Anonymous ID: 74e4e6 Aug. 12, 2023, 7:41 a.m. No.19345635   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5711


>Gary Bell


>hit on this UACL newsletter


>14 miles


>UACL logo Nazi/Antifa colors


Interdasting. Added


all pb

GBI Strategies Michigan Election Fraud Dig

>>19322395, >>19322417, >>19322466, >>19322481, >>19322575, >>19322648, >>19322681 Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

>>19324265, >>19324256, >>19324289, >>19324329, >>19324344, >>19324393 NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

>>19324787 Now We Have Proof! TGP Exclusive: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

>>19322466 Massive Voter Fraud op discovered in Michigan

>>19323244 GBI Strategies Open Secrets

>>19323358 This is why the FBI did nothing. Biden for President - 450,000

>>19323682 Key Principal: Gary Bell Gossett. Matching Fedboi or pedo vans in driveway.

>>19323690 Alexandria VA Connections. Grand Mother(?) obit

>>19323926 Gossett family in Memphis is really big in car dealership ownership for many years now too.

>>19324272 If you dig around a little more (like look at the name on the house) you will find it's not Gary Gossett.

>>19323860, >>19323871 GBI Strategies same phone and address as Gbi Logistics LLC

>>19323926 Gossett family in Memphis is really big in car dealership ownership for many years now too.

>>19324272 Gary Gossett. It's Gary BELL. greater D.C. area connections interesting

>>19325365 Interview: "Multi-State Operation" To Rig Elections from 2020 and the State and Nessel did nothing. No one was arrested

>>19327157 Guns, Burner Phones and Fake Registrations – The Buried Michigan Voter Fraud Scandal: GBI Strategies Director Gary Bell Had 70 Organizations Operating in 20 States in 2020 – WITH JOE BIDEN CAMPAIGN CASH

>>19327149, >>19327150 Michigan POLICE REPORT 1 & 2

>>19327206 Everyone stop your engine and watch this excellent video. You may learn more about Michigan corruption in 8 minutes than you have in 2.5 years. and Bun

>>19327547 Tobias Estes - Organizer - SEIU Philadelphia Regional Managing Director. GBI Strategies

>>19327612 Estes Work History

>>19327281 Michigan Voter Fraud -

>>19327142 In Case you missed it Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

>>19327399 @DC_Draino. I’ll be on the Warroom podcast this morning around 10AM EST to discuss this bombshell Michigan voter fraud story

>>19328199 Michigan Law Enforcement Caught Covering Up Massive Election Fraud Scandal. Rogan O’Handley, DC Draino

>>19328454 The Detroit Ballot Drop Box Footage from the 2020 Election – This Is Why Democrats Love Their Drop Boxes!

>>19328692 Reminder GBI Strategies Director Gary Bell Had 70 Organizations Operating in 20 States in 2020 – TIED TO JOE BIDEN CAMPAIGN

>>19328436, >>19328515, >>19328577 Edwin Pierre - Regional Field Manager - GBI Strategies LLC. Edwin Baptista Pierre

>>19328285, >>19328300 GBI Strategies Caught Committing Election Fraud While Having Operations In 20 States. Gary Bell running this for dems.

>>19328976 @KanekoaTheGreat: BREAKING🚨 Democrat dark money super PAC paid the company implicated in a Michigan police report of voter registration fraud $11,254,919 to register voters for Joe Biden's 2020 presidential campaign.

>>19328730 CompMo: Gary Bell and frenz

>>19328767 Compmo Team: Joe Cooper, Joan Kato, Shaun Kelleher

>>19328880 Moar on Joan Kato

>>19330661 I just discussed this explosive Michigan election fraud scandal on Warroom with Steve Bannon and here are 2 major takeaways:

>>19329650 McMurray: Michigan Elections Cover Up - vid clip

>>19330618 FEC records reveal a Democrat dark money super PAC paid the company implicated in a Michigan police report of voter registration fraud

>>19333482, >>19333491, >>19333503 Another "xxx Logistics LLC" at the same address as GBI Strategies and GBI Logistics

>>19333543 SJH LOGISTICS LLC - Miles Hamilton

>>19334217, >>19334257, >>19334279, >>19334389 Moar details on GBI Strategies

>>19334934, >>19335241, >>19334934 DEVELOPING: Gary Bell’s Current Employer CompMo Group DELETES WEBSITE After Viral Reports of Michigan Voter Registration Scandal

>>19336596 Meanwhile, Whitmer and cronies persecute: All 16 Republican defendants named in the Michigan “false elector prosecution” pleaded not guilt

>>19336741 GBI Strategies LLC was dissolved in Tennessee in 2017. How does this happen? - GWP

>>19337109 Michigan 2020 Voter Fraud Coverup

>>19340194, >>19340287, >>19340328, >>19340381 Property Report for 8241 FLORAL SPRING DR, Cordova, TN 38016

>>19340469 No such address as 8241 Floral Springs Dr., Memphis, TN 38016. Curious

>>19341300,>>19341346, >>19341358, >>19341391 Gov doc listing Kevin Banks and GBI Logistics LLC.

Anonymous ID: 74e4e6 Aug. 12, 2023, 7:59 a.m. No.19345711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6267



This could be a different Gary Bell.

But there's a Gary Bell trucking company in Missouri

Anonymous ID: 74e4e6 Aug. 12, 2023, 8:49 a.m. No.19345958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5979 >>6043







>as a campaign and fundraising CON JOB, all based on a PERFECT PHONE CALL


341110-Jul-2019 11:10:07 PM EDTQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch


You are witnessing the greatest ‘coordinated’ misinformation attack (campaign) ever to be launched against the public – all in an effort to protect themselves from prosecution (public exposure) and regain power (control).


[Attempted removal of the duly elected President of the United States by illegal [manufactured] means]


They believed they could win [con] public support by controlled assets (media, tech, H-wood…).


These controlled assets set out to immediately create division through the use of a pre_designed misinformation campaign.


Groups such as ‘Antifa’ were funded and formed to prevent and/or lessen the appeal for ‘regular’ hard working Americans to gather and express non_narrative viewpoints.


Control of this ‘projected narrative’ depends primarily on their ability to ‘con’ the masses into thinking they are the majority.


The mindset of most: If the majority of people believe ‘this’, than ‘this’ must be more true than ‘that’ [CIA_CLAS 1-99_56_Human_Psych_&_Emotional_Distress_IIED].


Without public support – they are powerless.


We, the People, hold the power.




— That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.


You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.



Anonymous ID: 74e4e6 Aug. 12, 2023, 8:53 a.m. No.19345979   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Stealth Bomber Wheels up


341210-Jul-2019 11:34:20 PM EDTQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch

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