael said. "We are Kurds, Yazidi, and we don’t want to be an Arabic region any more. We need the Western coalition to protect us and help us fight these monsters.”


The Islamic State considers Yazidis “devil worshipers” because they are not followers of Islam. Yazidis believe in God as the creator of the world, which he has placed under the care of seven holy beings or angels.


Islamic State militants killed more than 700 Yazidis in Kocho, another small village in northern Iraq in August 2014. American airstrikes pushed back the invaders at the end of that month, allowing Yazidi fighters to re-enter the village. They described a massacre, with bodies piled on top of each other as pools of blood covered the streets.


The Free Yazidi Foundation and the U.S.-based human-rights group Yazda detailed those massacres and the Sinuni grave in a report to the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague, Netherlands. The savage rapes of young girls were detailed in the report. Boys between 8 and 15 years old were “taught how to load and unload guns, shoot using live bullets and launch small- and medium-sized rockets and forced to watch videos of beheadings.”


However, because Syria and Iraq are not signatories to The Hague treaty, the ICC ruled in August that it had no territorial jurisdiction over crimes committed by Islamic State militants.


Nariman Hassan, a Yazidi mother who escaped Islamic State militants last year from Bashiqa, another town in northern Iraq, said the situation remains perilous for many Yazidi families.


“We left everything behind — our documents, pictures everything,” said Hassan, who now lives in an unfinished building called the Al-Amal Hope Center with other Yazidi and Christian families who fled the Islamic State rampage. “But the most important thing that we left behind was our children’s future.”


Hassan recalled the horror stories from relatives and friends who didn’t make it out in time. She said they were “slaughtering Yazidi men, raping and kidnapping our young girls."


Ismael said his people feel betrayed. “Arab villagers in our province assured the people who were unable to leave that (the Islamic State) would not harm them," he said. "They lied to us."

` ID: 70fff1 June 15, 2023, 12:33 p.m. No.19012510   🗄️.is 🔗kun


PDJT calls him as Rudy Guili(annie) (not Giuliani)

I’ve always thought it was suspicious.

Rudy was a big time money launderer’s lawyer (Reza Zarrab) Zarrab was helping mueller expose those who were evading USA sanctions.


A spokesman for Mueller’s team declined to comment on the report on Friday.


Flynn is a central figure in Mueller’s investigation because of conversations he had with Kislyak and because he waited until March to retroactively register with the Justice Department as a foreign agent for work he did for a Turkish businessman.


The Journal reported that FBI agents asked at least four people about a December meeting in New York where Flynn and Turkish government representatives discussed removing Gulen, citing people with knowledge of the FBI’s inquiries.


NBC also reported that investigators had questioned witnesses about an alleged December meeting between Flynn and Turkish officials where Gulen was discussed. The group also discussed how to set free a Turkish-Iranian gold trader, Reza Zarrab. Zarrab is in prison in the United States on federal charges that he helped Iran skirt U.S. sanctions, NBC said.


A Reuters report on Oct. 26 said one of Flynn’s business associates, former CIA Director James Woolsey, pitched a $10 million contract to two Turkish businessmen to help discredit Gulen while Woolsey was an adviser to Trump’s election campaign.


Woolsey was a member of Flynn’s firm, the Flynn Intel Group, according to a Justice Department filing by the firm and an archive of the company’s website.


Mueller’s team has also interviewed White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller, the highest-level Trump aide known to have spoken with investigators, CNN reported on Thursday.

