Anonymous ID: dd220d June 15, 2023, 9:20 a.m. No.19011829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1837 >>1844 >>1847 >>1852 >>1874 >>1972 >>2199

PN>>19011549 (You), >>19011554 (You) @willscharf The indictment and case against President Trump is outrageous and shocking.


I’m going to post the lengthy 6 point description of why Smith’s indictment of Trump is outrageous#2 here, very detailed

Will Scharf


(2)Classification and National Defense Information


I want to reiterate this point because it’s really important:


Just because something is classified—even Top Secret, SCI, NOFORN, FISA, pick your alphabet soup—does not mean that it is National Defense Information (NDI) within the meaning of the Espionage Act.


NDI, for the purposes of an Espionage Act § 793(e) prosecution, is defined as one of a long list of items “relating to the national defense which information the possessor had reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation.”


A lot of the documents listed in the indictment are older, or seemingly random. Would Trump in 2022 have had reason to know that a 2019 briefing document “related to various foreign countries, with handwritten annotation in black marker” could harm the US or help foreign countries?


Tough to say, because we can’t see the documents, but that’s a question the jury is going to have to decide in the end, and Trump’s legal team needs to drive home this point over and over again:


Classification is not dispositive in this case.


Harm to America or benefit to foreign countries is the standard.


Anyone who has worked around government knows that overclassification is a huge problem. A ton of documents end up being classified because of arcane technical rules that may not reflect the real world.


If the president were to ask the Navy what’s for lunch for the next week at Coronado, for example, I’ll bet you the answer comes back with a classification marker on it.


Not everything classified constitutes NDI. Focus on the actual legal standards and statutory language, not a bunch of scary looking all caps acronyms.

Anonymous ID: dd220d June 15, 2023, 9:22 a.m. No.19011837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1847 >>1852 >>1874 >>1972 >>2199


PN>>19011549 (You), >>19011554 (You) (You) @willscharf The indictment and case against President Trump is outrageous and shocking.

I’m going to post the lengthy 6 point description of whySmith’s indictment of Trump is outrageous #3 here


Will Scharf@willscharf

(3)Walt Nauta and DOJ Misconduct


Far and away the most troubling side storyto emerge from this saga so far are the allegations made by Trump aide and co-defendant Walt Nauta’s lawyer last week.


You may have missed it if you blinked. Not surprisingly, the mainstream media has mostly buried this one.


Nauta’s lawyer, Stanley Woodward alleged in a court filing that during a meeting with prosecutors about his client’s case, the head of the Counterintelligence Section of DOJ’s National Security Division Jay Bratt “suggested Woodward’s judicial application [for a DC Superior Court judgeship] might be considered more favorably if he and his client cooperated against Trump.”


If true, and I find it hard to believe that Woodward just made the whole thing up, this is wild misconduct. Truly wild. It could undermine the entire case against both Trump and Nauta. It could end careers at DOJ if fairly investigated.


And a word on Stanley Woodward: I don’t know him, but I know of him. He is a highly accomplished lawyer. Spent a decade at Akin Gump, a top law firm, clerked on the DC Circuit, and has very substantial experience in government investigations. This is not some fly by night TV lawyer. He’s a real deal legal heavyweight, and he’s leveling an extremely serious allegation of misconduct against a senior official at DOJ.


Watch this issue as the case against Trump and Nauta begins to move. You’ll hear more about it, I’m sure.

Anonymous ID: dd220d June 15, 2023, 9:24 a.m. No.19011847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1852 >>1874 >>1972 >>2199


>>19011829 (You)

PN>>19011549 (You), >>19011554 (You) (You) (You) @willscharf The indictment and case against President Trump is outrageous and shocking.

I’m going to post the lengthy 6 point description of whySmith’s indictment of Trump is outrageous #4 here


Will Scharf@willscharf

(4)Attorney Client Privilege


The indictment relies on a significant amount of information received, in one form or another, from one of Trump’s lawyers, Evan Corcoran, who was compelled to testify in front of the grand jury. According to news reports, the argument for breaching the privilege was the crime fraud exception. Let’s talk a little about it.


The attorney client privilege protects from disclosure to the government confidential communications made between clients and their attorneys. It has been around for centuries, and is considered a core protection in our system of justice.


The crime fraud exception, though, allows the attorney client privilege to be broken in rare circumstances when two requirements are met:


First, there needs to be a prima facie showing that the client was engaged in criminal conduct.


