Anonymous ID: b74c78 Q Research General #24511: Happy Thanksgiving to all anons Edition Nov. 23, 2023, 6:40 a.m. No.19965045   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: b74c78 Nov. 23, 2023, 6:40 a.m. No.19965046   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: b74c78 Nov. 23, 2023, 6:40 a.m. No.19965049   🗄️.is 🔗kun



#24510 >>19964318

>>19964652, >>19964893 Happy Thanksgiving to all anons

>>19964328 New York Appeals Court Reverses Decision, Rules the Governor May Decree Arbitrary ‘Lockdowns’

>>19964338 KanekoaTheGreat: Lawyer @thevivafrei explains how Media Matters intentionally and deceitfully manipulated the system to fabricate defamatory material against @elonmusk and @X.

>>19964350 LB Notes

>>19964363 NY Gov. Kathy Hochul announces "tools" for students to "spot conspiracy theories and misinformation, disinformation and online hate."

>>19964379, >>19964383 FBI Confirms Pizzagate in College Station, Texas

>>19964419 Workers Block News Channel From Filming Construction of Massive ‘Migrant Camp’ Site in Chicago

>>19964436 Woke Disney 'Excited' to Roll Out Employee Pronoun Pins as Films Flop, Stock at Lowest Level in Almost a Decade

>>19964464 Pentagon Requests $114 Million for ‘Dedicated Diversity and Inclusion Activities’

>>19964487, >>19964494 former national security adviser in the Obama administration has been arrested

>>19964488 County acknowledges that 3,600 ballots from 2020 election audit were duplicated in Fulton County, Georgia alone..

>>19964536 Wikipedia co-founder announces Twitter rival ‘pilot’

>>19964597 IDF Spokesperson: director of the Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip was apprehended

>>19964642 Trump called Javier Milei late last night and plans on flying to Buenos Aires to meet with him

>>19964684 Israel to Vote on Hostage Deal with Hamas: 40 Children and 13 Moms to be Freed over 4-Day Truce


>>19964785 Eric Adams Sexual Assault Charges incoming

>>19964866 UK - Massive Highrise Fire

>>19964867 PF 2 Canadian mil over head, one shortly after the other.

>>19964951 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day


>>19964968 Ordinary Americans Are The Nation's Unshakeable Greatness

>>19965013 @elonmusk Legacy media companies are desperately trying to kill this platform by any means possible

>>19965040 #24510

Anonymous ID: b74c78 Nov. 23, 2023, 6:41 a.m. No.19965052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5179

#24509 >>19963465

>>19963806, >>19963847, >>19963814, >>19963877 Donald J. Trump: Happy Thanksgiving to ALL, including… TOP KEK

>>19963552, >>19963563 Donald Trump: Hostage deal substantially delayed. Too much talk, no action!!! Some hostages held by criminal syndicates of which Hamas has no control. ZERO

>>19963580, >>19963613 POTUS updated his banner to the military.

>>19963557 Pulmonary nodule? SOUNDS LIKE MOAR FEAR PORN sounds like they just want to jab them kids with something. do not take any jabs

>>19963506, >>19963912 @elonmusk made Q trend in 🇦🇺❗️Thank Q

>>19963779, >>19963760 Gov. Andy Beshear has declared a state of emergency following a multiple-car train derailment that occurred in Rockcastle County this afternoon.

>>19963818 Wisconsin Victories bringing Remedy through Using Notices: A Timeline of Events 1:24:37

>>19963879 Dood who started the rumor? Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS

>>19963932 Air Marshals are Monitoring Americans Called “Quiet Skies”

>>19963947 The Plot Against the President movie has been released @OnLocals & @rumblevideo as of tonight for Thanksgiving day &

>>19958547 pb, >>19958571 pb, >>19958577 pb, >>19958617 pb, >>19958686 pb, >>19957344 pb, >>19957359 pb, >>19957420 pb, >>19957436 pb, >>19958709 pb, >>19958813 pb, >>19958822 pb Donald J. Trump: D5 D5 @dualheadedeagle Ron DeDe Sanctimonious, Double Zero Deltas on 2/17/2019 double confirmed by 2Q+drops

>>19964015 Rep. Dean Phillips (D) responds to blowback related to comments about Kamala Harris.

