Anonymous ID: 266f42 Aug. 25, 2023, 3:11 p.m. No.19430576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0608 >>0721



Any household with less than a year+ of food, meds, water capability will be the most dangerous people around, and that will be about 95 % of the population. Even if a lot die off in the first phase, their homes will be high risk, yet useless scavenging opportunities, as they are not prepped.


"Buy food! Grow food! Raise food! Store food!


Store water, have triple redundancy to procure, treat, and purify water. (distill, filter, iodine tabs, chlorine, etc)

Have the knowledge and ability to manage human waste.

Have antibiotics, trauma first aid skills and resources, and the means to manage wounds long term without escalation to higher care (train the MARCH-E algorithm).

Have situational awareness skills trained and drilled. Hand to hand self-defense (especially from abduction, mandatory skills for kids and ladies)

Evacs and rally points known, trained, and drilled.

Sound, light, and movement discipline understanding and practice

Agreed upon rules of engagement with tribe/mag, including lines of fire, and "friendly" ID and approach

Agreed upon rationing plan with family, with group.

Delegation of labor and tasks plan.

Comms plans.

Have bug out plans known and drilled.

Have known triggers- if A happens we do X. Consider - bad guys, fire, tornado, hurricane, long term power outage, and rate and direction of approach.

Have separated party plans (if comms and power are offline while group is separated or away from primary location).

Have supply caches on bug out routes or rally locations, etc

Have paper maps of AO and routes. Know local topography and that on bug out routes.

Have working knowledge of walking distance water sources, caves, mines.

Have the ability to downsize from primary location to vehicle to foot, without need to repack or commit time.

Have hand tools and skills and reps for defense, repair, food, etc

Have physical fitness and endurance as a priority.

Have perimeter and security plans with known ranges and possible markers.

Have avenue of approach limiters/funnels, passive and active security measures, non-grid dependent

Experience fasting.

Drill at night, in bad weather, with simulated injuries, broken/lost gear.

Decide what is worth defending with your life and find consensus with team- food? location? people? etc

Share afterlife requests, and terminal injury/illness preferences.




All plans should be PACE fortified IMHO.



