Anonymous ID: d4f2d4 Aug. 28, 2023, 11:38 p.m. No.19452430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2433 >>2450 >>2456 >>2465 >>2494


I am a woman. don't have tits tho, and I still think a woman should NEVER be in charge of the military, n women should definitely not be out on the battlefield. You're prolly either single not by choice or you have an unhappy guy, unless he's a beta. Women should be at home 100% focused on their children. It's easier to raise a child right than to fix a broken adult. What a mess. Women in the workforce is a rockefeller thing so they could break up the family unit and indoctrinate the children.

Anonymous ID: d4f2d4 Aug. 29, 2023, 12:32 a.m. No.19452521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2525 >>2533 >>2550


Men are wired to not lose to a woman. (Trump was not going to lose to a woman.) God designed men to be men and women to be his companion. You get a group of men that have to take orders from a woman and it doesn't work the same way as if a man told them to do the same exact thing, especially if they don't like her. It's unhealthy for the soul. There's something really cool about letting the guy be the man and the woman being the female and it ackchyually magnifies their strength and ability to do amazing things just to impress the girl, but women nowadays throw cold water on it n want control because they don't trust the guy will catch them. Then say the guy used to treat me diff in the beginning and now I'm stuck doing everything and trying to get him to change- co-dependency, settling, mediocre, controlling relationship, sex almost gone. 50%+ divorce rate. But maybe the women who want a female President are in a joyful marriage, tho. Idk, but I'll cringe hard if a female ever becomes President and I hope it never habbens.