>>19964034 PF Russian President Putin arrived in Minsk to participate in the CSTO summit.

>>19964148 Small Kentucky town urged to evacuate after train derails, spilling chemicals

>>19964183 Musk: "Not now, damn it,Q" on X

>>19964211, >>19964218 Emerson College Poll

>>19964226 WH Daily Guidance and Press Schedule for thursday November 23, 2023

>>19964232 WH: President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden to Travel to Georgia on Tuesday November 28th

>>19964255, >>19964260, >>19964269, >>19964275 Niagara vehicle explosion media dump

>>19964350 #24509 posted #24510


#24508 >>19962646

>>19962894, >>19962911, >>19962889, >>19962925, >>19962964, >>19963103, >>19963084, >>19963118, >>19963133 Elon was making a pun about OpenAI’s secret AGI project: [Q*]

>>19963422 Disclaimer…

>>19962763, >>19962794, >>19962873, >>19963269 Undiscovered stars learned = Q*?

>>19963169, >>19963194, >>19963257, >>19963261, >>19963310, >>19963370 Attention being drawn for a reason?

>>19963222, >>19963234, >>19963311, >>19963410 AI [Creation] emulates God (CREATOR) …is that why [They] wanted us dependent on [Their] AI?

>>19962991, >>19962893 Candence Owens + Finklestein Discuss Israeli Warcrimes

>>19962861, >>19963165 NY forced Quarantine "Regulation" is an act of war

>>19962907, >>19963096 MEME(S) OF THE BREAD

>>19962718, >>19962727, >>19962742, >>19962751, >>19962762 Oak Grove Technologies LLC, Their Clients, Role Players DoD and USA Spending


>>19962761 A mystic perspective on Timelines and Free Will

>>19962934, >>19962976 Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky and the Media (Documentary)

>>19962824 President Trump to Deliver Remarks December 2nd in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

>>19962920 Peter Schweizer: Planes, Trains, and Crony Capitalism

>>19962959 Chemical Spill from Train Derailment in [ROCK-CASTLE] County Kentucky

>>19963004 @realDonaldTrump Mike Johnson’s Courage will Vindicate HUNDREDS of J6 Political Prisoners…

>>19963107 Wealthy Bentley Driver Caused Fiery Accident at US-Canada Border Near Niagara Falls

>>19963147 Biden’s NSA Pushing Marxism & ‘Queer Theory’ onto Employees, Leaked Doc Shows

>>19963317, >>19963346, >>19963360 Gender dysphoria in context to AI timelines, and the Vagus[Vegas] Nerve

>>19963412 The Quietest and Most Satisfying Round We Have Ever Shot: 8.6 Blackout, developed by the weapons manufacturer Q

>>19963450 #24508

Anonymous ID: b74c78 Nov. 23, 2023, 6:41 a.m. No.19965054   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Previously Collected

>>19961629 #24506, >>19962608 #24507

>>19959036 #24503, >>19959903 #24504, >>19960685 #24505

>>19956454 #24500, >>19957275 #24501, >>19957744 #24502

>>19954120 #24497, >>19954907 #24498, >>19955660 #24499

>>19951261 #24494, >>19952070 #24495, >>19953169 #24496

>>19948562 #24491, >>19949493 #24492, >>19950318 #24493


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Q Research Notables #20: Not Giving Up >>19567242

Anonymous ID: b74c78 Nov. 23, 2023, 7:57 a.m. No.19965329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5563 >>5567 >>5841 >>5903 >>5941

Anon has been running the Automated X Meme Cannon and getting great results


Meme Cannon README


Meme Cannon is a Twitter bot that can be defaulted with the following values

hash - "#FJB",

user targets - ".@Potus",

data/image comments - "Impeach Joe Biden", | [image1.jpg]


Your Tweets earned 3.5K impressions over this 28 day period



Anonymous ID: b74c78 Nov. 23, 2023, 8:16 a.m. No.19965407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5563 >>5567 >>5841 >>5903 >>5941


>OpenAI leaked Q* so let’s dive into Q-Learning and how it relates to RLHF.