Second, the client has to have obtained or sought the attorney’s assistance in furthering that crime.


I haven’t seen DOJ’s filings on Corcoran, but I’d be interested to know how they argued this. First of all, what was the crime they used as a predicate? Was it unlawful retention of the documents? If so, there’s nothing in the indictment that I can see indicating that Corcoran’s communications with Trump would have furthered that in a way that would justify breaching privilege.


Was it obstruction? I think this is the most likely option: they pierced attorney client privilege using obstruction as the predicate crime for the crime fraud exception, saying that Trump’s conversations with Corcoran amounted to him attempting to enlist Corcoran in a criminal obstruction scheme.


Now, we’ll see how that goes for the Government. I have my doubts.


But if that’s the case, just reading this indictment, it feels like the obstruction charges may have been structured specifically in part just to get Corcoran’s testimony in, to help buttress what would otherwise be a much weaker case against Trump on the substantive charges.


In any case, the Special Counsel is going to have to show why the communications in question were a solicitation by Trump to Corcoran to join him in criminal acts, as opposed to Trump asking a lawyer he hired to advise him on his legal defense, to tell him what his options were, or to outline what defensive steps might be possible, and what was done by others in previous cases like Hillary’s emails.


Reading the conversations in the indictment, they sound a lot more like honest attorney client communications than they do crime fraud to me, even with all ellipses and modifications.


I expect a motion by Trump’s legal team on this issue, and if they win that will cut the guts out of much of this case. Very tough to prove up intent and willfulness the way the government needs to without Corcoran, at least based on what we see in the indictment.

Anonymous ID: dd220d June 15, 2023, 9:25 a.m. No.19011852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1972 >>2199


>>19011837 (You)

>>19011829 (You) (You)

PN>>19011549 (You), >>19011554 (You) (You) (You) (You) @willscharf The indictment and case against President Trump is outrageous and shocking.

I’m going to post the lengthy 6 point description ofwhySmith’s indictment of Trump is outrageous #5 here


Will Scharf@willscharf

(5)Timing: Why now?


This is not a legal defect in the indictment, but it’s an important point. Why are they bringing this case now?


They know that Trump is the leading candidate for president. They know he’s beating Biden in the polls. They must know how bad it looks for a sitting president’s DOJ to indict that president’s primary political opponent.


DOJ has long had policies in place to prevent new indictments from being brought, or overt investigative acts being committed, in the months preceding an election in order to avoid the appearance of political timing. The same reasoning clearly applies here.


They didn’t have a statute of limitations issue, they could have easily just announced the facts as they saw them after the search warrant was executed and all the documents were recovered, and then held off on further investigative acts and the indictment until after November 2024.


The fact that they didn’t is strong evidence to me that a big part of this is the burning desire among many on the left to “Get Trump.” They don’t care about the law, they don’t care about the facts, they don’t care about norms or propriety or anything else. They just want Trump in cuffs.


It’s not the way things are supposed to work, and the fact that our law enforcement and intelligence apparatuses are being weaponized in this way against a leading presidential contender is truly a black mark on them and on our republic.


If I were Trump’s lawyers, I would consider moving to continue further proceedings until after November 2024. Let the case sit. The country doesn’t need to litigate this right now. We need to pick our next president. If DOJ won’t agree to that continuance, let them explain why this has to happen right now. There is no good reason that I can see.

Anonymous ID: dd220d June 15, 2023, 9:33 a.m. No.19011874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1972 >>2199

>>19011847 (You)

>>19011837 (You) (You)

>>19011829 (You) (You) (You)

PN>>19011549 (You), >>19011554 (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) @willscharf The indictment and case against President Trump is outrageous and shocking.

I’m going to post the lengthy 6 point description ofwhy Smith’s indictment of Trump is outrageous #6 and comments, 7,8,9 here


Will Scharf@willscharf


(6)Jack Smith: Why him?


If you could pick any lawyer in the country to handle a controversial case against a former president, a case involving an aggressive, unprecedented use of the Espionage Act, a controversial law in and of itself, what lawyer would you pick?


You’d probably want just a consummate professional, right? Career prosecutor with no political profile at all? White knight in shining armor who’s never lost a case?


Or you could pick Jack Smith.


I follow law stuff pretty closely. I’m a huge nerd. I knew who Jack Smith was before this, and the specific case he is most closely associated with in the public eye was the prosecution of Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell.


