Anonymous ID: 884ba5 Q Research General #24597: A Date That Will Live In Infamy Edition Dec. 7, 2023, 6:38 a.m. No.20039209   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9590

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Anonymous ID: 884ba5 Dec. 7, 2023, 6:39 a.m. No.20039211   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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#24596 >>20038282

>>20038336 Nikki Haley stomps on Ramaswamy's '3-inch heels' comment

Ghost grab

>>20038450 Here they come.

>>20038532 Researchers have now observed "unexpected molecular processes" inside the cells of people after mRNA injection — FAZ

>>20038567 There are no military planes flying anywhere near Kiev.

>>20038761 Iranian president arrives in Moscow

>>20038779, >>20039158 FBI agents arrested a 58-year-old man near Heber Overgaard, Arizona, last week on a U.S. charge that alleged he incited the violence through comments posted online last December

>>20038997 Swampy habbenings for 12/7/2023

>>20039089 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/07/2023

>>20039110 Bidens America, try to get some holiday shopping done while thugs in all black rampage the malls stealing and destroying everything in sight…

>>20039156 Two years after Oakley Carlson was declared missing, her former foster parents honored her at Disneyland.

>>20039175 DJT TS w/CAP: Heading to a Witch Hunt with a Crooked Judge and a Bats..t CRAZY (and Racist!), A.G. This case was decided against me before it even started…

>>20039179 #24596


#24595 >>20037456

baker & notetaker

>>20037656 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>20037465 Lara Logan's Rest of the Story: What are they still hiding about January 6th? People are afraid for their lives!

>>20037504, >>20037527 VIVEK: Chris, do everybody a favor, walk off this stage, have a nice meal, and get out of the race

>>20037507 Bob Ferguson's office is providing $40.6 million in financial restitution to households whose income is at or below 175% of the federal poverty level

>>20037526 Mike Johnson Backtracks, Caves to Deep State, Democrats on Slipping FBI Spy Power Reauthorization into Defense Bill

>>20037545 Jack Smith just filed a motion describing the evidence he plans to use in Trump's J6 trial in DC

>>20037588, >>20037619 @GovChristie This is the fourth debate @VivekGRamaswamy would be voted in the first 20 minutes as the most obnoxious blowhard in America

>>20037658, >>20037740 cloud seeding graphene oxide nanoparticles

>>20037685 @NikkiHaleyHQ Vivek: “Not worth my time.”

>>20037712 Ramaswamy calls out all three candidates for turning on Trump after using him for money and endorsements and then drops truth nukes

>>20037777 The Cat pulls one out of his hat!

>>20037838, >>20037940 So you're not mad at those who lied to you for years. But you're mad at me for proving they lied to you?

>>20037922 QClock December 06, 2023 - Quantum DARPA Entangled Spiderwebs

>>20037952 Trump’s phone background is a photo of himself

>>20037990 Biden Threatens Direct U.S. Troop Fights Against Russia if Congress Doesn’t Fund Ukraine

>>20038061 The Radical Left Democrats in Congress, under the influence of the Crooked Joe Biden Regime, viciously subpoenaed my COMPLETELY INNOCENT family

>>20038062 Christie: And I guess tonight I just had had enough. I had enough of listening to his garbage.

>>20038064 Melania Trump to Speak at National Archives Citizen Swearing In Ceremony.

>>20038078 @realDonaldTrump Thank you, Iowa voters!

>>20038099, >>20038143 Memes of the bread.

>>20038111 RASHEED WALTERS: Donald Trump Isn’t Worried About ‘Neocon Nikki’

>>20038149 Just some nice music to listen to

>>20038180 This level of lying is what you see in full blown dictatorships

>>20038275 #24595

Anonymous ID: 884ba5 Dec. 7, 2023, 6:39 a.m. No.20039216   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#24594 >>20036719

>>20036934, >>20036984, >>20037234, >>20037361 PF updates

>>20036734 Archives of Disease in Childhood: Child mask mandates for COVID-19: a systematic review

>>20036736 World Health Organization Calls for Huge Global Tax Increases on Alcohol, Soda

>>20036738 One in four who had Pfizer Covid jabs experienced unintended immune response

>>20036746 BBC gives the finger

>>20036747, >>20037185 @US3rdFleet RIMPAC 2024 Trailer

>>20036757, >>20036772, >>20036886, >>20036923, >>20037207 1998 De Niro held, questioned in Paris over vice ring

>>20036810 First Boeing 787 Dreamliner Lands on Icy Runway in Antarctica

>>20036841 Four Year Delta

>>20036893 @USSF_SSC Don't forget, the USSF T-MINUS 10-MILER race is this weekend! It’s a great way to support Space Systems Command’s essential role in the race to resilience by 2026

>>20036911, >>20036938 Stocks slip, 10-year Treasury yield falls as rate cut timing weighed (January 25bp then in March another)

>>20036924, >>20036944 Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie and Vivek Ramaswamy take the stage in bid to close the gap with Trump

>>20037054 Iwo-jima volcano (Volcano Islands, Japan): northern arm of island extends as eruptions continue

>>20037054, >>20037145 Leadership is asking members of the NDAA “conference” to sign the 3000+ page conference report which is being released behind closed doors without even getting time to read it! 702 passed

>>20037110 Bannon: "Once MAGA gets into power they're gonna start connecting the dots on what you've done". By the way, I speak for Steven K Bannon, I do not speak for Donald J. Trump, he speaks for himself.“

>>20037123 Kash Patel Explains How Christopher Wray And The FBI Have Been Illegally Surveilling Americans

>>20037126 Night Owl News Archives 'Game Night

>>20037162 Anniversary of Pearl Harbor tomorrow 12/7/1941

>>20037215 Air Force looks to create single ‘Frankenplane’ from 2 damaged F-35s

>>20037280 Honduran cartels allegedly supply the fentanyl in San Francisco

>>20037353 Liberty Council has won multiple lawsuits at the SC and they are convinced that Pfizer could be in deep shit

>>20037384 BANG! Latest Gun-Ban Scheme Gets Shot Down in Congress.

>>20037443 #24594


#24593 >>20035936

>>20036496, >>20036529, >>20036692 Anon review of the first two J6 vids

>>20035964, >>20036584 Wave after wave of fighting age 'migrants' flooding the border setting records

>>20036538 Apple Confirms Governments Using Push Notifications to Surveil Users

>>20035998 New Zealand whistleblower who leaked data linking COVID jabs to excess deaths faces 7 years in prison

>>20036126, >>20036147 Janet Ossebaard is missing

>>20036408 NYC Orders Voter Registration Forms For All Migrants

>>20036411 Look at this bill that's being proposed in Illinois about blood donations

>>20036418 ADL / Anti Defamation League Dig Bun

>>20036578 Carson Block shorts Blackstone Mortgage Trust

>>20036591 "They Set Up A System Impervious To American Citizens": Bannon On The Elites' Control

>>20036524 Did Tucker Carlson just out AJ as Mossad?

>>20036697 #24593


Previously Collected

>>20035908 #24592-B, >>20035583 #24592-A

>>20034216 #24590, >>20035116 #24591-A, >>20035136 #24591-B

>>20031688 #24587, >>20032484 #24588, >>20033331 #24589

>>20029161 #24584, >>20030068 #24585, >>20031118 #24586

>>20026494 #24581, >>20027192 #24582, >>20028297 #24583


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