Q-learning is a foundational concept in the field of artificial intelligence, particularly in the area of reinforcement learning. It's a model-free reinforcement learning algorithm that aims to learn the value of an action in a particular state.


The ultimate goal of Q-learning is to find an optimal policy that defines the best action to take in each state, maximizing the cumulative reward over time.


Understanding Q-Learning


Basic Concept: Q-learning is based on the notion of a Q-function, also known as the state-action value function. This function takes two inputs: a state and an action. It returns an estimate of the total reward expected, starting from that state, taking that action, and thereafter following the optimal policy.


The Q-Table: In simple scenarios, Q-learning maintains a table (known as the Q-table) where each row represents a state and each column represents an action. The entries in this table are the Q-values, which are updated as the agent learns through exploration and exploitation.


The Update Rule: The core of Q-learning is the update rule, often expressed as:


[ Q(s,a) leftarrow Q(s,a) + alpha [r + gamma max_{a'} Q(s', a') - Q(s, a)] ]

Here, ( alpha ) is the learning rate, ( gamma ) is the discount factor, ( r ) is the reward, ( s ) is the current state, ( a ) is the current action, and ( s' ) is the new state. (See image below).


Exploration vs. Exploitation: A key aspect of Q-learning is balancing exploration (trying new things) and exploitation (using known information). This is often managed by strategies like ε-greedy, where the agent explores randomly with probability ε and exploits the best-known action with probability 1-ε.


Q-Learning and the Path to AGI


It is not surprising that OpenAI is using Q-learning RLHF to try to achieve the mystical AGI.

Anonymous ID: b74c78 Nov. 23, 2023, 8:47 a.m. No.19965525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5567 >>5841 >>5903 >>5941


"Thank Q"

@17ThankQ 🚨🚨🚨 So Elon posts about Q on the actual day JFK was assassinated.

What are the odds?

Seriously can anyone debunk the connection?


Oh and the gravesite for JFK is, wait for it……………..

A huge Q

HT @WarHorizon

Anonymous ID: b74c78 Nov. 23, 2023, 8:58 a.m. No.19965567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5579 >>5833

#24511 >>19965060

>>19965060, >>19965072, >>19965075, >>19965097, >>19965111, >>19965114, >>19965116, >>19965117, >>19965127, >>19965157, >>19965161, >>19965166, >>19965171, >>19965174, >>19965207, >>19965219, >>19965231, >>19965236, >>19965238, >>19965283, >>19965371, >>19965374, >>19965395, >>19965455, >>19965478, >>19965503, >>19965504, >>19965524 Happy Thanksgiving Anons and to all Patriots WW+

>>19965235 Q-Learning and how it relates to RLHF.

>>19965235, >>19965407 OpenAI leaked Q* so let’s dive into Q-Learning and how it relates to RLHF.

>>19965249 Turkey's central bank raises interest rate by 5% to 40%, a bigger-than-expected hike

>>19965270 Multiple children stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland. MP4

>>19965329 X Meme Cannon Tools/Services

>>19965340 Kek of the Bread

>>19965363 Governor Andy Beshear declared a state of emergency after a freight train derailed in Rockcastle County.

>>19965366 Qlockfag checking in for Turkeyday

>>19965398 @donaldjtrumpjr - Evergreen Tweet re: realDonaldTrump Post Thanksgiving 2013

>>19965428 Canada AF CFC1 Challenger 60Trudopedeparted Ottawa east heading to St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador

>>19965475 Top 10 News Stories to Bring to the Thanksgiving Dinner Table This Year

>>19965197, >>19965479 Welcome to Normies

>>19965484 Frogs of Congress Take Over

>>19965490, >>19965506, >>19965509 Raw truth about the naked war crimes committed in Gaza by Israel?