Remember that one? Using a very aggressive interpretation of the scope of federal bribery and honest services fraud statutes, Smith nuked the career and life of a popular Republican politician, before having all his convictions overturned by the Supreme Court in a 9-0 opinion.


You read that right, all nine Supreme Court justices smacked Jack Smith down for an overzealous, legally defective prosecution of a Republican politician. SCOTUS gutted him so badly that DOJ didn’t even try to re-try the case. They just dropped it.


And his wife is a leftist filmmaker who produced a hagiography of Michelle Obama.


And he currently lives in the Netherlands. Didn’t they have anyone else good on this side of the Atlantic?


If this is not a political prosecution, if Merrick Garland wasn’t just trying to “Get Trump,” then why was Jack Smith the pick? Like the timing, the decision just reeks of politics.


Will Scharf@willscharf

#7 This has been fun. Happy to answer questions, and I’m sure I’ll post more as the case proceeds.

Will Scharf@willscharf

#8 It’s been pointed out to me that the final vote on McDonnell v. United States was 8-0, not 9-0, because Justice Scalia passed away before the opinion was issued.

My point still stands. The Supreme Court unanimously said that Smith overstepped and smacked him down for it.

Will Scharf@willscharf

#9 And if you like what you’ve read, andwant to help elect a conservative fighter as Missouri’s next Attorney General, check out our campaign at:


The end

Anonymous ID: dd220d June 15, 2023, 9:58 a.m. No.19011947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1952 >>1962 >>1978 >>1981 >>1996

The depraved texts from girlfriend Mandie Reusch that 'drove Army veteran to suicide'

In a shocking series of text messages, the woman accused of driving her Army veteran boyfriend to suicide, told him that he would never see his daughter again and sent him a video of her giving oral sex to her new man.

, 35, was arraigned just outside Pittsburgh Tuesday on charges of and father of her daughter, Kevin Metzger, 37, in June 2021.


Top Stories by Daily Mail 00:08 01:00 exclusively obtained dozens of abusive messages sent over WhatsApp in which Reusch urged the former soldier to kill himself, threatened to shoot him and mocked him over the death of his beloved dog.


She described in graphic detail sex with other men and sent a 49-second clip of her performing oral sex on her new partner as she berated Metzger with messages about how he was 'ugly, bald and had rotten teeth.'


Police said the messages for which she was indicted were among the 'most extreme' examples of bullying they had ever seen.


Her lawyer,


Just six weeks after the barrage of texts, Metzger took to Facebook before killing himself. He wrote: 'I can't do this anymore. She needs [to be] punished. The courts are too slow.'


In messages sent via WhatsApp and seen exclusively by, Reusch tells Metzger that she's moving in with her new boyfriend, bragging about his sexual prowess.


The volley of messages began at 2.49am on May 5, 2021 - just over a month before Metzger took his own life.


She tells the father of her child that their daughter will refer to her new boyfriend as 'dad' from now on.'You won't see her for Father's Day or any holiday,' Reusch writes while also complaining that Metzger owes her money.


'My kids will be literally better off with any role model other than you… if you show up here again we have a gun and I will call the police.'


'From now on we are [her new boyfriend's surname] and you do not exist. [He] is her dad now. Not you. Don't ever ask about her again. She isn't your daughter. You'll never hear about her again either.'


In another message, the suspect says that she 'hopes' for their daughter's sake that he 'kills himself.'


'She will call [him] "dad" because he's a way better dad than you.Kill yourself. I mean it… I actually want you to kill yourself because I think you are the worst person on this planet.'


n various messages, Reusch accuses Metzger of ruining Mother's Day for her. Seemingly because of this, she is willing to withhold parental access.


'Who knows how big she'll be when you see her again. Or if she will even remember you', she wrote. In one exchange, Reusch says that Metzger killed their dog, Zoe. She says that she is shredding a book of photos of the pet, that the dog actually hated him and that she and her new boyfriend were going to have sex on top of the book.


'That dog f*ing hated you and ran away every chance she could.Just like I ran away to suck anyone else's dk but yours because you're literally the worst person I've ever met in my life,' she wrote.


After saying that he killed their dog, Reusch once again says he will get shot if he attempts to come near to her. On multiple occasions, Reusch refers to Metzger as a 'woman beater' and 'abusive.'


Reusch sends Metzger a photo of her new boyfriend and says that [Metzger] has ruined every holiday 'by making it about [Metzger's] bald head and beer belly and rotting teeth.'


