Anonymous ID: 090703 Dec. 9, 2023, 9:18 a.m. No.20048746   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8754


FOX is playing catch-up

They gave the Country to Biden

And fired Tucker

never forget

Their Brand is DIRT


In on the same SCAM as the New York Lies [Times]

Just a different flavor


Anybody remember when it was DJTrump first said the NYTimes only had 7 years left?

I think I watched it until it was down to Three years left; but lost track.

They are getting ready to collapse.

Once their indictments are unsealed it will be "By Bye Fuck heads"

Anonymous ID: 090703 Dec. 9, 2023, 9:45 a.m. No.20048799   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8805 >>8897


I'll be damned.

Murfuck looks just like a Roth.


Thanks for the hints.

What's the number one thing I am missing, right now?


Also, think of this:

Murduck gets a papal nobility award from the Vatican / italians?

Another Roth lookalike

And said to be cousin of the Queen E2

gets a top spot as chief FreeMason in England.


Also given a title. Duke?

Could be a twin to the Lord Rothschild, father of Nate, who lost his ex-wife to a red scarf?

So close the resemblance.

โ–ถAnonymous 07/18/18 (Wed) 20:07:21 bbe9ad (2) No.2204314>>2204366 >>2204419โ€™s-ex-wife-found-dead-hanging-from-doorknob-at-home.192904/ ยฉ Neon Nettle

Anonymous ID: 090703 Dec. 9, 2023, 10:28 a.m. No.20048897   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8948 >>9172




Board was just reporting on "JUly 17th" masonic date going back to Roman times, last night?


How this related to the "Gates"?

The two pillars represent a gate or doorway.

the alleged "StarGates" for the really deep-in; keke

and in the Kabbalah.

the two sides.

Twin column's of Solomon's Temple Jacim and Boaz.

Beauty / Strength

various polarities

The black and white checker pattern of the Masonic floors?

of their ritual places?

Vidrel posted last night

next post.


jfk jr. alleged plane crash

Alamogordo Test.

Time in the ancient world for Cult of Adonis - the beautiful male who dies young.

Likely sacrifice.

Cult followed mostly by women?

there's more on that date, Masonic Lodges corner stone placement, but citations eludes me โ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: 090703 Dec. 9, 2023, 10:45 a.m. No.20048948   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8971 >>9128 >>9150


apparently the 9/11 attack was more than just a snuff film for the psychos and pretense for War abroad and for taking away the rights of the citizens, (allegedly enjoyed for centuries) - AND declaring a permanent state of Emergency.

It was also one of the "Artistic" "Art as Crime" "Performance Art" ieces, Rituals - authentic occult ritual, like the "Spirit Cooking" art ritual.

9/11 attack was also a theatre piece. A religious theater for the NWO folks.


guess that points right to the quality of who it is behind the curtain?

not da jews


"Child of the Torah" is defined as high morality person; kind etc.

The people who worship evil and bow to evilโ€ฆ That would be a separate and different "religion."

But is actually not a religion; it's an "anti-religion."

A true religion reconnects us to our selves and to the Universe into which we were born. Pulls everything together so it makes sense. Heals.

Their "anti-religion" worships anarchy and death.

Lawless; against the 'order of the Universe' RT.

It stands against righteousness in the name of alleged "Freedom"

Freedom to lie, to do anything, to harm others. No Law.

Just like the Jew-haters here, demand the 'freedom' to hate and to be illogical.And to disrupt our work

2 + 2 can equal 5 (ya know)

"Prove it doesn't)

A man can be a woman, doncha know.

We' ll cut off their junk to prove it.

"Some Believe in Magic," a piece of 9/11 Mega-Ritual"


The sinister occultists glossed over the 9/11 attack as "For the good of Mankind"

"ushering in a New [better] Age"

I'm sure the children born into the Rocky fam all think that what they are doing is "for the good of all."

But are conscious of the fact not everyone believes that.

or at least the naive ones will believe that?


child of the Torah

child of the TORA network.