>>19965525 TRENDS!!! "Thank Q"



Anonymous ID: b74c78 Nov. 23, 2023, 9:53 a.m. No.19965841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5871

#24511 >>19965060

>>19965060, >>19965072, >>19965075, >>19965097, >>19965111, >>19965114, >>19965116, >>19965117, >>19965127, >>19965157, >>19965161, >>19965166, >>19965171, >>19965174, >>19965207, >>19965219, >>19965231, >>19965236, >>19965238, >>19965283, >>19965371, >>19965374, >>19965395, >>19965455, >>19965478, >>19965503, >>19965504, >>19965524, >>19965660, >>19965675, >>19965689, >>19965721, >>19965751, >>19965768, >>19965792, >>19965828, >>19965830 Happy Thanksgiving Anons and to all Patriots WW+

>>19965790 Get Tickets: Trump in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Saturday, December 2, 2023, at 3:00PM CST

>>19965060 Jim Cramer has said that the economy is headed for a soft landing, per CNBC./kek hang on to yo ass

>>19965187 Argentina's Milei says former US president Trump to visit Buenos Aires

>>19965197, >>19965479 Welcome to Normies

>>19965220, >>19965229, >>19965324, >>19965235, >>19965407 Q* denotes the optimal solution of the Bellman equation.

>>19965235, >>19965407 OpenAI leaked Q* so let’s dive into Q-Learning and how it relates to RLHF.

>>19965249 Turkey's central bank raises interest rate by 5% to 40%, a bigger-than-expected hike.

>>19965270 Multiple children stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland. MP4

>>19965328 "Pro-Palestinian protesters have glued their hands to 6th Avenue, disrupting the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

>>19965329 Anon has been running the Automated X Meme Cannon and getting great results

>>19965340 Kek of the Bread

>>19965350 A Thanksgiving Message from President Donald J. Trump

>>19965363 Governor Andy Beshear declared a state of emergency after a freight train derailed in Rockcastle County.

>>19965366 Qlockfag checking in for Turkeyday

>>19965377 Message for Blacks that Support Trump. Own up to it! LET'S GO!!!

>>19965398 @donaldjtrumpjr - Evergreen Tweet re: realDonaldTrump Post Thanksgiving 2013

>>19965428 Canada AF CFC1 Challenger 60Trudopedeparted Ottawa east heading to St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador

>>19965460 Jeff Clark Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Left’s Meltdown Over Trumps 2024 Agenda.

>>19965470 Top DeSantis backer resigns from super PAC amid internal turmoil: 'Untenable' environment

>>19965475 Top 10 News Stories to Bring to the Thanksgiving Dinner Table This Year

>>19965484 Frogs of Congress Take Over

>>19965490, >>19965506, >>19965509 Raw truth about the naked war crimes committed in Gaza by Israel?

>>19965525 TRENDS!!! "Thank Q"

>>19965563 Anons Notes

>>19965586, >>19965632, >>19965644 Biden and his family are staying on the island resulted in the Nantucket Fire Department being dispatched #FF

>>19965607 Elon Q*Anon Dig

>>19965495 Anon Reminds, Enemy of the People is the Media

>>19965634 SPAR78 G5 heading to back to Stuttgart

>>19965646 Robert F. KENNEDY Jr. talks about the DEEPSTATE, COVID and the elections - YT

>>19965685, >>19965807 YT, >>19965814 MP4, Vatican opens hidden underground Roman necropolis to the public

>>19965707 PF Report Billy has been at Saint Lucia island since 11/17


>>19965781 PB Bun Donald J. Trump: D5 D5 @dualheadedeagle Ron DeDe Sanctimonious



Anonymous ID: b74c78 Nov. 23, 2023, 10:11 a.m. No.19965903   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#24511 >>19965060