A friend of Metzger's shared with a Facebook post in which he said that Reusch was trying 'to get me to kill myself for the money. I got the texts.'


'Kevin just wanted to be a present dad and she tormented him for years,' that friend told


Later, Reusch says that she will move with their child to West Virginia. 'Call my f***in' bluff,' she texts.


In a separate exchange she wrote: 'I wanted you to be normal and romantic one time. I wanted you to come to an agreement and follow it. It wasn't my fault that we didn't work. But damn am I going to get closure from you turning out to be the abusive f***head that you are.'Reusch followed that message with a 49 second clip showing a woman performing oral sex on her new partner. She does not mention the clip in the text messages.

Anonymous ID: dd220d June 15, 2023, 10:09 a.m. No.19011978   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1987 >>1992


The evil in this world is awful and a lot of women do this especially if they have multiple children. I had an employee that told me she had three children by three different men and she doggedly follows up on child support. She talked to the case agents personally regularly. Her whole goal was to bear children for money. She reconnected with a guy she hadn't seen or talked since she was 14 and he was 21. (Which was fucking strange). I monitored my computers and she did searches on how to get pregnant really fast, I guess to trap the guy. She was termed shortly after that, she was cancer, grifter, pretty disgusting. I never knew about women like this! Glad I know now.

Anonymous ID: dd220d June 15, 2023, 10:11 a.m. No.19011985   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1987


Yep so many guys just don’t get it. It’s awful what women do but they never get punished its always the mans fault.


But I had a friend that was a male version of these females. He was an awful specimen of lying, deceit and sex

Anonymous ID: dd220d June 15, 2023, 10:14 a.m. No.19011990   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2031


He was a j6 defendent and the FBI/DOJ was trying to put him in jail for many years. His lawyer would prove he was not guilty and they’d keep on adding charges. He had no hope in that situation and her evil on top of it probably broke him. He lost hope

Anonymous ID: dd220d June 15, 2023, 10:28 a.m. No.19012035   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2044 >>2073 >>2199

Thread on the loser DeSadistRegardiess of what anyone says, he will never appeal to MAGA, it’s just the money grifters go to!2028 is not even an option anymore, he lost everyone’s respect when he intentionally betrayed Trump. Betraying Trump is like betraying AmericaI’m glad Benny Johnson jumped off that train early


Adam Townsend



Jun 13

2/ Ron DeSantis has effectively been running for 2 years, has raised well over $150m, is aligned with a dark money big $ PAC, has all the old Crossroads consultants, his media buyers have already locked up election season commercial air time, law firms, pollsters, etc.


Adam Townsend



Jun 13

3/ DeSantis is at a hard celilng thats not getting broken.

Trump indictment opens door for other Reps, too most voters they're interchangeable.


RDS unfavorability has to be high, he's gonna be the abortion candidate & 'i wish we had him for governor but who else is running?'


Adam Townsend



Jun 13

4/ read the embedded thread.

This thread ends here:

DeSantis is a great guy, beautiful family, fantastic administrator and CEO of Florida


I've seen friends destroyed by losing elections, and I've seen friends destroyed by winning (eric schneiderman, etc)

Quote Tweet


Adam Townsend



Jun 11

Let’s look at BdBlasio 2017 mayoral race.


He was polling at 3% even as it went far into the primary.


The top seed was held by Christine Quinn who was polling around 35%…

Show this thread


Adam Townsend



Jun 13

5/ yesterday chatting with friend I said Ron DeSantis is spending $$$ on the old Crossroads team.

Theyre notorious for "blueprints to success", then peddle it for $20 - $50m.

Today this article came out: "blueprints for tearing the DOJ and FBI down…"

EXCLUSIVE: The DeSantis Plan To Wage War on ‘Weaponized’ DOJ | RealClearPolitics


Adam Townsend



Jun 13

  1. if you think im fukin around, i hit 'em up.


This tweet is from 2020, desantis has the same team!

lol, you people are idiots. If you want to speak "truth to power", send me your money

Quote Tweet


Adam Townsend



Feb 16, 2020

🔥 Head of GOP is a Romney. In 2016 Mitt was furious that Trump didn't buy his "blueprint" for $50m, and Karl Rove crossroads wanted to be the agency to implement it, for +/- $100m. #Facts…


Adam Townsend


7/ 🔥 “I got more to say”


Thinking more that desantis 2024 campaign is just to build up net roots support for a 2028 run.


