Anonymous ID: bcfe70 Sept. 21, 2023, 6:57 p.m. No.19592580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2611 >>2644


Re: Planned Parenthood

Transcription of Margaret Sanger fundraising letter to Mary Lasker

Transcript of handwritten text to follow. There were just a few words I couldn't decipher - perhaps anons can help me figure it out?


Refering back to (all PB)

>>19580338, >>19580484, >>19580503, >>19580522, >>19580523, >>19580576, >>19580612 Birth Control or Race Control? Sanger and the Negro Project / Letter from Margaret Sanger to Mary Lasker - DIG

>>19586886 pb

>In the PB Notables above, Anon provided sauce for a letter from Margaret Sanger to Mary Lasker. It's disturbing to learn that, way back in 1959, Planned Parenthood had so many "MEMBER COUNTRIES". At the bottom of the letter's first page, we learn that member countries are Australia, Barbados, Belgium, Ceylon, Denmark, Great Britain, Holland, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, New Zealand, Pakistan, Puerto Rico, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, U.S.A. and West Germany. Planned Parenthood affiliates include Bermuda Medical and Health Department and Vaud (Switzerland) Health Service.

>National Library of Medicine - NIH - Letter from Margaret Sanger to Mary Lasker - April 1, 1950 Pg. 1


>Anon said

>It's hard to read because it was handwritten.

>Here are screencaps from that letter. Hopefully, Anons can help with the reading of the letter.

Anonymous ID: bcfe70 Sept. 21, 2023, 7:03 p.m. No.19592611   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Line by line transcription of Margaret Sanger fundraising letter to Mary Lasker, 1st April 1959



  • Hard to decipher, most probably meaning

[ ] Transcription note


April 1/59

Dearest Mary: Here I am back from

India, Hong Kong + Japan -

The 6th International Conference at New

Delhi was considered a huge success,

Mainly because the Prime Minister J.

Nehru opened the Conference + gave

a splendid speech, also the Health +

Welfare Minister was present to give

his support + that of his Organization

to the Movement - I was escorted* to the

platform by Mr. Nehru - (friendly* was I)

hundreds of cameras snapped our faces

so down in history goes the great event.

While I left a sick bed to go to India I sent


Page 2


Jonathan my Administrative Asst on

ahead to take my place in case I

could not get there. He remained after

I left + attended the PP Conference in

Singapore + has returned with notes +

reports on Everything -

You Mary dear are the one who gave

me this splendid supporter + helper -

The $5000.00 which paid toward his Salary

is now about spent - I want very much

to keep him on until August in order to

Select + compile all the letters + material

I have - for the Library of Congress +

the personal things for Smith College library

It will take about $1800.00, or* close to $2000.00

for him to complete this job while I am

in Japan from May 21 to July 1 -

Big P…..? [undeciphered] firm* about 80 of them are ready

to give their e…? [undeciphered] B.C informat* + ask me

to help them get started.


Page 3

If your foundation Mary dear could

contribute $1800 or $2000.00 for Jonathan

to remain + do this job while I am away

I can go ^Japan [inserted above line] to help with an easy mind.

I hesitate to ask you to contribute

this needed sum but the last of

my begging letters is this, I am no

longer President - just "Founder +

President Emeritus" - for life -

If you can contribute again to

the Brush* Foundation for this purpose

Be sure to say it is for my [underscored twice] use or

suggestions + I'll thank you ..? + ..? [undeciphered]