>>19965060, >>19965072, >>19965075, >>19965097, >>19965111, >>19965114, >>19965116, >>19965117, >>19965127, >>19965157, >>19965161, >>19965166, >>19965171, >>19965174, >>19965207, >>19965219, >>19965231, >>19965236, >>19965238, >>19965283, >>19965371, >>19965374, >>19965395, >>19965455, >>19965478, >>19965503, >>19965504, >>19965524, >>19965660, >>19965675, >>19965689, >>19965721, >>19965751, >>19965768, >>19965792, >>19965828, >>19965830, >>19965848 Happy Thanksgiving Anons and to all Patriots WW+

>>19965790 Get Tickets: Trump in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Saturday, December 2, 2023, at 3:00PM CST

>>19965060 Jim Cramer has said that the economy is headed for a soft landing, per CNBC./kek hang on to yo ass

>>19965187 Argentina's Milei says former US president Trump to visit Buenos Aires

>>19965197, >>19965479 Welcome to Normies

>>19965220, >>19965229, >>19965324, >>19965235, >>19965407 Q* denotes the optimal solution of the Bellman equation.

>>19965235, >>19965407 OpenAI leaked Q* so let’s dive into Q-Learning and how it relates to RLHF.

>>19965249 Turkey's central bank raises interest rate by 5% to 40%, a bigger-than-expected hike.

>>19965270 Multiple children stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland. MP4

>>19965328 "Pro-Palestinian protesters have glued their hands to 6th Avenue, disrupting the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

>>19965329 Anon has been running the Automated X Meme Cannon and getting great results

>>19965340 Meme of the Bread

>>19965891 Kek of the Thread

>>19965350 A Thanksgiving Message from President Donald J. Trump

>>19965363 Governor Andy Beshear declared a state of emergency after a freight train derailed in Rockcastle County.

>>19965366 Qlockfag checking in for Turkeyday

>>19965377 Message for Blacks that Support Trump. Own up to it! LET'S GO!!!

>>19965398 @donaldjtrumpjr - Evergreen Tweet re: realDonaldTrump Post Thanksgiving 2013

>>19965428 Canada AF CFC1 Challenger 60Trudopedeparted Ottawa east heading to St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador

>>19965460 Jeff Clark Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Left’s Meltdown Over Trumps 2024 Agenda.

>>19965470 Top DeSantis backer resigns from super PAC amid internal turmoil: 'Untenable' environment

>>19965475 Top 10 News Stories to Bring to the Thanksgiving Dinner Table This Year

>>19965484 Frogs of Congress Take Over

>>19965490, >>19965506, >>19965509 Raw truth about the naked war crimes committed in Gaza by Israel?

>>19965525 TRENDS!!! "Thank Q"

>>19965563 Anons Notes

>>19965586, >>19965632, >>19965644 Biden and his family are staying on the island resulted in the Nantucket Fire Department being dispatched #FF

>>19965607 Elon Q*Anon Dig

>>19965495 Anon Reminds, Enemy of the People is the Media

>>19965634 SPAR78 G5 heading to back to Stuttgart

>>19965646 Robert F. KENNEDY Jr. talks about the DEEPSTATE, COVID and the elections - YT

>>19965685, >>19965807 YT, >>19965814 MP4, Vatican opens hidden underground Roman necropolis to the public

>>19965707 PF Report Billy has been at Saint Lucia island since 11/17


>>19965781 PB Bun Donald J. Trump: D5 D5 @dualheadedeagle Ron DeDe Sanctimonious

>>19965802 November’s stock-market rally gets a boost from trend-following funds and company share buybacks and hedge funds panic..cover shorts and go long

>>19965852 Iowa woman convicted today for a voter fraud scheme during 2020 primary

>>19965857 President Trump published his official Thanksgiving holiday greeting to the country Thursday morning.