When Bloomberg was running for mayor against mark green/Giff Miller/Bill Thompson/Freddie Ferrer, etc, he had 75 staffers before his competitor had 5…

Anonymous ID: dd220d June 15, 2023, 10:32 a.m. No.19012044   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2199

>>19012035 last posts

Reminder that I like desantis, I’m looking at technicals


If all his name recognition, huge dollar lead, big money PAC with closely aligned policy advocacy, marketing and so on,gets an abysmal yield why would 10x more money not produce the same return on investment?

Anonymous ID: dd220d June 15, 2023, 10:39 a.m. No.19012073   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It’s always about money and power with these guys, its not to have the honor and duty of being the President of the US, its what power it gives them and the money they make after. Trump is the only President that lost billions being president and now they want to suck the rest dry.

Anonymous ID: dd220d June 15, 2023, 10:55 a.m. No.19012146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2162 >>2209


Ok its time to ask, what horrendous dirt does Cosby have on Hollywood and higher ups, does he really know the highest members of the Cabal?


They really don’t want him to be free, is it something more despicable and disgusting than what we know?

Anonymous ID: dd220d June 15, 2023, 11 a.m. No.19012155   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Fuck you Abbott you are just trying to erase what you did to Paxton. Your fucking virtue signaling isn't working. And there barely any republican with honor in that state!


Hey Abbott was he investigating you and your kickbacks on major companies that own you!

Anonymous ID: dd220d June 15, 2023, 11:06 a.m. No.19012179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2199

15 Jun, 2023 17:36


Le Pen doubles down on Crimea position


The French politician insisted the peninsula is a settled issue, unrelated to the current Ukraine conflict


Crimea is Russian and that issue has been settled since 2014, French opposition leader Marine Le Pen said on Thursday. There is no point in bringing up the peninsula in any negotiations between Moscow and Kiev to end the current conflict, which should begin as soon as possible, she added.


“Crimea has nothing to do with the Ukraine conflict,” Le Pen told Franceinfo in the course of a morning newscast. “We can quibble about the conditions in which the referendum was organized,but the residents chose to be a part of Russia. That is the position of Nicolas Sarkozy, Valery Giscard d'Estaing, and the position of Marine Le Pen,” the National Rally leader explained, naming two former French presidents.


Le Pen argued that the current fighting was about Donbass and the failure of the Minsk agreements, and that the issue should not be muddled by bringing Crimea into it.The two presenters cut her off,insisting that Crimea is a matter of Ukraine’s territorial integrity, and pressed Le Pen whether she would say publicly that Crimea is Russian.


“That’s always been clear. I’ve been saying it for [nearly] ten years and haven’t changed my mind,” the opposition leader replied.


Le Pen testified to her position on Crimea before a parliamentary committee last month,answering accusations from President Emmanuel Macron that she was part of a Russian “foreign influence” campaign. On that occasion as well, she said that Crimea was a historically Russian territory “given away” to Ukraine “at the whim of a dictator,” referring to the 1954 decision by Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev.


Ukraine’s government banned Le Pen from entering the country in 2017, after she said in multiple interviews that the 2014 referendum was legitimate and not an “illegal annexation”by Russia.


Crimeans organized a referendum in March 2014, shortly after the US-backed coup installed a government of Ukrainian nationalists in Kiev. The result showed overwhelming support for rejoining Russia, which Moscow accepted. Meanwhile, the new Ukrainian government violently crushed dissent in Odessa and Kharkov Regions and sent troops against Donetsk and Lugansk, triggering the current conflict.


Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) is the largest opposition party in the French parliament. She ran for president against Macron in 2022, getting enough votes to qualify for the runoff. Though Le Pen lost by a 17-point margin, she is currently polling ahead of the incumbent president.



(She’ll end on the Ukraine kill list because she told the truth. Zelensky doesn’t know the EU wants to be rid of him soon.)

Anonymous ID: dd220d June 15, 2023, 11:12 a.m. No.19012197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2202 >>2207

Russian Trolls are the Best Trolls

15 Jun, 2023 17:05

Pop legend offers $13,000 for each destroyed Western tank

Grigory Leps and several other artists said they hoped their colleagues would join the initiative to support Russian troops


A group of Russian pop stars has offered a bounty to the country’s servicemen for the destruction or capture of Western-supplied military hardware in Ukraine. Since Kiev’s Western backers announced plans to deliver tanks earlier this year, a number of Russian businessmen and officials have promised similar payments.