Anonymous ID: 090703 Dec. 9, 2023, 11:07 a.m. No.20049025   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9029


That's what they teach in various cults; funny.


Reminds me of the Perdue university cartoon depiction of the passenger jet on 9/11.

Flew through the wall and dint crash.

Doncha know.


>>20046237 pb


funny purdue u. will own an airport.

Aren't they the u. engineering dept that did a cartoon mock-up to support the idea that a aircraft can pass through a solid wall of steel and cement, without breaking up or crashing upon alleged impact?

Anonymous ID: 090703 Dec. 9, 2023, 12:04 p.m. No.20049128   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9150


"child of the Torah" =

Ben Torah


Ben torah qualifications.

" From here we move to the third pillar: gemilut chasadim, kind deeds. Here, too, there are several components. Most importantly, we must beware of taking the words of the mishna too narrowly. The mishna is not limited to visiting the sick, accompanying the dead, and similar expressions of benevolence. Rather, we are to consider the entire framework governing one's interactions with others. Before anything else, gemilut chasadim must be embedded in a deep feeling of respect for other human beings: respecting people by virtue of their humanity, comprehending the full significance of being created in the image of God, and responding with all the esteem and care that follow from that notion.



At its root, the sense of kevod ha-beriyot, human dignity and respect for others, requires that an individual be as concerned with others as with himself. In its practical application, it demands sensitivity and understanding that each person is a unique combination of needs and wants, complexities and aspirations; consequently, one cannot be satisfied with a general awareness of this reality, but must strive to attain an understanding of the other person's specific needs and individual nuances. Then, of course, the personal attachment expresses itself through actual good deeds, through the readiness to deal with another's needs, be they physical or spiritual.

Anonymous ID: 090703 Dec. 9, 2023, 12:14 p.m. No.20049150   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

>>20048948 (You)


"child of the Torah" =


Ben Torah


This selflessness demands not only the willingness to help when one is called, but also to search actively for such opportunities. The very possibility of simply praying for another, of offering aid or just an encouraging word - this in itself obligates, though of course it does not represent the full extent of obligation. To be sure, there are limits to helping others, even in a personal way. There is a natural distance between separate individuals, a distance that is utterly impossible to bridge. Worlds cannot be connected. But it is definitely a distance that can be minimized; a person may, and must, see himself as being existentially involved with his fellow man, if not as one unit, then at least as his neighbor.



All this applies not just on the individual level, but on the collective level as well. A ben-Torah must develop a social consciousness regarding the problems of poverty, crime, inequality and all similar evils. These problems must pain him even if they are distant from his own home, family, and environment; it should pain him that, in some corner of the world, such a reality exists."



Anonymous ID: 090703 Dec. 9, 2023, 12:54 p.m. No.20049231   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9235 >>9237 >>9239 >>9244 >>9257



somegoldbugneeds to distract from fraud "AJ"

That's the whole purpose of "Goldbug" to make people who know about "AJ" fraud to appear insane to a casual onlooker who failed to study the data.


There's a shill team here to protect "Jones"

Some people were awakened to the reality of it, because of the teeth match.

Teeth match, Build match, limp match, voice match, producer match, hometown mathc

and I also learned it from Austin people who are afraid of him, and afraid to speak up, but who know it.


such an amazing fraud

and terrible comic.

feels so superior to the people he fools.

The narcissism and "look at me" faileed actor, curtain chewer, just oozes.

Same people who loved Obama and couldn't see through Barry, for the life of them, continue to be fooled by this asshole.

Anonymous ID: 090703 Dec. 9, 2023, 1:06 p.m. No.20049257   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9269


"who is Alex Jones"

Who is "Alex Jones?"






I have other "fuck trump" by "Alex Jones"

He's nuts. Like Hicks used to act-out like that too

Maybe mkUltraed.

Never seen anthing like it

Would intimidate the audience

sick fuck.

ex-wife said so too

You know, the trial, where he's lawyer stated "Alex Jones" was an act and he was an actor?