>>19965826, >>19965094, >>19965759, >>19965801, >>19965888 WORDS MATTER Listen Closely: Trump Authorized For FEMA Camps In The US? #HomelessPeople #IllegalImmigrants #MS13



Anonymous ID: b74c78 Nov. 23, 2023, 10:21 a.m. No.19965941   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#24511 >>19965060

>>19965060, >>19965072, >>19965075, >>19965097, >>19965111, >>19965114, >>19965116, >>19965117, >>19965127, >>19965157, >>19965161, >>19965166, >>19965171, >>19965174, >>19965207, >>19965219, >>19965231, >>19965236, >>19965238, >>19965283, >>19965371, >>19965374, >>19965395, >>19965455, >>19965478, >>19965503, >>19965504, >>19965524, >>19965660, >>19965675, >>19965689, >>19965721, >>19965751, >>19965768, >>19965792, >>19965828, >>19965830, >>19965848, >>19965915 Happy Thanksgiving Anons and to all Patriots WW+

>>19965790 Get Tickets: Trump in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Saturday, December 2, 2023, at 3:00PM CST

>>19965060 Jim Cramer has said that the economy is headed for a soft landing, per CNBC./kek hang on to yo ass

>>19965187 Argentina's Milei says former US president Trump to visit Buenos Aires

>>19965197, >>19965479 Welcome to Normies

>>19965220, >>19965229, >>19965324, >>19965235, >>19965407 Q* denotes the optimal solution of the Bellman equation.

>>19965235, >>19965407 OpenAI leaked Q* so let’s dive into Q-Learning and how it relates to RLHF.

>>19965249 Turkey's central bank raises interest rate by 5% to 40%, a bigger-than-expected hike.

>>19965270 Multiple children stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland. MP4

>>19965328 "Pro-Palestinian protesters have glued their hands to 6th Avenue, disrupting the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

>>19965329 Anon has been running the Automated X Meme Cannon and getting great results

>>19965340 Meme of the Bread

>>19965891 Kek of the Thread

>>19965350 A Thanksgiving Message from President Donald J. Trump

>>19965363 Governor Andy Beshear declared a state of emergency after a freight train derailed in Rockcastle County.

>>19965366 Qlockfag checking in for Turkeyday

>>19965377 Message for Blacks that Support Trump. Own up to it! LET'S GO!!!

>>19965398 @donaldjtrumpjr - Evergreen Tweet re: realDonaldTrump Post Thanksgiving 2013

>>19965428 Canada AF CFC1 Challenger 60Trudopedeparted Ottawa east heading to St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador

>>19965460 Jeff Clark Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Left’s Meltdown Over Trumps 2024 Agenda.

>>19965470 Top DeSantis backer resigns from super PAC amid internal turmoil: 'Untenable' environment

>>19965475 Top 10 News Stories to Bring to the Thanksgiving Dinner Table This Year

>>19965484 Frogs of Congress Take Over

>>19965490, >>19965506, >>19965509 Raw truth about the naked war crimes committed in Gaza by Israel?

>>19965525 TRENDS!!! "Thank Q"

>>19965563 Anons Notes

>>19965586, >>19965632, >>19965644 Biden and his family are staying on the island resulted in the Nantucket Fire Department being dispatched #FF

>>19965607 Elon Q*Anon Dig

>>19965495 Anon Reminds, Enemy of the People is the Media

>>19965634 SPAR78 G5 heading to back to Stuttgart

>>19965646 Robert F. KENNEDY Jr. talks about the DEEPSTATE, COVID and the elections - YT

>>19965685, >>19965807 YT, >>19965814 MP4, Vatican opens hidden underground Roman necropolis to the public

>>19965707 PF Report Billy has been at Saint Lucia island since 11/17


>>19965781 PB Bun Donald J. Trump: D5 D5 @dualheadedeagle Ron DeDe Sanctimonious

>>19965802 November’s stock-market rally gets a boost from trend-following funds and company share buybacks and hedge funds panic..cover shorts and go long

>>19965852 Iowa woman convicted today for a voter fraud scheme during 2020 primary

>>19965857 President Trump published his official Thanksgiving holiday greeting to the country Thursday morning.

>>19965826, >>19965094, >>19965759, >>19965801, >>19965888 WORDS MATTER Listen Closely: Trump Authorized For FEMA Camps In The US? #HomelessPeople #IllegalImmigrants #MS13