Speaking at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) on Wednesday, the leader of the band ‘Zemlyane’ (The Earthlings),Vladimir Kiselev, came forward with an initiative to remunerate Russian troops to the tune of 1 million rubles ($13,000) for each Western-made tank taken off the battlefield.


Russian singers Grigory Leps and Nikolay Baskov backed the idea, with the former saying: “We do our own thing as we see fit, they do theirs.”


Leps also vowed to continue “helping our fighters as long as the ground holds us.”


Baskov explained that he and his fellow musicians support the Russian military not only through their songs but also via other means.


“I hope that a huge number of our colleagues will join” their initiative, the singer added.


In February of this year, the Pavel Sudoplatov Battalion, an international volunteer unit created in the part of Zaporozhye Region held by Russia, offered to “pay 12 million rubles [$170,000] for each serviceable captured Leopard, Abrams, or Challenger tank.”


Several weeks prior, the governor of Zabaikalsky Region in eastern Russia, Alexander Osipov, announced that any local service member who managed to seize a Leopard tank “in working condition” could earn 3 million rubles ($42,909). A bounty of one million rubles ($14,303) would be paid to anyone who destroyed one of these German tanks, the official stated.


Around the same time, the Russian chemical manufacturer Fores came out with a similar initiative.


Commenting on such proposals, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in February thatthey were proof of the “unity and the desire of all” to contribute to achieving the goals of Russia’s ongoing military campaign.


(At least their practice patriotism in Russia, used to be we were known for it. So sad)

Anonymous ID: dd220d June 15, 2023, 11:19 a.m. No.19012222   🗄️.is 🔗kun

15 Jun, 2023 15:49

Kremlin ridicules top Zelensky aide over ‘kill conscripts’ goal

Spokesperson Dmitry Peskov wondered whether Mikhail Podoliak was referring to Ukraine’s own troops


Atop adviserto President Vladimir Zelenskymust have meant Ukrainian soldiers when he said that Kiev wanted to kill as many conscripts as possible, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov suggested on Thursday.


Earlier in the day, Mikhail Podoliak offered his take on Ukraine’s current goals in the conflict, claiming that Kiev seeks “to take out as many conscripts as possible… to put more psychological pressure on the Russian army.”


The adviser also claimed that Ukraine has only one plan for its counteroffensive: “the most brutal advance with the maximum killing of Russians on this route.”He also insisted that Ukraine had not even started its long-delayed push, describing widely reported attempts to breach Russian lines as “testing.” (God these disinfo guys are pathetic at this point)


When asked to comment on Podoliak’s remarks about conscripts, Peskov quipped: “He must have meant their own [troops].” He also noted thatthe adviser “can’t know for sure” whether Kiev’s offensive had really started, explaining that Podoliak is not a defense minister.


Ukraine announced a general mobilization on February 24, 2022, hours after Russia kicked off its military campaign in the country, while banning all male Ukrainian citizens aged 18 to 60 from traveling abroad. Last summer, the country’s defense minister, Aleksey Reznikov, said that Kiev had mobilized some 700,000 people.


In late May, the Daily Telegraph reported, citing Ukrainian service members, that Kiev is desperately trying to replenish its battlefield losses and that draft notices were being handed out in the streets.


Meanwhile, Russia ordered a partial mobilization last September, calling to arms some 300,000 reservists. Earlier this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that for now there is “no need” to launch a new draft campaign, also noting that over 150,000 people had joined the army as contract soldiers.


(The one thing I know is Russia doesn't ridicule if they don’t have the receipts and intelligence. They are calling Ukraine's bluff)

Anonymous ID: dd220d June 15, 2023, 11:24 a.m. No.19012248   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Chapter 112


1 Praise ye the LORD. Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD, that delighteth greatly in his commandments.


2 His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed.


3 Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endureth for ever.


4 Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness: he is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous.


5 A good man sheweth favour, and lendeth: he will guide his affairs with discretion.


6 Surely he shall not be moved for ever: the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance.


7 He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the LORD.


8His heart is established, he shall not be afraid, until he see his desire upon his enemies.


9 He hath dispersed, he hath given to the poor; his righteousness endureth for ever; his horn shall be exalted with honour.


10 The wicked shall see it, and be grieved; he shall gnash with his teeth, and melt away: the desire of the wicked shall perish.